The following courses offered for the Bachelor of Technology Degree under Delhi Technological University.
1. Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
2. Computer Engineering (COE)
3. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
4. Electrical Engineering (EE)
5. Production & Industrial Engineering (PIE)
6. Civil Engineering (CE)
7. Environmental Engineering (ENE)
8. Chemical Engineering
9. Information Technology (IT)
10. Bio-Technology (BT)
11. Software Engineering (SE)
12. Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
13. Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Automotive Engineering (MAM)
14. Engineering Physics (EP)
15.Mathematics and Computing (MC)
The college admits the students for the above given B.Tech. Programmes of 4 years duration. Classes will be held 5 days a week from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.