Dr N. Yuvaraj
Mechanical Engineering
Phone:+91 9871536689
Email: yuvraj@dce.ac.in, nyuvdce@yahoo.com
Areas of Interest
Surface composites, Welding (FSW, CMT), Casting & Metal cutting
Qualifications Areas of Interest Lab in charge Details of PhD guidence: 5 on progress Details of M.Tech theses supervised Short term course/conferences organized Expert lectures/Technical committee member: Selected Papers published in Journals/Conferences 1. N.Yuvaraj, S.Aravindan, Vipin, Comparison studies on Mechanical and Wear behavior of fabricated Aluminum surface nano composites by fusion and solid state processing. Surface & Coatings Technology, 309(2017)309-319, (IF=2.417). 2. N. Yuvaraj, S.Aravindan, Vipin, Wear Characteristics of Al5083 surface hybrid nano composites by Friction stir processing, Trans Indian Inst Met. (2016) DOI10.1007/s12666-016-0905-SPRIGER publication (IF=0.63). 3. N.Yuvaraj, S.Aravindan, Vipin ,Fabrication of Al5083/B4C surface composite by friction stir processing and its tribological characterization. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 4(4) (2015) 398-410. (IF=1.493). 4. G.Gaurav, Q .Murtaza, N.Yuvraj, D.Mandal, K. L. Sahoo and L. Murmu, Synthesis and effect of Misch metal on mechanical properties of conventional cast Mg–Al–Zn–Sn–Pb alloy system, Proc I Mech E Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications. In Press, DOI:10.1177/1464420715606168, September 2015, (IF=0.745). 5. Q. Murtaza, N. Yuvaraj, M.S. Nirjan and Gaurav, Magnesium based alloy system and applications-a review, ISTE-DTU Delhi section Convention on 5-6 SEP, 2013 at DTU, Paper No.106. 6. K Chiteka, N Yuvaraj, Inverse prediction of friction stir welding parameters using Artificial Neural Networks, International conference on Advanced Research and innovation on 1st FEB, 2014 at Delhi. ISBN no.978-93-5156-328-0. 7. K.Chiteka, N.Yuvaraj, Mechanical and Metallurgical Characterization of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloys AA5083-O and AA6061-T4. Journal of Material Science, 2(2014) 1-14. 8. N.Yuvaraj, S.Aravindan, Vipin ,Effect of process parameters on the microhardness and wear behavior of Friction stir processing (FSP)ed Al5083/B4C surface composite, Proceedings of the 17th ISME Conference, October 3-4, 2015, IIT Delhi, New Delhi. Paper No. ISME-M-117. 9. N.Yuvaraj, S.Aravindan, Vipin, Effect of tool pin and shoulder diameter on hardness and wear properties of friction stir processing of 5083/B4C surface nano composies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials and Design and Manufacturing Process ICMDM 2016, February 17-19, 2016, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA, Paper ID 4730. 10. N. Yuvaraj, Vipin, Fabrication of Al6082/ZrO2 Surface Composite by Friction Stir Processing, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2016), 14 & 15 Oct, 2016, DTU, Paper No.2, pp 1-6, (ISBN: 987-194523970-0). 11. Sumit Joshi, N. Yuvaraj, Rajiv Choudhary, R.C. Singh, Fabrication of Magnesium based Metal Matrix composites through Friction Stir processing –a review, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2016), 14 & 15 Oct, 2016, DTU, Paper No.8.pp 95-100, (ISBN: 987-194523970-0). 12. N.Yuvaraj, Vipin, R.S. Mishra, Effect of number of Passes on mechanical and wear properties of Friction Stir Processed Al 1050 Alloy, International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI-2016), JAN, 2016, ISBN 978-93-5156-328-0. 13. Manoj Kumar Sah, N.Yuvaraj, Vipin, Fabrication of Al7075/ ZrB2 surface composite via friction stir processing, International Conference on Advanced production and Industrial Engineering (ICPIE 2016), DEC, 2016, DTU, Delhi, pp 76-81, (ISBN 978-93-85909-51-1). 14. N. Yuvaraj, S.Aravindan, Vipin, Effects of Process Parameters on Hardness of Al/B4C surface nano composite fabricated by Friction Stir Processing, International Conference on Advanced production and Industrial Engineering (ICPIE 2016), DEC, 2016, DTU, Delhi, pp 277-286, (ISBN 978-93-85909-51-1). 15. N.Yuvaraj, Reverse Logistics and Green Issues on E-Waste, National Conference on Excellence in Technology and Management 7-8 may 2012, Sunder Deep Engineering College. UP. 16. N.Yuvaraj, Vipin and Mohit Deswal, Comparative study of AHP and TOPSIS: a case study for selection of furniture selection in Green supply chain management, ISTE-DTU Delhi section Convention on 5-6 SEP, 2013 at DTU. Paper No.159. 17. N. Yuvaraj, S.K.Garg, Intergeration of Reverse Logistics into supply chain management approaches on e-waste, Nattional seminar on E-waste management and recycling in India, 17-18 march 2011, Jamia Mallia Islamia University, Delhi. Administrative Assignment: Experience: Organization Designation Duration From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy) DCE/DTU Lecturer/ Asst.professor 16-08-2000 Till date Saptagri college of Engineering Lecturer 6-1-99 7-8-2000
Last Updated : 2019-05-28 15:37:38