The Department of Humanities offers courses in Communication Skill, English ,Economics and Accountancy for engineering and management students in an effort to train them for theglobal economic environment of the 21st Century. Besides giving them in-depth understanding of the labor market in which they are expected to work as well as emerging employment trends among engineers, students are sensitized towards the specific technological needs of urban slums and rural areas and socio economic impact of engineering projects on the masses. A conscious effort is also made to develop very good communication, interpersonal and business skill among the budding engineers. To achieve this, classroom teaching is supplemented by market survey and analysis, paper presentation, group discussion etc.
The Department has competent faculty members with a high degree of excellence who keep pace with the current developments in their fields of specialization for the fulfillment of its teaching and research goals. It makes the environment of the department very vibrant. Faculty members, research scholars and students frequently participate and present their research papers in the national and international seminars / conferences. The Department organizes seminars and invited talks for the benefit of students.
From academic year 2006-07, full-time and part-time Ph.D programmes have been started in the department. Fellowships are also available for full-time Ph.D programme. The department has the necessary expertise available in the following research areas of current interest:
* Socio-economic studies and feasibility analysis of engineering projects
* labor Market Analysis
* Education and Skill Development
The department is in the process of setting up language laboratory which will expose the students to TOEF Land GRE model of training and practice. By learning correct pronunciation, accent and intonation, students will improve their communication skills and learn different variations in English expressions. It is also proposed to start an in Economics and linguistic courses in German, French, Japanese, Chinese and Russian.