Department of Mechanical Engineering

List of equipments and facilities available in the mechanical engineering department

S.No. Name of the Laboratory Name of the Equipments and Software available




Biodiesel Centrifuge Set

Automatic Microprocessor

Controlled calorimeter

Auto Ignition Tester

Fuel cell Training system1.2 KW Capacity

High frequency Reciprocating Rig

General Purpose data Logger

Automatic Titration Workstation

PC-2200 Laser Particle counter including all accessories

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analyzer

Spray Tech Analyzer

Computerized four cylinder

Petrol Engine test set up

Computerized four cylinder four stroke Diesel Engine test set up

Fuel cell Analyzer

Lube oil Analyzer

Single cylinder diesel air

cooled engine with alternator (8 HP)

Remi centrifuge machine

Fluke 190-202 oscilloscope

200Mhz handheld oscilloscope with inbuilt multimeter

Biodiesel reactor 10 ltrs

AVL Digas 4000 light 5 gas analyzer

AVL 437Std. with LED remote control

Two stroke single cylinder engine petrol test rig

Four stroke single cylinder engine diesel test rig

Four stroke single cylinder engine petrol test rig

Humidity & temperature control cabinet

Multimedia LCD projector

Biodiesel reactor cap 100 Ltr

Research engine model 224A

Microprocessor controlled karl fisher moisture titrator

High pressure stirred reactor1 TPD biodiesel unit

Oxidation statility analyzer of biodiesel

Microprocessor controlled fuel consumption meter

Whirlmatic motor less magnetic stirrer with water bath

Cloud and pour point measurement apparatus

Semi-automatic pensky

Marten flash point apparatus

Bomb calorimeter digital with

safety device and two oxygen cylinder

Digital copper strip corrosion test apparatus

Automatic TAN/TBN apparatus

Automated kinematic viscometer

Manual vacuum distillation apparatus

Calorimetric and volumetric determination titrator with oven for moisture analysis

Resistive load bank with control panel for load test of petrol and diesel engines

U tube oscillating apparatus for measuring API gravity

Modular diagnostic and emission system AVL DIX 650

Rotary evaporator with complete accessories

Cold fitter plugging point (CFFP)

CHNO-S elemental analyzer Ultra water purification system

Oil extraction unit as per specification

Carbon residue determination apparatus

Spectroil M/C-W oil analysis spectrometer

Gasifier system with 10 KW engine gen set

Refrigerated circulator

Algae photo bioreactor



Design centre

Object 3D printer-1 No.

Work station Dell 7600-5 Nos.

Desktop Dell, i7-20 Nos.

Ansys 15 -5 seats

LS dyana-1 seat

Symbol sonata Modeling Simulation software- 5 seats


Research Lab

Waste cooling oil Biodiesel project (sponsored by department of environment

Government of Delhi)

Development of biodiesel processor hydrodynamic cavitation (sponsored by department of environment Government of Delhi)

Ice slurry generator for refrigeration and air

conditioning industry research work

Single Tank Ultrasonic Oil Mixer

Ultrasonic Processor 150W.

Digital weighing machine 0-600 g both AC and battery operation.

Mild Steel Oil mixing Tank 15 lt. capacity without motor.


Automobile Lab

Four stroke single cylinder diesel engine.

Model of mechanical brake system

Model of single plate coil spring clutch

Mode l of diaphgram clutch

Model fully floating differential &rear wheel mechanism

Model of mechanical drum brake

Model of differential gear

Model of synchronesh mesh gear box

Model of centrifugal clutch

Model of disc brake

Model of leaf spring suspension

Model of machperson suspension

Model of wishbone suspension

Model of rack &pinion gear

Car chassis diesel engine toyota (cut section)


Power plant Engineering Lab

Oil fired boiler unit (600 kg/hr Non IBR) with turbine and condenser

set up.

NPTI CBT (Computer Based Training) software.

  • Boiler Drum and drum internals

  • Super heater, Re-heater and De-super heater

  • Regenerative Feed Heating system

  • Fuel Handling system in thermal power station

  • Coal mills and milling system

  • Turbine vacuum system

  • Combine cycle gas turbine plant

Fire Tube Boiler model

  • Cochran

  • Locomotive

  • Lancashire

Water Tube Boiler model

  • Babcock and Wilcox

  • Benson

  • Vertical water tube

  • Loeffler


Fluid mechanics Lab

Bernoulli apparatus

Cc, Cv, Cd apparatus

V-Notch apparatus

Venturimeter apparatus

Orificemeter apparatus

Metacentric apparatus

Friction factor apparatus

Minor-losses apparatus

Reynold’s apparatus

Air-flow apparatus


Fluid machinery Lab

Impact of jet

Pelton turbine

Francis Turbine

Kaplan Turbine

Hydraulic Ram

Centrifugal Pump

Gear Pump

Runners and Impellers


IC engines Lab

Engine test setup petrol engine for carrying of computerized Load test and Morse test on petrol, CNG and LPG.

Engine test setup diesel engine for carrying out of computerized Load test.

VCR engine test setup for carrying out Load test at different compression ratio.

AVL Gas analyzer for emission test on petrol, CNG and LPG.

AVL smoke meter for emission test on diesel engine.

Digital weighing scale for measurement of consumption of CNG and LPG.

Training aids models of 2-St. and 4-St. petrol and diesel engine.

Cut section model of Bajaj super 2-St. Petrol engine.

Ignition system of automobile model.

Microprocessor controlled Fuel Consumption Meter.

Digital weighing machine 0-20 kg both AC and battery operation.

Sample cooling chamber (Refrigerator 80 lt. cap. Electrolux make).

Digital Thermometer (-15 deg. To 300 deg.).

Hand Drill Machine Motorized 1/16” to ½”.

Vacuum Cleaner 1.5 lt plastic body.

Hand Air Blower 500W.

AVL DIX 650 Modular Diagnostic and Emission System.

Fuel Viscosity and Density Meter SVM 3000.


Strength of Materials Lab

UTM 10 Ton Torsion testing machine (digital) INSTRON

Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester

Digital Display Spring Testing Tensometer

Izod Impact Testing

Torsion testing machine

Spring Testing Machine

Room temperature creep testing machine

Impact testing machine


Rockwell hardness testing machine

Universal testing machine

Digital spring testing machine

Power saw


DOM/KOM/Tribology Lab

Research Setups

  • Pin on Disk Wear & Friction Test Rig.

  • Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing Test Rig

  • Thermal Imaging Camera

  • Dual Channel Vibration Analyzer cum Balancer.

  • Fluid Scan Lubricant Conditioning Monitor.

  • Four Ball Tester

  • Laser Based Shaft Alignment System

  • Optical Deformation Measurement Equipment.

  • Ferrograph

Lab equipments

  • Cam Analysis Machine.

  • Universal Vibration Apparatus.

  • Universal Governor Apparatus.

  • Motorized Gyroscope Apparatus.

  • Whirling of Shaft Apparatus.

  • Motorized Belt & Pulley Apparatus.

  • Epicyclic Gear Train Apparatus.

  • Dynamic Balancing Machine.

  • Mechanism Table.

  • Helical Spring Apparatus

  • Various Models of Clutch, Cam & Follower etc.

  • Precision Weighing Balance

  • Optical Tachometer



Turbo-machinery Lab

Cut section model of centrifugal blower.

Cut section model of single stage compressor.

Cut section model of two stage compressor.

Cut section model of rotary air compressor.

wind tunnel


Instrumentation /ESA Lab

Photoelastic polariscope bench type lens

Pressure measurement tester

Displacement measurement

Load measurement

Light measurement

Temperature tutor

Micro controller based

pressure measurement transducer tutor

Micro controller based flow

measurement transducer tutor

Micro controller based speed

measurement transducer tutor

Vibrator analyser

Mechatronics training kit

Vibrator setup


Heat Transfer Lab

Film and drop wise condescension

Stefan Boltzmann

Thermal conductivity insulating powder

Boiling heat transfer

Emissivity measurement

Heat pipe demonstrator

Heat transfer in nature convection

Heat transfer through in pin fin

Guarded hot plate

Heat transfer critical heat flux

Thermal conductivity of metal bar

Heat transfer through composite wall

Heat transfer in force convection

Parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger


Sand Testing Lab

Tubular Induction Furnace 1600°C with Chiller

Permeability tester

Shatter index set up

Hot air oven

Clay washer

Sieve shaker

Sand hardness tester

Infrared moisture tester

Digital balance

Ball mill


Hydraulic press


Metal Forming Lab

UTM Table Top Tinus Ulsen H50KS

Hydraulic press

Wire drawing machine

Pedestal grinder

Mechanical power press

Hydraulic power hacksaw

Trinocular stero zoom microscope

Injection molding dies


Industrial Engineering Lab

WITNESS-2006 software

SPSS-17 software




Personal Computers -25 Nos.


Metal cutting Lab

Vision inspection system-Sipcon

Horizontal milling machine

Lathe (Harison)

Hydraulic cylindrical grinder- HMT

Radial drilling machine -HMT

Surface grinder -HMT

Centre lathe (HMT)

Centreless Grinder (HMT)

Lathe tool dynamometer

Drilling tool dynamometer

CNC turning centre- LMW

Pedestal grinder


Metrology Lab

Surface roughness Taylor Hobson

Profile Projector

Tool room microscope

Gear test bench


Universal Metroscope

Dial indicators

Angular block gauge set

Lumans visual Presenter

LCD Mutimedia Projector

Combination set

Vernier bevel protector

Optical bevel protector

Sine bar

Vernier calipers


Plug gauges

Snap gauges

Ring gauges

Thread gauges

Thickness gauges


Metallurgy Lab

Microhardness Tester

Belt grinder

Jominy end quenching apparatus

Micro polishing machine

Mounting press

Polishing station

High temperature oil bath

Abrasive cutter

Optical microscope

Brinell hardness tester

Muffle furnace



Welding Lab

Submerged arc welding machine Oscilloscope 100 MHz

Air plasma cutting machine

Digital image analysis unit

MIG/MAG welding machine CPT 400

Pulse TIG welding machine 220 AC/DC

Ultrasonic flow detector

Two stage air compressor with dryer

Synergic MIG welding machine

Electromagnetic crack detector and dye penetrant test kit

Ultrasonic metal welding machine CVT 5 KVA

Ultrasonic plastic welding machine

Mobile fume extractor



FMS consisting of table top

CNC milling m/c, accessories & simulation software

Kawasaki Robot

Scorbot ER 4n Robot

Machine Vision

DLP Projector


Precision Engineering Lab

Stir casting equipment with Temperature control

Hybrid abrasive flow machining process set up

Electrical discharge machining controller and power supply system

Preparing FRP using pultrusion setup


CNC Shop

6 AXIS Vertically Articulated Robot System

CNC Wire Cut machine

Friction Stir welding m/c (4T X 15HP)

CNC Milling Trainer

CNC Lathe Trainer

LCD Projector

UPS 10 KVa (Single phase)



PC P-IV-CRD-5 No. PC i5-8 No.

PC P-IV Dual Core-10 No.

PC P-IV 2.8 GHz, 128 MB RAM-12 No.

PC P-IV 3.2 GHz, 128 MB RAM-5 No.




Autodesk Inventor software package set

Civil 3D-2009

Revit Structure-2009

Acad Electrical

Revit Architecture-2009

Raster Drawing


Factory Flow

Factory Cad


Nx Shape studio

NX Manufacturing Bundle

Prog. Die Wizard

NX Mold wizard

Team Center

Solid Edge

Solid Edge press Route

Solid Edge Piping Library

Solid Edge Wire Hamess

FEMAP Basic Bundl.

Process Design

Process simulate


Process Simulator Spo

Plant Simulation Edu

CATIA software package set

MD ADAMS software

MAT LAB software package set Software Tcc plot

Solid works software package


Applied mechanics Lab

Electronic Tensometer with accessories

Double purchase winch crab apparatus

Double start worm and worm wheel

Centroid of lamina apparatus

Single purchase winch crab apparatus

Spring apparatus

Law of pologon of forces apparatus

Combined belt and rope apparatus

Bending moment apparatus

Universal force table apparatus

Differential wheel and axial apparatus

Screw efficiency apparatus

Single start worm and worm wheel apparatus

Fly wheel apparatus

Tensometer apparatus

Bell-crank lever apparatus

Cantilever apparatus

Jib crane apparatus

Joined roof and truss apparatus

Cantilever apparatus



Science lab


Apparatus theorem of Bernoulli

Flow over notches apparatus

Torsion testing machine

Bell crank lever

Universal force table

Inclined plane apparatus

Joint roof truss apparatus

Bending moment apparatus

Photo voltaic power training kit (solar)


Refrigeration and air conditioning Lab

Refrigerator set up

Air water cooling test rig

Ejector refrigeration system

Heat pump test rig

Absorption refrigeration system

Air conditioning test rig

ICE plant test rig

Vapour compression test rig

Water cooler

Room air conditioner


Foundry shop

Induction Melting Furnace 5kgs (INDUCTOTHERM)

Sand Muller Machine

Shell Molding Machine

Molding tools


Smithy Shop

Induction Heater BP-50 (Bull Power)

Bench Grinder

Muffle Furnace

Medium Induction Frequency furnace

Smithy tools and equipments


Welding Shop

Fume Exhaust system

Spot welding machine

Seam welding machine

MIG welding machine

TIG welding machine

Shielded metal arc welding machine

Gas cylinders

Bench grinder

Bench type drilling machine

Power Hack saw


Fitting Shop

Surface grinder

Measuring instruments

Fitting tools


Sheet metal shop

Sheet Folding Machine

Shearing Machine

Portable drilling machine

Portable shearing machine

Notching machine

Measuring instruments

Sheet metal tools


Machine Shop

EDM machine (Spakonix-35A) -1 No.

Milling machine (universal) - 2 No.

Milling machine (knee type) - 2 No

Milling machine (Vertical)- 2 No

Lathe machines- krilosker-8 Nos.

Lathe machines- Madras machine tools-14 nos.

Shaper machines-5 nos.

Tool and cutter grinder-1 No.

Piller type drilling machine- 1No.

Hydraulic power Hack-Saw

Pedestal grinder


Project Shop

Milling machine (Horizontal)

Milling machine (Vertical)

Lathe machines

Capsten Lathe machine

Shaper machine

Radial drilling machine

Power hack-saw

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