Prof. R. S. Mishra





Areas of Interest

Alternate Energy Sources , Green Technology (FSW & FSP) , RAC, Heat & Mass Transfer, Thermal Engg, Power plant Engineering

Professional Experience:35 years in Teaching & Research

  1. Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Nine Years), at REC Hamirpur , PAU Ludhiana (Punjab), HAU Hisar (Hry.) Since 27th Jan 1988
  2. Reader/Associate Professor (Eight Years) DCE. (Delhi) since-25th April 1997 to 24th April-2005
  3. Professor (20 years) D.T.U. (Delhi) since-25th April 2005 to 31st July 2021 and then 2nd Aug 2021 to till date 
  4. HOD (Mechanical , Production, Industrial & Automobiles Engineering) from 01-01-2015 to 31st Dec-2017 (Three Years)
  5. Dean (Outreach and Extension Activities) from 01-January 2018 to 31st July 2021 (3 years +7 Months)

Research Focus;

Green Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning , Metal Cutting Technology, Total Quality Management, Solar Energy Technology, Bio Fuels, Power Plant engineering

Taught  P.G. subjects

Advanced Heat and Mass transfer (PG), Optimal Design of Thermal Systems, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Sciences and Engineering (M.Tech: RET)

Taught U.G. subjects

 Thermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer, Thermal Engineering-I &II, Fluid Systems, Machine Design


Presently Teaching subjects (Since: Aug-2010)

Advanced Heat and Mass transfer (P.G.)

(ii)Heat & Mass transfer (U.G),


Current and Previous Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Former Dean (Out reach & Extension activities) , Delhi Technological University (01-01-2018 to 31-07-2021)., 3 years+ 7 months
  • Former DRC Chairman  of Dept. of Mech, Production, Industrial & Automobiles Engineering (5-1-2015 to 31-07-2021) six years+& seven  months
  • Former Head Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University (from Ist, January 2015 to 31st Dec-.2017) three years 
  • Member Academic Council , Delhi Technological University since 25th Oct, 2014 to 31st July 2021
  • Member Dean  Committee , Delhi Technological University since 1st Jan, 2018 to 31st July 2021

Institutional Development

  • Chairman, ICAPIE 2016,  International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, Oct 14-15, 2017, Organised by MPIAE DTU, Delhi, India.
  • Petron, Two-week FDP on “Automation in Manufacturing (AIM-2015) “a TEQIP-II sponsored programme during 04-15 May 2015.
  • Chairman, One-week SDP on “Skill Development for Technical Staff in Manufacturing Technology (SDTSMT-2015) “a TEQIP-II sponsored programme during 23-27 Nov 2015.
  • Petron, International Conference of ICAPIE at Delhi College of Engineering, December 9-10, 2016.
  • Guest of the Day( ICAPIE 2020 at tool room institute Okhala , ICAPIE 2021 at DelhiTechnological University  Delhi)

Other Professional Activities

  • Chairman, Curriculum Development Board,  for Converting three semester program into  two year M.E program  in (i) Thermal Engineering and (ii) M E in  Production and Industrial Engineering, DCE (1-07-2003 to 31-7-2004) , Faculty of Technology, University of Delhi
  • Chairman, Curriculum Development Board, Mechanical Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, DTU, (1-01-2015 to 31-7-2017)
  • Member Cntre Research Committee (Advanced centre for Energy & Environment at DCRUST Muruthal, Haryana)

Membership of Professional bodies

(a) Life Member of following societies

  • Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. IICh.E
  • Indian Society for Technical Education. ISTE
  • Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers ISAE
  • Indian Society of Extension Education. ISEE
  • Indian Society of Bio Technology & Bio-Chemistry.
  • Solar Energy Society of India
  • Systems Society of India,
  • Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) Bangalore
  •  Indian Society of Information technology and Statics 
  • Indian Society of Soil Sciences, IARI, Delhi
  • Bio Energy Society of India.
  • Indian Society of Soil Conservation
  • Indian Society of Dry Land agriculture  Hyderabad,
  • Association of Soil and Water Conservationist  (India)
  • Indian Society of Soil Sciences, IARI, Delhi
  • Indian Society of Water Management

(b)Life Fellow of following societies

  • Geological Society of India , (GSI)
  • Indian Water Resources Society (IWRS)
  • The Institution OF Engineers (India)
  • Indian Institute of Environmental Engineers
  • Indian Institute of Disaster management.
  • National foundation of Indian Engineers.

Ph.D. Guided:  Twenty two (18+02(Ph.D. Thesis submitted)+01 Pre-Ph.D. seminar sucessfully completed+01 Pre Ph.D seminar permission granted)

  1. (a)No. of  Ph.D successfully guided = 23 (19+03 Ph.D. Thesis submitted in DTU+01 Ph.D. thesis submitted in IIT/ISM Dhanbad in June 2024 )
  1. Single supervisorship  Twelve (12)
  1. Prof. Vipin Ph.D. (Degree awarded in  University of Delhi  , Feb 2008 )
  2. Prof. A.K. Madan (Degree awarded in  University of Delhi  , July 2012 )
  3. Dr. V JegannathanAlumoni (Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2018 )
  4. Dr. Devender Kumar(Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2018 )
  5. Dr. Harwinder Singh(Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2019 )
  6. Dr. Husain Mehdi (Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2020 )
  7. Dr.Kaushlendra Kumar Dubey(Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2020 )
  8. Dr. Yunis Khan  (Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2021 )
  9. Dr. Rakesh Kumar  Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 2021 )
  10. Dr. Ankit Dwivedi (Degree awarded in  Delhi Technological University, 31 May 2022 )
  11. Mr. Sumit Jain  (Ph.D. degree  awarded in  DTU Convocation -2023  )
  12. Ms. Preeti Rani ( Ph.D. Degree awarded in   DTU Convocation-2023
  13. (B) No. of  Ph.D successfully guided Jointly  = 10(07   +02 (final ph.D. Thesis was submitted  +Pre-Ph.D seminar permission granted)
  14. Dr. Vineet Kumar( 2020) Jointly with Dr. O.P. Singh at IKG, PTU
  15. Dr. Bajwa, G.S. (2021) Jointly supervised with Prof Ranganath M.S,
  16. Dr. Sahdab Ahmed. (2021) Jointly supervised with Prof Ranganath M.S,
  17. Dr. Kadiyan (2022 ) (degree awarded on 25th July 2022) Jointly with Prof A.K. Berwal
  18. Dr. Ranganath (2012) Doctor of Management studies, Degree awarded on 31st July 2012 
  19. Dr. Gayathri Devi K (2023), Ph.D  Degree  awarded  in DTU convocation- 2023
  20. Mr. Phool Singh (2018) Jointly supervising   with Prof Ranganath M.S :( published two scopus conference papers+ two  SCI papers published, One SCI paper second revision . Pre Phd Seminar sucussfully completed and Ph.D thesis submitted )
  21. Mr. Neeraj Budhiraja(2019) Jointly supervising    with Prof Amit Pal: (Four  SCI papers Published+one ESCI paper published+Two scopus conference papers published Pre Phd Seminar sucussfully completed and Ph.D thesis submitted)
  22. Mr. Umashankar Prasad (2016)Jointly supervising with ProfR.K.  Das at IIT/ISM Dhanbad (in Mechanical Engg Department): Two SCI Papers Published. 03 Scopus conference papers(presented and)  published (Ph.D. Thesis Submitted)
  23. Mr.AftabAnjum (2017) Jointly supervising  with Prof Samsher(VC, HBTU Kanpur): Two SCI paper published+ 01 SCI paper accepted+one scopus conference paper published+ 02 non scopus papers published permission for Pre-Ph.D seminar was held  by DTU on 19th July 2024)

(B)  No. of  Ph.D Under Progress (in No.)=14

24. Ms. GaganDeep Kaur (2016) Work completed and  one  SCI Paper is accepted and another  SCI paper  under review .Also   writing  Ph.D. thesis, (Jointly  supervising with Prof  A.K. Madan) two scopous conference paper presented.

25.Ms. HimaniSaxena(2016) Jointly supervising   with Prof  A.K. Madan ( published 03 non scopus papers + 02 non scopus conferences). Also writing Ph.D. Thesis 

26.Ms  Versa Pathak (2018), Jointly supervising   with Prof Ranganath M.S (two conference paper presented +02 non scopus journal paper published+Two SCI papers published , Writing Ph.D. Thesis) Recommended by DRC  to Dean (PG)  for Pre-Ph.D seminar approval 

27.Ms. ShivaniJha(2019) Jointly supervising   with Prof Samsher (VC, HBTU Kanpur) (two scopous conference papers published and Ph.D. experimental work completed 

28.Mr. Ramamurthy (2018) Jointly supervising    with Prof Ranganath M.S( one conference paper presented)

29.Mr. Vinay Kumar Yadav ( 2021) Jointly supervising    with Prof Vipin (one SCI paper published and another SCI paper under  accepted+ two conference paper presented). Also writing Ph.D. Thesis.

30.Mr. Vijay Shekhar Sharma( 2021) Jointly supervising    with Prof  Rajesh kumar (one Conference paper is presented)

31.Mr. Sailendra Kumar Gaur( 2021)  Jointly supervising    with Prof. Qasim Murutaza (02) SCI paper is published +02 SCI paper under review+ two scopus conference paper presented)

32.Mr. Rajesh Kumar( 2021)  Jointly supervising    with Prof M Junaid SRC Formed (one SCI paper under accepted+ 01 SCI journal paper communicated  +01 ESCI Paper published ( in Journal of Thermal Engineering ) + 01 non scopus paper is published )+two conference papers communicated. 

33.Mr. Afaroj Alam ( 2021) Jointly supervising    with Dr. M Junaid ( one Scopus conference paper  presented)

34.Mr. Ravi Kant (2021) Jointly with Prof .Ranganath M  S. (presented Scopous conference paper on 10th Feb 2023, One SCI Paper under review)

35.Mr.Neeaj (2021) Jointly with Prof.Ranganath M  S. ( presented Scopous conference paper  on 10th feb 2023, One SCI Paper under review  ) 

36.Mr. Swatang Gaurav (TEQIP) (2021) course work completed (Jointly supervising    with Dr. M Junaid)  two  SCI paper published and  one  SCI papers are in review

37.Mr. Krishna Kumar Completed course work and (Jointly with Dr. K Manjunath) one scopus conference paper presented  and experimental work completed 

  (C) progress =2 ( course work completed & waiting for SRC formation ):TWO

38th .Mr. Ahmad (international student ) (2021) course work completed (Jointly with Prof.Ranganath M  S.) waiting for SRC formation 

39th.Ms.Deepshikha (2022)  completed PhD Coursework (jointly with Dr. K. Manjunath) waiting for SRC formation 

 (D) Ph.D. in other universities/institutions=01 (one)

           40th .  Mr. P.V. Ram Kumar Registered in University of Delhi, in single supervisor ship, (03 non scopus conference papers published+two  conference paper published)

              Books Published:

  • Editor in chief, Proceedings , ICAPIE 2016, International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, Dec 09-10, 2016, Organised by MPIAE DTU, Delhi, India.
  • Editor in Chief , Book of Abstracts, ICAPIE 2016, International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, Dec 09-10, 2016, Organised by MPIAE DTU, Delhi, India.
  • Editors :Advances in Renewable Energy Technology (Handbook) Amit Pal,Raj Kumar Singh,JP Kesari, RS Mishra: E-book ISBN: 978-93-5258-118-4 P-book ISBN: 978-93-5258-119-1.
  • Editors Advances in Manufacturing (Hand Book) Prof R S Mishra, Ranganath MS,

Research Papers Published (Since-2013)

  1.  International journals  : 400
  2.  (ii)Proceedings (International/National): 75

Last Updated : 2024-08-27 05:05:02