Delhi School of Management (DSM) was established in 2009 with Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) acquiring a University status, being officially renamed as Delhi Technological University (DTU) through a legislation passed by the Delhi State Assembly. DSM envisages developing socially responsible and ethically driven innovative managers and future leaders by providing excellent world-class education. DSM was established with a vision of inculcating a penchant for innovation, research, and experimentation in aspiring managers. DSM aims at extending the seven-decade long legacy of DCE (now DTU) by incubating and developing managers and leaders, who are adept at identifying pertinent and critical business problems and apply their technical skills and competencies in solving those issues. In order to train its students to face the challenges of an information and knowledge-driven work environment, DSM provides them with the Triple E: Education, Experience, and Exposure. DSM strives to inculcate in its students the managerial competence through specialized knowledge and skills in order to fulfil its role of a vibrant and model institution capable of imparting quality education in the area of Management Studies. DSM envisions at developing a knowledge society by providing equitable access to the masses and broadening the span of their participation in higher education.
The curriculum is designed to meet the requirement of the present-day technology-intensive business functions. The students are equipped with management knowledge to deal with the complex global and dynamic business environment. Internships and field projects are an integral part of the curriculum. DSM also encourages students to form committees/forums which undertake different activities.
The emphasis is on the right combination of classroom learning, hands-on experience in the corporate world and sharing the rich experience of the practitioners. In order to provide students with the required exposure, DSM brings them in close contact with the industry executives and eminent academicians through a series of lectures, sponsoring students to conferences and seminars, and facilitating their participation in papers/ case studies competitions. Overall DSM aims to develop and inculcate knowledge, skills and right attitude with responsibility, commitment, professionalism, moral & ethical standards amongst the students.