Prof. Manoj Kumar

Computer Science & Engineering

Phone: +91 9013057758


B.Tech.(CSE) NIT Calicut, M.Tech. (CSE) IIT Delhi, Ph.D. (DTU)

Areas of Interest

Data Structures and Algorithms, Information Security and Cryptography, NLP, Machine Learning


  • 1983                 Secondary School Examination from Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan.
  • 1984                 Higher Secondary School Examination from Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan.
  • 1985                 Ist Year of Three Year Degree Course from Maharaja's College, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
  • 1990                 B. Tech. (Computer Engineering) from R.E.C. Calicut, Kerala (NIT Calicut now).
  • 2000                 M. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) from IIT Delhi
  • 2019                 Ph.D  from Delhi Technological University.


  • July 1992 - October 1994 Worked as Faculty(Computer Science) at Banasthali Vidyapith (Banasthali University), Rajasthan,

  • October 1994 - March 2009 Worked as Faculty (Computer Engineering) at University College of Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota,

  • April 2009 -  Associate Professor (Computer Engineering) at Delhi Technological University (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Delhi.


  • Computer Architecture                               Operating Systems                       Theory of Computation
  • Data Structures and Algorithms                   Computer Network                      Information Security
  • System Software                                       Computer Graphics                        Digital Design & switching Theory
  • Microprocessors & Interfacing                     Software Engineering                  Database Management Systems
  • Mobile computing                                      Optical Networks                           Compiler Design
  • Distributed Systems       
  •  Completed project (M. Tech) on Natural Language Translation using Neural Networks

  •  Extensive experience in planning, budgeting & resource deployment for ensuring seamless accomplishment of operational goals/ efficiency.

  •  A keen strategist & implementer with attained proficiency in resourcefully managing administration related activities.

  •  Hands on experience in teaching and training students and as a project guide.


  • July 1992-October 1994: Commenced career as Lecturer in Computer Science at Banasthali Vidyapith (Deemed University), Rajasthan. Taught various subjects at M.C.A./M.Sc.(CS)/PGDCA level.
  • October 1994-March 2009: with University College of Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota as Assistant Professor, teaching B. Tech., M.Tech., MBA classes.

  • April 2009 onwards: Currently Working as Professor in Computer  Science and Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Delhi.

Job Accountabilities

  • In-charge of Computer Service Center (CSC) of Rajasthan Technical University, planning and managing campus network, servers and internet services.

  • Conducted various training program for administrative staff for Rajasthan Technical University and Vardhman Mahaveer Kota Open University.

  • Involved in computerization of various Offices of University and developing various applications for office automation.

  • Author of a book titled “Data Structure through C” and study material for some courses of Vardhman Mahaveer Kota Open University.

  • Associate Head, Computer Center, Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Involved in planning, implementation and maintanence of IT infrastructure of the institute. Managing institute ERP, B.Tech. admissions, and other IT related activities.

  • Head, Computer Centre, Delhi Technological University, Delhi from April 24, 2017 to April 23, 2020.

  • Vice Chairman, B.Tech. admissions, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, 2011-2013, 2017-2020. Managing JAC Delhi Counselling.

  • Associate Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DTU, 2022-2024

  • Currently Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering DTU. 



Programming Languages:           BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, JAVA, SML, PROLOG, LISP.


Date of Birth                  :  Sept. 11, 1967

Present Address            :  V/6, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi 110042 (India)


           Google Scholar:

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  1.  Puneet Kansal 2K19/PHDCO/503 (Fulltime)
  2. Pooja Mithoo 2K20/PHDCO/04 (Parttime)
  3. Khushboo Chhikara 2K20/PHDCO/05 (Parttime)
  4. Ashish Kalra 2K22/PHDCO/502 (Parttime)
  5. Akhilesh Srivastava 2K20/PHDCO/01 (Parttime)
  6. Khushboo Yadav 2K20/PHDCO/04 (Parttime)
  7. Choice Choudhary 2K23/PHDCO/506 (Parttime)
  8. Nitesh Goyal  2K23/PHDCO/507 (Parttime)


  1. Saroj Kaushik and Manoj Kumar, “Natural Language Translation using Neural Networks”. Proceedings of ANNIE-2001 (International Conference on Artificial Neural Network in Engineering) held at St. Louis, USA. pp. 993-1000, November, 2001.

  2. Manoj Kumar, Lokesh Kumar Garg, and Harsh Chittlangia, “Email Spam Detection Technique using Baysian Theory”, National Conference on Recent Innovation in Software and Computers (RISC-2010), February 5-6, 2010, Arya College of Engineering & I.T., Jaipur.

  3. Manoj Kumar , “Image Authentication using Reversible Watermarking”, National conference on Power and Energy Systems (NCPES-2011), April 23-24, 2011, RTU, Kota, India.

  4. Manoj Kumar and Pooja Arora, “A Survey of Cache Coherence Protocols in Multiprocessors with Shared Memory”, International Conference in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE-2011), feb.2-3, 2012, New Delhi, India.

  5. Manoj Kumar, Gaurav Gupta, Anand Mohan, “Evaluation of Enhanced Replacement Scheme (ERS) on Simplescalar Simulation Tool”, The 2011 International Conference on Computer Design (CDES’11), July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

  6. Manoj Kumar, Mukul Jain, Mukul Rawat, “A Comparative Study of Some Advance Cache Coherence Protocols”, 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), April 6-8, 2012, Kanyakumari, India.

  7. O.P.Verma, Manoj Kumar, Rishabh Sharma, Neeta Agrawal, “An Optimal Edge Detection using Gravitational Search Algorithm”, 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), April 6-8, 2012, Kanyakumari, India.

  8. Mukul Jain, Anwar Shaikh, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Manoj Kumar, “N-gram driven SMS based FAQ Retrieval System”, 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), April 6-8, 2012, Kanyakumari, India.

  9. Manoj Kumar, Rajkumar Choudhary, Vinod Kumar, Bhavinkumar Thummar, “High Performance Bottom-up approach for RISC Architecture Using Resource Splitting”, 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), April 6-8, 2012, Kanyakumari, India.

  10. Manoj Kumar, Pooja Arora, “Improving Performance of MESI Cache Coherence Protocol for Multi-core Processor on MARSSx86 Simulator, IJCSIA Volume 9, Issue 4, July 2012.

  11. Manoj Kumar, Pooja Arora, “Improving Performance of MESI Cache Coherence Protocol with level 2 cache as shared for Multi-core Processor on MARSSx86 Simulator, ICCSE, May 2012.

  12. Manoj Kumar, Rajiv Ratn Shah, A Comparative Study of Automatically Evaluating Text Coherence, International Conference on  Computer Science and Engineering, May 2012,Nainital, Uttarakhand, INDIA.

  13. S Kapoor, D Kumar, S Jain, B Khandelwal, A Mittal, M Kumar, OP Verma, "An optimized e-Allotment algorithm for admissions in educational institutes", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE), 1-5.

  14. A Panwar, M Kumar, S Kumar, "New Framework for Enhanced Secure Key Management in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Network", 2013 International Journal of Computer Applications Vol.975, page-8887

  15. Manoj Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Bhramraj Singh Rawat, "Improved Caching for Geocast Routing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network" International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology - CSIT, Goa, India, May 5, 2013,

  16. Manoj Kumar, Himanshu Agarwal, “Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Medical Images”, IEEE International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT-2014), February 07-08, 2014, Ghaziabad, India.

  17. Manoj Kumar, Sakshi Goyal, Shivi Garg, “Secure Message Transmission using QR codes and Watermarking”,Fourth International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Mobile Communication - AIM 2014, June 06-07, 2014, Kolkata, India.

  18. Manoj Kumar, Kranti Asiwal, Use of Digital Signature Standard with Station to Station Key Exchange Agreement and Cloud Manager to Enhance Security in Cloud Computing.  International Journal of Applied Information Systems 7(8):1-5, September 2014. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.

  19. Shweta Sharma, Manoj Kumar, "File Integrity Maintenance Tool for Secure Information Storage in Cloud", International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol 97, Issue1, Jan 2014.

  20.  Manoj Kumar · Mohd Zeeshan Ansari · M. M. Sufyan Beg, "Enhancement of Fuzzy Rank Aggregation Technique", PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 2016,09/2015

  21.  Shivi Garg, Manoj Kumar, "Application Scanning and Ipv6 Assessment for MS-SQL Server", International research Journal of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Vol 2(2) Apr-Jun 2016.
  22. Manoj Kumar, O.P. Verma, Archana saxena, "Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) based Relational Database Watermarking", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 154 – No.6, November 2016.
  23. Manoj Kumar, Bappa Mondal, "Parallelizable Modes of Operation of a Block Cipher for Disk Encryption", 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering,  Feb. 4, 2017, Hyderabad, India.
  24. Manoj Kumar, O.P.Verma. "A Robust Database Watermarking Algorithm using Bezier Cubic Curves", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 117 No. 20 2017, 881-886.
  25. Manoj Kumar, O.P. Verma, "Content Characteristics Based Robust Watermarking for Relational Database New Approach to Database Security", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (1.9) (2018) 234-23.
  26. Rajat Bhatnagar, Manoj Kumar, “Visual Cryptography: A Literature Survey”, 2nd IEEE International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2018), Coimbatore, India, 29-31 March, 2018.
  27. Nidhi Joshi, Deepak Kumar, Manoj Kumar,“Augmentation in UCON Access Control Model for E-Healthcare Domain”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS-2018), June 14-15, 2018, Madurai, India.
  28. Manoj Kumar, O.P. Verma, "Multiple Watermarking of Relational Databases and Ownership Claim", International Conference on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM-2018), August 2018, Chandigarh,  ISBN: 978-93-87433-34-2.
  29. Manoj Kumar, Nikhil, Parina Anand, "A Blockchain Based Approach For An Efficient Secure KYC Process With Data Sovereignty", International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020, ISSN 2277-8616.
  30. Manoj Kumar, Dilip Kumar, Puneet Kansal, "Introduction to Fog Data Analytics for IoT Applications" a book chapter in Fog Computing for Healthcare 4.0 Environments in Signals and Communication Technology Series, Springer International Publishing, eBook ISBN 978-3-030-46197-3, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-46196-6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-46197-3, April 2020.
  31. Manoj Kumar, Vipra Bhatt, "A Review on Monolingual and Cross-lingual FAQ Retrieval System", 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020), 10-12, June 2020, Coimbatore.
  32. Manoj Kumar, Vipra Bhatt, "Denoising SMS Text using Ternary Tree for FAQ Retrieval.", “International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020.
  33. Manoj Kumar, Piyush Sharma, Piyush Kumar, "Trajectory Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Invasive Weed Optimization". International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) 2020.
  34. Manoj Kumar, Adarsh, P.,  Rathi, P.; . YOLO v3-Tiny: Object Detection and Recognition Using one Stage Improved Model. In Proceedings of the 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 6–7 March 2020; pp. 687–694.
  35. Kumar, M., Gupta, P., and Madhav, P. (2020). “Disease detection in coffee plants using convolutional neural network,” in 2020 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) (Coimbatore: IEEE), 755–760. doi: 10.1109/ICCES48766.2020.9138000.
  36. Manoj Kumar, Jatin Bareja, Manjot Singh, and Rupanshu Sharma, “An intelligent prediction model of covid-19 in india using hybrid epidemic model,” in 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). IEEE, 2020, pp. 389–396..
  37. Manuj Kumar, Tahera Hussaini, "Face Recognition Algorithm based on Traditional and Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review", International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) 2021.
  38. Anshul Shroff, Bickey Kumar Shah, Aayush Jha, Amar Kumar Jaiswal, Pooja Sapra, Manoj Kumar, "Multiplex Regulation System With Personalised Recommendation Using ML", 5th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI) 2021.
  39. Siddharth Varshney Manoj Kumar, Sumit gaurav, Suhail Akhtar, "Extracting Notes from YouTube Video", International Conference on Intelligent Technologies CONIT 2021.
  40. Harshit Jindal, Manoj Kumar, Akhil Tomar, Ayush Malik,"Degraded Document Image Binarization using Novel Background Estimation Technique",6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) 2021.
  41. Pratibha Rathi, Pranav Adarsh, Manoj Kumar, "Deep Learning Approach for Arbitrary Image Style Fusion and Transformation using SANET model", IEEE 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI) 2020.
  42. Manoj Kumar, Abhishek Singh, Arnav Kumar, Ankit Kumar, "Analysis of Automated text generation using Deep Learning", 2021 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies (CCICT), July 2021.
  43. Manoj Kumar, Harshdeep Singh, Himanshu Singh Rathee, Jatin Sood,"Inter Common Neighbor Connections in Supervised Link Prediction", International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN), Volume-9,Issue-5  ( May, 2021 ). Link:;
  44. I Alam, M Kumar, "A novel protocol for efficient authentication in cloud-based IoT devices", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-21, Feb. 2022.
  45. Raghav Mittal, Satya Vart, Prayag Shokeen, Manoj Kumar, "Speech Emotion Recognition", 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 2022.
  46. Ritik Tanwar, Shubham Verma, Manoj Kumar, "Object Detection using Image Dehazing: A Journey Of Visual Improvement", 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 2022.
  47. AK Srivastava, M Kumar, "Auditing of Outsourced Data Integrity-A Taxonomy", Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering),Volume 16, Issue 8, Pages 805-824, 2023.
  48. A Sharma, A Yadav, M Kumar, "Detection of Lung Disorders from X-Ray Images Using Hybrid Deep Learning", 2023 3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), 1-8.
  49. M Kumar, V Choudhary, Y Nishal, "Using Discussion Thread Context in Sentiment Analysis for Improving Cyberbullying Detection", 2023 3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), 1-4.
  50. I Alam, M Kumar, "A novel authentication protocol to ensure confidentiality among the Internet of Medical Things in covid-19 and future pandemic scenario", Internet of Things 22, 100797.
  51. P Mithoo, M Kumar, "Social network analysis for crime rate detection using Spizella swarm optimization based BiLSTM classifier", Knowledge-Based Systems 269, 110450.
  52. Shivam Sharma, Rahul Aggarwal, Manoj Kumar, "Mining Twitter for Insights into ChatGPT Sentiment: A Machine Learning Approach", 2023 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), April 2023.
  53. Akhilesh Kumar Srivastava, Manoj Kumar, "Multiple Replica Based Auditing of Outsourced Data: A Comprehensive Survey", 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN), April 2023.
  54. V Gupta, V Kumar, Y Yuvraj, M Kumar, "Optimized Pair Trading Strategy using Unsupervised Machine Learning", 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT).
  55. M Kumar, S Kaul, S Sethi, S Jain, "Framework to Impute Missing Values in Datasets", Computational Intelligence: Select Proceedings of InCITe 2022, 189-197.
  56. R Gupta, P Gupta, R Aggarwal, M Kumar,"KL Grade Classification of Knee Osteoarthritis using Convolutional Neural Networks and CBAM", Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition.
  57. I Alam, M Kumar, "Various Elements of Analysis of Authentication Schemes for IoT devices: A Brief Overview", Book Chapter: Intelligent Data Analytics, IoT, and Blockchain, eBook ISBN: 9781003371380, pages:219-228


  • Author of a book titled “Data Structure through C” CPC publications, Jaipur, 2004.


  • Workshop on Curriculum Revision & Development, April 22, 2016, Department of Applied Mathematics, DTU Delhi.
  • STC on Introduction to System Designing, April 04-08, 2016, AIACTR, Delhi.
  • Invited speaker for STC on Recent Trends and Technology in Information Communication &  Computing, Feb.23-March 03, 2016, Govt. Engg. College, Ajmer.
  • Organized FDP on Advances in Information Security, Jan.18-22, 2016, CSE Department, DTU Delhi.
  • STC on Cyber Security: Fundamentals and Advancements, Nov.04-06, 2015, Centre of Excellence for Cyber Systems and Information Assurance, IIT Delhi.
  • FDP on Nature Inspired Algorithms & Their Applications (NIATA-2015), July 13-17, 2015, EED, DTU Delhi.
  • FDP on Recent Advances and Challenges in Power & Energy for Sustainable Growth, June 1-5, 2015, EED, DTU Delhi.
  • STTP on Integrated Renewable Energy Sources into Emerging Electrical Power Systems, Dec. 8-19, 2014, EED, DTU Delhi.
  • STTP on Advanced Web Designing Techniques, July 14-25, 2014, Department of Applied Mathematics, DTU Delhi.
  • FDP on Recent Advances in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing using Soft and Evolutionary Computing, July 7-11, 2014, DTU Delhi.
  • STC on Virtual Instrumentation through ICT, April 28- May 02, 2014, EED, DTU Delhi.
  • SDP on Applications of Advanced Computing Technologies: The Emerging Research Trends, Jan.02-14, 2014, AIACTR Delhi.
  • Workshop on Recent Trends in Software Testing, Sept. 17, 2010, CSE Department, DTU Delhi.
  • Train the Trainer Program on Product Migration, April 3-5, 2007, Infosys Technologies Ltd. Chandigarh.
  • SDP on Multifuntion Approach for Technical Teachers in New Millennium (MATT-2006), June 19-July 01, 2006, Engineering College, Kota.
  • STP on Curriculum Development Process, Dec.26-30, 2005, Govt. Engg. College, Bikaner.
  • STP on Industry Institue Interaction, Sept. 12-16, 2005, Engineering College, Kota.
  • FDP on Effective Teacher, June 30- July 5, 2002, IIT Roorkee.
  • Refresher Course on VLSI Design, June 03-22, 2002, JNTU, Hyderabad.

Courses undertaken

Currently teaching Data Structures (B.Tech. CSE).


( click to view / download the lecture on Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms )

Lecture 1       Lecture 2        Lecture 3          Lecture 4         Lecture 5

Lecture 6       Lecture 7        Lecture 8          Lecture 9         Lecture 10

Last Updated : 2025-03-21 07:14:56