Dr. Suresh Kr. Garg
Mechanical Engineering
Email: skgarg63@yahoo.co.in
M Tech, PhD
Areas of Interest
Independent Director on the Board of Navratna Public Sector Undertaking for three years from October 2012. Recipient of Dewang Mehta Best Professor in Manufacturing in 2015. Current Teaching and Research Focus Manufacturing Process & Automation, Technology Management, Decision Science, Production Management, Materials Management, Operations Research, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Strategy, Production Planning and Control Current and Previous Administrative Responsibilities: Other Significant Achievements/ Contributions: Other Professional Activities PhD Guided (Completed / In Progress) Guided 1 Some studies on Competitiveness of Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) (Rajesh Kumar Singh) 2 Study of Flexibilities in FMS (Pramod M) 3 Supply Chain Management in Advanced Manufacturing Systems (VivekChanderPandey) 4 Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium Enterprises 5 Lean manufacturing Practices in India (Bhim Singh) 6 Lean Manufacturing System (NitinUpadhe) 7 Production Planning and Control in Automobile Service Centre (Rishu Sharma) 8 Design of Stretcher like Products using Integrated Design Strategies (Prem Chand Gupta) 9 Modeling of AGVs in FMS (Ravinder Kumar) 10 Study of Supply Chain Management Practices in Processed Food Sector in India and Germany (Rajneesh Mahajan) 11 Study of Flexibilities on the Operational Performance of FMSs (Durgesh Sharma) 12 Supply Chain Management (Hari Om Sharma) 13 Perspectives in Reverse Supply Chain Management(R-SCM) (Arvind Jayant) 14 Economical Environmental and Trade Impact of Remanufacturing (Vaishali Sharma) In Progress 1 Content Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices and Implications (UpaliBiswas) 2 Logistics Management in India: A System Dynamics Study (Amrita Jhawar) 3 Impact of Retail Attributes on Consumer Perception and Buying Behaviour (Shalini Yadav) 4 Study of Quality and Employability Gaps in Technical Education (Om PrakashShukla) 5 Deepti 6 Dimple Bhandari 7 Piu Jain LIST OF PUBLICATIONS A BOOKS PUBLISHED Sharma,P.B., Sethi, V.K. and Garg, S.K., “ Value Engineering for Global Quality Assurance”, Monograph, Delhi College of Engineering, 1993. Sharma,P.B., Sachdev,A.S. and Garg, S.K., “Standardization and Total Quality Management”, Monograph, Delhi College of Engineering, 1995. Sharma,P.B., Sekhon,G.S., Sachdev,A.S. and Garg, S.K., Editors, “Mechno-Vision 2001”, Proceedings of the X ISME conference on Mechanical Engineering, 1996. Sharma, P.B., Garg, S. K., Pathak, B. and Samsher, Mechanical Engineering in the Knowledge Age, Proceedings of the 14th ISME International Conference, 2005. B RESEARCH REPORT Garg, S.K., “Value Engineering in Indian Industries : An Empirical Study”, submitted to Principal, Delhi College of Engineering, 1996. C BOOK REVIEW Productivity Management: A System Approach, by PremVrat, G.D. Sardana and B.S. Sahay, Narosa Publishing House for Productivity , Vol 38, No. 4, pp. 692-693, 1998. Managing Constant Change: Insights and Capabilities by P.N. Rastogi, MacMillan India Limited, for Productivity Journal of NPC, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 351-352, 2000. D STUDY MATERIAL, SOET, IGNOU 1 Content Editor, Language and Format Editor TME - 102, BLOCK 1, Industrial Engineering & Management Science 2 Content Editor, Language and Format Editor TME - 102, BLOCK 2, Production and Productivity 3 TME Economic Analysis (Under Publication) 4. BLOCK Maintenance Management Published and Forthcoming Papers in International Journals: 1 Garg, S., Vrat, P. and Kanda, A., (2001), Equipment Flexibility vs. Inventory: A Simulation Study of Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 125-143. 2 Garg, S., Vrat, P. and Kanda, A., (2002), Trade-Offs Between Multiskilling and Inventory in Assembly Line Operations Under Demand Variability, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp 565-583. 3. Garg, S., Vrat, P., Kanda, A. and Dua, B.B., (2003), Aspects of Flexibility and Quality in Indian Manufacturing Management Practices - A Survey, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 5, No. 5/6, pp 443-458. 4 Singh R. K., Garg, S. and Deshmukh S. G. (2005), Development of Flexible Strategies by Indian SMEs in Electronics Sector in Emerging Economy, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Vol.6, No.2, pp. 15-26. 5 Singh R. K.,Garg S. and Deshmukh S G (2006), Strategy Development by Indian SMEs in Plastic Sector: An empirical study, Singapore Management Review, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp 65-83. 6 Pramod, M. and Garg, S., (2006), Analysis of Flexibility Requirements under Uncertain Environments, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 196-214. 7 Singh, R.K., Garg, S. and Deshmukh, S.G. (2006), “Competitiveness Analysis of a Medium Scale Organization in India: A Case, Int. J. Of Global Business Competitiveness, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 27-40. 8 Singh, R.K., Garg, S. and Deshmukh, S.G. (2007) “Interpretive Structural Modeling of Factors for Improving SMEs Competitiveness”, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 423-440. 9 Singh, R.K., Garg, S. and Deshmukh, S.G. (2007) “Strategy Development for Competitiveness: A Study on Indian Auto Component Sector”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 56, No.4, pp. 285-304. 10 Singh, R.K., Garg, S.K.,Deshmukh, S.G. and Kumar, M. (2007) “Modelling of critical success factors for implementation of AMTs”, Journal of Modelling in Management. Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 232-250. (Emerald Literati Network 2008 Awards for Excellence for best paper of the Year 2007). 11 Singh, R.K., Garg, S.K and Deshmukh, S.G. (2007) “Comparative Study on Strategies of Indian Small, Medium and Large Scale Organizations”, South Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.44-65. 12 Singh, R.K.,Garg, S.K. and Deshmukh, S.G. (2008), “Challenges and Strategies for Competitiveness of SMEs: A Case Study”, International Journal for Services and Operations Management, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 181-200. 13 Singh, R.K.,Garg, S.K. and Deshmukh, S.G.(2008) “Competency and Performance Analysis of Indian SMEs and Large Organizations: An Exploratory Study”, Competitiveness Review (American Society for Competitiveness), Vol.18, No.4, pp. pp 308-321. (Emerald Literati Network 2009 Awards for Excellence for best paper of the Year 2008). 14 Singh, R.K., Garg, S.K., and Deshmukh, S.G. (2008) “Competitiveness of SMEs: A Review”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp 525-547 15 Singh, R.K., Garg, S.K., Deshmukh, S.G., (2008) “Implementation of Information Technology: Evidences from Indian SMEs”, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, Vol 2, No.3, pp 248-267. 16 Raj, T. Singh, Y., Shankar, R., Suhaib, M and Garg, S. K., (2008), “An AHP Approach for the Selection of Advanced Manufacturing System: A Case Study”, Int. J. Manufacturing Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp 471-498 17 Singh, R. K., Garg, S. and Deshmukh, S. G., (2008), “Strategy Development for Competitiveness: Case of an Automotive Company”, International Journal of Automotive Industry and Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 17-31. 18 Pandey, V. C. and Garg, S., (2009), “Analysis of interaction among the enablers of agility in supply chain”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol 6, No 1, pp 99-114. 19 Upadhye, N., Deshmukh, S G and Garg, S., (2009), “Key issues for the implementation of lean manufacturing system”, Global Business and Management Research - an international Journal Vol. 1, No. 3 & 4, pp 61-72. 20 Singh, B., Garg, S. and Sharma, S.K (2009), “Lean can be a survival strategy during recessionary times”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Measurement, Vol 58, No 8, pp 803-808. 21 Jayant A, Kumar, S., Gupta, P. and Garg, S., (2009),”An Integrated Approach for Performance Improvement: A Case of Manufacturing Unit”, International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation' (IJBIT) Vol 3(1), pp 82-94. 22 Jayant, A, Kumar, S. Gupta, P and Garg, S., (2009), “An Integrated Approach for Performance Improvement: A Case of Manufacturing Unit”, International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation' (IJBIT) Vol 3(1), pp 82-94. 23 Singh, R. K., Garg, S. and Deshmukh, S. G., (2010), “Competitiveness of SMEs in globalised economy: Observations from China and India”, Management Research Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp 54-65. 24 Singh, R.K., Garg, S., Deshmukh, S.G., (2010), “Strategy development by Indian SSIs”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 110, No. 7, pp. 1073-1093. 25 Pandey, V. C., Garg, S. and Shankar, R., (2010), “Impact of Information Sharing on Competitive Strength of Indian Manufacturing Enterprises: An Empirical Study”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 16, No 2, pp.226 - 243. 26 Upadhye, N., Deshmukh, S.G. and Garg, S. (2010), “Lean Manufacturing in Biscuit Manufacturing Plant: A Case” International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM), Vol. 2, No.1/2, pp. 108 - 139. 27 Upadhye, N., Deshmukh, S.G. &Garg, S. (2010) “Relevance of Lean Manufacturing for Mid Size Manufacturing Enterprises in India” International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. 5, No. 5, 362-375 28 Upadhye, N., Garg, S.&Deshmukh, S.G., (2010) “Lean Manufacturing for sustainable development” Global Business and Management Research - an International Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 125-137. 29 Upadhye, N., Deshmukh, S.G. &Garg, S.(2010), “Interpretive structural Modelling for Implementation issues of Lean Manufacturing System” International Journal of Modeling in Operations Management, Vol 1, No 4, pp 311-343. 30 Singh, B, Garg, S. and Sharma, S.K., (2010) “Development of Index for measuring leanness: study of an Indian auto component industry" is accepted for publication in Journal of Measuring business excellence, Vol 14, No 2, pp 46-53. (Emerald Literati Network 2011 Awards for Excellence for best paper of the Year 2010) 31 Singh, B., Garg, S., Sharma, S.K. and Grewal, C. S. (2010) “Lean Implementation and its benefits to Production Industry”, International Journal of Lean six sigma, Vol. 1, No 2, pp 157-168. 32 Singh, B., Garg, S., and Sharma, S.K., (2010) “Scope for lean implementation: A survey of 127 Indian industries”, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing (IJRapidM) for special issue on Lean Manufacturing, Vol 1, No 3, pp 323-333 33 Singh, R.K., Sharma, H.O and Garg, S., (2010)., Interpretive Structural Modelling for Selection of Best Supply Chain Practices, International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modeling (IJBPSCM), Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, pp.237-257. 34 Sharma, R and Garg, S., (2010), “Interpretive Structural Modeling of Enablers for Improving the Performance of Automobile Service Centre”,. International Journal of Service, Operations and Informatics, Vol 5 No 4, pp 351-372. 35 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2010), Framework for Implementing Flexible Automation in Indian Industries, Global Business and Management Research, Vol 2, No 3, pp 208-223. 36 Jhawar, A and Garg, S (2010), “Issues and Challenges of Logisticsin Supply Chain Management Context”, Productivity Promotion, Vol. 12 (49), pp. 1-17. 37 Singh, B, Garg, S., and Sharma, S.K (2011) “Value Stream Mapping: Literature review and implications for Indian Industry”, International Journal of advanced manufacturing Technology (IJAMT), Vol 53, No 5-8, pp 799-809 38 Gupta, P. C., Garg, S, Maheshwari, S., (2011), Evaluation and Selection Methodology for an Innovative Product Design Concepts, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 4, pp 3553-3561. 39 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2011). Strategies for SMEs after Global Recession. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 3(1), 58-66. 40 Kumar, R., Haleem, A., Garg, S. and Singh, R. K., (2011), Performance Optimization of an Imbalanced Flexible Manufacturing System Using Taguchi Approach, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, pp 81-89. 41 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2011), Impact of Delays on Performance of Semi Automated Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Vol 12, No 3 and 4, pp 41-52. 42 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2011), Co-relation between manufacturing flexibility and business strategy, Review of Business and Technology Research Vol 4, No 1, pp 525-535. 43 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2011), Strategies for SMEs after Global Recession, Global Business and Management Research, Vol 3, No. 1, pp 58-66. 44 Mahajan, R., Garg, S. and Sharma, P.B., (2011), “Indian Frozen Peas Market: A case study on FPIL” International Journal of Globalization & Small Business (IJBG) Vol 4, No 2, pp 154-169. 45 Sharma, V.S. Garg, S.K. and Sharma, P.B. (2011) ‘Remanufacturing: An Economic Compulsion or Environmental responsibility’ IIIE Journal of Engineering and Production, Vol.30, No. 2, pp.35-43. 46 Sharma, R. and Garg, S., (2012), Spare Parts Management at Automobile Service Centre using Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Service, Economics and Management, Vol 4, No 2, pp 122-144. 47 Sharma, R and Garg, S.,(2012), Performance Optimization of Automobile Service Centre using Taguchi Approach, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol 12, No. 2, pp 221-243. 48 Sharma, R and Garg, S., (2012), Capacity Planning and Performance Measurement for Automobile Service Centre using Simulation. International Journal of Modeling in Operations Management, Vol 2, No 3, pp 288-308. 49 Jayant, A., P Gupta and S.K.Garg, (2012), “Perspectives in Reverse Supply Chain Management(R-SCM): A State of the Art Literature Review”, Jordan Journal of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 6, N0. 1, 87-102. 50 Gupta, P. C., Garg, S, Maheshwari, S., (2012), Design And Selection Of Hinge Joint Concepts For Casualty Evacuation Backpack Stretcher Using IPD Tools Like QFD, international Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 4 No.01 January 2012. 51 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2012), Effect of Scheduling Rules on performance of Semi Automated Flexible Manufacturing systems, Global Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, Vol 4, No 1, pp 10-17 52 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2012), Role of Flexibility in Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, Vol I No 10, pp 190-194. 53 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2013), Neuro Fuzzy Studies of Effect of Flexibilities on performance of Flexible Manufacturing System, Advanced Materials Research Journal, Vols. 622-623, pp. 56-59. 54 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2013), A Cloud Computing Based Framework for Internationalization of SMEs, International Journal of Cloud Computing, Vol 2, No 4, pp 364-377. 55 Sharma, D., Garg, S., and Sharma, C. (2013), Multi Objective Optimization in Scheduling of FMS using Roulette Wheel Selection Process, Advanced Materials Research Journal, Vol 622-623, pp 35-39. 56 Mahajan, R., Garg, S. and Sharma, P.B., (2013), Frozen Corn Manufacturing and Its Supply Chain: Case Study Using SAP–LAP Approach, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Volume 14, No 3, pp 167–177. 57 Mahajan R., Garg S. and Sharma P.B. (2013), A System Dynamic Framework for Identifying Demand Gaps in Indian Processed Food Sector, International Journal of Intercultural Information Management, Vol.3 No.4,pp.324-343, (International Journal, ranked in ABDC Journal Ranking List-Business and Management). 58 Sabharwal, S. and Garg, S. (2013), Determining cost effectiveness index of remanufacturing: A Graph Theoretic Approach, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 144, No. 2, 521–532. 59 Singh, R.K., Sharma, H.O. and Garg, S., (2014), Study on supply chain issues in Auto component manufacturing organization-A Case study, Global Business Review. 60 Mahajan, R., Garg, S. and Sharma, P.B.,(2014), Food safety in India: a case of Deli Processed Food Products Ltd. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management Vol 14, No. 1, pp. 1-20. 61 Mahajan, R., Garg, S. and Sharma, P.B., (2014), An illustration of logistic regression technique: a case of processed food sector, International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol 7, No 5, 659-676. 62 Mahajan R., Garg S. and Sharma P.B. (2014), Global Food Safety: Determinants are Codex Standards and WTO’s SPS Food Safety Regulations, Journal of Advances in Management Research(Accepted for publication in May 2014), (Emerald Insight). 63 Mahajan R., Garg S. and Sharma P.B. (2014), Constraints in the Growth of Processes Food Sector and Proposed Export strategy: A case study of India, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, has been accepted for publication, in March, 2014(In press), (International Journal, ranked in ABDC Journal Ranking List-Business and Management). 64 Mahajan, R. Ludwig Theuvsen, Suresh Garg and P.B. Sharma (2014), Comparative Study of Indian and German Food Supply Chain: A case of Tomato Supply Chain, International Marketing and Management Research Series - Palgrave Macmillan. 65 Jhawar. A, Garg. S and Khera, S (2014), “Analysis of the Skilled Work Force Effect on the Logistics Performance Index- Case study from India”, Logistics Research (Springer), Vol. 7 (1), pp. 1-10. 66 Upadhye, N., Deshmukh S.G., Garg, S. & Sharma D. (2015). Just in Time Implementation issues in Indian Corrugated Packaging Industries: An empirical study in National Capital Region (NCR), India” Industrial Engineering & Operations Management (IEOM) 2015 International Conference Proceedings, pages 1-10, IEEE Explorer, (DOI: 10.1109/IEOM.2015.7093938) 67 Kumar, R., Haleem, A., Garg, S. and Singh, R. K., (2015), “Automated Guided Vehicle Configurations in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Comparative Study”. Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp 207-226. 68 Rajneesh Mahajan, Suresh Garg and P.B. Sharma (2015), Food Cold Chain Management: India Understanding and Its Appraisal, Global Supply Chain Management and Emerging Markets, edited by Sharma,R.,Athana, S.,and Lalwani, C.S., Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India,pp.15-30. 69 Rajneesh Mahajan, Suresh Garg and P.B. Sharma (2015), India Dahi Supply Chain Management: A Case of Modern Food Safety Management, Global Supply Chain Management and Emerging Markets, edited by Sharma,R.,Athana, S.,and Lalwani, C.S., Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India,pp.266-279. 70 Sharma, V.S. Garg, S.K. and Sharma, P.B. (2015) ‘Remanufacturing process: The case of heavy equipment support services’ International Journal of Service and Operations Management, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 40-59. 71 Upadhye, N., Deshmukh, S.G. &Garg, S. (2016). Lean Manufacturing Implementation Barriers: an Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach" Int. J. Lean Enterprise Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2016, pp. 46-65. 72 Biswas, U.A., Garg, S. and Singh, A. (2016) ‘The need for regulatory intervention in corporate social responsibility in India: evidence from corporate social disclosures’, Int. J. Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 293-317. 73 Biswas, U.A., Garg, S. and Singh, A., (2016), Government Intervention and Corporate Social Responsibility in India, Int. J. Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol 13, No 4, pp 450-473. 74 Biswas, U.A., Garg, S. and Singh, A., (2016), Examining the Possibility of Achieving Inclusive Growth in India through Corporate Social Responsibility, Communicated to Asian Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 5, No 1 Pp 61-80. (Springer). 75 Sharma, V.S. Garg, S.K. and Sharma, P.B. (2016) ‘Identification and Analysis of major Drivers and Roadblocks for Remanufacturing in India’ The Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.112, No. 3, pp. 1882-1892. 76 Sharma, V.S. Garg, S.K. and Sharma, P.B. (2016) ‘Identification and Analysis of industry initiatives in improving remanufacturing business in India’ The International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.340-360. 77 Jhawar, A., Garg, S.K. and Khera, S.N.(2016) ‘Modelling and evaluation of investment strategies in human resource for logistics improvement’, Int. J. Simulation and Process Modelling, Vol.11 , No.1, pp. 36-50. 78 Jhawar, A. and Garg, S.K. (2016) ‘System Dynamics Modelling to Study the Effects of Investment in Information Technology on Logistics Performance: A case study from India’, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, Vol. 5, No.2, pp.19- 40. 79 Biswas, U.A., Garg, S. and Singh, A. (xxxx) ‘Integrating analytic hierarchy process in corporate social responsibility measurement’, Int. J. Operational Research, Vol. X, No. Y,pp.xxx–xxx. 80 Jhawar, A., Garg, S.K. and Khera, S.N. (xxxx) ‘Improving logistics performance through investments and policy intervention: a causal loop model’, Int. J. Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. X, No. Y, pp.000–000 81 Bhandari, D, Singh, R K and Garg, S, (2017), Justification of advanced manufacturing technologies for small and medium enterprises from auto component sector: AHP approach, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management t 82 Yadav, S. and Garg, S. (2017), An attribute based perceptual mapping of different retail formats in India, International Journal of Business Environment, (Under Publication) 83 Shukla, O P and Garg, S., (2017), Perception of faculty members on factors affecting quality education and employability skills in technical education sector: an empirical analysis, International Journal of Services, Economics and Management (Under Publication)
(b) Productivity Promotion and reviewer of several other International Journals.
Unit 1 Concepts of Industrial Engineering
Unit 2 Role of Industrial Engineer
Unit 3 Idea Management
Unit 4 Facility Planning
Unit 5 Functions of Production and Productivity
Unit 6 Factors Effecting Productivity (Author Also)
Unit 7 Productivity Measurement and Improvement (Author Also)
Unit 8 Production Systems
Unit 10 Profit and Competitiveness (Author)
Unit 11 Cost Volume Profit Analysis (Author)
Unit 12 Make or Buy Decision (Author)
Unit 6 Maintenance Costing and Budgeting (Author)
Unit 9 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Concepts (Author)
Unit 17 Reliability Centered Maintenance (Author)
Last Updated : 2017-02-24 09:50:54