P. V. Ram Kumar


Phone:011 27871438
Email: pvrdce@rediffmail.com, pvrdce@gmail.com



Areas of Interest


1. Completed  around 22 years of service in teaching(as on March 2017) ;

2. Obtained First class B.E. Degree from University of Madras, Tamilnadu;

3. Obtained First class M.E. Degree from Annamalai University, Tamilnadu;

Details of Publications of Text Books:

1       P.V.Ram Kumar, THERMAL ENGINEERING : A Text Book of Practicals by Narosa Publications, New Delhi 

2.     P.V.Ram Kumar, THERMAL ENGINEERING : A Text Book of Practicals by Alpha Science International Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom(UK) 


                                   1. Thermal Engg -I

                                    2.Thermal Engg – II

                                    3. Heat Transfer

                                    4. Applied Thermodynamics

                                    5. Thermodynamics

                                    6. Mechanical Science

                                    7. Engg. Drawing / Engg Graphics

                                    8. Machine Drawing

                                     9.. Power Plant Engg

                                     10. Gas dynamics & Jet propulsion

                                    11. Refrigeration and Air conditioning

                                     12. Gas dyanamics

                                   13. Fluid mechanics


1.P.V.Ram Kumar * & S.S.Kachhwaha, “Thermodynamic analysis of an improved open cycle Gas Turbine system with Alternative Regeneration” International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Energy Conversion & Management ICEM-2009 to be held in  DEC 2009 organized by IT BHU,Varanasi, INDIA (Paper published in the ICEM-2009

2. Ram Kumar, P. V. , and Kachhwaha, S. S., Comparative thermodynamic performance analysis of Alternative Regeneration Gas Turbine cycles presented and published in the conference proceedings of 5th International Conference on Energy Research & Development (ICERD5) organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Petroleum, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait during April 09-11,2012.

3. P.V.Ram Kumar * & S.S.Kachhwaha, “Thermodynamic analysis of Gas Turbine co-generation cycle with alternative regeneration” International conference On Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Management  December 22 – 24, 2010 K.S.Rangasamy college of Technology, Tiruchengode – 637 215, INDIA. (Paper published in  ICETSEM 2010) 

4.  P.V.Ram Kumar * & S.S.Kachhwaha, “Thermodynamic performance improvement of Gas Turbine co-generation cycle with alternative regeneration” International Conference on Thermal Energy and Environment March 24 - 26, 2011 INCOTEE 2011. Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu, India (Paper submitted for the INCOTEE 2011)

5. P.V.Ram Kumar * & S.S.Kachhwaha, “Thermodynamic First Law energy analysis of Gas Turbine plant with Alternate Regeneration system” National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Production Eengineering during Feb 12-14,2009 organized by GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar, INDIA(Pg. No. 524-535) (Paper published in the RAMP-2009)

6.  P.V.Ram Kumar * & S.S.Kachhwaha, “THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE REGENERATION GAS TURBINE CYCLE WITH TWIN SHAFT SYSTEM”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation. Volume 2 (2014) 421-428  ISSN 2347 – 3258 (Paper Published in 2014)

7.  P.V.Ram Kumar * & S.S.Kachhwaha, “THERMODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE REGENERATION GAS TURBINE COGENERATION CYCLE WITH TWO SHAFT SYSTEM”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation. Volume 2 (2014) 414-420  ISSN 2347 – 3258 (Paper published in 2014)

8.  Dr.R.S.Mishra, Nausad Ahmad Ansari, P.V.Ram Kumar & Ritu Raj  “THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF AIR REFRIGERATION CYCLE WITH DOUBLE REGENERATION”, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation. ISSN 2321 – 2705

9. P.V.Ram Kumar, Dr R S MISHRA '' Thermodynamic Analysis on Steam Injected Gas Turbine cycle''  Presented and published in the conference proceedings of International Conference on Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI 2017)

10. Aman Khurana, P. V Ram Kumar,Dr R S MISHRA  "Performance analysis of PV cell under uniform and non-uniform illumination'' Presented and published in the conference proceedings of International Conference on Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI 2017)

11. Rajesh Kumar, Roshan Kumar, P.V.Ramkumar, Dr R S MISHRA  ''STUDY OF FUEL OIL HANDLING SYSTEM IN THERMAL POWER PLANTS''  Presented and published in the conference proceedings of International Conference on Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI 2017)

12. P.V.Ram Kumar & Dr.R.S.Mishra  “THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS ON STEAM INJECTED GAS TURBINE CYCLE”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation (ISSN 2347-3258) Vol 5 Issue 2, 2017 (286-289)

13. P.V.Ram Kumar, Dr.R.S.Mishra & Aman Khurana  “Performance Analysis of PV cell under Uniform and Non Uniform illumination”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation (ISSN 2347-3258) Vol 5 Issue 2, 2017 (293-294)

14.P.V.Ram Kumar, Dr.R.S.Mishra et al., “Study of Fuel oil Handling system in Thermal Power Plants”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation (ISSN 2347-3258) Vol 5 Issue 2, 2017 (290-292)



  1. I have been OSD(Admn) of B.Tech.Evening  Programme from Dec 2002 to Dec 2013.
  2. I have attended more than 20 short-term training programmes .
  3. I am Member of ISME, SAE and ISTE
  4. Presently I am Member of Board of Studies Mechanical Engg Dept
  5. I am Member of Departmental Purchase Committee Mechanical Engg Dept
  6. Member of the department committee for revised syllabus and curriculum as assigned by  HoD (MECH).
  7. Member for revision of syllabus and curriculum committee for B.Tech.(Even) Course as assigned by HoD(Mech)
  8. Chairman, Committee for change of Name of students as assigned by Hon’ble VC in Dean (Academic) UG office.
  9. Chairman, Committee of Scholarship for Economically weaker sections of students in DTU as assigned by Hon’ble VC in Dean (Academic) UG office.
  10. Dy. Superintendent, B.Tech. Mid Semester Exam SEP 2016
  11. Dy. Superintendent, B.Tech. Mid Semester Exam MARCH 2017.
  12. Dy. Superintendent, B.Tech. END Semester Exam NOV 2016
  13. Dy. Superintendent, B.Tech. END Semester Exam MAY 2017.
  14. Dy. Superintendent, Screening Test for the post of Asst. Professor in EE/EEE & ECE Depts., DTU held on 12/11/2016.
  15. Dy. Superintendent, Screening Test for the post of Asst. Professor in AM/MC/AP/EP Depts., DTU held on 01/01/2017.
  16. Dy. Superintendent, Screening Test for the post of Asst. Professor in Management DTU held on 11/03/2017.
  17. Member CAS Committee to examine the cases for promotion of Assistant Professor under CAS from stage 1 to stage 2 to stage 3 as constituted by Competent Authority of DTU vide Office order dated 2.9.2015
  18. Member FEE Concession Committee to examine the cases for fee concession of students  under the Chairmanship of Dean Acad(UG) as constituted by Competent Authority of DTU
  19. Member B.Ttech . Admissions 2016 under DASA (Direct Admission of Students from Abroad) July 2016 as constituted by Competent Authority of DTU
  20. Member Secretary, Committee to access the number of Faculty, Technical & Ministerial staff and infrastructure due to implementation of OBC Reservation in DTU vide order dated 2.7.2013 as issued by DTU administration
  21. I have been working as Officer on Special Duty-OSD (Admn) B.Tech (Part- time) courses since DEC 2002 apart from my teaching load.
  22. I am the Time table In-charge B.Tech (Part- time) course, Mechanical Engineering Department since 2001-02 session.
  23. I have been assigned to assist the lab in-charge of I.C. Engine Lab by Head, Mechanical Department since Jan 2003 and Lab In-charge of I.C. Engine Lab from Aug 2005 to NOV 2007 &  Lab In-charge of Power Plant Engg. Lab since Nov 2007.
  24. I have been Member B.E. Mechanical Accreditation Committee 2004 as assigned by HOD (Mech).
  25. I have been Member of the team along with Officer In-Charge (part-time course) to discuss faculty requirement/sanction of posts for B.Tech.course with Assistant Director (Administrative Reforms Dept.) Govt. of NCT of Delhi on 20-09-2004
  26. I have officiated as Officer In-Charge of B.Tech (Part time) course during the vacations.
  27. I have been Member, Inaugural committee of 14th ISME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering in knowledge during Dec 12-14, 2005.
  28.  I have been Coordinator for Technical sessions held in the Convocation Hall for 14th ISME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering in knowledge during Dec 12-14, 2005.
  29. I have been appointed as Superintendent, B.Tech Part time Practical Examination (Mechanical Engineering) in  2001, 2004, 2007, 2008 & 2010
  30. I have been as Superintendent B.Tech Part time Minor Examination  in Jan 2006, Jan 2008
  31. I have been as Dy. Superintendent B.Tech Part time Minor Examination Jan 2007 & Theory Examination April 2007.
  32.  I have been as Superintendent B.Tech Theory Examination April 2006  &  2008.
  33. I have been as Dy. Superintendent of BTech Part time Entrance  Exam 2008
  34. I have been as Member, Scrutiny Committee of BTech Part time Entrance  Exam 2002,  2003, 2007, 2008
  35. I have been appointed for the following activities of BTech Entrance Exam 2004.
  36. Dy. Co-ordinator (Admn)
  37. Convener, Scrutiny Committee.
  38. Member, Admission Committee
    • I have been as Chairman, Scrutiny Committee of BTech Part time Entrance Exam 2005.
    • I have been as Deputy Chairman Admission Committee of BTech Part time Entrance Exam 2005 & 2007
    • I have been as Member, BTech Admission Committee 2003, 2004, 2006 & 2008
    • I have been as Member, BE. Admission Committee 2003, 2008 & 2009
    • I have been appointed as Member, AIEEE COUNSELLING 2006 at DCE center.
    • I have been as Member, Bulletin of Information Committee of BTech Part time Entrance  Exam 2009
    • I have been as Member, B.E. Prospectus committee 2007-08  in DCE as assigned by DIRECTOR, DCE in MAY 2007.
    • I have been as Member, Implementation of OBC reservation committee in DCE as assigned by DIRECTOR,DCE in MAY 2008.
    • I have been Member B.E. Mechanical Accreditation Committee 2009 as assigned by HOD (Mech).
    • I have been Member B.E. Syllabus Review Committee of DU as assigned by HOD (Mech).
    • I have been as Member, Dept. Purchase Committee of BTech Part time Office FY  2008-09
    • I have been as Member, Central Election committee, DCE  Elections 2007 as constituted by Returning officer DCE  Elections 2007.
    • I have been appointed as SECTOR OFFICER, MCD Elections 2007 by State Election Commission, DELHI.
    • I have been appointed as SECTOR OFFICER, East Delhi Parliamentary constituency(03), General Lok Sabha Elections 2009
    • I have been appointed as SECTOR OFFICER, MCD Elections 2017 by State Election Commission, DELHI.
    • I have been assigned by the higher authority of DCE from time to time for various activities such as monitoring the punctuality drive report for faculty members and also for technical staff members; and maintaining the discipline during the ENGIFEST of DCE etc.

             Participation  in conference /seminars /workshops

  1. Participated in SAE 2nd International Mobility conference held at IIT, Chennai during Jan 10-12, 2002.
  2. Participated in Orientation programme for faculty members of Engineering & Technology Institutions at DCE, Delhi during September 16-17, 2003.
  3. Participated in Workshop on Alternative Refrigerants & Cycles organized by IIT, Delhi under continuing education programme during November28-30, 2003.
  4. Participated in ISTE Foundation Day and Annual Convention of ISTE, Delhi chapter Engineering education Tomorrow Challenges and Prospects at DCE during May 21-22, 2004.
  5. Participated in seminar on Clean and Safe Automobiles at India Habitat Center on August 8th 2005, Delhi organized by Society for Automotive Fitness and Environment (SAFE).
  6. Participated in 14th ISME International conference on Mechanical Engineering in Knowledge Age at DCE during December 12-14, 2005.
  7. Participated Orientation program for faculty members of Engineering and Technology institutes organized by DCE during September 22&23,2006.
  8. Participated national workshop on Auto fuel Policy- Way forward organized Petroleum federation of India at New Delhi on November 20, 2006.
  9. Attended the National seminar on Bio-tech & Bio- Engineering organized by DCE on December 12, 2007.
  10. Attended the national seminar on Vehicular pollution in Delhi after the Court’s direction: Assessment sponsored by CSIR, DST at DCE on February 26,  2008.
  11. Attended National seminar on Knowledge Power in the world of Learning organized by DCE during August 25- 26, 2008.
  12. Attended Two day National seminar on Information security organized by DCE during FEB 2-3, 2009.
  13.          Participated and presented the paper at International conference on Issues and challenges in Energy Conversion & Management ICEM 2009  held at IT-BHU, Varanasi, UP, India, (December18-20, 2009).
  14. Participated the workshop on Modelling Techniques Engine calibration for Euro IV and beyond during Jan 8-9, 2010, DTU.
  15.      Participated the  International conference on bio – fuels organized by DTU during     Jan 18-19, 2010 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
  16.  Attended International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering conducted by Mechanical Dept DTU during OCT 2016.
  17. Participated International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering ICAPIE 2016 conducted by Mechanical Dept, DTU during DEC 9 - 10, 2016.
  18. Attended One day Workshop on Advance in Friction Stir welding / Processing (AFSWP 2017) organized by CAPIER, Mechanical Dept,  DTU on 23.3.2017
  19. Attended One day Workshop on Advances in Tribological Studies (ATS - 2017) organized by Mechanical Dept,  DTU on 29.3.2017

     Short Term Courses / Training Programmes attended 

  1. Participated in QIP Short term course sponsored by AICTE on “Modern Measurement Techniques of   Turbo machinery” at I.I.T., Chennai during July 7-18, 1997   (Two Weeks).
  2. Participated in Short term course on “Emerging Trends in Thermal Power Plant design” sponsored by AICTE at Shanmugha College of Engineering ,Thanjavur Tamil Nadu during Jan 27-29,2000   (One Week ).
  3. Participated in Short term training programme on CAD/CAM at Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI) Chandigarh, during Dec 01-12, 2003     (Two weeks).
  4. Participated in short term course in Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) at IIT, Kanpur during Dec 14-18, 2004 (One week).
  5. Participated in Short term course on Modelling and Simulation of Engineering Systems in Multi energy domains at IIT, Kharagpur during Dec 20-25, 2004 (One week).
  6. Participated in the Management Development programme for DCE organized by National foundation of Engineers at DCE during Jan 17-21, 2005 (One week).
  7. Participated the awareness program on Updating core course of engineering drawing to computer aid at DCE under MHRD Scheme during                   March 20-24, 2006 (One week).
  8. Participated the Staff Development Programme of AICTE on Recent Developments in Thermal Power Plants at DCE during July 17-28, 2006      (Two weeks).
  9. Attended workshop on ABACUS held in Mechanical Engineering Department, DCE during February 19 – 23, 2007( One week).
  10. Attended MISSION 10X program organized by WIPRO during January 19-23,2009 in DCE (One week).     
  11.  Participated in Short term training programme on To disseminate New approach and provisions of IS : 800-2007(General constructions in steel), during March 2-6, 2009 in DCE     (One week).
  12. Participated the AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programme of on Soft computing using Matlab and latex at a glance at DCE presently DTU during DEC 7-18, 2009      (Two weeks).
  13. Participated NITTTR , Chandigarh  sponsored Short Term Course on “Virtual

             Instrumentation through ICT ” organized by Computer centre, DTU during 28.4.2014 –    


  14. Participated TEQIP –II Sponsored FDP on “Modelling and Simulation of Dynamical Systems and Optimization MSDSO 2014 ” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engg., DTU during JUNE 9 – 13, 2014.
  15. Attended TEQIP –II Sponsored FDP on “Renewable Energy and Alternative Fuels REAF – 2014” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engg., DTU during JUNE 16 – 20, 2014.
  16.  Attended TEQIP –II Sponsored STTP on “Advanced Web Designing Techniques” organized by Dept. of Applied Mathematics, DTU during JULY 14 – 25, 2014.
  17.  Attended UGC Sponsored STTP on “Integrating Renewable Energy Sources into Emerging Electrical Power Systems” organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg., DTU during DEC  8 - 19, 2014.
  18. Attended UGC Sponsored STTP on “The Idea Tree : Journey from Inception to Publication” organized by Dept. of Humanities, DTU during FEB  9 - 13, 2015.
  19. Participated one week TEQIP –II Sponsored FDP on “Recent Advances in Alternatives & Renewable Energy Technologies ” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engg., DTU during DEC 7-11, 2015.
  20. Attended one week TEQIP –II Sponsored STTP on “PLC, HMI, SCAOA & AC drives” organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg., DTU during JUNE 13 - 17, 2016.
  21. Participated one week TEQIP –II Sponsored FDP on “Recent Developments in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics” organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., DTU during JULY 18 - 22, 2016.
  22.  Attended one week TEQIP –II  Sponsored  course on “Management Capacity Enhancement Program(MCEP)” organized by IIM Trichy , Chennai campus ,during JULY  25-29, 2016.


Last Updated : 2017-08-12 07:12:51