M Ganesh
Email: mganesh@dtu.ac.in
B.Tech, M.Tech
Areas of Interest
Reconfigurable Antennas, Antenna array analysis and design
Education Details: 1.M.Tech (Electronic Systems and Communication)-NIT Rourkela, Odisha 2.B.Tech (ECE)-Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. Specialization/Research Areas: Antenna Array Analysis and Design, Reconfigurable antennas Awards: Experience: Courses Guided: Journals: Conference Attended: 1. "A Method of Moments Based Algorithm to Synthesize Antenna Arrays", M.Ganesh, K.R.Subhashini and Bhanavath Jagan, IEEE International Conference on WiSPNET, Mar 22-24,2017, Chennai, India. 2.M. Ganesh, N. S. Raghava and T. Sabapathy, "Design a hexagonal shape frequency reconfigurable antenna for new C-band 5G applications," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), pp. 1-5, 2022. 3. .M. Ganesh, N. S. Raghava and T. Sabapathy, " A novel V-shaped slotted single, dual band frequency reconfigurable antenna for C band / 5G applications," 2022 IEEE SILICON, pp. 1-5, 2022 Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=olFTbQMAAAAJ&hl=en
Last Updated : 2023-03-14 09:03:27