Delhi Technological University

(Academic-PG & IRD)

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About IRD



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Staff Academic-PG Branch

Prof. H.C. Taneja Dean (Acad-PG) : Intercom Ext.- 1146

Anil Kumar, Deputy Registrar (Acad.-PG): 1137

Ms. Meenakshi: Ext. 1153    (For Scholarship & Data Work) Ms. Nisha: Ext.1151           (For MBA,E-MBA and M.Tech.)
Ms. Sonia: 1154                      (For M.Tech Work) Mr. Zafar: 1654        (For Ph.D. & M.Tech advances Work)
Mr.Vikrant Ext.: 1654            (For Ph.D. Work).  Ms. Priyanka Ext.: 1654      (For Diary Dispatch)

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