Consolidating teaching and learning process covering all aspects of pure and applied physics that promotes research and development leading to creation of new knowledge, inventions and discoveries fostering institute-industry linkages and entrepreneurial culture for betterment of all its stake holders and society at large...”
M1 To establish global and industry standards of excellence by generating new knowledge in all the endeavors concerned to teaching, learning, research and consultancy
M2 To help our students in developing human potentials, intellectual interest, creative abilities and be lifelong learners to meet challenges of the national and global environment and be true professional leaders.
M3 To stand up to the needs and expectations of our society by equipping and training our students to be good citizens, aware of their commitments and responsibilities, to make this world a better place to live
M4 To be a world class centre for education, research and innovation in the various upcoming fields of Applied Physics
M5 To focus on the development of cutting-edge technologies and to foster an environment of seamlessness between academia and industry