Applied Mathematics
M.Sc. , Ph.D.
Areas of Interest
Financial Mathematics
Distinction Achieved : Gold Medalist (MSc.)
DTU Commendable Research Award 2018
DTU Commendable Research Award 2019
DTU Commendable Research Award 2022
Hypothesis Testing & ANOVA:
Financial Engg:
Publications Profile:
- ​ R.C. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, and D. Leutloff “Explosive driven spherical imploding shocks”, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics,4(3), 371-378(2000).
- R.C. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, and D. Leutloff “Non-oscillatory shock capturing scheme for magneto gas dynamics”, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol.49, No.1, 61-70(2001).
- R.C. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, and D. Leutloff “Numerical investigation of three-dimensional converging spherical shock wave”, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol.53, No.3, 215-223(2005).
- R.C. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, and D. Leutloff “Shock Wave in two dimensional two species flow”, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol.53, No.4, 277-294(2005).
- Sarita Azad, and R. Srivastava,”A study of logistic map using wavelets”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, vol.14, No. J-09, 60-67(2009).
- HC Taneja Vikas kumar and R.Srivastava "A Dynamic Measure of Inaccuracy Between Two Residual Lifetime Distribution" in International Mathematical Forum, (IMF) 2009, 4(25) 1213-1220 .
- Vikas kumar HC Taneja and R.Srivastava "A Dynamic Measure of Inaccuracy Between Two Past Lifetime Distribution in Metrika -2009, 74: 1-10. Springer-Verlag.
- Vikas kumar HC Taneja and R.Srivastava “Length Biased Weighted Residual Inaccuracy Measure” Metron- A International Journal of Statistics LXIII 2010, Roma (Italy).
- Vikas kumar HC Taneja and R.Srivastava “On Dynamic Renyi Cumulative Residual Entropy Measure”, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, USA.
- Vikas kumar HC Taneja and R.Srivastava “Non-additive Entropy Measure Based Residual Lifetime Distribution Functions, International Journal Of Mathematical Sciences. 2010
- Ranganath M S, Vipin, Nand Kumar, R Srivastava “Surface Finish Monitoring in CNC Turning Using RSM and Taguchi Techniques”International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Vol.-4, Issue 9, 2014.
- Gifty Malhotra , R. Srivastava , H. C. Taneja "Quadratic approximation of the slow factor of volatility in a multifactor stochastic volatility model", Journal of Futures Markets, vol.38(5), 607–624, 2018.
- Gifty Malhotra, R. Srivastava , H.C. Taneja "Calibration of the risk-neutral density function by maximization of a two-parameter entropy",Physica A 513 , 45–54, 2019.
- Gifty Malhotra, R. Srivastava, H.C.Taneja "Pricing of the Geometric Asian Options Under a Multifactor Stochastic Volatility Model", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 406(2022) 113986.
- “Feature Clustering and Ensemble Learning based Approach for Software Defect Prediction”, R Srivastava and Aman Jain, Recent Patents on Computer Science Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, 2022, 15, 868-882.
Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop organized/attended:
- “National Conference on Modeling, Computational Fluid Dynamics & Operations Research”, Feb 4-5, 2012,BITS, Pilani.
- “Technological universities and Institutions in New Knowledge Age: Future perspectives and Action plan”. 5-6th Sep, 2013,Indian society for technical Education (ISTE), DTU, Delhi.
- “International conference on Interdisciplinary Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Techniques” 18-20th Dec, 2014, Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM), NIT, Surathkal.
- “International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation” Jan-31, 2015, under International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation, Delhi.
- “Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE)- 2016”, conducted by Dept. of Mechanical, Production & Industrial Engineering, DTU, 9-10th Dec,2016
“Intellectual Property Right meets Information Technology” 25-26th Oct,2010 at DTU Delhi.
"Indo – US workshop on “Effective teaching at College/University Level” 10-12th Feb, 2011 at IIIT Delhi.
Association with Professional Societies:
Life member of ISMAMS
Any other information:
Member AntiRagging Committee University Level
Member BOS Dept of Applied Mathematics
Member Purchase committe Dept of Applied Mathematics
Last Updated : 2024-05-09 02:26:50