Prof. Vinod Singh

Head of Department (HOD), Department of Applied Physics

Email: ,


B.Sc. (Gold Medal), M.Sc. (Physics) (Gold Medal), Ph. D. , IIT Delhi

Areas of Interest

Material science- Sensors, 2D materials, Synthesis and characterization of functional nanomaterials and explore their size dependent properties and applications

Official Address:

Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Singh

Head of Department (HOD)

Department of Applied Physics ,

Delhi Technological University,

Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042, India


Mobile: 9811701225


Educational Qualifications

  1. Ph.D.- Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. 
  2. M.Sc.- Department of Physics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. University Gold Medalist.
  3. B.Sc.- Mohta College Sadulpur (Churu), M.D.S. University, Ajmer. University Gold Medalist.


Employment (Total Teaching and Research Experience-More than 21 Years)

  1. Head of Department (HOD), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (11th March 2025- Till Date)
  2. Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (Since August 2020)
  3. Associate Director, Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Delhi Technological University, New Delhi -110042,India (Additional Charge) (12th April 2021- 31st December 2023) 
  4. Associate Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (August 2017- August 2020)
  5. Assistant Professor (AGP-8000), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (August 2014- August 2017)
  6. Assistant Professor (AGP-7000), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (August 2009- August 2014)
  7. Assistant Professor (AGP-6000) /Lecturer in Physics, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi College of Engineering (Now Delhi Technological University), New Delhi (August 2003- August 2009)

Administrative Assignments: (University Administration)

  1. Head of Department (HOD), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (11th March 2025- Till Date)
  2. Member, Academic Council, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (11th March 2025- Till Date)
  3. Chairperson, Board of Studies (BOS), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi.
  4. Chairperson, Department Purchase Committe (DPC), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi.
  5. Associate Director, Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Delhi Technological University, New Delhi -110042,India (Additional Charge) (12th April 2021- 31st December 2023) 
  6. Convener, Institution's Innovation Council (IIC)- Delhi Technological University, New Delhi. (September 2022- Till Date)
  7. Chairperson, M.Sc. Admissions 2024-2025,  Delhi Technological University, New Delhi 
  8. Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi (Since August 2020).
  9. Convener, International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (ICAMNOP-2023) to be held at DTU on December 20-22, 2023.
  10. Convener, DST sponsored 7 days STUTI training program on “Synthesis Methods and Characterizations of Materials and Biomolecules” organized by the Department of Applied Physics DTU in association with Jamia Hamdard (PMU-DST) during November 16-22, 2022.
  11. Convener, International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (CAMNP-2019) held at DTU on December 18-20, 2019.
  12. Member, Department Research Committe (DRC), Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi.
  13. External Member (Outside Expert), UG Board of Studies (BOS), Physics, M. D. University, Rohtak.
  14. External Member, Department Research Committe (DRC), Department of Physics, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut.
  15. Editor, Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol 271.
  16. Editor, Conference proceedings for the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (CAMNP-2019).
  17. Co-Chairman Expert Talk on “Process of Innovation Development and Technology Readiness Level: Case of E-Mobility” on 28th February 2023, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, 
  18. Co-Chairman, National Seminar on NEP on 24.02.2023 organized by Department of Applied Physics in association with IIC-DTU
  19. Coordinator, National Seminar on National Science Day Celeberations on 28.02.2023 organized by HRDC-DTU in association with IIC-DTU and Department of Applied Physics DTU. 
  20. Coordinator, National Seminar on National Science Day Celeberations on 28.02.2024 organized by Department of Applied Physics DTU in association with IIC-DTU.
  21. Coordinator, National Seminar on National Science Day Celeberations on 28.02.2025 organized by Department of Applied Physics DTU in association with IIC-DTU.
  22. MHRD- NTA Representative in NEET examination 2019: I have been appointed as MHRD-NTA representative by the Director General, National Testing Agency (NTA) for the conduct of National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (UG)- NEET (UG)-2019 held on 5th may 2019.

Sponsored Research Projects

  1. AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) sponsored research project on “Design and Fabrication of Hydrogen Gas Sensor Using Metal-Carbon Nanoparticles” (2020-2023) [Principal Investigator -Dr. Vinod Singh]
  2. DTU sponsored research project on “To Study the Hydrogen Induced Structural Changes in Pd-C Nanoparticles” (2019-2021) [Principal Investigator -Dr. Vinod Singh]
  3. AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) sponsored project MODROB [Co-PI]

Awards and Recognitions

  1. Convener, International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (CAMNP-2019) held at DTU during 18th -20th December, 2019.
  2. A Patent has been granted for an invention titled “A Process for Synthesis of Metal Core-Carbon Shell Nanoparticles”.Patent No. 301873. Date of Grant- 04/10/2018. Application No- 2178/DEL/2015. Date of Filing-17/07/2015
  3. Research Excellence Award (Commendable Research Award) for Excellence in Research in recognition for the research during the year 2023 in Research Excellence Award Ceremony at DTU on 5th September 2024. 
  4. Research Excellence Award (Commendable Research Award) for Excellence in Research in recognition for the research during the year 2022 in Research Excellence Award Ceremony at DTU on 6th April,2023. 
  5. Research Excellence Award (Commendable Research Award) for Excellence in Research in recognition for the research during the year 2021 in Research Excellence Award Ceremony at DTU on 3rd March, 2022.
  6. Research Excellence Award (Commendable Research Award) for Excellence in Research in recognition for the research during the year 2018 in Research Excellence Award Ceremony at DTU on 19st March, 2019.
  7. Research Excellence Award (Commendable Research Award) for Excellence in Research in recognition for the research during the year 2017 in Research Excellence Award Ceremony at DTU on 21st March, 2018.
  8. Best presentation award with award money of Rs 5000/- by Bharat Ratn Prof. C. N. R. Rao in Nano India 2017 conference organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi held at IIT Delhi during March 15-16, 2017.
  9. University Gold Medal in Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) by M.D.S. University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
  10. Bhamashah Award (Gold Medal), being the highest scorer in B.Sc. among all Universities of Rajasthan, awarded by Maharana Mewar Foundation, Udaipur. The award was presented by Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, Nobel Laureate in Literature.
  11. University Gold Medal in Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Physics by University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
  12. National Eligibility Test (NET) with Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), qualified in December 2001 held jointly by University Grant Commission (UGC) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
  13. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2002 qualified.
  14. Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST)-2001, qualified and susequently selected for JRF at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmadabad, India and Institute of Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar, India.
  15. Selected on the post of Scientist -B in Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
  16. Received Scholarship through ‘Gramin Pratibha Khoj Priksha’ (Rural Talent Search Examination).
  17. Selected on the post of Lecturer in Physics, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi College of Engineering (DCE), Government of NCT of Delhi by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Delhi, India at the age of 23 years.
  18. Scored FIRST position in essay writing competition at IIT Delhi during “Hindi  Pakhawara”  29th September 2014.
  19. Awarded the travel grant of Rs 90232/- by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) of DST, Govt. of India under  International Travel Support Scheme (ITS) for participating in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit 2015 held in BOSTON, USA
  20. Awarded the travel grant of Rs 25000/- by Centre for International Cooperation in Science (CICS) for participating in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit 2015 held in BOSTON, USA
  21. Awarded the financial assistance of Rs 20000/- by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi.
  22.  Proposal for beam time has been accepted and required beam time has been allotted against my proposal for beam time request and subsequent presentation made before Accelerator Users Committee of Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi.
  23. Awarded Fellowship/Assistantship through Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Patent Granted

  1. Vinod Singh, B. R. Mehta, and Saurabh K. Sengar  “A Process for Synthesis of Metal Core-Carbon Shell Nanoparticles”

     Patent No. 301873, Date of Grant- 04/10/2018. Application No- 2178/DEL/2015. Date of Filing-17/07/2015

Book Published

  1. Vinod Singh (Single Author) - A book titled as “Applied Physics Practical-II” is published. ISBN -978-81-930772-0-7.


List of Papers Published in Peer Reviewd Journals/ Conferences


  1. Potential application of reduced graphene oxide in electrocatalyst for hydrogen/oxygen evaluation reaction in water-splitting
    J Singh, PK Tyagi, V Singh
    Diamond and Related Materials 154, 112113 (Impact Factor- 4.3)
  2. Investigation of MoS2-hydrogen interaction using in-situ X-ray diffraction studies
    R Kumar, NK Chourasia, PK Kulriya, M Kumar, V Singh
    Applied Physics A 131, 14 (Impact Factor- 2.5)
  3. Potential application of p-type diamane as back surface field layer in silicon-based heterojunction solar cells
    Naima, PK Tyagi, V Singh
    Semiconductor Science and Technology 39, 125021 (Impact Factor- 1.9 )
  4. Doped diamane: An efficient electron/hole collection layer in HIT solar cell
    Naima, PK Tyagi, V Singh
    Materials Science and Engineering: B 310 (December 2024), 117754 (Impact Factor- 3.9)
  5. Enhanced dual gas sensing performance of MoS2/MoO3 nanostructures for NH3 and NO2 detection
    Priya Pradeep Kumar, Vinod Singh
    Ceramics International 50 (12), 21978-21988 (Impact Factor- 5.2)
  6. Exploration of structural and dielectric properties of orthorhombic Ta2O5 nanoplatelets towards the potential optoelectronics devices
    Shivani Sangwan, Ramcharan Meena, Renuka Bokolia, Vinod Singh, Deshraj Meena
    Materials Today Communications 38, 108468 (Impact factor-3.8)
  7. Dielectric behavior and impedance spectroscopy of Niobium substituted Lanthanum based orthovanadates at high temperatures
    Ashok Kumar, Vikas N. Thakur, Ajay Kumar, Vinod Singh, Anita Dhaka, Rajendra S. Dhaka
    Ceramics International 50 (4), 6735-6744 (Impact factor-5.2)
  8. Unveiling the potential of Ti3C2Tx MXene for gas sensing: recent developments and future perspectives
    Nitesh K.Chourasia, Ankita Rawat, Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, Hemant Singh, Ramesh Kumar Kulriya, Vinod Singh, Pawan Kumar Kulriya
    Materials Advances 2023 (4), 5948-5973 (Impact factor-5.0)
  9. Utilization of Active Carbon Black with SnO2/MoS2 Nanocomposites for the Efficient Detection of NO2 Molecules
    Priya Pradeep Kumar, Sumit Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, Vinod Singh
    IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (23), 28626 - 28632 (Impact Factor- 4.3)
  10. Effect of Precursors’ Concentration on Structural and Electronic Properties of Ammonium Ions (NH4+) Intercalated 1T/2H Phase MoS2
    Priya Pradeep Kumar, Vinod Singh
    Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences 30, 719-723
  11. Affinity Optimization of Commercially Available Crystalline-Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell by Using AFORS-HET Software
    Naima, PK Tyagi, V Singh
    Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (Springer Proceedings in Materials) SPM, Volume 28 Select Proceedings of ICNOC 2022 International Conference on Nanotechnol: Opportumities & Challenges
  12. Influence of Al3+ co-doped ions for the improvement of orange-reddish light emitting photoluminescence characteristics of Gd2Ti2O7:Eu3+ pyrochlore
    Umang Berwal, Vinod Singh, Rinku Sharma, Pawan Kumar Kulriya, Ashok Kumar
    Ceramics International 49 (21), 34015-34024 (2023) (Impact Factor- 5.2)
  13. Structural, vibrational and electronic properties of Nb substituted orthovanadates LaV1−xNbxO4
    Ashok Kumar, Anurag Sharma, Madhav Sharma, Vinod Singh, Anita Dhaka, R. S. Dhaka 
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 966, 171506 (2023) (Impact Factor- 6.2)
  14. Investigation of Microstructural, Optical and Electronic Properties of Hydrothermally Synthesized MoS2 Decorated SnO2
    Priya Pradeep Kumar, Vinod Singh
    Springer Proceedings in Physics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnol: Opportumities & Challenges: ICNOC2022 
  15. Structural and Optical Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide 
    Ankita, Umang Berwal, Vinod Singh
    Springer Proceedings in Physics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnol: Opportumities & Challenges: ICNOC2022 
  16. Investigations of atomic disorder and grain growth kinetics in polycrystalline Gd 2 Ti 2 0 7 pyrochlore"
    Ankita, Umang Berwal, Vinod Singh, Y Singh, S Singh
    Springer Proceedings in Physics. Proceedings of 2nd International conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices (AFMD-2023). 
  17. Probing the influence of Ho 3+ doping on structural and magnetic properties of (Gd 1- y Hoy ) 2 Ti 2 O 7 pyrochlore
    Kailash Chandra, Vinod Singh, SK Sharma, PK Kulriya
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 960, 170779 (Impact Factor- 6.371)
  18. Potential application of novel graphene/diamane interface in silicon based heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer solar cell
    Naima, PK Tyagi, Vinod Singh
    Computational Materials Science 226, 112252 (2023) (Impact Factor- 3.572) 
  19. Designing and Analysis of Different Modes of Triboelectric Nanogenerator-based Sensors for IOT
    V Kumar, D Kumar, S Mukta, Vinod Singh
    4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) 2022
  20. Monitoring and sensing of glucose molecule by micropillar coated electrochemical biosensor via CuO/[Fe (CN) 6] 3− and its applications
    P Duhan, D Kumar, M Sharma, D Santhiya, Vinod Singh
    Materials Today: Proceedings
  21. Analogy of gold, silver, copper and aluminium based ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance photonic crystal fiber biosensors
    D Kumar, M Khurana, M Sharma, Vinod Singh
    Materials Today: Proceedings
  22. Effect of Ce4+→Ce3+ conversion on the structural and luminescence properties of Ce4+ doped Gd2Ti2O7 pyrochlore oxide
    Umang Berwal, Vinod Singh, Rinku Sharma
    Journal of Luminescence 257, 119687 (Impact Factor- 4.171) (2023)
  23. La3+ substitution effect on structural and magnetic properties of frustrated Ho2Ti2O7 pyrochlore
    Kailash Chandra, Vinod Singh, SK Sharma, PK Kulriya
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2023) (Impact Factor- 6.371) 
  24. Structural and optical studies on Dy3+ doped Gd2Ti2O7 pyrochlore as white light emission
    Umang Berwal, Vinod Singh, Rinku Sharma
    Ceramics International (2023)  (Impact Factor- 5.532)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  25. Gold/ZnO Interface-Based D-Shaped PCF Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor with Micro-Openings, Analytic Designing, and Some Applications
    Vinod Singh, D Kumar, M Sharma
    Springer Proceedings in Materials 18 (Recent Trends in Materials), 365–376 (2022)
  26. N-type diamane: an effective emitter layer in crystalline Si heterojunction solar cell
    Naima, PK Tyagi, Vinod Singh
    Carbon Trends (2022) 
  27.  Surface Plasmon resonance implemented silver thin film PCF sensor with multiple – Hole microstructure for wide ranged refractive index detection
    D Kumar, M Sharma, Vinod Singh
    Materials Today: Proceedings (2022)
  28.  Key role of Tb3+ doping on structural and photoluminescence properties of Gd2Ti2O7 pyrochlore oxide
    Umang Berwal, Vinod Singh, Rinku Sharma
    Ceramics International (2022) (Impact Factor- 5.532)
  29.  Hydrogen induced structural modifications in size selected Pd-Carbon core-shell NPs: Effect of carbon shell thickness, size and pressure
    Vinod Singh, PK Kulriya, A Kumar, R Kumar, PP Kumar, U Berwal, J Singh, ...

    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2022) Volume 47, Issue 25, Pages 12642-12652, ISSN 0360-3199, (2022) (Impact Factor-7.139)

  30.  Structural magnetic properties correlation in Ge doped frustrated Ho2Ti2O7 pyrochlore
    Kailash Chandra, Vinod Singh, SK Sharma, PK Kulriya
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2022) (Impact Factor- 3.097)
  31. Conductivity and Structure Correlation in Gd2Zr2O7 Pyrochlore for Oxide Fuel Cell Technology
    S Kumari, SK Sharma, PK Kulriya, Vinod Singh, S Bugalia
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical …(2022) 
  32. Structural Properties of TiS/MWCNTs Hybrid Nanostructures
    Vinod Singh, R Sharma
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical …(2022)
  33. Nanodiamonds—Synthesis Techniques, Properties and Applications in Photovoltaics
    S Saini, S Sharma, M Khangembam, V Singh
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical …(2022)
  34. Synthesis of Deformation Resistant Palladium (Pd) Nanoparticle Layer
    SK Sengar, V Singh, PK Kulriya, M Khauja, A Kumar
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical …(2022)
  35. CAMNP 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol 271)
    V Singh, R Sharma, M Mohan, MS Mehata, AK Razdan (2022)
  36.  Structural Hybrid Nanostructures Properties of TiS2/MWCNTs
    Umang berwal, Vinod Singh, Rinku Sharma
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical …(2022)
  37.  Conductivity and Structure Correlation
    S Kumari, SK Sharma, PK Kulriya, V Singh, S Bugalia
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical …(2022) 
  38. Effect of different precursors on morphology of CVD synthesized MoSe2
    VK Yadav, PP Kumar, Vinod Singh
    Materials Today: Proceedings (2022)
  39. Carbon Nanotubes in Emerging Photovoltaics: Progress and Limitations
    Sakshi Sharma, Vinod Singh
    IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2021) Vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 167-178,  doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2021.3113317. (Jan. 2022) (Impact Factor-4.401)  
  40. Nanomaterials Based Biosensors for COVID-19 Detection-A Review
    Sakshi Sharma, Sonakshi Saini, Maya Khangembam, Vinod Singh
    IEEE Sensors Journal (2020)  Vol 21, Issue 5. pp. 5598-5611, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3036748. (2021) (Impact Factor-4.325) 
  41. Structural analysis of the chemical vapour deposition grown molyb-denum disulphide nanofilms for multifaceted applications
    Sonalshi Saini, Maya Khangembam, V Singh
    Indian J. Sci. Technol. 13 (29), 2973-2980 (2020) (Web of Science Indexed) 
  42. R Sharma, N Kodan, Vinod Singh, SN Sharma, OP Sinha
    Renewable Energy 134, 1232-1239 (2019) (Impact Factor-8.634) 
  43.  Room temperature response and enhanced hydrogen sensing in size selected Pd-C core-shell nanoparticles: Role of carbon shell and Pd-C interface
    Vinod Singh, S Dhall, A Kaushal, BR Mehta
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (2), 1025-1033 (2018) (Impact Factor-7.139)  
  44. Achieving independent control of core diameter and carbon shell thickness in Pd-C core–shell nanoparticles by gas phase synthesis
    Vinod Singh, BR Mehta, SK Sengar, OM Karakulina, J Hadermann, A Kaushal
    Nanotechnology 28 (29), 295603 (2017) Nanotechnology, 28, 295603 (2017) (Impact Factor-3.953)
  45.   A process for synthesis of metal core- carbon shell nanoparticles
    Vinod Singh, BR Mehta, SK Sengar
    IN Patent 301,873 (2017)
  46.  Enhanced hydrogenation properties of size selected Pd–C core–shell nanoparticles; effect of carbon shell thickness
    Vinod Singh, BR Mehta, SK Sengar, PK Kulriya, SA Khan, SM Shivaprasad
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (25), 14455-14460 (2015) The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (25), 14455-14460 (2015) (Impact Factor-4.177)
  47. Applied Physics Practical-II (BOOK)
    Vinod Singh (2015)
  48. In-flight gas phase growth of metal/multi layer graphene core shell nanoparticles with controllable sizes
    SK Sengar, BR Mehta, R Kumar, Vinod Singh
    Scientific reports 3 (1), 1-8 (2013) Nature Publishing Group’s Scientific Reports 3, 2814 (2013) (Impact Factor-5.541) 


Membership of Professional bodies

  1. Member of Material Research Society (MRS), Pennsylvania, USA.
  2. Member of American Chemical Society (ACS), Washington DC, USA
  3. Member of International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Sweden
  4. Member of International Solar Energy Society, Freiburg, Germany
  5. Life member of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI).
  6. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
  7. Life member of The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA).
  8. Life member of Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI).
  9. Life member of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT).

  Ph.D. Degree awarded/ Ph.D. Thesis guided:

  1. Dr. Kailash Chandra, Assistant Professor, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi. Title of Thesis: Structural And Magnetic Properties of Pyrochlore Structured Materials
  2. Dr. Umang, Title of Thesis: Structural and Optical Properties of Pyrochlore Structured Materials
  3. Dr. Priya, Title of Thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of 2D Materials for Sensing Application

List of Ph.D. Scholars pursuing their Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree

  1. Mr. Anurag [Since Jan 2019]
  2. Mr. Ashok [Since July 2019], Associate Professor, ARSD College, University of Delhi.
  3. Mr. Jasveer Singh [Since July 2020]
  4. Ms. Naima [Since July 2020]
  5. Mr. Ramesh Kumar [Since Jan 2021]
  6. Ms. Shivani [Since Jan 2022]
  7. Mr. Hemendra Singh [Since July 2022]
  8. Mr. Surya Pratap Singh Shekhawat [Since July 2023]
  9. Mr. Praveen Kumar [Since July 2023]
  10. Mr. Bharat Bhushan [Since July 2024]

List of M.Sc. Students pursued/ pursueing their Masters Dissertation:

  1. Ms. Shivani [May 2020-May 2021]
  2. Mr. Vinay Yadav [May 2020-May 2021]
  3. Mr. Deepak Kumar [May 2021-May 2022]
  4. Ms. Mukta [May 2021-May 2022]
  5. Mr. Vishwwas Kumar  [May 2022- May 2023]
  6. Ms. Madhur  [May 2022- May 2023]
  7. Ms. Ankita Tondak  [May 2022- May 2023]
  8. Ms. Purva Duhan [May 2022- May 2023]
  9. Ms. Kanika Singh [May 2023- May 2024]
  10. Ms. Anjali [May 2023- May 2024]

List of B.Tech. (Engineering Physics)Students pursuing/pursued their B.Tech. Dissertation:   50+ B.Tech. Dissertations

  1. Ms. Meenal Chaudhary [Aug 2018- May 2019]
  2. Mr. Manil Kumar Kashyap [Aug 2018- May 2019]
  3. Mr. Deepak Kumar Koli [Aug 2018- May 2019]
  4. Ms. Sakshi Sharma [Aug 2019- May 2020]
  5. Ms. Sonakshi Sinha  [Aug 2019- May 2020]
  6. Ms. Maya Khangembam  [Aug 2019- May 2020]
  7. .....
  8. .....
  9. ....
  10. Mr. Ajay Singh [Aug 2022- May 2023]
  11. Mr. Aman [Aug 2022- May 2023]
  12. Mr. Aryan Dabas [Aug 2022- May 2023]
  13. Mr. Himanshu Kumar [Aug 2022- May 2023]
  14. Mr. Nikhil [Aug 2022- May 2023]
  15. Mr. Piyush Kumar Jha [Aug 2022- May 2023]
  16. Ms. Prerna Kaushik [May 2023- till date]

Invited Talk/ Technical Session

Last Updated : 2025-03-28 17:27:38