Virender Ranga | Ph.D.| SMIEEE

Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, DTU



Ph.D. (NIT Kurukshetra), M.Tech., B.Tech. (R.E.C., KUK)

Areas of Interest

Wireless Adhoc & Sensor Networks | Evolutionary Computations in Computer Networks | Machine Learning Techniques in Networking | Flying Ad hoc Sensor Networks (FANeTs) | Security issues in Cloud Computing | Security issues in Internet of Things (IoTs) | Soft Computing techniques for IoT Anaytics | Security Issues in Software Defined Networking | Energy Harvesting in IoT | Internet of Robotics Things | FoG Computing

List of Publications

Journal Publications (SCI/SCIE/Scopus): 55

  1. Janardan Kumar Verma, Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Virender Ranga, "Track Consensus-based Labeled Multi-target Tracking in Mobile Distributed Sensor Network", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, November 2023, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 6.075). 
  2. Abhishek Verma, Virender Ranga and Dinesh K. Vishwakarma, "A Novel Approach for Forecasting PM2.5 Pollution in Delhi Using CATALYST", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment(Springer), October 2023,(SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 3.2). 
  3. Sunakshi Mehra, Virender Ranga and Ritu Agarwal, "Improving Speech Command Recognition through Decision-Level Fusion of Deep Filtered Speech Cues", Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer), October 2023,(SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 2.3). 
  4. Gourav Kumar Sharma, Santosh Kumar, Virender Ranga and  Mahendra Kumar Murmu, "Artificial Intelligence in Cerebral Stroke Images Classification and Segmentation: A Comprehensive Study", Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), September 2023, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 3.6).
  5. Ravinder Kumar, Amita Malik and Virender Ranga, "Security concerns over IoT routing using emerging technologies: A review", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT)(Wiley), June 2023, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 3.31).
  6. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "Mitigation of DDoS Attack using Moving Target Defense in SDN",  Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), May 2023, accepted, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.2).
  7. Ankit Attkan, Priyanka Ahlawat, Virender Ranga,  "A Rubik’s Cube Cryptosystem based Authentication and Session Key generation model driven in Blockchain environment for IoT Security", ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, accepted, Feburary 2023, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=3.315). 
  8. Aditi Zear, Virender Ranga and Kriti Bhushan, "Coordinated Network Partition Detection and Bi-Connected Inter-partition Topology creation in Damaged Sensor Networks using multiple UAVs", Computer Communications, accepted, Feburary 2023, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=5.047).
  9. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "IQR-based Approach for DDoS Detection and Mitigation in SDN", Defence Technology, Elsevier, accepted, October 2022, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=4.035).
  10. Ravinder Kumar, Amita Malik and Virender Ranga, "An intellectual intrusion detection system using Hybrid Hunger Games Search and Remora Optimization Algorithm for IoT wireless networks", Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, vol. 256, pp. 1-16,  September 2022, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=8.139),
  11. Janardan Kumar Verma and Virender Ranga, "A Decentralized Coordination Algorithm for Patrolling and Target Tracking in Internet of Robotic Things using Dynamic Waypoints and Self-triggered Communication", International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), accepted, September 2022, (Scopus-Indexed).
  12. Aditi Zear, Virender Ranga and Kriti Bhushan, "Partition Detection and Recovery by UAVs in damaged WSANs using N-angle clustering", International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, accepted, May 2022, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=2.047).
  13. Aditi Zear and Virender Ranga, "UAVs assisted Network Partition Detection and Connectivity Restoration in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks", Adhoc Networks, Elsevier, accepted, April 2022, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=4.111).
  14. Ankit Attkan and Virender Ranga, "Cyber-physical Security for IoT Networks: A Comprehensive Review on Traditional, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence-based Key-Security", Complex & Intelligent Systems, accepted, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=4.927).
  15. Gopal Singh Kushwah and Virender Ranga, "Detecting DDoS Attacks in Cloud Computing Using Extreme Learning Machine and Adaptive Diferential Evolution", Wireless Personnal Communications, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=1.2), pp. 1-24, January 2022,
  16. Shivam Gupta and Virender Ranga, "EpilNet: A Novel Approach to IoT based Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Diagnosis System using Artificial Intelligence", Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ), accepted, August 2021, (ESCI-Indexed).
  17. Virender Ranga, Shivam Gupta, Priyansh Agrawal and Jyoti Meena, "Pathological Analysis of Blood Cells Using Deep Learning Techniques", Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Formerly: Recent Patents on Computer Science) (Bentham Science),  accepted, (Scopus-Indexed), July 2020.
  18. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "The Impact of Copycat Attack on RPL based 6LoWPAN Networks in Internet of Things Computing", Computing (Springer), accepted, October 2020, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=2.495).
  19. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "Detection and Analysis of TCP-SYN DDoS Attack in Software-Defined Networking", Wireless Personal Communications (Springer) (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.671), November 2020, accepted.
  20. Parul Singh, Virender Ranga, "Attacks and Intrusion detection in Cloud Computing using an Ensemble Learning based Approach", International Journal of Information Technology (Springer), accepted, Nov 2020, (Scopus-Indexed).
  21. Aditi Zear and Virender Ranga, "Distributed Partition Detection and Recovery using UAV in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks", Kuwait Journal of Science, vol. 48, no. 4, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=0.948).
  22. Gopal Singh Kushwah and Virender Ranga, "Optimized extreme learning machine for detecting DDoS attacks in cloud computing", Computers & Security (Elsevier), accepted, March 2021, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 4.438).
  23. Harshita Bhilwaria, Virender Ranga and Anirudh Gargi "Critical Power Analysis for Control Path of a CAT-M based Edge Device", International Journal of Information Technology (Springer), accepted, March 2021, (Scopus-Indexed)
  24. Gopal Singh Kushwah and Virender Ranga, "Distributed Denial of Service attack detection in Cloud Computing using Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine", TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTER SCIENCES, 29, (2021), 1852-1870, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.003).
  25. Janardan Kumar Verma and Virender Ranga, "Multi-Robot Coordination Analysis, Taxonomy, Challenges and Future Scope", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, accepted, March 2021, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 2.646).
  26. Anshu Soni and Virender Ranga, "API Features Individualizing Comparison of Services: REST and SOAP", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 8, Issue-9S,  pp. 664-671, July 2019, (Scopus-Indexed).
  27. Navrattan Parmar and Virender Ranga, "Performance Analysis of WebRTC and SIP for Video Conferencing", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 8, Issue-9S, pp. 679-686, July 2019,  (Scopus-Indexed). 
  28. Gopal Singh, Harish Rohil, Rahul Rishi and Virender Ranga, "LETSRP: a Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 498-504,  October 2019, (Scopus-Indexed). 
  29. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Mitigation of DIS fooding attacks in RPL-based 6LoWPAN", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT) (Wiley), pp. 1-25, December 2019, (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=2.638).
  30. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Machine Learning based Intrusion Detection Systems for IoT Applications", Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), (SCI Indexed,Impact Factor= 1.671), November, 2019, accepted.
  31. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Security of RPL based 6LoWPAN Networks in the Internet of Things: A Review", IEEE Sensor Journal (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor = 3.301), Feburary, 2020,  pp. 1-24, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2973677
  32. Gopal Singh Kushwah and Virender Ranga, "Voting Extreme Learning Machine based Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection in Cloud Computing", Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier) (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.537)  accepted, April 2020.
  33. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "CoSec-RPL: Detection of Copycat Attacks in RPL based 6LoWPANs using Outlier Analysis", Telecommunication Systems (Springer) (SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor=2.314), accepted April 2020,
  34. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "Voting based Intrusion Detection Framework for Securing Software-Defined Networks", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley), accepted, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor=1.536), June 2020.
  35. Virender Ranga, Shivam Gupta, Joyti Meena and Priyash Agrawal, "Automated Human Mind Reading Using EEG Signals for Seizure Detection", Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology (T & F), accepted, (Scopus-Indexed), June 2020.
  36. Virender Ranga and Lucy Sumi, "Intelligent Traffic Management System for Prioritizing Emergency Vehicles in a Smart City", International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications (IJE), (Scopus-Indexed), vol. 31,  no. 2, 256-261, 2018.
  37. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Statistical analysis of CIDDS-001 dataset for Network Intrusion Detection Systems using Distance-based Machine Learning", Procedia Computer Science, (Scopus-Indexed), vol. 125, pp. 709-716, 2018.
  38. Virender Ranga and Vipul Mandhar, "Ant colony based IP traceback scheme", International Journal of Information Technology (Springer), (Scopus-Indexed),  vol. 10, Issue 4, 447–455, 2018,
  39. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "On evaluation of Network Intrusion Detection Systems: Statistical analysis of CIDDS-001 dataset using Machine Learning Techniques", Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology (JST), (Scopus, WoS-Indexed), vol. 26, issue 3,  pp.  1307-1332, July 2018.
  40. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Analysis of Routing Attacks on RPL based 6LoWPAN Networks", International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing(Scopus, WoS-Indexed), vol.  11, no. 8, pp. 43-56, Aug 2018.
  41. Virender Ranga, Nikita Yadav and Pulkit Garg, "American sign language FINGERSPELLING using Hybrid discrete wavelet transform-Gabor filter and Convolutional neural network", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) (Scopus, WoS-Indexed), vol. 13, issue 9,  pp. 2655-2669, September 2018.
  42. Gaurav Kumar and Virender Ranga, "Swarm Intelligence-based Partitioned Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, (Scopus-Indexed), vol. 3, 2018.
  43. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "Software Defined Networking Based DDoS Defense Mechanisms", ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor=10.282), vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 1-36, 2019,10.1145/3301614.
  44. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Evaluation of Network Intrusion Detection Systems for RPL based 6LoWPAN Networks in IoT", Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), (SCI Indexed,Impact Factor= 1.247), October 2019, vol. 108, Issue 3, pp 1571–1594.
  45. Virender Ranga and D. Rohila, "Parametric Analysis of Heart Attack Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques",International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, (Scopus-Indexed), vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 37-48, April 2018.
  46. Ravi Singh and Virender Ranga, "Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Classifiers on Internet of Things Security Dataset", International Journal of Control and Automation(Scopus-Indexed),  vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 11-24, May 2018.
  47. Gaurav Kumar Verma and Virender Ranga, "Whale Optimizer to Repair Partitioned Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing(Scopus, WoS-Indexed), vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 11-28, May 2018.
  48. Utkarsh Pundir and Virender Ranga, "A New Centralized Solution for Multi-event Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, (Scopus-Indexed), vol. 116, pp. 59-74, 2018.
  49. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, "Optimal nodes selection in wireless sensor and actor networks based on prioritized mutual exclusion approach", Kuwait Journal of Science, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor = 0.948), vol. 43, pp. 150-173, 2016.
  50. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma,"Node Stability Aware Energy Efficient Single Node Failure Recovery Approach for wireless sensor and actor networks", Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor=0.723 ), vol. 29, no. 2, 2016.
  51. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, "Restoration of Lost Connectivity of partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks", Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis), (Scopus, WoS-Indexed), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-22, 2016.
  52. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, "A Multi-criterion Fuzzy Logic inter-cluster and intra-cluster based Cluster Head Election Approach in Large Scale WSN", International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (Inderscience), (Scopus, WoS-Indexed), vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 433-449, 2016.
  53. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “Relay Node Placement to Heal Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks”, Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 3.818), vol. 48, pp. 1-18, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.09.014.
  54. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “Recovery of Lost Connectivity in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks Using Static Sensors as Bridge Routers”, Procedia Computer Science, (Scopus-Indexed), vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 491-498, 2015. 
  55. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “A hybrid Timer based Single Node Failure Recovery approach for WSANs”, Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), (SCI Indexed,Impact Factor= 1.671), Jan 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-014-1631-4.
  56. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “Network Partitioning Recovery Mechanisms in WSANs: a SURVEY”, Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.247), Sep 2013, pp. 1-61, DOI 10.1007/s11277-013-1046-7.
  57. Naina Gupta and Virender Ranga, “Target Tracking Techniques: A Survey”, International Journal of Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 79-88, March 2013.
  58. Arun Kumar and Virender Ranga, “Movement based Connectivity Restoration Techniques in WSANs: A Survey”, International Journal of Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 132-137, March 2013.
  59. Rahul Gupta and Virender Ranga, “Cross-layering in WSN: A Survey”, International Journal of Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 48-53, March 2013.
  60. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “MFZLP: Multihop Far Zone Leach Protocol for WSNs”, Journal of Computational Intelligence and Electronic Systems (American Scientific Publishers), vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 45-49, June 2013.
  61. Virender Ranga “Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSR, DSDV mobile Adhoc protocols on different scenarios: An analytical Review”, International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information Technology, vol. 1 no. 1, pp. 26-45, February 2012. 
  62. Naina Gupta and Virender Ranga, “Target Tracking Techniques: A Survey”, International Journal of Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 79-88, March 2013.
  63. Arun Kumar and Virender Ranga, “Movement based Connectivity Restoration Techniques in WSANs: A Survey”, International Journal of Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 132-137, March 2013.
  64. Rahul Gupta and Virender Ranga, “Cross-layering in WSN: A Survey”, International Journal of Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 48-53, March 2013.
  65. Virender Ranga and Rahul Gupta, “Cross-Layered Framework in WSNs to Enhance Transmission Reliability”, in Proceeding of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, IETET’13, pp. 260-268, October 2013 at GIMT, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. 
  66. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “MFZLP: Multihop Far Zone Leach Protocol for WSNs”, Journal of Computational Intelligence and Electronic Systems (American Scientific Publishers), vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 45-49, June 2013.
  67. Virender Ranga “Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSR, DSDV mobile Adhoc protocols on different scenarios: An analytical Review”, International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information Technology, vol. 1 no. 1, pp. 26-45, February 2012. 

Conference & Book Chapter Publications (Scopus/WoS): 45

  1. Anita Thakur, Virender Ranga and Ritu Agarwal, "Performance Benchmarking and Analysis of Blockchain Platforms", (March 11, 2023)", International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC) 2022, pp. 1-7, March 2023,
  2. Anshu Devi, Ramesh Kait and Virender Ranga, "Enhanced Dragonfly-Based Secure Intelligent Vehicular System in Fog via Deep Learning", International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, pp. 705-715, 16 June 2023,
  3. Abhishek Verma, Virender Ranga and Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma, "Forecasting of Satellite Based Carbon-Monoxide Time-Series Data Using a Deep Learning Approach", 2023 4th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT), 11-12 February 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICITIIT57246.2023.10068609 . 
  4. Anshu Devi, Ramesh Kait and Virender Ranga, "Secure IoV-enabled systems at Fog Computing" , Advances in Cyber Security and Intelligent Analytics, CRC Press, pp. 1-10, Nov 2022. 
  5. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Addressing Copycat Attacks in IPv6-Based Low Power and Lossy Networks", Science and Information Conference SAI 2020: Intelligent Computing, pp 415-426, July 2020
  6. Sakshi Singhal and Virender Ranga,  "Passive Authentication Image Forgery Detection Using Multilayer CNN", In: Marriwala N., Tripathi C.C., Kumar D., Jain S. (eds) Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 140. Springer, Singapore., 29 September 2020,
  7. Parul Singh and Virender Ranga,  "Multilayer Perceptron and Genetic Algorithm-Based Intrusion Detection Framework for Cloud Environment", In: Marriwala N., Tripathi C.C., Kumar D., Jain S. (eds) Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 140. Springer, Singapore, 29 September 2020,
  8. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, " Towards utilizing Blockchain for countering Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)", in Handbook of Research on Blockchain-Enabled Privacy and Access Control (IGI Global), accepted, Nov 2020.
  9. Gopal Singh Kushwah and Virender Ranga, "DDoS attacks detection in cloud computing using ANN and Imperialistic competitive algorithm", Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing (Springer), pp 253-263, July 2021.
  10. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "Addressing Spoofed DDoS Attacks in Software-defined Networking", 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), accepted, April 2021
  11. Divya Rathore and Virender Ranga, "Secure Remote E-Voting using Blockchain", Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021), pp.  282-287, Madurai, India, 6-8 May 2021.
  12. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "ELNIDS: Ensemble Learning based Network Intrusion Detection System for RPL based Internet of Things", 4th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU 2019), Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India, pp. 1-6, August, 2019,
  13. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "Defending DDoS against Software defined networkss using Entropy", 4th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU 2019), Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India, pp. 1-5, August 2019,
  14. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, "Addressing Flooding Attacks in IPv6-based Low Power and Lossy Networks", IEEE TENCON, a flagship Tier-1 Premium International Technical Conference of IEEE Region 10, at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India, October, pp. 552-557, 2019.
  15. Rochak Swami, Mayank Dave and Virender Ranga, "DDoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms Using Machine Learning techniques for SDN", Security and Privacy Issues in Sensor Networks and IoT (IGI Global), pp. 192-214,  October 2019.
  16. Anshu Soni, Virender Ranga and Sandeep Jadhav, "MOCKREST-A Generic approach for automated Mock framework for Rest APIs generation", In: Ranganathan G., Chen J., Rocha Á. (eds) Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 89. Springer, Singapore, pp. 237-255, Jan 2020.
  17. Navrattan Parmar, Virender Ranga and B Simhachalam Naidu, "Syntactic Interoperability in real time systems ROS 2 and adaptive Autostar using Data Distribution services: an Approach", In: Ranganathan G., Chen J., Rocha Á. (eds) Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 89, Springer, Singapore, pp. 257-274, Jan 2020. 
  18. Janardan Kumar Verma and Virender Ranga, "Target Tracking with Cooperative Networked Robots", 7th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN- 2020), Noida, India, Feb. 2020., doi: 10.1109/SPIN48934.2020.9071411.
  19. Aditi Zear and Virender Ranga, "Trajectory Tracking Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Autonomous Applications", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Springer),  April 2020, pp. 421-430. 
  20. Rishi Raj Gupta and Virender Ranga, "Comparative Study of different Reduced Precision Techniques in Deep Neural Network", International conference on Big Data, Machine learning & Their Applications (ICBMA-2020), accepted, MNNIT, Allahabad, May 2020.
  21. Vipul Mandhar and Virender Ranga, “Hybrid Traceback Scheme for DDoS Attacks”, Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques (Book ) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 707) , Springer, June 131-138, 2019. 
  22. Gopal Singh Kushwah and Virender Ranga, "Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and Defense in Cloud Computing", Handbook of Research on the IoT, Cloud Computing, and Wireless Network Optimization, IGI Global, 41-59, 2019.
  23. Anshu Devi, Ramesh Kait and Virender Ranga, "Security Challenges in Fog Computing", Handbook of Research on the IoT, Cloud Computing, and Wireless Network Optimization, IGI Global, 41-59, 2019.
  24. Aditi Zear and Virender Ranga, "Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Current State and Future Challenges", First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence (ICTSCI—2019), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, March 29–30, pp. 409-419, 2019.
  25. Gaurav Kumar and Virender Ranga, "Meta-Heuristic Solution for Relay Nodes Placement in Constrained Environment", 10th IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing ( IC3), 10-12 August 2017, Noida, India.
  26. Lucy Sumi and Virender Ranga, “An IoT-VANET based Traffic Management System for Emergency Vehicles in a Smart City”, 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics [ICACNI - 2017], Springer, June 1-3, 2017.
  27. Vipul Mandhar and Virender Ranga, “Hybrid Traceback Scheme for DDoS Attacks”, 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics [ICACNI - 2017], Springer, June 1-3, 2017.
  28. Gaurav Kumar and Virender Ranga, "Healing Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10586, pp. 545-557, 2017.
  29. Vipul Mandhar and Virender Ranga, “IP Traceback Schemes for DDoS Attack”, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol. 3, Gregorio Martinez Perez et al. (Eds): Networking Communication and Data Knowledge Engineering, 978-981-10-4584-4, 427613_1_En, (4).
  30. Lucy Sumi and Virender Ranga, “Sensor enabled Internet of Things for smart cities”, Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2016 Fourth IEEE International Conference on, pp. 295-300, 2016.
  31. Gaurav Kumar and Virender Ranga, “Meta-heuristics for relay node placement problem in wireless sensor networks”, Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2016 Fourth IEEE International Conference on, pp. 375-380, 2016.
  32. Virender Ranga and Ramya Sharma, "Federating Disjoint Segments in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Jumping Particle Swarm Optimization", in the Proceeding of International Conference on ‘Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications’ (ERCICA-2016), July 2016, Bangalore, pp. 1-7.
  33. Virender Ranga and Abhishek Verma, "Relay Node Placement in Constrained Environment", in the Proceeding 2016 International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE 2016), 22-23 September 2016, SRM University, Delhi NCR Campus Ghaziabad, Uttarpradesh, India, pp. 539-544.
  34. Virender Ranga and Abhishek Verma, "An Obstacle-resistance Relay Node Placement in Constrained environment", Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 539-544, 2016.
  35. Virender Ranga and Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “Lost Connectivity Restoration in Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD - 2015), Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India, vol. 409, no. 2, pp. 89-98, 07/2015.
  36. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “Relay Node Placement for Lost Connectivity Restoration in Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ECS 2015), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 170-175, 04/2015 
  37. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “A Fuzzy Logic based Joint Intra-cluster and Inter-cluster Multi-hop Data Dissemination Approach in Large Scale WSNs”, in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Future Computational Technologies (ICFCT 2015), Singapore, pp. 71-77, 03/2015. 
  38. Abhishek Verma and Virender Ranga, “Relay Node Placement Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT 2015), pp. 1384-1389, 2015. 
  39. Ramya Sharma and Virender Ranga, “Placement of Relay Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT 2015), pp. 999-1004, 2015.
  40. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, "Modified Max-Min Algorithm for Game Theory", 2015 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, pp. 154-157, Haryana, 21-22 Feb. 2015
  41. Virender Ranga and Arun Kumar, “A Cluster Based Coordination and Communication Framework Using GA for WSANs”, in Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), vol. 299, 2014, pp 111-124. 
  42. Tanu Pathak, Bhawana and Virender Ranga, "Network Connectivity Maintenance of Wireless Sensor Netwiorks in Node Failure-Prone Environment: A Survey", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (IndiaCom-2014), pp. 685-691, 2014. 
  43. Bhawana, Tanu Pathak and Virender Ranga, “A Comprehensive Survey of Clustering Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of ERCICA 2014 - EMERGING RESEARCH IN COMPUTING, INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND APPLICATIONS, pp. 23-34,2014, Elsevier. 
  44. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “A Novel Clustering Approach Using Cooperative Multihop Micro-groups in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Sensor Networks, Odisha, India, Odhisa, India, 12/2014. 
  45. Virender Ranga, Mayank Dave and A.K. Verma, “A Distributed Approach for Selection of Optimal Actor Nodes in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks”, in Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), MYSORE, 11/2014.

​Awards Received:

  1. Ranked  in Top 2% Scientists in the World by Stanford University, USA & Elsevier in  October 2022 & October 2023 in the area of Networking & Telecommunications . 
  2. Got 01 Research Award & 01 Citation Award from DTU in March 2023. 
  3. Young Faculty Award in 2016, conferred by Hon'ble Justice T.N. Vallinayagam, High Court Chennai and Prof. Ahmed Ammar, University of Damman, Saudi Arabia, University of Stirling, Scotland in an Academic Meet at Chennai. 

PhD Supervisions:  (a) Thesis Awarded/Submitted: 06

  1. Dr. Abhishek Verma (2020)-NITKKR, Thesis Title: Design and Development of Intrusion Detection Systems for Internet of Things as a sole Supervisor with research outcomes: SCI/SCIE-06, Scopus-02, Conferences-02, Book Chapter-01.
  2. Dr. Gopal Singh Kushwah (2021)-NITKKR, Thesis Title: Design and Development of DDoS Attack Detection Techniques for Cloud Computing as sole Supervisor with research outcomes: SCI/SCIE-04, Scopus-01, Conferences-02, Book Chapter-01.
  3. Dr. Rochak Swami (2022)-NITKKR, Thesis Title: DDoS Defense Mechanisms for Software-defined Networks as Co-Supervisor with reserach outcomes: SCI/SCIE-05, Scopus-01, Conferences-02, Book Chapters-02.
  4. Dr. Aditi Zear (2023)-NITKKR, Thesis Title: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Assisted Approaches for Network Partition Detection and Recovery in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks  as  Supervisor with research outcomes: SCI/SCIE-04, Conferences-02, Book Chapter-01.
  5. Dr. Ravinder Kumar(2024)-DCRUST, Murthal, Sonipat, Thesis Title: Design and Development of security mechanism for Internet of Things as  Co-Supervisor with research outcomes: SCI/SCIE-02, Scopus-01, Conferences-02, Book Chapter-01.
  6. Dr. Sunakshi Mehra (2024)-DTU, Delhi, Tittle: Design and Development of Fusion Framework using Phonemes and Morphemes for Spoken Word Recognition as Supervisor with research outcomes: SCI/SCIE-04, Conferences-02.

Last Updated : 2024-01-09 04:12:20