Dr. Yashna Sharma
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Email: yashnasharma@dtu.ac.in
B.Tech, M.Tech (IIT Delhi), Ph.D (IIT Delhi)
Areas of Interest
Plasmonics, Nanophotonics, Optical Communication
Opening for a hardworking and motivated Ph.D student interested in working in the areas of nano-optics, nanophotonic switches, nanophotonic sensors, plasmonic waveguides, plasmonic interconnects and plasmonic logic. Education Ph. D (Nanophotonic Sensors and Devices),IIT Delhi, Delhi (CGPA: 10.00) (Awarded Distinction in Doctoral Research by IIT Delhi) Visiting Researcher, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA (2014) M. Tech (Optoelectronics and Optical Communication), IIT Delhi, Delhi (CGPA: 10.00) B. Tech (Electronics and Communication),IGDTUW (90.82%, University Gold Medallist) Special Achievements Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=ZyxKF6QAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao Courses Taught 1. Optical Communication Systems (UG) 2. Optical Communication (PG) 3. Mobile Communication (UG) 4. Wireless Communication (UG) 5. Photonic Switching and Networks (PG) 6. Photovoltaics (PG) 7. Bio-photonics (PG) 8. Fiber Optic Components (PG) 9. Signals and Systems (UG) 10. Communication Systems (UG) Reviewing Assignments
Last Updated : 2024-01-02 06:51:52