Prof. S. K. Singh
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Email: sksinghdce@gmail.com
Areas of Interest
Environmental Engineering/ Water Pollution Control /Water Resource Management
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/profsksinghdtu/home 3. Present postal address : Type V/29 Delhi Technological University Campus (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering) Bawana Road, Delhi- 110 042 4. Contact NOs : Phone: 011-27871061(R), 27890035(O) 9891599903 (M) E-mail : 1. sksinghdce@gmail.com 2. sksingh@dce.ac.in 3. singhsk@email.com Web : profsksingh.com 5. Nationality : Indian 6. Date of Birth : 25th July, 1964 8. Field/Area of Specialisation : Environmental Engineering/ Water Pollution Control /Water Resource Management/ Environmental Biotechnology 9. Topic of Ph.D : Ground Water Contamination in the vicinity of Khetri Copper Complex, Rajasthan. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE: Chairman, Delhi State EDUSAT Program, Delhi State EDUSAT Hub and studio for transmission of technical lectures is being established. Also 50 SITs in various technical institutions is in progress. Chief Warden, Delhi College of Engineering, Farewell of outgoing students was restarted in the hostels. Proposal for new undergraduate, postgraduate and girls hostels were also given. Chairman, Sports Council, Delhi College of Engineering (Inter departmental sports function “ARENA” was organized). Started and worked as Advisor, “Green Stream” (a professional association of Environmental Engineering students, Delhi College of Engineering. A website www.greenstream-dce.net.org has also been launched for the same; Organized seminar “ENVISAGE” for Environmental Engineering students every year). Bring up Chairman of Local Chapter of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE) at Delhi College of Engineering (ISTE DCE Chapter). Elected Executive Member, Environmental Engg. Division of Delhi State Centre, Institution of Engineers (India). 9. AWARDS & HONOURS: 10. AFFILIATION WITH PROFESSIONAL BODIES 11. NUMBER OF DESSERTATIONS / THESIS SUPERVISED. B.Tech M.Tech Ph.D 150 60 12 PROJECTS COMPLETED: 61 Assessment of Groundwater Quality of an Industrial Area Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis: A Case Study of Ghaziabad, U. P. By – Deepika. 60 Urban Air Quality and Its Impact on Human Health: A Case Study of Pune City By– Raj Shailesh Kanakiya. 59 Characterization of Leachate of Bhalaswa Landfill and its Impact on The Groundwater Quality By - Anshika Bisht. 58 Study of Leaching Characteristics of Stainless Steel Pickling Sludge & Its Utilization with Concrete Using Taguchi Methodology, - By Sakshi Garg, 2014 57 Application of Fuzzy Technique for Sustainability Evaluation of Transportation Corridors During Construction – By Sameer Verma, 2014 56 Design and Performance Evaluation of Functionalized Polymer Packed Continuous Reactor for Treating Industrial Dye, Methylene Blue – By Arpita Anand, 2014 55 De-Fluoridation of Water Using Low Cost and Locally Available Raw Materials, - By Abhas Jain, 2014 54 Evaluation of Water Quality in Urban Delhi Stretch of river Yamuna Using Statistical Methods – By Shashank Shekhar Singh, 2014 53 Simulation of Contaminant Transport from Landfill Site: A Case Study of Okhla Landfill – By Archana Chawla, 2014 52 Characterization of Rural Drinking Water Source with Removal of High Chloride Through Bio adsorption: A Case Study – By Lokesh Kumar, 2014 51 Adsorption of Methylene Blue dye from Industrial Effluents by Polymer Polyaniline Synthesized on Jute Fibre – By Shashi Tiwari, 2014 50 Water Quality Modelling of river Yamuna Using MATLAB Programming, - By Sarah Khan, 2013 49 Performance evaluation of STPs based on different technologies in Delhi/NCR – By Charu Sharma, 2013 48 Study Of ground water contamination due to landfills in Delhi –By Kalyan Sagar Singhal,2012 47 Application of life cycle cost analysis in selection of best techno-economical Water Supply system – By Manender Mahour, 2012 46 Performance evaluation of ASP based 16 MGD sewage treatment plant at Okhla, Delhi - By Vijay Kumar Gupta,2012 45 Greenhouse gas emissions inventory of wastewater treatment plants of Delhi/NCR-By Diksha Gupta,2012 44 A dissertation on assessment of Nitrate contamination in groundwater of Delhi using Mathematical Modelling –By Abhishek Kumar Singh ,2012 43 Study of Status of Ambient air Quality and its seasonal variations at DCE, Delhi, - By Ravi Aggarwal (2009) 42 Performance Study of Sewage Treatment Plants at Okhla, -By Surender Rana (2009) 41 Performance Study of Effluent Treatment Plant of Slaughter House at Ghazipur, Delhi, -By Gunjan Thakur (2009) 40 Application of Life Cycle Cost analysis in Evaluation of Waste Water Treatment Technology, -By Dheeraj Kumar (2009) 39 Study of River Yamuna in and around Delhi, -By Kuldeep Singh Mann (2009) 38 Assessment of Surface Water Quality Modelling using Water Quality Models, -By Vandana Goyal (2006) 37 Performance Evaluation of ASP Based 16MGD Sewage Treatment Plant at Okhla, Delhi, -By Vijay Kumar Gupta, (2006) 36 Performance Evaluation Study of Biological Sewage Treatment Plant – By Ravinder Kumar Tomar, 2006 35 Management of Dairy farm waste generated in Delhi. – By Jagat Singh Yadav ,2006 34 Modelling of Arsenic transport in groundwater using MODFLOW. –By Phurailatpam Supriya, 2005 33 Non-Conventional Prototype for Combined Sewage Treatment at IARI Micro-Watershed, New Delhi, -By Charan Singh, (2004) 32 Modelling of Nitrate Transport in Ground Water using Finite Element Method, -By Anjesh Garg (2004) 31 Evaluation of Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand Reduction Potential of Specific Bacterial Isolates, -By Bhuwnesh Gupta (2004) 30 Performance appraisal of Effluent Treatment Plant at United Breweries Limited, Bhiwadi, -By Sameer Gaur (2004) 29 Studies on Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated with Nitro Compounds. - By Sarvar Khan (2002). 28 Assessment of Air Pollution Status and Forecast of an Air Quality Index for Delhi, - By Vikram Rajola (2002). 27 A comprehensive study of Treatment of Agro-based small Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater by Dissolved Air Floatation with Conventional Treatment. - By S.Kumar Singh (2002). 26 Treatment of Textile effluent by physico- chemical process using some adsorbents - By Adarsh Kumar, P.E.C. Chandigarh, 1998 25 Treatment of Black Liquor from Pulp and Paper industry by sorption on some Adsorbents, - By Kulwinder Singh, P.E.C., Chandigarh (1998). 24 Anaerobic treatment of Industrial and Domestic wastes. - By Y.Y.C. Roy (1993) 23 Comprehensive study of pollution potential in Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan.- By R.K.Singh (1993). 22 Environment Impact Assessment of water resources projects. - By Millind S. Pattiwar (1992). 21 Energy from wastes.- By Ashwin Anand Moghe (1992). 20 Commercial energy in India: resources, availability & its environmental impact.- By S.Venkatramana Reddy (1992). 19 Mathematical modelling in ground water pollution. - By Sanjay Gupta (1992). 18 Numerical simulation in groundwater studies.- By S.S.Gaur (1991). 17 Study on ground water pollution from Industries.- By B.N.Reddy (1991). 16 Mathematical modelling in air pollution.- By N.S.Reddy (1991). 15 Study on ground water pollution potential in Jhunjhunu district Rajasthan.- By Vivek Anand (1991). 14 Simulation in ground water contamination.- By Rajbir Singh (1990). 13 Fluidised bed treatment technology: a comprehensive study of fluidised bed treatment with activated sludge process.- By Priya Kohali (1989). 12 Characterisation of groundwater of Pilani.- By Raju M. Ghinmine (1989). 11 Computer aided analysis and design of gravity dams.- By Deepak Pattiwar (1989). 10 Analysis of groundwater of Rajasthan state.- By Y.P.Rao (1989). 9 Studies on Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated with Nitro Compounds.- By Sarvar Khan. 8 Assessment of Air Pollution Status and Forecast of an Air Quality Index for Delhi.- By Vikram Rajola. 7 A study on management of biomedical waste at NCT of Delhi.- By Rajeev Sharma. 6 Study on emissions from Biomass Burning & its impact on Environment.- By Rachna Patel. 5 A comprehensive study of treatment of agro based small pulp and paper mill wastewater by dissolved air floatation with conventional treatment - By S. Kumar Singh. 4 Environmental impact assessment of a hydro based project- By Sanjay Kumar. 3 A study and analysis of noise pollution at signalised intersection in Delhi - By Mukul Kumar. 2 Impact of industrial development on ground water quality: A Case Study- By Amjad Khan. 1 Development of calibrator for fine particulate volume Sampler - By Hemant Kumar. 13. REVIEWER/MEMBER OF EDITORIAL BOARD FOR THE JOURNAL : RESEARCH PAPERS: Number of Research Papers Published : 209 National and International Journals : 126 Papers published in Seminar/ Conferences : 60 Number of Books published : 3 183 Allaa M Aenab, SK Singh et al. (2016), Algae personification toxicity by GC–MASS and treatment by using material potassium permanganate in exposed basin, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum – Elsevier, 27 · November 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpe.2016.10.020 182 181 180 A Katiyar, SK Singh, AK Haritash,(2017).EFFECT OF ODD EVEN SCHEME TO COMBAT AIR POLLUTION IN NCT OF DELHI. International journal of Advanced Research 5 (2), 1215-1222 179 A Kaushal, SK Singh (2017), Removal of heavy metals by nanoadsorbents: A review, Journal of Environment & Biotechnology Research 6 (1), 96-104 178 SK Singh, S Mannan (2017). SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL ANALYSIS OF WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS OF A HIMALAYAN LAKE (DAL LAKE) BY MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS; International Journal of Advanced Research 5 (1), 135-147 177 Sakshi, ,S.K.Singh, A.K.Haritash(2017), Environmental Biotechnology for control of environmental pollution. Proceedings of International conference on Emerging areas of Environmental Science and Engineering EAESE-2017,February 16-18,2017 176 Paridhi Rustogi* and Prof. S. K. Singh (2017). REVIVAL AND REJUVENATION STRATEGY OF WATER BODIES IN A METROPOLITAN CITY: A CASE STUDY OF NAJAFGARH LAKE, DELHI, INDIA. International Journal of Advanced Research 5 (2), 189-195 175 Vandana Shan,S.K.Singh and A.K.Haritash (2017),Water quality Indices to determine the surface water quality of Bhindawas Wetland..Proceedings of International conference on Emerging areas of Environmental Science and Engineering EAESE-2017,February 16-18,2017 174 A.A. Gour, S. K. Singh, A. Mandal (2016). “A glance at the world: Composition, trends and impacts of municipal solid waste in India”, Waste Management – Elsevier. 55 (2016), I-III . doi.org/10.1016/S0956-053X(IG) 303999-3. 173 172 Achla Kaushal, S. K. Singh (2016). “Critical Analysis of adsorption data statistically”, Appl. Water Science -Springer, September 2016, DOI 10.1007/s13201-016-0466-4. 171 170 169Professor & Dean (AA)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Delhi Technological University
(formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road , Delhi-42 .
Sunita Bansal, Srijit Biswas, S.K.Singh (2019) Holistic Assessment of Existing Buildings: Indian Context, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 25. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2019.100793
S.K.Singh, Vinay Prabhakar (2019) Simulation of Atmospheric Pollutants Dispersion in an Urban Environment, International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security (IJIRIS), Vol. 6, No. 02, pp 29-39.
Lokesh Kumar, SK Singh (2019) Leachate Characters and Impact at Bhalswa Landfill Site in Delhi, India, International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 19-22
Sunita Bansal, Srijit Biswas, S.K.Singh (2019) Holistic Assessment of Existing Buildings: Indian Context, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 25. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2019.100793
Sunita Bansal, Srijit Biswas, S.K. Singh (2019) Review of Green Building Movement and appraisal of rating systems in Indian Context, International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 18, No.1.
C. Lakhan, A.A. Gour, S.K. Singh, A. Mandal, S.S. Ponnaluru (2016) A Glance at the World: Composition, Trends and Impacts of Municipal Solid Waste in India, Waste Management, 55, I–III. DOI:10.1016/s0956-053x(16)30399-3
Shishir Bansal, S.K. Singh (2018) Sustainability Analysis of Transportation Corridors under construction in an Urban Environment, 7-11 October, FIB Congress, Melborne, Australia, pp. 592-593
Sakshi, S. K. Singh, A. K. Haritash (2019) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Soil Pollution and Remediation, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s13762-019-02414-3
Vandana Shan, S.K. Singh, A.K. Haritash, Preliminary assessment of Water quality of Bhindawas wetland for irrigation, Haryana, India, Proc. of 3rd GoGreen Summit, BioLeagues, Manila, Phillipine, 23rd -24th March 2018, ISBN: 978-81-932966-1-5, pp 33-34
Shreya Gupta, S.K. Singh, Management of Sewage in NCT of Delhi, India, Proc. of 3rd GoGreen Summit, BioLeagues, Manila, Phillipine, 23rd -24th March 2018, ISBN: 978-81-932966-1-5, pp 37-38.
Sakshi, S.K.Singh, A.K. Haritash, Poly-aromatic Hydrocarbons: Soil Pollution and Bioremediation, Proc. of 3rd GoGreen Summit, BioLeagues, Manila, Phillipine, 23rd -24th March 2018, ISBN: 978-81-932966-1-5, pp 29-30
S.K. Singh and Shailvy Kaushik. (2018); Qualitative Study of Yamuna Water across the Delhi Stretch. Int. J. of Adv. Res. Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 1127-1137
Vandana Shan, S.K.Singh, A.K.Haritash (2018) Status & Management of Wetlands in India, Int. Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICAR-2018), New Delhi, Jan 2018
Shreya Gupta, S.K. Singh, Vishal Gandhi (2018) Sewage Treatment & Disposal in Delhi, Proceedings of Int. Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICAR-2018), New Delhi, Jan 2018
Shreya Gupta, S.K. Singh, Vishal Gandhi (2018) A Study on Sewage treatment & Disposal in Delhi, International Journal of Advance Research & Innovation (IJARI) Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 88-91
Sunita Bansal, Srijit Biswas, S.K. Singh, (2018) "Fuzzy TOPSIS based holistic assessment of regions: context of India", Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, https://doi.org/10.1108/SASBE-06-2017-0024
S.K. Singh, Kanishk Bakshi, Anubha Mandal (2018) Artificial Rainfall & Sedimentation by water using Quadcopter for control of Suspended Sand and Dust,34th National Convention of Environmental Engineers and National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Climate Change, The Institution of Engineers (India), Delhi State Centre, August 10-11, 2018
S.K. Singh, P. Singh (2018) Constructed Wetland As A Green Technology For Waste Water Treatment, 34th National Convention of Environmental Engineers and National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Climate Change, The Institution of Engineers (India), Delhi State Centre, August 10-11, 2018
S.K. Singh, Shivraj Sahai (2018) Significance of atmospheric submicron particulate matter,34th National Convention of Environmental Engineers and National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Climate Change, The Institution of Engineers (India), Delhi State Centre, August 10-11, 2018
S.K. Singh, Vinay Prabhakar (2018) Simulation of Dispersion of pollutant in NCT of Delhi,34th National Convention of Environmental Engineers and National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Climate Change, The Institution of Engineers (India), Delhi State Centre, August 10-11, 2018
S.K. Singh, R.K. Mishra (2018) Study on particulate matter status in Delhi, Networking Workshop with Academic and R&D Institutions, Clean Air for Delhi Campaign, Organised by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, February 16th, New Delhi,
Banal S, Biswas S, Singh SK (2017) Fuzzy decision approach for selection of most suitable construction method of Green Buildings, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment-ELSEVIER http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsbe.2017.02.005S
S.K. Singh, Deepika (2017) Assessment of water quality parameters of Bhalswa Lake in New Delhi, International Journal of Environmental Engineering - Inderscience, 9(1), 52-69. DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2017.10008926
Achla Kaushal, S.K. Singh (2017) Adsorption Phenomenon and Its Application in Removal of Lead from Waste Water: A Review, International Journal of Hydrology, 1 (2), 1-11. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2017.01.00008
Haritash AK, Mathur K, Singh P, Singh SK (2017) Hydro chemical characterization and suitability assessment of groundwater in Baga–Calangute stretch of Goa, India Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:341 DOI 10.1007/s12665-017-6679-5-SPRINGER
Vandana Shan, SK Singh, AK Haritash (2017) Major Ions Chemistry of Surface Water in Bhindwas Wetland. International journal of Advanced Research and Innovation 5 (1), 117-121
S. Bansal, A. Singh, S. K. Singh (2017).Sustainability evaluation of two iconic bridge corridors under construction using Fuzzy Vikor technique: A case study, Revista ALCONPAT 7 (1), 1-14
S.K.Singh(2017),Present Scenario & Challenges of Solid Waste Management in India, Proceedings of International conference on Emerging areas of Environmental Science and Engineering EAESE-2017,February 16-18,2017
Allaa M Aenab, SK Singh et al. (2016), SORTING OF GLOSSIPHONDIA COMPLANATA (LINNAEUS, 1758) (RHYNCOBDELLI: GLOSSIPHONIIDAE) FROM THREE AQUATIC PLANTS IN RIVER TIGRIS WITHIN BAGHDAD CITY, , Egyptian Journal of Petroleum – Elsevier, 27 · November 2016 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpe.2016.11.001.
Anunay Gour, S. K. Singh, Anubha Mandal (2016). “Occupational Hazard Posed to labourer operators at landfill sites”, Proc. of 3rd Intl. Conference on occupational & Env. Health, 23-25 Sept. 2016, New Delhi
Shishir Bansal, S.K. Singh(2016),“Sustainability features of an elevated road corridor under construction in an urban environment”t, Proc.2nd International Conference on Concrete Sustainability ICCS2016, Madrid, Spain.
Singh SK, Anunay G, Rohit G, Shivangi G and Vipul V(2016). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfills: ACase of NCT of Delhi, India. J Climatology & Weather Forecasting 2016, 4:
Last Updated : 2019-09-02 07:17:09