Dr Rakesh Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering
Email: rkarya.dce@gmail.com
M Tech, Ph D.
Areas of Interest
Hydraulics and Water Resources: Model studies through CFD softwares
Introduction and Experience: Dr. Rakesh Kumar is Professor in Civil Engineering department. He has contributed several research papers in National and International workshops and guided many B Tech and M Tech theses.He has served the department as Incharge Hydraulics laboratory, Time-table incharge, Coordinator M Tech admissions, O/I Survey camps, Supervisor Practal Training etc. in addition to other regular works. Offered special classes for SC & ST students of Civil Engineering, Organised lectures on Various topics of high relevance to academics and research by inviting reputed persons from organizations like NTPC, NHPC, CWC and PWD. At university college level he served as Coordinator NSS, Superintendent Delhi University Examinations at Delhi College of Engineering for ME Theory Exams, BE Theory Exams; BE Practical Exams and B Tech Practical Exams for Civil Engg courses for several years. He worked as member of various committees like Central Purchase Committee, Tendering Committee and Advisory Committee for Central Library. Organized Workshop on” Challenges in Management of Water Resources and Environment in Next Millennium. Need for Inter Institute Collaboration” and organized Conference on” Innovative Approaches in the Management of Environment” in Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi. In order to serve society offered consultancy to Educational Consultants India Limited as an expert for the purchase of lab equipments by various educational institutions and for the conduct of interviews for various posts. Served as paper setter for UPSC Engineering Examinations and expert for Delhi Staff Selection Commission several times. Teaching Areas: Different courses at M Tech level like Advanced Hydrology, Ground Water and Seepage, Advanced Hydraulics Lab, Fluid Dynamics, Water Resources Systems Planning and Management; and Design of Flood Control and River Training Works in addition to Water Resources Enngineering to B Tech regular and Part time Evening Program.
Last Updated : 2024-11-04 09:46:16