Computer Science & Engineering
Email: ,
B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D.
Areas of Interest
Data Science, Deep Learning, Big Data analytics, Web Mining, IoT, Social Networks Analysis, Recommender Systems, Machine learning, Software Engineering, Multimedia Systems, Internet Technologies, Data Mining, Software Quality and Testing, Human Behavior, Evolutionary Computing, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, Computational Intelligence, Healthcare, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Blockchain Technology
Responsibility by Govt. of India
Google Scholar (h-index: 28):
Countries Visited: United Kingdom (U.K.), USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, UAE, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Bulgaria, Greece.
Represented India / Internationally Selected
Invited Expert Speaker in 2nd Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Greece and India, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 2024 (Represented India).
World’s top 2% scientist in 2024- Stanford University, USA |
Awarded Best Paper (LSTVision: A Multi-Modal Framework for Autism Spectrum Diagnosis Utilizing LSTM and Vision Transformer) in 5th International Conference on Smart Sensors And Application (ICSSA 2024), 10-12 September 2024 at Penang, Malaysia.
Invited by United Kingdom Govt. (UK) at De Montfort University as a Speaker and Panellist-2024 (Represented India) |
World’s top 2% scientist in 2023- Stanford University, USA |
Elected as a Member of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) on May 23, 2022. |
World’s top 2% scientist in 2022- Stanford University, USA |
Young Researcher Scientist Sakura Science Exchange Program 2020- Tokyo, Japan (Represented India) |
BRICS Countries Young Scientist 2020- Chelyabinsk, Russia (Represented India) |
World’s top 2% scientist in 2021- Stanford University, USA |
UNESCO Global Action Programme 2019- Dunedin, New Zealand (Represented India) |
World’s top 2% scientist in 2020- Stanford University, USA |
Associate Editor for SCIE/SCI Journals
Administrative Responsibilities (University Administration)
Exam Superintendent for Mid Term Examination in CSE Department, DTU for UG, PG and Ph.D. Course for March 2025.
Department Research Committee (DRC) Chairperson for the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, DTU from December 8, 2023 to till date. |
Superintendent/Coordinator for Evaluation of End Term Examination answer books for the Department of Computer Science & Engineering for the Academic Year 2023-24. |
Convener, for Three Weeks Technical Training Programme on “Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and E-Governance” for 02 years of foundation Training of the 59th Batch of DANICS Probationers in association with the Directorate of Training (Union Territories Civil Services), Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Delhi Technological University from 11th -29th September 2023. |
Convener, for organizing One Week Short Term Training Course on “Introduction to High Performance Computing and its Application in Artificial Intelligence” in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Delhi Technological University, from August 7-11, 2023, in association with CDAC Pune, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) Govt. of India and National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) Govt. of India. |
Organizer, for one Day (Tuesday 25th April 2023) Expert Talk on “Role of DST in innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship” in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, DTU. Experts were from the DST Govt of India.
Organizer, International Seminar to take global initiative towards “Distributed Artificial Intelligence in Global 5G/6G Networks” in collaboration with The University of Cyprus and Computer Science & Engineering, DTU on December 15, 2022. Prof. Andreas Pitsillides and Dr. Iakovos Ioannou were speakers from Cyprus. |
Organizer, International Seminar on “Enhancing Research and Collaboration in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence” on November 14, 2022, in collaboration with the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Department of CSE, DTU and IEEE DTU Computer Society. Experts were from New Zealand. |
Coordinator: (International Partnership & Visitation, IT and Database) Office of International Affairs from April 6, 2021 to August 31, 2022. |
Associate Dean: Office of International Affairs from January 1, 2021, to April 5, 2021. |
Officer In-Charge: International Partnership & Visitation, Office of International Affairs, till December 31, 2020. |
Faculty Advisor: Founder of Society named as “D_CODER”. The purpose of D_Coder society is to bridge the gap between industry and academics in the multidisciplinary domains at the national and international levels. |
Member of evaluation of Students for participating in Smart Hackathon/Conference of the University. |
Co-Convener of Hospitality & Catering for Annual Convocation-2022 of the University. |
Convener of Seating Arrangement for Annual Convocation-2022 of the University. |
CALIBRE Research Group (
The faculty advisor & founder of CALIBRE (Computational Analytics and Learning Intelligence Based Research Exploration) research group works under "Big Data Analytics and Web Intelligence Laboratory" of the Computer Science and Engineering Department. CALIBRE is working in the areas: Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, IoT, Deep Learning, Social Networks, Knowledge Discovery, Computational Intelligence, Multimedia Technologies, Human Analytics, Web Engineering, Internet Technologies, Healthcare Analytics, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Business Intelligence.
Research Project / Funding
- DTU-NSM: Funding of 3,00,000 (Three Lacs only) received from CDAC Pune for organizing One Week Short Term Training Course on “Introduction to HPC and its Application in AI” in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Delhi Technological University from August 7-11, 2023 under the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) Govt. of India.
- DTU-DST: As a Principal Investigator received a Project grant of amount Rs 12,51,000/- from the Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology (DST), National Council for Science & Technology Communication Division (NCSTC, programme on Health and risk communication) Government of India, Technology Bhavan New Delhi 110016 for project Titled “TRIP AID - Travel Risk Information in a Pandemic using Artificial Intelligence Development” on January 8, 2021.
- DTU-SAMSUNG: As a Principal Investigator from DTU, working on Industrial Project with Samsung on “Skin Disease Detection with the application of Wearable Devices and IoT Applications”, 2021.
- Patents Granted
- “Precision Agriculture Rover For PlantDisease Detection And Control” (Patent No: 529534, Application Number: 202211032321, Date of Grant: 21/03/2024), The Patent Office, Government of India.
- “An Autonomously Operating Surface Water Robot And Method Thereof” (Patent No: 556819, Application Number: 202211016054, Date of Grant: 24/12/2024), The Patent Office, Government of India.
Patents Filed/Published
Intelligent Autonomous Rover For Plant Disease Detection And Method Thereof (Application Number: 202111007578, February 23, 2021) |
International Participation Achievements
- Selected in International Cooperation Division, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India, 5th BRICS Young Scientists Conclave-2020 Chelyabinsk, Russia of the theme “BRICS Partnership of Young Scientists and Innovators for Science Progress and Innovative growth“ September 21-25, 2020.
- Selected & invited by Japan Science & Technology (JST) for the special invitation program designed for young Indian officers and researchers under the framework of the Japan-Asia Youth Exchange program in SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program, Japan from 26 to February 1, 2020, administered by Japan Science & Technology Agency, Japan, Tokyo. He visited the Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC) in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST) Tokyo, University of Tokyo, Azabu University Japan, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) Tokyo, Chofu Aerospace Center Tokyo, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Fujitsu Limited, Tokyo.
- (Only team from India, with two DTU undergraduate students) was selected, participated and contributed to Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand and Untouched World Foundation Engineering Waterwise Programme along with two third-year Engineering students in Central Otago, New Zealand from 17 March to 6 April 2019. This Programme is a part of the UNESCO Global Action Programme based on youth leadership, international citizenship, sustainable development, and quality education, and is a partnership between Otago Polytechnic and the Untouched World Foundation, with support from Education New Zealand.
International Research Recognition/Research Awards
- World’s top 2% Scientist in 2024- Stanford University, USA. Listed in the top 2% Scientist World Ranking in the top-ranked Science-Metrix category (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing) published on 16 September 2024.
- On September 5, 2024, Delhi Technological University (DTU) awarded Early Research Impact and Influence, Cumulative Citation Award, Premier Research and Commendable Research Awards for research excellence in 2023.
- World’s top 2% Scientist in 2023- Stanford University, USA. Listed in the top 2% Scientist World Ranking in the top-ranked Science-Metrix category (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing) published on October 4, 2023.
- World’s top 2% Scientist in 2022- Stanford University, USA. Listed in the top 2% Scientist World Ranking as 3194 in the top-ranked Science-Metrix category (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing) published on October 10, 2022.
- Secured First position in the poster presentation for the paper entitled “Assessment using Doromon look-alike evaluation Virtual Assistant” during the Young Researchers Conclave- 2023 held on 19th July 2023 organized by CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi (India).
- World’s top 2% Scientist in 2021- Stanford University, the USA listed in the top 2% Scientist World Ranking as 3578 in the top-ranked Science-Metrix category (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing) published on October 19, 2021.
- World’s top 2% Scientist in 2020- Stanford University, USA: Achieved Stanford University World Ranking 3696 for research in the year 2019 top ranked Science-Metrix category (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing) for author ( )
- On April 6, 2023, Delhi Technological University (DTU) awarded for Yearly Citation Award: Early Research Impact and Influence Award and commendable research awards for excellence in research in the year 2022.
- On March 3, 2022, Delhi Technological University (DTU) awarded for commendable research award for excellence in research in the year 2021.
- On February 15, 2021, Delhi Technological University (DTU) awarded for commendable research award for excellence in research in the year 2020.
- On March 13, 2020, Delhi Technological University (DTU) awarded for commendable research award for excellence in research in the year 2019.
- On March 19, 2019, Delhi Technological University awarded for commendable research award for excellence in research in the year 2018.
- On March 21, 2018, Delhi Technological University awarded for commendable research award for excellence in research in the year 2017.
- Elsevier: Applied Soft Computing Journal awarded the certificate of reviewing in the year 2017.
- Elsevier: Computer in Human Behavior Journal awarded outstanding contribution in reviewing in the year 2016.
- IEEE awarded a certificate of appreciation as a “proctor” for guiding and overseeing competing teams for the IEEEXtreme 13.0 programming competition that hosted 9,400 participants on October 19, 2019.
Expert Talks (International)
- Invited by Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, as a Keynote speaker for the talk “Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Combat Alzheimer: Innovations and Insights” in the 50th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE) 2024, for 6-13 June 2024
- Invited by the United Kingdom Govt as a speaker and the panellist in the symposium Artificial Intelligence: 'Seize the Opportunities, Avoid the Hazards' for the event "Global Ethics and Regulations in Medical AI Technology and “Unlocking the Power of AI for Autism Spectrum Disorders” at the De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom during February 26- March 04, 2024.
- Presenter and speaker for the research work “An enhanced hybrid model paradigm for transforming breast cancer prediction” in the 17th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems (SITIS- 2023) Bangkok, Thailand, November, 8-10, 2023.
- Keynote Speaker for the invited talk “Applications of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Autism Spectrum Disorder” in the symposium Exploring the Frontiers of Data Science, Biomedical Informatics & Human-Computer Interaction conducted on September 12-13, 2022, organized by the School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University IUPUI, USA and Indiana University India Gateway, New Delhi.
- Keynote Speaker for an invited talk on “How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Health Industry?” in Flagship IEEE Virtual Meet-2020 being organized in IEEE week celebrating IEEE Day-2020 themed on an "STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Medicine) Industry-Academia Meet-up 2020 organized by IEEE-AcSIR CSIO Student Branch, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh along with its affinity group IEEE WIE (Women in Engineering) & IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Student Branch Chapter on October 9, 2020, at 6 PM (IST).
- Delivered an expert talk in BRICS-YSF Conclave 2020, Scientific session of Artificial Intelligence on “Opportunities and Challenges in Healthcare Analytics Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in BRICS Countries” in virtual mode at SUSU (South Ural State University) 76, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454080 on 22 September 2020. (
- Delivered an expert talk on “Opportunities and Future Research Collaborations: Indo-Japan Perspective” and represented India and Delhi Technological University (DTU) in the 2nd Exchange Meeting of Japan-India Universities at JST Tokyo Headquarters, 7 Gonbancho, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan on Thursday, January 30, 2020.
- Delivered an expert talk on "Tackling Natural Disasters in India and New Zealand using Big Data & Machine Learning: The Future." The talk was delivered at Level 6, WZ Building, 6 St. Paul Street, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Auckland, New Zealand, on April 1, 2019.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Opportunities, Issues, and Challenges in Big Data Analytics: India-New Zealand Perspective" on April 1, 2019, in Room 201, 70 Symonds Street at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. Rahul Katarya shared his valuable perspective on the potential area of collaboration between India and New Zealand, which includes Computer Engineering, Climate change, Water, Health, Agriculture, Social Networks, Tourism, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
- Delivered a talk on “Role of Big Data in Climate Change: India-New Zealand Connection" on April 4, 2019, at the Department of Information Technology, Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand. He provided valuable inputs to the various concerns (Computer Engineering, Climate Change & Water issue) of India-New Zealand.
- Presented a talk on “Privacy-preserving and secure recommender system enhance with K-NN and social tagging” in the 4th International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (IEEE CSCloud 2017) on June 26, 2017, at Columbia University, New York, USA.
Expert Talks (India)
- Resource Person in National Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence: Future Applications & Research Opportunities” organized by Faculty of Computer Application & Institution Innovation Council (IIC), Raja Balwant Singh Management Technical Campus, Agra on 22 December 2023.
- Expert Speaker in Five-Day Short-Term Course on Network Modeling, Cloud-computing, and Big-data of Course Schedule: December 8 – 12, 2023 for the title “Recent Trends and Future of Big Data Analytics” on 11-12-2023 at National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India
- Expert Speaker in the Refresher Course in Maths, Statistics & Computer Science Scheduled from November 20, 2023 to December 05. 2023 for the title “Approaches to Write and Publish Good Research Papers and Application of Intellectual Property Rights” on 25-11-2023 at UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), University of Lucknow, India.
- Expert Speaker for the title “Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence” in at Hindustan Engineering College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura, U.P. on September 26, 2023.
- Keynote Speaker for the Title “AI-Powered World” Three Weeks Technical Training Programme on “Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and E-Governance” for 02 years of foundation Training of the 59th Batch of DANICS Probationers in association with the Directorate of Training (Union Territories Civil Services), Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Delhi Technological University from 11th -29th September 2023.
- Expert Speaker at the CSIR-National Envirnomental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) for the Skill Training Program on “Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing and Management of Envirnoment” for the title “Future of AI for Environment Product Development” Govt of India on September 5, 2023.
- Invited as a Resource Person to Deliver a Lecture in One Week Workshop on “Research Methodology” (April 03-07, 2023) jointly organized by the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Faculty of Engineering & Technology under the aegis of Ch. Ranbir Singh Institute of Social and Economic Change, M.D. University, Rohtak.
- Keynote Speaker at Delhi Public School, Palam Vihar School - Career Fair 2022 on Tuesday, 11th October 2022.
- Expert Speaker for the title “Role of Probability and Statistics in Healthcare Analytics.”, in International Symposium On Probability & Statistics: New Frontiers (ISPS 2022) (Online Mode) Jointly organized by Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta & Calcutta Statistical Association on August 12 - 14, 2022.
- Expert Speaker for the title “Public Health Surveillance using Artificial Intelligence” in Advances in Computer Sciences- 2022 (ACS-2022) at Hindustan Engineering College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura, U.P. on July 20, 2022.
- Keynote Speaker for the title of “Health Care and Big Data” in TEQIP III Sponsored Five Days ONLINE Faculty Development Program On “Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, during 15th to 19th March 2021.
- Keynote Speaker for “Significance of Opinion Leader in Online Social Networks” 2020 6th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India, 6-8 November 2020.
- Keynote Speaker for “Impact of Social Networks in Human Behavioral Analytics” in 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON)” organized by Department of Computer Engineering & Applications, GLA University, Mathura (UP), India held on November 21-22, 2019.
- Delivered a talk on “Role of Artificial Intelligence to Detoxify Social Media Contents” as an invited speaker at the 66th IETE Foundation Day on the theme “Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Development of Society” on November 2, 2019, at IETE 2, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “AI in Healthcare Analytics” on August 27, 2019, in the Department of Computer Engineering & Applications, GLA University, Mathura, India
- Delivered a lecture titled “Importance of Big Data analytics & intellectual property rights in E-learning & E-Governance” on August 26, 2019, in the 2nd Refresher Course in E-Learning & E-Governance at the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU), India.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare” June 27, 2019, in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) themed on “Artificial Intelligence using Machine Learning” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Management & Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, India.
- Delivered an expert talk on 6th June 2019, in one-week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Advances in Network Modeling & Optimization Techniques” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) Noida, India.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Recent trends in intelligent Multimedia Applications” on 28th July 2018, in a one-day national seminar on recent advances in computer vision & Image Processing in Computer Science and Engineering Department, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad.
- Delivered an expert lecture on “Security and Privacy Issues in Big Data” on 11th July 2018 in Faculty Development Program (FDP) (9-14 July 2018) at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) Noida, India.
- Delivered an expert lecture on “Recent trends in Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics” in Faculty Development Program, organized at Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology U.P. Sponsored by TEQIP-III, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow on January 18, 2018.
Session Chair in International Conferences/Panellist/Moderator/Advisor
- Panellist for a Special Online Masterclass themed “The Data World and Trends” with Indiana University, Northwest, USA (Prof. Bhaskara Kopparty (Chair of the Department of Computer Information Systems) Bala ArshanaPalli (Associate Executive Vice Chancellor, Mark Hoyert (Dean), Kathy Spicer), EducationUSA at United States-India Educational Foundation, New Delhi and Delhi Technological University, Wednesday, October 27, 2021.
- Session Chair for Technical session- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in AICTE sponsored National Conference, Visualizing and Sensitizing Innovations in Information Technology on 20-21 October 2021 in Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Technical Campus (VSIT), Delhi.
- Online panel discussion in Celebration of National Science Day, February 26, 2021, 3 PM-4 PM on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence Opportunities & Challenges” at National Science Center, Delhi, National Council of Science Museum, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India.
- Contributed as a Core Team member for Next Generation Security and Analytics for Mobile Assisted RemoTe Healthcare (N-SAMARTH) Webinar held during 12th to 14th Jan 2021 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological University.
- Participated in New Zealand - India Education Virtual Week on October 5-9, 2020.
- Associated as a Moderator from the Panel Discussion “How Gig Economy Can Change The Face of Employment Post COVID-19” at the Global Changemakers Summit 2020, organized by Solve Foundation on September 19, 2020 (Global Changemakers Summit 2020).
- Associated as a Moderator from the Panel Discussion “The Global Pandemic Has Far-Reaching Consequences That May Jeopardize Hard- Won Gains Made in Improving Global Education” at the Global Changemakers Summit 2020, organized by Solve Foundation on September 19, 2020 (Global Changemakers Summit 2020).
- Board of Advisory, Indian Road Safety Campaign (IRSC) is the road safety initiative of Solve. Started as a project at IIT Delhi due to the death of students in a road accident, IRSC has gradually grown to be the largest youth-led organization in India.
- Chaired a session at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON)” organized by the Department of Computer Engineering & Applications, GLA University, Mathura (UP), India, held on November 21-22, 2019.
- Indian Panellist in a workshop themed on “How Engineers are making the most of data and simulation” in the New Zealand-India Academic Conclave on Monday, 20 August 2018, at Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Delhi.
- Visited ORBOSYS Cooperation Pvt. Ltd. company on June 16, 2018, with DTU students and faculty and met with Directors of Sales and Marketing & Technology.
- Chaired a session at the 4th International Conference on Computer Management (ICCM-2018), held on 22-23 December 2018, organized by G.B. Pant Govt. Engineering College Delhi.
- Chaired a session at the India International Conference on Information Processing (IICIP 2016) organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Delhi Technological University from 12-14 August 2016.
Laboratory Incharge
- Setup new “Big Data Analytics & Web Intelligence Research Lab”, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, DTU (July 2018-till now).
- Lab Incharge of “Data Base Management Systems Lab” Department of Computer Science & Engineering, DTU (July 2018-September 2019).
- Lab Incharge of “Web Engineering Laboratory”, Department of Information Technology, Delhi Technological University (2010-2018).
SCI/SCIE Indexed International Journals
Himanshu Nandanwar, Rahul Katarya, “Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Blockchain-Enabled IoT Healthcare Management System”, The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, (Impact Factor: 1.5, Publisher: Oxford Academic) (Accepted on March 6, 2025).
Himanshu Nandanwar, Rahul Katarya, “Securing Industry 5.0: An Explainable Deep Learning Model for Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems”, Computers and Electrical Engineering (Impact Factor: 4.0, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on February 4, 2025).
Himanshu Nandanwar, Rahul Katarya, A Hybrid Blockchain-Based Framework for Securing Intrusion Detection Systems in Internet of Things, Cluster Computing, (Impact Factor: 3.6, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on January 15, 2025)
Pranav, Rahul Katarya, “Effi-CNN: Real-Time Vision-based System for Interpretation of Sign Language using CNN and Transfer Learning” Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Impact Factor: 3.0, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on December 27, 2024)
Kainat Khan, Rahul Katarya, “MCBERT: A Multi-Modal Framework for the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Biological Psychology (Impact Factor: 2.8, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on December 17, 2024).
Kainat Khan, Rahul Katarya, “WS-BiTM: Integrating White Shark Optimization with Bi-LSTM for Enhanced Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis” Journal of Neuroscience Methods (Impact Factor: 2.7, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on November 3, 2024).
- Kainat Khan, Rahul Katarya, “AFF-BPL: An Adaptive Feature Fusion Technique for the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Bat-PSO-LSTM based Framework” Journal of Computational Science, (Impact Factor: 3.1, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on September 16, 2024).
- Madhuri Yadav, Rahul Katarya, “Stacked Denoising Variational Auto Encoder Model for Extractive Web Text Summarization”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering (Impact Factor: 1.5, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on August 28, 2024).
- Vinay Dubey, Rahul Katarya, “SSR-GAN: Super Resolution-based Generative adversarial networks Model for Flood Image Enhancement”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, (Impact Factor: 2.3, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on May 5, 2024).
- Himanshu Nandanwar, Rahul Katarya, “Deep Learning Enabled Intrusion Detection System for Industrial IoT Environment”, Expert Systems with Applications, (Impact Factor: 8.665, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on March 20, 2024).
- Rahul, Rahul Katarya, “A systematic Review on Predicting the Performance of Students in Higher Education in Offline Mode Using Machine Learning Techniques” Wireless Personal Communications, (Impact Factor: 2.2, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on December 21, 2023).
- Himanshu Nandanwar, Rahul Katarya, “TL-BILSTM IoT: Transfer Learning Model For Prediction Of Intrusion Detection System in IoT Environment”, International Journal of Information Security, (Impact Factor: 3.2, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on November 9, 2023).
- Garima Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “A Computational Approach Towards Food-Wine Recommendations Expert Systems with Applications, (Impact Factor: 8.665, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on September 20, 2023).
- Anjum, Rahul Katarya, “Hate speech, Toxicity detection in online social media: A recent survey of state-of-the-art, and opportunities”, International Journal of Information Security, (Impact Factor: 3.2, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on August 31, 2023).
- Anjum, Rahul Katarya, "HateDetector: Multilingual Technique for the Analysis and Detection of Online Hate Speech in Social Networks", Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Impact Factor: 3.6, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on August 21, 2023).
- Aakansha Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “A Deep-SIQRV Epidemic Model for COVID-19 to Access the Impact of Prevention and Control Measures”, Computational Biology and Chemistry, (Impact Factor: 3.1, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on August 14, 2023).
- Lokesh Jain, Rahul Katarya, Shelly Sachdeva, “Opinion Leaders for information diffusion using Graph Neural Network in Online Social Networks”, ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), (Impact Factor: 4.24, Publisher: ACM) (Accepted on December 5, 2022).
- Rahul, Rahul Katarya, “Deep Auto Encoder based on a Transient Search Capsule Network for Student Performance Prediction” Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Impact Factor: 2.577, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on October 22, 2022).
- Ravish, Rahul Katarya, Deepak Dahiya, Saksham Checker “Fake News Detection System Using Featured-Based Optimized MSVM Classification”, IEEE Access. (Impact Factor: 3.476, Publisher: IEEE) (Accepted on October 21, 2022).
- Rahul Katarya, “Towards the Significance of Taxi Recommender Systems in Smart Cities” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience”, (Impact Factor: 1.831, Publisher: Wiley) (Accepted on October 6, 2022).
- Garima Gupta, Rahul Katarya, A Novel Approach To Alleviate Data Sparsity And Generate Dynamic Fruit Recommendations From Point-Of-Sale Data, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, (Impact Factor: 1.831, Publisher: Wiley) (Accepted on August 19, 2022).
- Utkarsh Agrawal, Vasudha Rohatgi, Rahul Katarya, “Normalized mutual information-based equilibrium optimizer with chaotic maps for wrapper-filter feature selection” Expert Systems with Applications, (Impact Factor: 8.665, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on July 7, 2022).
- Aakansha Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “Possibility of the COVID-19 Third Wave in India: Mapping from Second Wave to Third Wave”, Indian Journal of Physics, (Impact Factor: 1.947, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on June 21, 2022).
- Tashvik Dhamija, Anunay Gupta, Shreyansh Gupta, Anjum, Rahul Katarya and Ghanshyam Singh, “Semantic Segmentation in Medical Images Through Transfused Convolution and Transformer Networks”, Applied Intelligence, (Impact Factor: 5.086, Publisher: Springer) (Accepted on April 15, 2022).
- Herkulaas Combrink, Nerina Chrisna van der Merwe, Rahul Katarya, Katinka de Wet, Ming-Han Motloung, “A South African Indian Population Group Dataset for Breast Cancer and BRCA1/2 Variants”, Data in Brief, (Impact Factor: 1.13, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on April 08, 2022).
- Aakansha Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “Deep Embedding for Mental Health Content on Social Media using Vector Space Model with Feature Clusters”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, (Impact Factor: 1.536, Publisher: Wiley) (Accepted on January 28, 2022).
- Polipireddy Srinivas, Rahul Katarya, “hyOPTXg: OPTUNA hyper-parameter optimization framework for predicting cardiovascular disease using XGBoost”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 73, March 2022,103456 (Impact Factor: 3.880, Publisher: Elsevier) (Accepted on December 16, 2021)
- Aakansha Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “PAN-LDA: A Latent Dirichlet Allocation based Novel Feature Extraction Model for COVID-19 Data using Machine Learning”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, Volume 138, November 2021, 104920, (Impact Factor: 4.589, Publisher: Elsevier).
- Rahul Katarya, Rajat Saini “Enhancing the Wine Tasting experience using Greedy Clustering Wine Recommender System” Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Accepted in July 2021) (Impact Factor: 2.517, Publisher: Springer).
- Garima Gupta, Rahul Katarya “EnPSO: An AutoML Technique For Generating Ensemble Recommender System” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2021, Volume 46, 8677-8695 (Impact Factor: 2.334, Publisher: Springer)
- Priyansh Kedia, Anjum, Rahul Katarya “CoVNet-19: A Deep Learning Model for the Detection and Analysis of COVID-19 Patients” Applied Soft Computing, Volume 104, 107184, June 2021, doi: (Impact Factor: 6.725, Publisher: Elsevier)
- Garima Gupta, Rahul Katarya “Research on Understanding the Effect of Deep Learning on User Preferences” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2021, Volume 46, 3247-3286, (Impact Factor: 2.334, Publisher: Springer)
- Anunay Gupta, Anjum, Shreyansh Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “InstaCovNet-19: A Deep Learning Classification Model for the Detection of COVID-19 Patients Using Chest X-Ray”, Volume 99, February 2021, 106859, Applied Soft Computing, (Impact Factor: 6.725, Publisher: Elsevier)
- Rahul Katarya, Sunit Kumar, “Machine Learning Techniques for Heart Disease Prediction: A Comparative Study and Analysis”, Health and Technology, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Publisher: Springer), Online Published: November 2020.
- Aakansha Gupta, Rahul Katarya, “Social Media based Surveillance Systems for Healthcare using Machine Learning: A Systematic Review” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 108, August 2020, 103500 (Impact Factor: 3.526, Publisher: Elsevier)
- Lokesh Jain, Rahul Katarya, Shelly Sachdeva “Recognition of opinion leaders coalitions in online social network using game theory” Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 203, 5 September 2020, 106158 (Impact Factor: 5.921, Publisher: Elsevier)
- Rahul Katarya, Yamini Arora “CapsMF: A novel Product Recommender System using Deep Learning Based Text Analysis model" Multimedia Tools and Applications,79(47), 35927-35948 , 2020 (Impact Factor: 2.313, Publisher: Springer)
- Lokesh Jain, Rahul Katarya, Shelly Sachdeva, “Opinion Leader detection using Whale Optimization Algorithm in Online Social Network” Expert Systems with Applications, (Impact Factor: 5.452, Publisher: Elsevier), Volume 142, 15 March 2020, 113016,
- Lokesh Jain, Rahul Katarya “Discover opinion leader in social network using firefly algorithm”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 122, Page 1-15, May 2019, (Impact Factor: 5.452, Publisher: Elsevier).
- Rahul Katarya “Movie recommender system with metaheuristic artificial bee” Neural Computing and Applications, September 2018, Volume 30, Issue 6, pp 1983–1990, (Impact Factor: 4.774, Publisher: Springer).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma, “Recommender system with grey wolf optimizer and FCM” Neural Computing and Applications, September 2018, Volume 30, Issue 5, pp 1679–1687, (Impact Factor: 4.774, Publisher: Springer).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma “Effectual recommendations using artificial algae algorithm and fuzzy c-mean” in Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, October 2017 (Impact Factor: 6.912, Publisher: Elsevier).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma “An effective web page recommender system with fuzzy c-mean clustering” Multimedia Tools and Applications, October 2017, (Impact Factor: 2.313, Publisher: Springer).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma “An effective collaborative movie recommender system with cuckoo search” Egyptian Informatics Journal, October 2017, (Impact Factor: 3.119, Publisher: Elsevier).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma “Efficient music recommender system using context graph and particle swarm” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 77, Issue 2, pp 2673–2687, January 2018, (Impact Factor: 2.313, Publisher: Springer).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma “Recent developments in affective recommender systems.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics its Applications, May 2016, 461:182–90. (Impact Factor: 2.924, Publisher: Elsevier).
- Rahul Katarya, Om Prakash Verma “A collaborative recommender system enhanced with particle swarm optimization technique” Multimedia Tools and Applications 1–15, March 2016, (Impact Factor: 2.313, Publisher: Springer).
Research Supervision
A. Ph.D.
Thesis Awarded: 05
- Dr. Lokesh Jain, 2K17/PHD/CSE/10, Title: "Study on Opinion Leader in Online Social Network using Computational Intelligence."
- Dr. Aakansha Gupta, 2K18/PHD/CO/10, Title: "Designing An Efficient Public Health Surveillance System Using Machine Learning."
- Dr. Garima, 2K17/PhD/CO/05, Title: "Towards Efficient Recommender Systems Using Computational Intelligence".
- Dr. Anjum, 2K18/PHD/CO/503, Title: "Detection and Analysis of Online Hate Speech using Artificial Intelligence."
- Dr. Rahul, 2K18/PHD/CO/19, Title: "Study and Analysis of Students Academic Performance using Artificial Intelligence."
PhD Supervisions, ongoing: 06
- Madhuri Yadav, 2K18/PHD/CO/11, Title: "Web Text Summarization using Machine Learning."
- Vinay Dubey, 2K18/PHD/CO/04, Title: "Prediction and Detection of Flood using Artificial Intelligence."
- Gull Kaur, 2K18/PHD/CO/07, "Artificial Intelligence in Education"
- Kainat Khan, 2K21/PHDCO/501, "Development of Artificial Intelligence based Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection Framework"
- Himanshu Nandanwar, 2k22/PhD/CSE/03, "Development of Intrusion Detection System in IoT using Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology"
- Keshaw Kumar, 24/PHDCO/05, "Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security"
Last Updated : 2025-03-07 13:59:43