Prof. Raju Sarkar
PhD (Geotechnical Engineering)
Email: rajusarkar@dce.ac.in
Areas of Interest
Geotechnics for Natural Disaster Mitigation, Soil-Structure Interaction, Environmental Geotechnology, Pavement Geotechnology, Ground Improvement Technique, Numerical Modeling
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION : B.E. (Civil), M.E. (Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg.), Ph.D (Geotechnical Engineering) VISITING SCHOLAR : Nottingham Transportation Engineering Center (NTEC), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, U.K. RESEARCH INTEREST : Geotechnics for Natural Disaster Mitigation: Geotechnical Aspects of Landslide Hazards, Geotechnical Aspects of Earthquake Hazards, Rainfall Induced Landslides, Stabilization Methods for Landslide Mitigation, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, Disaster and Environment, Disaster Management Education Soil-Structure Interaction: Slope Stability for Foundation, Numerical Modeling, Construction Engineering and Community Resilience Environmental Geotechnology: Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste in Geotechnical Application, Ash Utilization, Ground Improvement Technique, Numerical Modeling, Aerosol Research Pavement Geotechnology: Road Sub-grade Soil Behaviour, Pavement Foundations, Numerical Modeling, Granular Materials for Road Construction EXPERIENCES: A) TEACHING (Total – 23 yrs.) 1) Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) from Jun' 2016 till date. 2) Head and Coordinator, Center for Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Development Studies, Royal University of Bhutan (Under Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India deputation) from Jun' 2016 to Jun' 2019. 3) Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Royal University of Bhutan (Under Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India deputation) from Jun' 2016 to Jun' 2019. 4) Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) from Nov' 2015 till date Jun' 2016. 5) Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) from Nov' 2012 to Nov' 2015. 6) Assistant Professor (Senior Scale), Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) from Nov' 2007 to Nov' 2012. 7) Lecturer (Senior Scale), Department of Civil Engineering, G.B. Pant Institute of Technology (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) from Jun' 2005 to Nov' 2007. 8) Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, G.B. Pant Institute of Technology (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) from Jun' 2000 to Jun' 2005. 9) Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Assam Engineering College (Govt. of Assam) from Aug' 1995 to Aug' 1998. B) CONSTRUCTION (Total – 2 yrs.) 1) Engineer (Quality Control), Larsen & Toubro Limited, ECC Construction Division for DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd) Project from Aug' 1998 to Jun' 2000. THESIS SUPERVISED: PhD 1) Papiya Mandal – “Study of Trace Gases and Aerosols in Mixed Used Area of Delhi” – Completed 2) Ankur Mudgal – "A Study on Engineering Behaviour of Geotextile Reinforced Soft Soil" – Completed 3) Shanko Ayele Abera - "Sustainable Utilization of Construction and Demolition Waste" - Ongoing 4) Husam Al-Najjar - "Developing Novel Integrated Model by Combining Physical and Machine Learning Approaches for Landslide Modelling" - Ongoing (Main Supervisor - Prof. Biswajeet Pradhan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia) 5) Vaishnavi Bansal - "Stability Assessment of Slopes in Kalimpong Region of Darjeeling Himalaya" - Ongoing 6) Jyoti Agarwal - "Effect of Tunnelling on Surrounding Structures" - Ongoing
Completed 17, Ongoing - 7 RESEARCH PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS : A) International Journals 1) Sarkar, R. (2005), “Landslides and Debris Flows: A Case Study of Uttarkashi”, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol-32 (Sp. Issue), pp 71-76. 2) Sarkar, R. (2007), “Resettlement and Post Earthquake Reconstruction”, Journal, CIVILICA (ISSN: 1735-5540) (Vol-Urban & Regional Planning, 1386), pp 234-238. 3) Sarkar, R. (2008), “Post Earthquake Debris Management”, Journal, Advances in Geosciences (ISSN: 978-981-270-988-2) (Vol. 09), pp. 53-64. 4) Sarkar, R., Abbas, S.M., and Shahu, J.T. (2011), “Geotechnical Characterizations of Pond Ash Available in National Capital Region – Delhi”, International Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering (IJEE) (ISSN: 0974-5904) (Vol. 04, No. 06, Spl), pp. 138-142. 5) Sarkar, R., Abbas, S.M., and Shahu, J.T. (2011), “Geotechnical Behavior of Randomly Oriented Fiber Reinforced Pond Ashes Available in Delhi Region” International Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering (IJEE) (ISSN : 0974-5904) (Vol. 05, No. 01), pp. 44-50. 6) Sarkar, R., Abbas, S.M., and Shahu, J.T. (2012), “Study of Geotechnical Behaviour of Pond Ash Mixed with Marble Dust”, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering (IJATCE) (ISSN: 2231–5721) (Vol. 01, No. 02, pp. 99-106. 7) Sarkar, R., Abbas, S.M., and Shahu, J.T. (2012), “A Comparative Study of Geotechnical Behavior of Lime Stabilized Pond Ashes from Delhi Region”, International Journal of GEOMATE, Japan, (ISSN : 2186, 2982 (Print), 2186-2990 (Online) (Vol. 03, No. 01, Sl. No. 05), pp. 273-279. 8) Sarkar, R., Negi, P. (2013), “Effect of Curing on Compaction Behavior of Pond Ash Mixed with Marble Dust and Lime” International Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering (IJEE) (ISSN : 0974-5904) (Vol. 06, No. 01), pp. 211-216. 9) Mandal, P., Saud, T., Sarkar, R., Mandal, A., Sharma, S.K., Mandal, T.K (2013), “High seasonal variation of atmospheric C and particle concentrations in Delhi, India”, Environmental Chemistry Letters (ISSN: 1610-3653 (Print); 1610-3661 (Online)) (Vol. 12, No. 01), pp. 225-230, Springer. 10) Mudgal, A., Negi, P. and Sarkar, R. (2013), “Utilization of Fly Ash Mixed With Lime in Pavement Sub-Base”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications (IJCEA) (ISSN No. 2249-426X) (Vol. 3, No. 02), pp. 22-25. 11) Mudgal, A. Sarkar, R. and Sahu, A.K., (2014), “Effect of Lime And Stone Dust in the Geotechnical Properties Of Black Cotton Soil”, International Journal of GEOMATE, Japan, (ISSN : 2186-2982 (Print), 2186-2990 (Online) (Vol. 07, No. 02, Sl. No. 14), pp. 1033-1039. 12) Mandal, P., Sarkar, R., Saud, T., and Mandal (2014), “Seasonal Variation and Sources of Aerosol Pollution in Delhi, India”, Environmental Chemistry Letters (ISSN: 1610-3653 (Print); 1610-3661 (Online)) (Vol. 13, No. 32), Springer. 13) Sarkar, R., Daalia, A., Narang, K., Garg, S., Agarwal, P. and Mudgal, A. (2015), "Cost Effectiveness of Flexible Pavement on Stabilised Expansive Soils", International Journal of GEOMATE, Japan, (ISSN : 2186-2982 (Print), 2186-2990 (Online) (Vol. 10, No. 01, Sl. No. 19), pp. 1595-1599. 14) Sarkar, R., Dawson, A.R. (2015), "Economic Assessment of Use of Pond Ash in Pavements", International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI:10.1080/10298436.2015.1095915, Taylor & Francis. 15) Mandal, P., Sarkar, R., Mandal, A., Patel, P., Kamal, N. (2016), “Study on Airborne Heavy Metals in Industrialized Urban Area of Delhi, India”, Bulletin - Environmental Contamination Toxicology, DOI:10.1007/s00128-016-1944-y, Springer. 16) Sarkar, R., Dorji, C, Mudgal, A., Gupta, V., Kurar, R. (2016), “Application of Geosynthetics to Reduce Landslide Risk in Earthquake Prone Bhutan”, J Nepal Geological Society, v. 52 (special issue), p. 15-18. 17) Sarkar, R., Mudgal, A., Bhaskar, S., Gupta, V., Kurar, R. (2016), “A Review on Study on Effect of Various Admixtures on Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Soils”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(44), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i44/105295, pp. 136-152. 18) Mandal, P., Sarkar, R., Mandal, A. (2016), “Ambient Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and its Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Risk – A Review”, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 3(9), DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3937, pp 189-197. 19) Chuki, S., Sarkar, R. and Kurar, R. (2017), “A Review on Traditional Architecture Houses in Buddhist Culture”, American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 5(3), DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-5-3-6, pp 113-123. 20) Sarkar, R., Narang, K. and Yangdhen, S. (2017), “Major Issues of Post-Earthquake Housing Construction during Resettlement”, Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, Vol. 5(3), DOI: 10.17265/2328-2193/2017.03.002, pp 105-112. 21) Sarkar, R., Kurar, R., Zangmo, S., Dema, U., Subba, S., Sharma, D.K. (2017), “Application of Soil Nailing for Landslide Mitigation in Bhutan: A Case Study at Sorchen Bypass” Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 22 (13), pp 4963-4982. 22) Singh, S., Sarkar, R., Gupta, S. (2017), “Comparative Study of Hair Reinforced Pond Ash Mixed with Soil”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol. 5 (9), DOI: 10.22214/ijraset.2017.9029, pp. 197-204. 23) Sarkar, R., Kurar, R., Gupta, A.K., Mudgal, A., Gupta, V. (2017), “Use of Paper Mill Waste for Brick Making” Journal of Cogent Engineering (Civil & Environmental Engineering), DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2017.1405768, Cogent OA - Taylor & Francis. 24) Mudgal, A. Sarkar, R., Shrivastava, A.K., (2018), “Influence of Geotextiles in Enhancing the Shear Strength of Yamuna Sand”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 10733-10740. 25) Dikshit, A., Sarkar, R., Satyam, N. (2018), “Probabilistic Approach Toward Darjeeling Himalayas Landslides - A Case Study”, Journal of Cogent Engineering (Civil & Environmental Engineering), https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2018.1537539, Cogent OA - Taylor & Francis. 26) Gariano, S.L., Sarkar, R., Dikshit, A., Dorji, K., Teresa, M., Brunetti, M.T., Peruccacci, M. (2018), “Automatic Calculation of Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Occurrence in Chukha Dzongkhag, Bhutan”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, 72(6), 4325-4332, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-018-1415-2, Springer. 27) Sarkar, R., Dorji, K. (2019), “Determination of the Probabilities of Landslide Events—A Case Study of Bhutan”, Hydrology, 6(2), 52, https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology6020052, MDPI. 28) Mudgal, A. Sarkar, R., Shrivastava, A.K., (2019), “Bearing Capacity Behaviour of Geosynthetics Reinforced Soil”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 2974-2979. 29) Sarkar, R., Vijaya Kumar, T., Gurung,K., Sharma, D., Choki, T., Wangmo, K., Tshomo, K., Penjor, S., Dikshit, A., Kurar, R., (2019), “Comparative Study on Traditional Timber Bridges of Bhutan with Timber Bridges of Other Nations”, Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering, 5(2),http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3291972. 30) Dikshit, A., Sarkar, R., Pradhan, B., Acharya, S., Dorji, K. (2019), “Estimating Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Occurrences in Bhutan Himalayas”, Water, http://doi:10.3390/w11081616, MDPI. 31) Mudgal, A. Sarkar, R., Shrivastava, A.K., (2019), “Effect of 3D Geogrid and Glasgrid in the Bearing Capacity of Square Footing over Soil Slope”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 207-212. 32) Chettri, N., Sarkar, R., Adhikari, K., Chettri, I.B., (2019), "Forecasting Landslide in Chukha from Index Properties of Soil-Research to Policy Making", World Scientific News, Vol. 135, 227-248. 33) Sarkar, R., Dikshit, A., Hazarika, H., Yamada, K., Subba, K. (2019), "Probabilistic Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Occurrences in Bhutan", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1132.0982S1019, 8(2S10), 737-742. 34) Sameen, M.I., Sarkar, R., Pradhan, B., Drukpa, D., Park, H, (2019), “Landslide Spatial Modelling Using Unsupervised Factor Optimisation and Regularised Greedy Forests", Computers and Geosciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2019.104336, Elsevier. 35) Dikshit, A., Sarkar, R., Pradhan, B., Jena, R., Drukpa, D., Alamri, A.M. (2020), “Temporal Probability Assessment and Its Use in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for Eastern Bhutan”, Water, http://doi:10.3390/w12010267, MDPI. 36) Dikshit, A., Sarkar, R., Pradhan, B., Segoni, S., Alamri, A.M. (2020), “Rainfall Induced Landslide Studies in Indian Himalayan Region: A Critical Review”, Applied Sciences, 10(7), 2466; https://doi.org/10.3390/app10072466, MDPI. 37) Dikshit, A., Sarkar, R., Pradhan, B., Acharya, S., Alamri, A.M. (2020), “Spatial Landslide Risk Assessment at Phuentsholing, Bhutan”, Geosciences, 10(4), 131; https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10040131, MDPI. 38) Tempa, K., Sarkar, R., Dikshit, A., Pradhan, B., Simonelli, A.L., Acharya, S., Alamri, A.M. (2020), “Parametric Study of Local Site Response for Bedrock Ground Motion to Earthquake in Phuentsholing, Bhutan”, Sustainability, 12, 5273, https://doi:10.3390/su12135273, MDPI. 39) Das, M., Das, A., Sarkar, R., Saha, S., Mandal, A. (2020), “Examining the Impact of Lockdown (due to COVID-19) on Ambient Aerosols (PM2.5): A Study on Indo-Gangatic Plain (IGP) Cities, India, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-020-01905-x, Springer. 40) Das, M., Das, A., Ghosh, S., Sarkar, R., Saha, S. (2021),“Spatio-temporal Concentration of Atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM2.5) During Pandemic: A Study on Most Polluted Cities of Indo-Gangetic Plain”, Urban Climate, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100758, Elsevier. 41) Meena, S.R., Ghorbanzadeh, O., van Westen, C.J., Nachappa, T.G., Blaschke, T, Singh, R.P., Sarkar, R. (2021), "Rapid Mapping of Landslides in the Western Ghats (India) Triggered by 2018 Extreme Monsoon Rainfall Using a Deep Learning Approach", Landslides, http://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-020-01602-4, Springer. 42) Tempa, K., Chettri, N., Sarkar, R., Saha, S., Gurung, L., Dendup, C., Nirola, B.S. (2021), "Geotechnical Parameter Assessment of Sediment Deposit: A Case Study in Pasakha, Bhutan", Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2020.1869366, Taylor and Francis. 43) Sarkar, R., Kolathayar, S., Drukpa, D., Choki, K., Rai, S., Tshering, S.T., Yuden, K. (2021), “Near-surface Seismic Refraction Tomography and MASW for Site Characterization in Phuentsholing, Bhutan Himalaya”, SN Applied Sciences (3-394), https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-021-04347-4, Springer. 44) Das, M., Das, A., Sarkar, R., Saha, S., Mandal, P. (2021),"Regional Scenario of Air Pollution in Lockdown Due to COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Major Urban Agglomerations of India", Urban Climate, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100821, Elsevier. 45) Saha, T.K., Pal, S. Sarkar, R. (2021),"Prediction of Wetland Aarea and Depth Using Linear Regression Model and Artificial Neural Network Based Cellular Automata", Ecological Informatics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101272, Elsevier. 46) Saha, S., Sarkar, R., Thapa, G., Roy, J. (2021), "Modeling Gully Erosion Susceptibility in Phuentsholing, Bhutan Using Deep Learning and Basic Machine Learning Algorithms", Environmental Earth Sciences, 80(295), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09599-2, Springer. 47) Saha, S., Saha, A., Das, M., Saha, A., Sarkar, R., Das, A. (2021), "Analyzing Spatial Relationship Between Land use/Land cover (LULC) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) of Three Urban Agglomerations (UAs) of Eastern India", Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 80(295), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2021.100507, Elsevier. 48) Das, M., Das, A., Sarkar, R., Mandal, P., Saha, S., Ghosh, S. (2021), "Exploring Short Term Spatio-temporal Pattern of PM2.5 and PM10 and Their Relationship With Meteorological Parameters During COVID-19 in Delhi", Urban Climate, 39:100944, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100944, Elsevier. 49) Saha, S., Sarkar, R., Roy, J., Hembram, T.K., Acharya, S., Thapa, G., Drukpa, D. (2021), "Measuring Landslide Vulnerability Status of Chukha, Bhutan Using Deep Learning Algorithms", Scientific Report, 11:16374, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-95978-5, Nature. 50) Das, M., Das, A., Giri, B., Sarkar, R., Saha, S. (2021), "Habitat Vulnerability in Slum Areas of India – What We Learnt from COVID-19?", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 65:102553, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102553, Elsevier. 51) Al-Najjar, H.A.H., Pradhan, B., Sarkar, R., Beydoun, G., Alamri, A. (2021), "A New Integrated Approach for Landslide Data Balancing and Spatial Prediction Based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)", Remote Sensing, 13(4011), https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13194011, MDPI. 52) Pal, S. Sarkar, R., Saha, T.K. (2021), "Exploring the Forms of Wetland Modifications and Investigating the Causes in Lower Atreyee River Floodplain Area", Ecological Informatics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101494, Elsevier. 53) Saha, S., Saha, A., Hembram, T.K., Mandal, K., Sarkar, R., Bhardwaj, D. (2022), “Prediction of Spatial Landslide Susceptibility Applying the Novel Ensembles of CNN, GLM and Random Forest in the Indian Himalayan Region”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-022-02212-3, Springer. 54) Mohanty, B. and Sarkar, R. (2022), “An assessment of historical and future coastal dynamic response along the Odisha coast”, Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:353, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-022-10477-8, Springer. 55) Mandal, P., Sarkar, R., Kamal, N., Das, M., Mandal, A., (2022), “Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Particulate Matter and Trace Gases in Industrial Area of Delhi: A Study”, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-022-03572-w, Springer. 56) Al-Najjar, H.A.H., Pradhan, B., Beydoun, G., Sarkar, R., Park, H.J., Alamri, A., (2022), “A novel method using explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)-based Shapley Additive Explanations for spatial landslide prediction using Time-Series SAR dataset, Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2022.08.004, Elsevier. 57) Saha, S., Saha, A., Hembram, T.K., Kundu, B., Sarkar, R. (2022), “Novel ensemble of deep learning neural network and support vector machine for landslide susceptibility mapping in Tehri region, Garhwal Himalaya”, Geocarto International, https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2022.2120638, Taylor and Francis. 58) Sengupta, S., Sarkar, R., Kolathayar, S., Drukpa, D. (2022), “Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Phuentsholing Region of Southern Bhutan Considering Local Site Effects”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 7(361), https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-022-00958-x, Springer. 59) Saha, S., Saha, A., Roy, B., Sarkar, R., Bhardwaj, D., Kundu, B. (2022), “Integrating the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) With Machine Learning Methods for Improving the Accuracy of the Landslide Susceptibility Model”, Earth Science Informatics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-022-00878-5, Springer. 60) Bhardwaj, D. and Sarkar, R. (2023), “Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Probabilistic Frequency Ratio and Shannon Entropy for Chamoli, Uttarakhand Himalayas”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01279-4, Springer. 61) Noori, H. and Sarkar, R. (2023), “Airport Pavement Distress Analysis”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01240-5, Springer. 62) Mohantya, B., Sarkar, R. and Saha, S. (2023), “Preparing Coastal Erosion Vulnerability Index Applying Deep Learning Techniques in Odisha State of India”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103986, Elsevier. 63) Bansal, V. and Sarkar, R. (2023), “Prophetical Modeling Using Limit Equilibrium Method and Novel Machine Learning Ensemble for Slope Stability Gauging in Kalimpong“, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01156-0, Springer. 64) Saha, S., Saha, A., Santosh, M., Kundu, B., Sarkar, R. and Hembram, T.K. (2024), “Integrating Deep Learning Neural Network and M5P with Conventional Statistical Models for Landslide Susceptibility Modelling”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-023-03498-5, Springer. 65) Agarwal, J., and Sarkar, R. (2024), “Greenfield Settlements Due to Tunnelling Using Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) In Layered Soils: A Parametric Study”, Sadhana, Indian Academy of Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-023-02425-4, Springer.) 66) Bansal, V. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “Comparative Analysis of Slope Stability for Kalimpong Region under Dynamic Loading Using Limit Equilibrium Method and Machine Benchmark Learning Classifiers”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-024-01344-6, Springer. B) Book Chapters 1) Sarkar, R., Shrivastava, A.K., Mudgal, A. (2019), “An Experimental Investigation on Bearing Capacity Behaviour of Rectangular Footing over Reinforced Soft Soil Slope”, Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, [Ha-Minh C., Dao D., Benboudjema F., Derrible S., Huynh D., Tang A. (eds)], vol. 54, CIGOS 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0802-8_141, 883-888, Springer. 2) Dorji, L., Sarkar, R., Lhachey, U., Sharma, V., Tshewang, Dikshit, A., Kurar, R. (2019), “An Evaluation of Hydrological Modeling Using SCS-CN Method in Ungauged Om Chhu River Basin of Phuentsholing, Bhutan”, An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, [I. Pal et al. (eds.)], https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9527-8_7, 111-121, Springer. 3) Sarkar, R., Narang, K., Sharma, P., Pal, I., Dikshit, A. (2019), “Risk Identification, Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction of a Building Information Modeling (BIM) Implemented Project”, An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, [I. Pal et al. (eds.)], https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9527-8_17, 289-309, Springer. 4) Sarkar R., Narang K., Daalia A., Gautam V., Nathani U., Shaw R. (2021), "Incorporation of BIM Based Modeling in Sustainable Development of Green Building from Stakeholders Perspective", Ecosystem-Based Disaster and Climate Resilience. Disaster and Risk Research: GADRI Book Series, [Mukherjee and Shaw (eds.)], https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4815-1_13, 307-323, Springer. 5) Hosenuzzaman M., Kibria M.G., Sarkar R., Abedin M.A. (2022), “Landslide, Agricultural Vulnerability, and Community Initiatives: A Case Study in South-East Part of Bangladesh”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_5, Springer. 6) Sarkar R., Parvesh, Pooja, Shivhare P., Gowhar S. (2022), “Comparison Between Two Different Methods Applied to Define Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Forecasting in Idukki District of Kerala, India”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_7, Springer. 7) Mukherjee S., Sarkar R., Wangchuk T. (2022), “Prediction of Amount of Rainfall on Landslide Day Using Artificial Neural Network for Bhutan In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_8, Springer. 8) Sarkar R., Saha S., Roy J., Bhardwaj D. (2022), “Measuring Landslide Susceptibility of Phuentsholling, Bhutan Using Novel Ensemble Machine Learning Methods”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_9, Springer. 9) Saha S., Sarkar R., Roy J., Bayen B., Bhardwaj D., Wangchuk T. (2022), “Application of RBF and MLP Neural Networks Integrating with Rotation Forest in Modeling Landslide Susceptibility of Sampheling, Bhutan”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_10, Springer. 10) Saha S., Sarkar R., Roy J., Saha T.K., Bhardwaj D., Acharya S. (2022), “Predicting the Landslide Susceptibility Using Ensembles of Bagging with RF and REPTree in Logchina, Bhutan”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_12, Springer. 11) Kaur H., Sarkar R., Gupta S., Parkash S., Thapa R., Meena S.R. (2022), “The Vulnerability of Human Population to Landslide Disaster: A Case Study of Sikkim Himalayas”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_14, Springer. 12) Thapa G., Sarkar R., Bhardwaj D., Dorji L. (2022), “Slope Stabilization Using Soil Nails, Practice and Construction Realities: A Case Study on the Construction of Soil Nailed Wall Along Phuentsholing-Thimphu Highway, Bhutan”, In: Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_20, Springer. 13) Saha, S., Saha, A., Roy, B., Chaudhary, A. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “Artificial Neural Network Ensemble with General Linear Model for Modeling the Landslide Susceptibility in Mirik Region of West Bengal, India”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 14) Saha, A., Roy, B., Saha, S., Chaudhary, A. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “An Advanced Hybrid Machine Learning Technique for Assessing the Susceptibility to Landslides in the Upper Meenachil River Basin of Kerala, India”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 15) Saha, A., Saha, S., Chaudhary, A. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “Ensemble of M5P and Deep Learning Neural Network for Predicting Landslide Susceptibility: A Cross-Validation Approach”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 16) Khatun, S., Saha, A., Gogoi, P., Saha, S. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “Assessment of Landslide Vulnerability Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods in Bageshwar District of Uttarakhand, India”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 17) Saha, S., Saha, A., Agarwal, A., Chaudhary, A. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “Spatial Flash Flood Modeling in the Beas River Basin of Himachal Pradesh, India, Using GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 18) Thapa, R., Sarkar, R., Gupta, S., Kaur, H. and Nasibul Alam (2024), “Geospatial Study of River Shifting and Erosion–Deposition Phenomenon Along a Selected Stretch of River Damodar, West Bengal, India, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 19) Dorji, L. and Sarkar, R. (2024), “An Evaluation of Hydrological Modeling Using CN Method and Satellite Images in Ungauged Barsa River Basin of Pasakha, Bhutan”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 20) Saha, S., Saha, A., Sarkar, R., Mukherjee, K., Bhardwaj, D., and Chaudhary, A. (2024), “Measuring Landslide Susceptibility in Jakholi Region of Garhwal Himalaya Using Landsat Images and Ensembles of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 21) Sarkar, R., Chooreshwarsingh, B.S., and Pawar, A. (2024), “Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Satellite Images and GIS-Based Statistical Approaches in Part of Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh, India”, In: Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, R. Sarkar et al. (eds), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. C) International Proceedings 1) Sarkar, R. (1997), “Concept of Eco-development for Rural Housing in North-East India”, International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Roorkee, India, pp. 546-549. 2) Sarkar, R. (2003), “Strategies for Sustainable Development of Hilly Regions Through Environmental Conscious Planning”, International Civil Engineering Conference on Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Nairobi, Kenya, pp. 789-793. 3) Sarkar, R. (2004), “Housing Construction and Post Earthquake Resettlement”, 5th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly International Symposium on Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Risk Reduction, Yerevan, Armenia, pp.234-239. 4) Sarkar, R. (2004), “Uttarkashi Landslides - A Case Study”, Hazards 2004 Conference (10th International Symposium on Natural and Human Induced Hazards and 3rd Workshop of the IUGG Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability), Hyderabad, India, pp. 651-655. 5) Sarkar, R. (2005), “Post-Earthquake Reconstruction - In context of Housing”, 2nd AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) Annual Meeting, Singapore, pp. 231-236. 6) Sarkar, R. (2005), “Housing and Post Earthquake Rebuilding Responses”, 1st Bangladesh Earthquake Society International Symposium, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 455-459. 7) Sarkar, R. (2006), “Post-Earthquake Housing Construction Using Low Cost Building Materials”, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 275-281. 8) Sarkar, R. (2006), “Sustainable Development and Post Earthquake Reconstruction”, 13th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee, India, pp. 811-815. 9) Singh, G., Jain, A., Bhatia, M., Gupta, S., Gandhi, A., Sarkar, R. (2008), “Fly Ash and Its Safety Aspects - An Overview” 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, Hong Kong, pp. 685-489. 10) Sarkar, R. (2010), “Low Cost Building Materials and Earthquake Prone North East India”, 3rd Bangladesh Earthquake Society International Symposium, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 96-103. 11) Verma, A., Saxena, M., Garg, A., Khanna, N., Sharma, P., Sarkar, R. (2010), “Pond Ash as a Landfill Liner”, 6rd International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Delhi, India, pp. 349-353. 12) Sarkar, R., Abbas, S.M., Shahu, J.T. (2011), “Study of Geotechnical Behaviour of Pond Ash When Mixed with Bentonite” International Conference on Geotechnics for Sustainable Development – Geotec Hanoi 2011 (ISBN 978-604-82-000-8), Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 647-652. 13) Sarkar, R., Narang, K, Adhikari, S., Chauhan, S., Diksha, Adhikari, B. (2016), “Retrofitting of a Building Damaged by 2015 Nepal Earthquake”, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning (ISSN 2505-0737), Bhaktapur, Nepal, pp. 278-285. 14) Sarkar, R., Diksha, Mishra, D., Mudgal, A. (2016), “Hill Slope Stability Analysis – A Case Study of Dehradun”, International Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, (ISBN 978-93-86238-00-9), pp. 172-182. 15) Dorji, C., Sarkar, R. (2017), “Earthquake Disaster in Bhutan and Snake and Ladder Game as Safety Measures”, WASEDA-YNU Seminar on Complex Disaster around the World II, Tokyo, Japan, pp 78-81. 16) Dikshit, A., Satyam, N., Sarkar, R., Narang, K. (2017), “Using Hydrological Model for Landslide Forecasting in Chibo Pashyor, Kalimpong (West Bengal, India), International Conference on Disaster Risk Mitigation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp 137-140. 17) Sarkar, R., Narang, K., Sharma, P. (2017), “Integrating Disaster Risk and Mitigation Studies with a Building Information Modelling Implemented Project”, International Conference on Disaster Risk Mitigation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp 121-124. 18) Sarkar, R., Mudgal, A., Kurar, R. and Gupta, V. (2017), “Effective Design of Flexible Pavement on Treated Expansive Soil”, 4thCongrès International de Géotechnique - Ouvrages –Structures (CIGOS), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6713-6_46, pp. 459-470, Springer. 19) Dawson, A.R., Neves, L.A.C., Sarkar, R., Dijkstra T. (2018), “Bhutanese Road and Bridge Resilience to Floods and Landslides—First Suggestions for Assessment and Response”, 37th Annual Southern African Transport Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, pp 48–57. D) National Proceedings 1) Sarkar, R., Diksha, Mishra, D. and Mudgal, A. (2016), “A review on recycling of construction and demolition waste”, National Conference on Technical Advancements in Civil Engineering (ISBN 978-93-85777-52-3), Phagwara, Punjab, pp. 126-135. 2) Sarkar, R., Diksha, Mishra, D. and Mudgal, A. (2016), “A review on study on effect of various admixtures on geotechnical properties of expansive soils”, National Conference on Technical Advancements in Civil Engineering (ISBN 978-93-85777-52-3), Phagwara, Punjab, pp. 136-151. 3) Sarkar, R., Das, A., Bajaj, A., Mahajan, A. and Mudgal, A. (2016), “Modelling of MDD and OMC Using Artificial Neural Network”, National Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ISBN 978-93-85777-60-8), Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, pp. 151-155. BOOK PUBLICATION : 1) Sarkar, R., Saha, S., Adhikari, B.R., Shaw, R. (2024), “Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools”, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7707-9, Springer. 2) Sarkar, R., Shaw, R., Pradhan, B. (2022), "Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides", https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7314-6_16, Springer. 3) Worked as Preparatory in the SI version of the book “Traffic and Highway Engineering” authored by Prof. Nicholas J. Garber and Prof. Lester A. Hoel of University of Virginia, USA for Cengage Learning, USA. 4) Worked as Main-author in the book “Civil Engineering Objectives” for Birla Publication (Birla Group of Companies), New Delhi. JOURNAL REVIEWER : Landslide (Springer), Geosciences Frontiers (Elsevier), Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment (Springer), Acta Geophysics (Springer), Computer and Geosciences (Elsevier), Ecological Informatics (Elsevier), Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (Elsevier), Urban Climate (Elsevier) etc. PATENT FILLED/PUBLISHED : 1) “Soil based brick mixed with lime mud - an industrial waste of paper mill” (Application No.: 2669/DEL/2014; International classification: C04B28/20; Journal No.: 21/2015; Publication Date: 22/05/2015)
2) “Steel sludge based brick mixed with Brahmaputra sand, flyash, lime mud and binder” (Application No.: 1853/DEL/2015; International classification: B22D41/32; Journal No.: 34/2015; Publication
Last Updated : 2024-10-28 10:21:00