Narendra Kumar

Electrical Engineering



B. E.(Electrical Engg.): IIT-Roorkee, M.E. (Power System) : P.E.C. Chandigarh, Ph.D. (Instrumentation & Control): D.C.E. Delhi

Areas of Interest

Instrumentation and Power electronics & control applications


        1)    Name                 : Prof. NARENDRA KUMAR

  1.  Date of Birth  :                                    9/5/1962
  1. Mobile No.                                        : 9999755929
  1. E-mail                                                  :
  1.  Alternate email id                         :


  1. Educational Qualification





University / Board





Delhi College of Engg.

Delhi University, Delhi

Electrical Engg.

(Instrumentation &


M.E. (Master of Engineering)


Punjab Engg. College, Chandigarh

Panjab University, Chandigarh

Electrical Engg.

(Power Systems)

B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering)


IIT-Roorkee (erstwhile



(erstwhile UOR-Roorkee)



Intermediate (10+2)


R.K. Inter College, Shamli, U.P.

U.P. Board,

Allahabad, U.P.

Science Subjects

High School (10)


R.K. Inter College, Shamli, U.P.

U.P. Board,

Allahabad, U.P.

Science Subjects






Date of Registrati on

Whether Full time or Part time

Discipline/ Department

University in which studied

Date of Thesis submission

Date of Viva-Voce



Dec 1997

Part Time

Electrical Engg.



Dec 2002






Study of Ultrasonic Sensors and Instrumentation Systems for Fluid Flow Control Applications



Instrumentation and Control




Institute / University



Duration in Years,

Months and Days

Whet her UG/PG

Type of


Pay scale


Delhi Technological University (

Erstwhile Delhi College of

Engineering), Delhi





12 years, 6 months


and PG


Scale -14

Assistant/As sociate Professor


Delhi Technological University (

Erstwhile Delhi College of

Engineering), Delhi





5 years, 8 months




Teaching Assistant

(On leave from DTU)

University of Ontario Institute of

Technology, Oshawa, CANADA

Sept 2005



Fall & Spring Sem.



Per hour basis




Delhi Technological University (

Erstwhile Delhi College of

Engineering), Delhi





2 years, 3 months







Delhi Technological University (

Erstwhile Delhi College of

Engineering), Delhi



5 years







NERIST (Nirjuli),

Arunachal Pradesh



1 Year, 5 months






NERIST (Nirjuli),

Arunachal Pradesh



6 years










10)Present Employment :


                       Delhi State Government


       11) Published work: For details, please refer Annexure I


Books/ Book Chapter Published

No. of papers published in journals

No of papers published in Conferences  

No of PhD students guided who have already attained PhD




3 guided+

guiding 15 more Ph.D. students


        12)   (a) PhD Students Guided

                  I. Jyoti Kulkarni (2020), Topic: Design and Analysis of Multilevel Converters for Grid  


  II.  Ambrish Devanshu (2019), Topic: Investigations on non-linear Control of Three Phase  

      Induction Motor Drives.

        III. Md Tausif Ahmad (2018), Topic: Intelligent Control Algorithms for DSTATCOM and its    


          (b) No. of Ph.D. thesis in progress     :  15

           13) No. of Ph.D. Thesis  Evaluated            :  4

          14) Chaired the sessions of conferences:  10

  15) Awards/ Medal

              I. Research Award

                 Excellent research award on Feb 15, 2021 by Delhi Technological University,     

                 Delhi, India.

              II. Gold medal in Ganit Gyan Pratiyogita (Maths Knowledge Competition) in Feb   

                   1980 at 10+2 level.

          16) Scholarships

               I. GATE scholarship during my ME program during 1985 to 87.

               II. National Merit Scholarship at 10+2 level during 1978-80.

               III. U.P. Govt. Merit Scholarship at 9-10 level during 1976-78.

          17) Reviewer of journal/ conferences research papers

         I. IETE Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis Journal)

         II. Various Conferences like IEEE INDICON & other IEEE conferences

          18)      Google Scholar Citations 

            557 (h-index 10, i10- index 11)

           19) Membership of International Professional Bodies

                  SMIEEE (USA),

           20) Membership of National Professional Body


           21) Organized/ attended Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs)/ Short Term Courses/ Training (2017-18, 18-19, 19-20 & 20-21):

                 Organized/ attended 17 such  programmes.

                For details, please refer Annexure III

           22) Participation in Conferences (2017-18, 18-19, 19-20 & 20-21)::


Organizing team member (Joint Secretary) in 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power  Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2018), DTU Delhi, India,  October 22-24, 2018.    

Chaired the Session

  1.  2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), held at NSUT, Delhi on 11-13 Dec 2020.
  2. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2018), DTU Delhi , India,  October 22-24, 2018.
  3. “Applications Using Intelligent Techniques in Mechanical and Automation (AITMA-3)” of 1st International Conference on Signals, Machines  and Automation (SIGMA 2018) , NSIT, Delhi, 23-25 February, 2018.
  4. Chaired the session on “Applications Using Intelligent Techniques in Mechanical and Automation (AITMA-3)” of 1st International Conference on Signals, Machines  and Automation (SIGMA 2018) , NSIT, Delhi, 23-25 February, 2018.

Presented Paper

International Conference on “ Recent Trends and Innovation in Engineering, Science & Technology (ICRTIEST-2019)” held on Dec 20-21, 2019, Poornima University, Jaipur.




Book Chapters Published

  1. Vivek Saxena, Narendra Kumar, Uma Nangia, “Smart Grid: A Sustainable Smart Approach”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2007 (2021) 012042, IOP Science Publishing, September 2021.
  2. Vivek Saxena, Narendra Kumar, Uma Nangia and Jay Singh,“Analysis of Smart Electricity Grid Framework Unified with Renewably Distributed Generation”, Advances in Smart Communication and Imaging Systems, pp 735-751, Springer, April 2021.

Books Published

  1. International contributor for sixth International Edition of “Electrical Engineering (Principles and Applications)”  by Allan R. Hambley (ISBN: 978-0-273-79325-0),Pearson Education International , 2013.
  2.  International contributor for fourth International Edition of “Power Electronics

(Circuits, Devices and Applications)” by Muhammad H. Rashid (ISBN: 978-0-273-769088), Pearson Education International, 2013.

  1. International Contributor for thirteenth Global Edition of “Modern Control Systems” by Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop (ISBN: 978-0-273-79325-0), Pearson Education International , 2013.

RESEARCH Papers Published

International Journals

  1. Jyoti Kulkarni, Bhim Singh, Shivam Yadav, “Power Quality Investigation of CHB Nine-Level Converter Based Large-Scale Solar PV System with Different Modulation Schemes”, IET Energy Conversion and Economics,, September 2021.
  2. Jyoti Kulkarni, Narendra Kumar, Bhim Singh, “Design and Analysis of Grid Interfaced 43-level CHB Converter for Integrating 10 MW Solar PV Plant”, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis, pp 1-10, July 2021.
  3. Narendra Kumar & Aman Sharma, “ Design and Analysis of Non-Linear Controller for a Standalone PV System using Lyapunov Stability Theory”, Solar Energy Engineering, ASME Journal, Iss 1, vol 144, pp 011003(13)- July 2021. 
  4. IJ Mwakitalima, MM Rizwan, N Kumar, “Feasibility Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic based Distributed Power Generating System for Rural Areas of Tanzania” Taylor & Francis: IETE Journal of Research, pp 1-16, May 2021.
  5. Vivek Saxena, Narendra Kumar, Uma Nangia, “Protagonist of Renewable Energies in Distributed Generation: A Review ”, Revista technologia en marcha, Spanish Journal -Accepted for publication, Feb 2021.
  6. Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh & Narendra Kumar, “Nonlinear flux observer-based feedback linearisation control of IM drives with ANN speed and flux controller”, International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis,  108:1, 139-161, Jan 2021.  
  7. Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh & Narendra Kumar,“ Artificial neural network-based current control of field oriented controlled induction motor drive”, Electrical Engineering, Springer, Nov. 2020.
  8. Jyoti Kulkarni, Narendra Kumar, Bhim Singh, “Design and Control of Medium-Voltage Multilevel Converter for Direct Grid Integration of Photovoltaic System”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Springer, 2020 ( Nov 2020).
  9. Shubham Singh Rao, Richa Sahu and Narendra Kumar,”A Zero Voltage Transition DC-DC Boost Converter For PV Energy System”,TEST Engineering and Measurement, Scopus Indexed, pp 662-666, July-August 2020.
  10. I J Mwakitalima, MM Rizwan, N Kumar,Opportunities and challenges in the development of smart cities in Tanzania”, ESCI Indexed, Iss 2, vol 7, pp 135-146, Advances in Energy Research, June 2020.
  11. IJ Mwakitalima, MM Rizwan, N Kumar,Feasibility Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic based Distributed Power Generating System for Rural Areas of Tanzania”, Iss 10, vol 40, pp 260-271,  Studies in Indian Place Names, UGC Care Journal, March 2020.
  12. Jyoti Kulkarni, Narendra Kumar, Bhim Singh, “Control and Design of Seven-Level Cascaded Multilevel Converter for Transformerless Large-Scale Photovoltaic Integration”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Springer, pp 623-629, vol 101, 2020 (July 2020).
  13. Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh & Narendra Kuma, “ Adaptive Predictive Current Control of Field Oriented Controlled Induction Motor Drive”, Taylor & Francis: IETE Journal of Research, pp 1-13, June 2020.
  14. Narendra Kumar, Atul Kumar Mahto, Anirudh Goyal, Dipesh Chaudhary, Arshad Ali, Ashu Sharma, “Efficiency Optimization of Dual-Axis Solar Tracker”, TEST Engineering and Measurement, Scopus Indexed, pp 1148-1151, March-April 2020.
  15. Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh & Narendra Kumar, "An Improved Nonlinear Flux Observer Based Sensorless FOC IM Drive With Adaptive Predictive Current Control," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 652-666, Jan. 2020.
  16. Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh and Narendra Kumar “Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor Drive Based on Feedback Linearization” Taylor & Francis: IETE Journal of Research, pp. 1-14, June  2018.
  17. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar and Bhim Singh “AVSF-based control algorithm of DSTATCOM for distribution system” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 3389-3396, 2017.
  18. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar and Bhim Singh “Generalised neural network-based control algorithm for DSTATCOM in distribution systems” IET Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 1529-1538, 2017.
  19. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar and Bhim Singh “'A Fast MLPNN Based Control Algorithm for Shunt Compensator in Distribution Systems” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 10, no. 15, pp. 3824-3833, 2016.
  20. Snigdha Chaturvedi and Narendra Kumar, "Comparative Analysis of CSTR concentration control using different soft computing techniques"  , International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, ISSN 0973-4562, vol. 9, pp. 1337-1346, Number 11, 2014. 
  21. Narendra Kumar and Ram Chander Sati,“Control of Aircraft Landing Using Fuzzy Logic” ‘International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development(IJETED), Issue 3, Vol. 4, 393-398, 2013.
  22. Narendra Kumar and Surendra Mohan Gilani, “Implementation of Intelligent Controller for Single Phase Grid Connected PWM Inverter” ‘International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development (IJETED), Issue 3, Vol. 4, 430-439, 2013.
  23. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh , “Flow Measurement with Intelligent Ultrasonic Flowmeter” ACTA CIENCIA INDICA,  Vol. XXX P, No.1, 115-119, 2004.
  24. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “ Computer Controlled Ultrasonic Transit Time Flowmeter” ACTA CIENCIA INDICA, Vol. XXVIII P, No.4, 165-168, 2002.
  25. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “ Optimization of Accuracy of Ultrasonic Flowmeters” ACTA CIENCIA INDICA, Vol. XXVIII P, No.3, 151-154, 2002.

National Journal

  1.  A.K.Dogra, K.Prasad, Kapil Suri and Narendra Kumar, “ An Embeded Controller for Greenhouse Shade Curtain” Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol.41(3), 58-61, 2004.

International Conferences / Seminars /Symposiums

  1. Manisha, MD. Modassir Masoom and Narendra Kumar “Comparative Study of Nonlinear Controllers for Standalone PV System”. 2021 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC),Coimbatore to be held on 4-6 August, 2021
  2. Sambananjela Paul Kaoma, Junilson Fernando Jose Kaputo and Narendra Kumar, “Tank Level Control by Using PLC and SCADA”, 2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering (ICECIE) to be held on Nov 27, 2021-Accepted.   
  3. Basant Tomar and Narendra Kumar, “Fuzzy Logic based Braking System for Metro Train”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), pp 1-4, Bangluru, India, 25-27 June 2021.
  4. Jetwadee Phanthanachai, Rachna Garg and Narendra Kumar, “Development of SCADA and PLC based Monitoring and Control of Metro-Rail System”, 6th International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE)-2021, June 18-19, 2021.
  5.  Manisha and Narendra Kumar, “Comparative Study of Different MPPT Techniques for PV System”, 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), pp 1-6, Belagavi, India, 21-23 May, 2021.
  6. Md. Modassir Masoom, Narendra Kumar and Ashish Rajeshwar Kulkarni, “Power Management of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid in Grid Connected and Islanded Conditions”, 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), pp 1-5, Belagavi, India, 21-23 May, 2021.
  7. Ambrish Devanshu and Narendra Kumar, Performance Analysis of IM Drive with New Flux Estimation Methods“, 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), pp 1-6, Maharashtra, India, 2-4 April, 2021. 
  8. Vivek Saxena, Narendra Kumar, Uma Nangia, “Smart Grid: A Sustainable Smart Approach”, 3rd International conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCME-2021), Greater Noida, UP, India, 11-13 Feb 2021.
  9. IJ Mwakitalima, MM Rizwan, N Kumar, “Design of Small Wind Turbine Electric System for Household Electricity and Water Supply for Irrigation in Rural Tanzania”, 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), pp 1-8, New Delhi, India, 10-13 Dec 2020,
  10. Md. Modassir Masoom, Narendra Kumar and A.R. Kulkarni, “ MPPT Based Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Using Flyback Converter”, 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), pp 1-5, Bangluru, India, 6-8 Nov 2020.
  11. Aman Sharma and Narendra Kumar,”Lyapunov Stability Theory based Non Linear Controller Design for a Standalone PV System”, 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), pp 1-7, Bangluru, India, 6-8 Nov 2020.
  12. Basant Tomar and  Narendra Kumar, “PLC and SCADA based Industrial Automated System”, 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), pp 1-5, Bangluru, India, 6-8 Nov 2020.
  13. Aman Sharma, Shivam Gupta and Narendra Kumar,”Modelling and Comparison of Different MPPT Algorithms for a Standalone PV System”, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), pp 989-995, Coimbatore, India, 2-4 July 2020.
  14. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar, Bhim Singh and Shagufta Khan, “Efficient Matrix Wiener Filter Implementation Improves Power Quality in Distribution System”, 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), pp 1-5, Aligarh , India, 8-10 Nov, 2019.
  15. Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh and Narendra Kumar “Predictive Current Control of Feedback Linearized Induction Motor Drive” 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE-2018), NUS, Singapore, pp. 132-136, September 3-5, 2018.
  16. Narendra Kumar, Ambrish Devanshu and Apurv Singh “A Review on Integration Algorithms to replace the Pure Integrator for Flux Estimation in Motor Drive” 3rdth IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technology 2018, Pune, 6-8 April, 2018. 
  17. Narendra Kumar, Aryan Mann, Tushar Gahlaut, Davender Kumar, Yash Dixit and Ambrish Devanshu, “Design & Development of Retraceable Traffic Calming Device”, International Conference on ‘Recent Innovation and Trends in Engineering , Technology and Research ( ICRITETR-2015)’ (ISBN: 978-93-5291-761-7), pp. 12-17, Poornima College of Engineering, Kota(Rajasthan),  23-24 December 2017.
  18. Shubham Singh Rao and Narendra Kumar, “Modeling and Simulation of Solar Energy System to enhance its Output Using Boost Converter”, International Conference on ‘Recent Innovation and Trends in Engineering , Technology and Research ( ICRITETR-2015)’ (ISBN: 978-93-5291-761-7), pp. 175-178, Poornima College of Engineering, Kota(Rajasthan),  23-24 December 2017.
  19. Narendra Kumar, Aquib Jahangir and Ilam Hoque, “Modeling of Stand-Alone Three –phase Inverter for Various Loads using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation”, 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON) 2017, IIT- Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 15-17 December 2017.
  20. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar and Bhim Singh “Implementation of Least Mean Square Algorithm for Second –Order Voterra Filter in a Distribution  System” 16th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2017), Marriott Hotel, Calgary, Canada, 19-20 July, 2017.
  21. Vasant Raj Mutha and Narendra Kumar , “Comparative Analysis of DWT & PWT for Current Signal Analysis”, 7th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON), Govt.  Engg. College, Bikaner, India, 25-27 November 2016.
  22. Kshitia Ranjan and Narendra Kumar, “Modeling and Simulation of Perturb and Observe algorithm on solar PV system using different converters in MATLAB/ SIMULINK”, 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016), DTU Delhi , India, pp. 1-6, 4-6 July 2016.
  23. Vasant Raj Mutha, Narendra Kumar, Parikshit Pareek, “Real Time Standalone data acquisition system for environmental data”, IEEE Int. Conf. ICPEICES, DTU Delhi , India, pp. 1-6, July 2016.
  24.  Ambrish Devanshu, Madhusudan Singh, Narendra Kumar, “DSP based feedback linearization control of vector controlled induction motor drive”, IEEE Int. Conf. ICPEICES, DTU Delhi , India, pp. 1-6, July 2016.
  25. Tanmay Mishra, Ambrish Devanshu, Narendra Kumar  and Ashish Kulkarni, “Comparative analysis of Hysteresis current control and SVPWM on Fuzzy logic based vector controlled inductioin motor drive”, IEEE Int. Conf. ICPEICES, DTU Delhi , India, pp. 1-6, July 2016.
  26. Narendra Kumar and Kshitia Ranjan, “Modeling and Analysis of PV Panel in MATLAB/Simulink”, 5th International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research(ICATETR-2015)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan),  23-24 December 2015.
  27.  Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar and Bhim Singh “'A Discrete Derivative Control Technique for DC link Voltage in Shunt Compensator ”, 12th India International Conference (INDICON 2015), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 17-20 December 2015.
  28. Narendra Kumar and Kshitia Ranjan, “A Comparative Analysis of Linear and Non Linear System Identification”, 4th International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research(ICATETR-2015)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan),  pp. 226-230, 19-20 June 2015.
  29. Narendra Kumar and Ujjwal Singh, “Simulation of PID-ANN Controller for PMDC Motor under Loading Condition”, 4th International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research (ICATETR-2015)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan), pp. 372-376 , 19-20 June 2015.
  30. Pranshu and Narendra Kumar, “Intelligent Techniques for Improvement of Power System stability in Power System”, 4th International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research(ICATETR-2015)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan), pp. 377-382, 19-20 June 2015.
  31. Mayank Meena, Gaurav Gautam and Narendra Kumar, “MPPT Control of Z Source Inverter”, 4th International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research(ICATETR-2015)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan),  pp.383-390, 19-20 June 2015.
  32. Narendra Kumar, Gaurav Ahuja, Deepak, Rajesh and Ishant “Traction Motor Control on Power Simulator”, 4th International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research(ICATETR-2015)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan),  pp. 425-427, 19-20 June 2015.
  33.  Ashish Kulkarni, Narendra Kumar and Ramachandra Rao Kalaga,  “ITS Implementation in Bus Rapid Transit Systems in India”, 5th IEEE National Symposium on ‘Information Technology: Towards New Smart World (NSITNSW-2015’,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17-19 February 2015.
  34. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Priyanka Chaudhary and Narendra Kumar, “Building Automation Control System for Smart Grid” International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI-2014), Institution of Engineers (INDIA), Delhi, 1 February 2014.
  35. Narendra Kumar and Snigdha Chaturvedi, “Tuning of PID Controller for an Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor”, 3rd International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research (ICATETR-2014)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan), pp. 79-83, 22-24 December 2014.
  36. Narendra Kumar and Neha Khanduja, “Control of CSTR by using Lyapunov’s Rule of MRAC and PSO”, 3rd International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research (ICATETR-2014)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan), pp. 89-94, 22-24 December 2014.
  37. Narendra Kumar, Nitin Singh and Ashish Kulkarni, “On Line Monitoring and Control of DC Motor Speed using LabVIEW”, 3rd International Conference on ‘Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research (ICATETR-2014)’,BKIT, Kota(Rajasthan), pp. 95-99, 22-24 December 2014.
  38. Narendra Kumar, Dheeraj Joshi and Sachin Singhal, “Design, Implementation and Performance   Analysis of a Single Phase PWM Inverter”, 6th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE—2014), Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Haryana, India,  8-10 December  2014.
  39. Narendra Kumar, Dheeraj Joshi and Sachin Singhal, “Design and Performance Analysis of a Single Phase PWM Inverter”, 6th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON—2014), Le-Meridian Hotel , New Delhi, India,  5-7 December  2014.
  40. Narendra Kumar, Nitin Singh and Ashish Kulkarni, “ Lab VIEW Based Online Monitoring and Control of PMDC Motor Speed”, 6th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON—2014), Le-Meridian Hotel , New Delhi, India,  5-7 December  2014.
  41. Narendra Kumar I, Narendra Kumar II, Vipul Gupta, Shitij Kakkar, Astha Tanwar, Subhanshu Goyal and Upma Shehara “ Integral and Optimal AGC of 3 Area Interconnected Power  Systems and Modifications in UI Mechanism ” IEEE Fifth Power India International Conference (PIICON-2012), Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Haryana, India,  19-22 December  2012.
  42. Narendra Kumar  and Uttam Kumar, “ Simulation of Virtual SCADA System using LabVIEW” IEEE Fifth India International Conference on “Power Electronics”(IICPE- 2012), Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India, 6-8  December   2012.
  43. Narendra Kumar  and Neha Khanduja, “ Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of CSTR using MIT Rule ” IEEE Fifth India International Conference on “Power  Electronics”(IICPE- 2012), Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India, 6-8  December 2012.
  44. Narendra Kumar and Pramod Kumar, “Comparative  Analysis of Ultrasonic Velocity, Acoustic Impedance and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Different Fluids Media” Fifteenth IEEE International Symposium on the applications of Ferroelectrics, Sunset  Beach, NC, USA, July 30-Aug 02, 2006.
  45. A.K.Dogra, K.Prasad, Kapil Suri and Narendra Kumar, “ An Embedded Controller for Greenhouse Shade Curtain” International Symposium on Greenhouses, Environmental Controls and In-house Mechanization for Crop Production in Tropics and Sub-tropics, 15-17 June 2004, Malaysia- Accepted for presentation, 2003.
  46. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh "Computer Controlled Ultrasonic Transit Time Flowmeter" Proc. International Conference, CERA-2001, I.I.T., Roorkee, 43-45, 21-23, February 2002.
  47. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “ Performance Optimization of Ultrasonic Flowmeter” Proc. International Conference on Metrology in New Millennium and Global Trade, New Delhi, 71-76, Feb.9-10, 2001.  

National Conferences / Seminars /Symposiums

  1. Md.Tausif Ahmad, Narendra Kumar and Bhim Singh, “Fast Learning Algorithm for Extraction of Harmonics and Reactive Current in Distribution Systems”, National Conference on ‘ Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ETEEE-2015), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 6-7 February 2015.
  2. Narendra Kumar and Ram Chander Sati, “Analysis of Aircraft Landing System Control Using Fuzzy Logic”, National Electrical Engineering Conference (NEEC-2011) on “Power & Energy Systems for  Tomorrow”, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India,  P.ID 699, December 16-17, 2011.
  3. R.L.Meena, Narendra Kumar and Ram Bhagat, “ A new approach towards FRIENDS (Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical eNergy Delivery System)”, National Conference on ‘Automation in Electric Power Distribution System’ , Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, India, pp.70-79, 8-9 January 2004.
  4. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “Realization of a Thermally Stable Ultrasonic Flowmeter” National Seminar on Advanced Instrumentation (NSAI-2001), Chandigarh, paper no.1-7, Jan 29-31, 2001.
  5. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “Intelligent Ultrasonic Flowmeter” National Seminar on Advanced Instrumentation NSAI-2001, Chandigarh, paper no.1-17, Jan 29-31, 2001.
  6. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “Computer Analysis of Arterial Blood Flow with Ultrasonic Flowmeter” National Conference on Computer Application and Information in Medical Sciences, Bhopal, 18-19 Feb. 2001.
  7. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “ Optimization of Accuracy of Ultrasonic Flowmeters” X-National Symposium on Ultrasonics, Hyderabad, India, pp.62 , 15-16 March 2001.
  8. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “ Signal Analysis of Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Measurement” Proc. National Conference on Bio-medical Engg., U.O.R., Roorkee, India, 53-58, April 21-22, 2000.  
  9. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “ Design and Testing of Ultrasonic Transit Time Flowmeter", Proc. National Conference on Trends in Industrial Electronics, Transducers, Controls and Communication (TIET.COM-2000), Thapar Institute of Engg. And Technology, Patiala, 44-47, Nov. 14-15, 2000.
  10. Narendra Kumar, V.R. Singh, Parmod Kumar and Bhim Singh, “Recent Advances in Ultrasonic Flow measurement Techniques: Transit Time Interval Based Ultrasonic Flow System", Twenty Second National Symposium on Instrumentation(NSI-22), NPL, New Delhi, India, P-090, 22-25 Oct. 1997.
  11. Narendra Kumar “Impulse voltage measurement techniques: A Review”. All India Seminar on ‘Efficient use of electric motors, generators and drives for industries & utilities for the purpose of achieving saving in Energy’ C.R. State College of Engineering, Murthal (Sonepat) India under the auspicious of Institution of Engineers (India) 114-125, 16 Feb. 1997.


  1. Chairperson of Central Purchase Committee (CPC) since July 5, 2021 to till date.
  2. Member of Board of Management (BOM) since July 2019 to till date.
  3. Dean (Student Discipline)/ Chairman, Board of Discipline (BOD), of the university, since January 2015 to till date.
  4.  Associate Head of Department (AHOD) for Electrical Engineering Department, from June 2019 to till date.
  5. Chief Warden of 14 students hostels (10 boys hostels and 4 girls hostels), since January  2015 to till date.
  6. Member of Department Purchase Committee (DPC) of Electrical Engineering Department for financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22.
  7. Member of a committee to look into the matter for inclusion of B. voc. programmes/degrees for M.Tech. admissions, August , 2021.  
  8. Chairman, Online interview selection Board to select Project Manager under the flagship of Delhi Government on  Aug 4, 2021.
  9. Member of a committee regarding additional infrastructure requirement for Training & Placement  Cell, Incubation  Centre, Data Centre, Computer Centre & Common facilities etc. since Aug, 2021.
  10. Member of a committee to inspect the samples of furniture articles to be procured by PWD for Academic & Hostel Buildings of Phase-II construction of DTU campus since Sept 2020 to till date.
  11. Member of Department Research Committee (DRC) of Electrical Engineering Department for 2 years since Dec. 2019.
  12. Flying Squad during the conduct of written test for the post of Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department on Dec 20, 2019, DTU. 
  13. Member of a committee to draft the guidelines for counting of past service under CAS for faculty members, Nov. 2019.
  14. Chairperson of a committee for finalization of NIT for “Engagement of  Security Guards through DGR”, Aug. 2019.
  15. Chairperson of screening committee for recruitment of various ministerial posts in DTU, May 2019.
  16.  Member of Technical Council of DTU since Jan. 2019  
  17. Chairperson of Screening Committee for recruitment of Professor and Associate  Professor in Computer Engg., IT& SoftwareEngineering, December 2017.
  18.  Chairperson of Screening Committee for recruitment of Stenographer  Grade III,   November  2017.
  19.  Member of result preparation committee for recruitment of  Stenographer Grade-I, Grade-II & Grade-III, November 2017.
  20.  Member of presentation committee to recruit Assistant Professor in Management, November 2017.       
  21. Chairman of Screening/presentation committee for recruitment of faculty members for Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engg. Civil Engineering, Physics, Applied Maths and Bio-Technology from Academic year 2016-17 to 2020-21.    
  22. Chairman of Screening committee for recruitment of administrative staff like Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Office   Superintendent and Senior Office Assistant from Academic year 2016-17 to 2020-21.    
  23. Officer- In-Charge (Hostels), Delhi Technological University (DTU), April 2015-Dec 2015. 
  24. Coordinator for 3 members Inspection  committee for M.Tech. courses of 40 affiliated colleges of U.P. Technical University in Dec. 2015-Jan. 2016.  
  25. Superintendent, DTU Supplementary Examinations, October 2015.
  26. Member of first/founder Academic Council (AC) of university, for three years from Dec 2009 to 2012.
  27. Practical Examination Superintendent (Electrical Engg.)  May –June  2013, 2000-2001, December 1997-1998  in new campus of D.C.E.
  28. Treasurer cum Secretary (Finance) in IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2012), DTU, Delhi, India, 6-8 Dec. 2012.
  29. B.E. EE Final Year Project Coordinator 2011-2012.
  30. Member of a Grievance Committee for the faculty and staff of DTU, July 2010 .
  31. Secretary of National Conference on ‘Automation in Electric Power Distribution System (APDS-   04)’ Delhi College of Engg., Delhi, India on 8-9 January 2004.
  32. Member of Electrical Engg. Deptt. Condemnation Committee for the USB items in various labs of EE.
  33. Member of A.C. purchase and maintenance committee of D.C.E. 2001-2004.
  34. Member of Proctorial  Team from 1997 to 2004 .
  35. Admission Co-ordinator, M.E.(Electrical Engineering) for session 2003-2004.
  36. Member of Convocation Committee from 1997 to 2001.
  37. Time Table In-charge from July 99 to December 2000 in D.C.E.
  38. Member of Purchase Committee for project office and security officer w.e.f. September 1998-2000.
  39. Member of Shifting Committee in new campus of D.C.E. w.e.f. Sept. 1998-July 2000.
  40. Member of Grievance committee of Delhi Technological University for the faculty and staff.
  41. Lab Incharge of Senior Measurement Lab w.e.f. July 1997-2004.
  42. Acted as Head of Department for around Three months in NERIST from Jan 1996 to march 1996.
  43. Hostel Warden for one complete tenure from June 1989 to may 1991 in NERIST
  44. Lab In-charge of Electrical Technology Lab in NERIST for around seven years from July 1988 to June 1995.. 
  45. Acted as training counsellor for one complete academic year for Electrical Engg.Deptt. in NERIST for academic year 2001-2002


FDPs/ Short Term Courses organized/attended

  1. Attended two days workshop on “Design & Development of Electric Vehicle using Ansys” conducted by ARK Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd., EED Deptt., DTU, Delhi, July 20-21, 2021.
  2.   Attended a webinar on “ Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS) and its  Applications in Indian Power System” conducted by industry expert Er.Chandan Kumar,  Manager, System Study and Reliability, Eastern Regional   Load Despatch Centre(Kolkata), POSOCO (India), August 25, 2020.
  3. Attended one-week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Power Quality and Reactive Power Management”, organized by DTU and Clariant Power System Ltd., on July 6-10, 2020.
  4. Completed one MOOC course through Coursera on “Electric Power Systems” by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York, USA on June 29, 2020.
  5. Attended three days “Professional Development Training” under TEQUIP-III  at IIM-Tiruchirappali on October 8-10, 2018.
  6. Attended one day workshop on “Hands on recent Testing and Measurements” conducted by Tektronics India Pvt. Ltd. And Silicom Electronics Pvt. Ltd. September 27, 2018.
  7. Attended one day workshop on “ Demonstration of measuring instruments & Power Electronics Testing System (PTS)” conducted by GwINSTEK, EED Deptt., DTU, Delhi, September 26, 2018.
  8. Attended three days “Professional Development Training” under TEQUIP-III, Indian Institute of Management (IIM)-Tiruchirappali on October 8-10, 2018.
  9. Attended an expert lecture on “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition for Power System Monitoring and Control” delivered  by Mr. Piyush C. Ojha, CEO of Powertech CABCON, EED, DTU, Delhi, October 4, 2018.
  10. Attended A Live demonstration of OPAL-RT Technology, EED Deptt., DTU, Delhi, September 28, 2018.
  11. Attended one day workshop on “Hands on Recent Testing and Measuring Instruments” conducted by Tektronics India Pvt. Ltd. And Silicom Electronics Pvt. Ltd., EED, DTU, September 27, 2018.
  12. Attended one day workshop on “ Demonstration of measuring instruments & Power Electronics Testing System (PTS)” conducted by GwINSTEK, EED Deptt., DTU, Delhi, September 26, 2018.
  13. Attended an expert lecture on “Single Reference Six Pulse Modulation (SRSPM) for High- Frequency Pulsating DC Link Three Phase Inverters” delivered  by Dr. Akshay Rathor, Associate Professor, Concordia University, CANADA,  IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter, EED, DTU, Delhi, August 31, 2018.
  14. Organized a GIAN Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emerging Trends in Advance Control System Applications in Intelligent Transport Systems” Electrical Engineering Department , D.T.U., December  4-8, 2017.
  15. Attended A TEQIP-III sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emerging Trends in Internet of Things (IOT) and Cyber Security Applications in Smart Grid (EICS-2018)” Electrical Engineering Department , D.T.U., March 12-16,  2018.
  16. Attended A GIAN Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Recent Trends in Protection of Microgrids with high DER penetration: Issues, Challenges and Mitigation” Electrical Engineering Department , D.T.U., February 12-16, 2018.
  17. Attended A GIAN Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Smart Power Flow Controller for Smart Grid Applications” Electrical Engineering Department , D.T.U., December  18-23, 2017.





Last Updated : 2021-09-19 09:59:13