Jeebananda Panda

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Phone:9868417813, 95401939


M.E, Ph.D(Delhi University)

Areas of Interest

Image Processing, Watermarking and cryptography, Embedded system Design, Data Compression, Object Detection and Tracking



  • Branch Counsellor of IEEE-DTU Student Branch since August 2017 til ldate
  • Chairperson of DTU Technical Council up to 2022
  • Member of DRC, Department of ECE, DTU
  • Member of BOS, Department of ECE, DTU
  • Member of DPC, Department of ECE, DTU
  • Course Coordinator of B. Tech (ECE) Evening Program tii date.
  • M. Tech Admission Coordinator since 2017 to 2020



S. No.






 Ms. Lavi Tanwar

Design of Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Multimedia Applications

 Part Time

 Under   Progress


 Mr. Akshay Mool

Object Detection and Face Tracking

 Full time

 Under   Progress


 Mr. Enock Osoro   Omayio

Development of framework for classification and archiving historical manuscript images

 Full time

 Awarded in Dec 2022


 Mr.Praveen Kumar

Robust Feature Descriptor for Texture Classification

 Part Time

 Under   Progress


 Mr. Mukesh Sahu

Study of efficient Data Compression Techniques

 Part Time

 Under   Progress


 Mr. Piyush Tewari

Development of Automatic Speaker Recognition Framework

 Part Time

 Under   Progress


Mr Gebrekiros Gebreyeshus Gebremarian

Enhancing Security in Wireless Sensor Networks Integrated to Internet of Things Using Different Schemes

Full Time

Under Progress


Ms Bhawna Sachdeva

Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Techniques using Machine Learning

Part Time

Under Progress


Ms Bhagyalakshmi Narayanapuram

Design of Physical Unclonable Function for Secure Wireless Communication against Side Channel and Modelling Attacks

Part Time

Under Progress


Mr Vikas Varshney

Efficient Techniques for Single Image Dehazing and Denoising

Part Time

Under Progress


Ms Bhavana Sharma

Study of Human Activity Recognition Using AI Techniques

Full Time

Under Progress



1. Outstanding IEEE Branch Counsellor-2020

2.Research Exellence award, DTU-2021


Text Book "Microprocessors and Microcontrollers" Publisher: Prentice Hall of India, 2016. ISBN: 978-81-203-5231-5


PUBLICATIONS (As on 21st March,23)

International journals:


  1. J. Panda, A. Bhardwaj, N. Pandey, A. Bhattacharyya, “Hardware efficient Watermarking Technique for finite state sequential circuits using STG”.  International journal of Innovative Research   in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation &   Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), vol – 2, issue – 7,2014, PP1670 – 1674.  
  2. J. Panda, K.R. Gera, A. Bhattacharyya, “Robust Spread Spectrum Watermarking Technique Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition”, International journal of Emerging Technologies in computational and Applied Sciences.pp:536-542, 2014.,
  3. J. Panda, S. Garg, S. Sahrawat, A. Bhattacharyya, “A Robust Hybrid Video Watermarking Technique Using Mosaicing”, International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering. 2277-1956/V3N3-PP 284-292, 2014.
  4. J. Panda, S. Malik, N. Pandey, A. Bhattacharyya, “A Modified Hardware Efficient Watermarking Scheme for Intellectual Property Protection in Sequential Circuits”, International journal of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Vol-5, Issue-4, PP 741-746,2014.
  5. J. Panda, K.R. Gera, A. Bhattacharyya, “Non-Blind Audio Watermarki8ng Scheme Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition”, International Journal of Advanced Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014, pp38-43.
  6. J. Panda, Indu Kumari, Nitish Goel, “Digital Watermarking of audio in time domain multiple bit plane based on chaotic scrambling”, International Journal of Innovative research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol-3, Issue-3, pp-1843-50, March-2015.
  7. J. Panda, N. Gupta, P. Saxsena, A. Bhattacharyya, “Text Watermarking using sinusoidal grayscale variations of font based on alphabet count”. International Journal of Innovative research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol-3, Issue-4, pp-3353-61, April-2015.
  8. T. Jangko, J. Panda, A. Bhattacharyya, “Digital watermarking of video using DWT, PCA and Arnold scrambling technique applied on a binary watermark,” International journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 115-121, 2015.
  9. J. Panda. Kaberi Nath, S. Choudhary, Sunil Kumar, " A non-blind multiple transform based audio     watermarking based on highest entropy sub-bands", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 10, October-2016, ISSN 2229-5518, pp-1899-1903.
  10. J. Panda, R. Dang, S. Mourya, S. Oruganti, "Review of role of Electronics in Production and Industrial  Engineering" International journal of advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, Special Issue on Robotics and Automation-Jan 2017, pp-12-18.
  11. Pratibha Bajpai, Neeta Pandey, Kirti Gupta, Shrey Bagga, Jeebananda Panda,”On improving the performance of dynamic DCVSL circuits”, Hindawi, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2017, Article ID 8207104,
  12. Jeebananda Panda, Arpit Kaushik, Aryan Mittal, Ankit Goyel,” A Veratile LFSR circuit for variable sequence length Pseudo-random number generation” International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and computational system, IJEECS, ISSN 2348-117X, volume 6, Issue 9, September 2017, Pp-480-488.
  13. Akshay Mool, Pran Swarup Borah, Ramjan Ali, Jeebananda Panda, “Review of different types of 3D watermarking”, International Journal of advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, pp no 6-12, 2018.ISSN:2455-8419. IJAPIE.
  14. Pratibha Bajpai, Neeta Pandey, Kirti Gupta,  Jeebananda Panda,”LECTOR incorporated differentialcascode voltage swing logic (L-DCVSL), Analog Integrated circuit and signal processing(2019), 100:221-234, Mixed Signal Letter, Springer.
  15. Ayush Arora, Drishti Agarwal, Jeebananda Panda,”A novel MS word text document multiple watermarking technique for authentication and copyright protection”, International Journal of Engineering trends and Technologies (IJETT), Vol 68, Issue 5, May 2020, ISSN: 2231-5381.
  16. Pooja Mahto, Priyamm Garg, Pranav Seth, J. Panda,” Refining Yolov 4 for vehicle detection”, international journal of advanced research in engineering and technology (IJARET), Vol 11, Issue 5, May 2020, PP. 409-419, ISSN: 0976-6480
  17. Praneesh Gupta, Lavi Tanwar, Jeebananda panda, “Three phase reversible watermarking using improved median based prediction” International journal of advanced science and technology, Vol 29, Issue 4, PP. 5722-5736. 2020
  18. Jeebananda Panda, Divent Jain, Lavi Tanwar, Suil Kumar, “Watermarking of multi-mode counter circuit using hardware efficient algo”, at International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER) ISSN: 2581-7027, Volume-2, Issue 5, Page 82-95, 2020.
  19. Neha Sharma , Jeebananda Panda, “Statistical water marking approach for 3D mesh using local curvature estimation”, at IET information security Volume 14, Issue 6, November 2020, p. 745-753
    DOI:  10.1049/iet-ifs.2019.0601 , Print ISSN 1751-8709, Online ISSN 1751-8717. [DTU Research Excellent award 2021].
  20. Enock Osoro Omayio, Indu Sreedevi, Jeebananda Panda (2021). Introduction to Heritages and Heritage Management: A Preview. Digital Techniques for Heritage Presentation and Preservation. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-57906-7. ISBN 978-3-030-57907-4 (eBook). Doi:
  21. Enock Osoro Omayio, Indu Sreedevi, Jeebananda Panda (2021). Language-Based Text Categorization: A Survey. Digital Techniques for Heritage Presentation and Preservation. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-57906-7. ISBN 978-3-030-57907-4 (eBook). Doi:
  22. Neha Sharma , Jeebananda Panda, “Assessment of 3D mesh watermarking Techniques” Journal of Digital Forensics, security and Law. Vol-17, Article-2. 07-12-2022
  23. Akshay Mool, Jeebananda Panda, Kapil Sharma” Optimizable face detection and tracking model with occlusion resolution for high quality videos”, in Multimedia tools and applications published in 15 February 2022.
  24. Enock Osoro Omayio, Indu Sreedevi, Jeebananda Panda (2022). Word Segmentation by Component Tracing and Association (CTA) Technique. Journal of Engineering Research. SCI indexed
  25. 25.Enock Osoro Omayio, Indu Sreedevi, Jeebananda Panda (2022). Historical manuscript dating: traditional and current trends. Multimedia Tools and Applications. SCI indexed .
  26. Gebrekiros Gebreyesus Gebremaria, J. Panda, S.Indu,” Localization and Detection of Multiple Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Artificial Neural Network” Wireless Communications and     Mobile Computing, Science Citation Index Expanded, Hindawi, 2023.
  27. Gebrekiros Gebreyesus Gebremaria, J. Panda, S.Indu,” Blockchain-Based Secure Localization against Malicious Nodes in IoT-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Federated Learning” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Science Citation Index Expanded, Hindawi, 2023.


International conference:

  1. J. Panda, R. Jain, N. Goel, “A Simple yet effective Technique for watermarking Audio using FFT”, Page 34-35, IEEE Symposium proceedings, International Symposium on standards in Engineering & Technology, (ISSET – 2012)
  2. J. Panda, M. Kumar, “Application of Energy Efficient Watermark on audio Signal for authentication”, Proceedings of IEEE   International Conference on Computational   Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN – 2011, PP 202 -206.
  3. J. Panda, J. Bisht, R. Kapoor, A. Bhattacharyya, “Digital Image Watermarking in Integer Wavelet domain using hybrid technique”, Proceeding of IEEE International conference on Advances in Computer Engineering    - 2010 (ACE- 2010), pp 163-167.
  4. J. Panda, G. Gupta, “A Watermarking Technique in Wavelet domain for Video by exploiting HVS Property”. pp-606-259, Proceedings of International conference on Innovative Technology (ICIT – 09).
  5. M. Gupta, J. Panda, “Design and Implementation of the robust watermarking technique for the raw digital video based on CDMA”, Sonata International conference 3C-2006, 23-15 Nov,2006.
  6. J. Panda, N. Goel, Indu Kumari, A. Bhattacharyya, "A Robust Audio Watermarking Technique using Dual and Hybrid Watermark" 5Th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology, Jan 18-22, 2016, pp-54-60..
  7. J. Panda, Prince Garg, "An Efficient Video Watermarking Approach Using Scene Change Detection" IEEE India International conference on Information Processing, 12-14 Aug, 2016 IICIP-2016.
  8. J. Panda, N. Goel, Indu Kumari, "Dual Segment Video Watermarking using Energy Efficient Technique" IEEE India International conference on Information Processing, 12-14 Aug, 2016 IICIP-2016.
  9. J. Panda, S. Maurya, R. Dang, B.L.  Narayanapuram, "Analysis of robustness of an Image watermarking algorithm using dual tree complex wavelet transform and just noticeable difference", IEEE conference ICSC-2016,26-28 Dec, 2016, pp 255-260.
  10. J. Panda, S. Choudhary, K. Nath, S. Kumar, "Audio zero watermarking scheme based on sub band mean energy comparison using DWT-DCT", IEEE conference ICSC-2016, 26-28 Dec, 2016,pp 352-357.
  11. J. Panda, A.S. Nair, A. Uppal, B. Agrawal, "Genetic Algorithm based optimised color image watermarking technique using SVD and DWT", 7th IEEE International advance computing conference(IACC-2017), 5-7 Jan,2017.
  12. Shrikishan Choudhary, Kaberi Nath, Jeebananda Panda,"Double layered audio zero-watermarking using DWT & DSSS".  Accepted for 6th IEEE International conference on communication and signal processing (ICCSP 2017) , 6-8th April,2017.
  13. Jeebananda Panda, Arpit Kaushik, Aryan Mittal, Ankit Goyal,” A Versatile LFSR circuit for Vaiable Sequence Length Pseudo-Random Number generation”, 5th international conference on new frontiers of engineering, science, management and humanities (ICNFESMH-2017), IETE, New Delhi, 17-09-2017
  14. Akshay Mool, Pran Swarup Borah, Ramjan Ali, Jeebananda Panda, “Review of different types of 3D watermarking”, ICAPIE-2017, 6-7 Oct, 2017.
  15. Satyam, S. Indu, Jeebananda Panda,”Verilog implementation of digital watermarking encoder” ICAPIE-2017, 6-7 Oct, 2017.
  16. Lavi Tanwar, Jeebananda Panda, “A review of various applications of carbon nanotubes based electronic nose”, 3rd IEEE conference NANOfim-2017, 19-20 Nov.
  17. Prince Garg, Jeebananda Panda, Lavi Tanwar, “An image watermarking techniques using power spectrum condition”, 1st international conference on new frontiers of engineering, science and technology (NFEST-2018), 8-12 Jan 2018.
  18. Lavi Tanwar, Jeebananda Panda, “Review of different transforms used in digital image watermarking” 2nd IEEE international conference on power electronics, intelligent control and energy systems (IEEE ICPEICES), 22-24 Oct 2018.
  19. Lavi tanwar, Radhika Dang, Satvik Maurya, Jeebananda Panda, “Audio watermarking using beat detection and pitch estimation”, 2nd IEEE international conference on power electronics, intelligent control and energy systems (IEEE ICPEICES), 22-24 Oct 2018.
  20. Lavi Tanwar, Jeebananda Panda, “A review on different techniques used in reversible watermarking”, 1st IEEE International conference on signal processing, VLSI and communication engineering (IEEE ICSPVCE), 28-30 March 2019.
  21. Vaibhav Mathur, Jeebananda Panda, Arpit Kaushik, Aryan Mittal, “An improved circuit design for 8x8 High Speed vedic multiplier”, 1st IEEE International conference on signal processing, VLSI and communication engineering (IEEE ICSPVCE), 28-30 March 2019.
  22. Vaibhav Mathur, Jeebananda Panda, Arpit Kaushik “Key generation in A5/1 Encryption Algorithm using versatile LFSR circuit”, 1st IEEE International conference on signal processing, VLSI and communication engineering (IEEE ICSPVCE), 28-30 March 2019.
  23. Akshay Mool, Jeebananda Panda, “Face detection and introduction to viola jones”, 1st IEEE International conference on signal processing, VLSI and communication engineering (IEEE ICSPVCE), 28-30 March 2019
  24.  Praneesh Gupta, Jeebananda Panda ,“Localised temper detection in Digital images using three phase reversible watermarking”.3rd International conference on VLSI,Communication & signal processing(VCAS-2020) organized by MNIT,Allahabad,9th-10th oct 2020.(springer),pryagraj.Published in Lecture notes in Elect Eng. 777.Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication,springer.PP983-991.
  25. Ashish Sinha, Jeebananda Panda, “A secure wavelet based watermarking approach using psycho-visual redundancy in image” ICACCS 2021, 19-20 March 2021 at Sri Eshwar college of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
  26. Bhavana Sharma, Jeebananda Panda, “A review of state of art techniques for 3D human activity recognition system”, at MEDCOM 2021, 29th-31st Oct 2021, GLBITM, Greater Noida. Published in lecture notes in Electrical Engineering book series(LNEE Vol-948).
  27. Ashwani Kumar, Jeebananda Panda,” Visual object tracking based on normalized cross correlation and least square estimation”, Published in emerging trends in engineering and technology, Nasik, Maharashtra, 07th and 08th July 2021.
  28. Ashish Sinha, Jeebananda Panda, “Audio water marking in linear canonical transform domain using frequency-dependent clustering” Published: 29 September 2021 by  Springer Nature in Imitation Market Modeling in Digital Economy: Game Theoretic Approaches Imitation Market Modeling in Digital Economy: Game Theoretic Approaches pp 161-170;
  29. Barkha singh, Jeebananda Panda,” 3D skeleton gesture recognition through discriminative coding human activity recognition using time warping invariant Riemannian trajectories”, Published in 6th-8th May 2021 of 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) at Madurai, India National journals, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCS51141.2021.9432304.
  30. Barkha singh, Jeebananda Panda” Discriminative skeleton based action recognition in spatio-temporal fusion” International Electrical and Electronics Engineering conference (IEEEC-2021, Oct 23-24,2021, Elsevier, Delhi.
  31. Gebrekiros Gebreyesus Gebremariam; J. Panda; S. Indu,”Secure Intrusion Detection System for Hierarchically Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks” 2021 International Conference on Industrial Electronics Research and Applications (ICIERA), Year: 2021 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE
  32. Bhavesh Govil; Palak Paharia; Jeebananda Panda, “A Novel Principal Component Analysis Based Fragile Watermarking Technique for Sensitive Dataset”. 2nd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT). Year: 2021 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE
  33. Manmohan;Lavanisha Prasad;Nitin;Jeebananda Panda, “Detection, Localization and Retrieval of tampering/Alteration in Microsoft Word Documents for Authentication and Copyright Protection using Multiple Techniques”.. 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON). Year: 2021 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE
  34. Enock Osoro Omayio; Indu Sreedevi; Jeebananda Panda ,”Word Spotting of Handwritten Hindi Scripts by Circular Histogram of Oriented Displacement (CHOD) Features”,2021 4th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE) Year: 2021 | 15-16 Jan, 2021.  Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India. Doi: 10.1109/ICNTE51185.2021.9487701| Publisher: IEEE
  35. Enock Osoro Omayio, Indu Sreedevi, Jeebananda Panda (2022). Multilayer perceptron model for document image binarization. 38th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering & Technology (WCASET), 27-28th October, 2021, Manila, Philippines.
  36. Bhagya Lakshmi Narayan Pura , Jeebananda Panda.”A new light weight reconfigurable hybrid PUF design against side channel vulnerabilities”. Presented in 7th International conference on microelectronics , computing & communication systems(MCCS-2022) , 9th -10th July 2022.
  37. Gebrekiros Gebreyesus Gebremaria, J. Panda, S.Indu,” Secure Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks against Routing Attacks Using Machine Learning Models” ICSCSP 2022:International Conferenceon Soft Computing and Signal Processing June 24-25, 2022
  38. Gebrekiros Gebreyesus Gebremaria, J. Panda, S.Indu,” Security in Wireless Sensor Networks Against Routing Attacks Based On Secure Clustering and Routing” 2022 IEEE InternationalConference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2nd-4th Dec 2022.


National journals:


  1. J. Panda, “Exploring the truths about human Aura. Page – 51-52, IEEE Trigger Magazine   of DTU, Vol – XXVI, Feb – 2013.
  2. J. Panda, “Electromagnetic Interference; Awareness & Control.  Page - 01, IOTA, Annual technical journal, vol – XVII of IEEE, DTU Aug – 2011.
  3. J. Panda, "Digital Image Watermarking", Annual   Technical journal IOTA – 2010, vol – XVI, IEEE, DTU, Page – 12-13.
  4. Neha sharma, Jeebananda Panda ”Assesment of 3D mesh watermarking techniques ”.The journal of digital forensics ,security & law.vol-17,07-12-2022.


National conferences:

  1. J. Panda, A. Tayal, D. Raheja “Design of Robust Energy Efficient Watermarking for Digital images”, Presented in National   Conference on Energy, Communication & Computer System, MAIT, Delhi. 2-4 Feb, 2006.
  2. Jeebananda Panda, Sunil Kumar, “Design of Digital Circuits by using Pseudo Products”, National conferences on VLSI design & Technology, 15-16 April, 2004, BVCOE, Delhi.
  3. J.Panda, Ashish Kumar Mishra, “Design of filter for 3-D audio reproduction over load speaker” National   Symposium on Electronics, 3-5th Feb, 2005, IT, BHU, Proceedings   Electro -2005 Page – 41-44.
  4. J. Panda, Indu Kumari, Nitish Goel,” Digital Watermarking of Audio in Time domain using LSB substitution” National Conference on advanced Computing Research, IGU, Haryana, Feb-2015, pp-100-104.




  • STTP on Induction Programme, 01-06 1994 t0 30-06-1994, TTTI, Calcutta.
  • AICTE-ISTE STTP on Recent advances in flexible AC transmission Systems, 23-07-2001 to 03-08-2001, DCE, Delhi.
  • Training course on Internet concepts and its applications, 17-09-2001 to 21-09-2001, Delhi University, Delhi.
  • AICTE-ISTE STTP on Recent advances in power semiconductor devices and their applications, 01-07-2002 to 12-07-2002, DCE, Delhi.
  • STTP on CAD for printed circuit boards, 15-09-2003 to 19-09-2003, TTTI, Chandigarh.
  • Workshop on Antenna Measurement Techniques, 16-01-2004, DCE, Delhi.
  • Workshop on VLSI: Recent trends and challenges, ISTE-DCE, 04-03-2004, DCE, Delhi.
  • STTP on Advanced analog and Digital system design, DCE-ISTE, 22-03-2004 to 26-03-2004, Delhi.
  • Seminar on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications, 24-11-2004, DCE, Delhi.
  • AICTE-ISTE STTP on Automation in Electrical Power Distribution Systems, 20-12-2004 to 31-12-2004, DCE, Delhi.
  • STC on DSP Tools and Practice, 04-06-2007 to 09-06-2007, IIT, Kharagpur.
  • Workshop on A proactive approach for working women, 28-09-2007, WIE affinity group, IEEE Delhi section. Delhi.
  • AICTE-GGSIPU workshop on Soft Computing Technique, 11-12-2007 to 21-12-2007, MAIT, Delhi.
  • Workshop on High Impact Teaching Skills, 19-01-2009 to 20-01-2009, Dale Carnegie Training MISSION 10X, WIPRO, Delhi.
  • National seminar on Information security, 02-02-2009 to 03-02-2009, DCE, Delhi.
  • AICTE-IEEE WIE STTP on Modelling and Simulation of Analog and Digital System Design, 20-07-2009 to 31-07-2009, DTU, Delhi.
  • Seminar on CAN and CANopen Technology, 29-09-2010, DTU, Delhi.
  • AICTE-IEEE WIE refresher course on Analog Integrated Circuit Design using EDA tools, 24-01-2011 to 04-02-2011. DTU, Delhi.
  • AICTE SDP on Flexible A.C transmission Systems and Power System Voltage Stability: Recent advances, 11-07-2011 to 22-07-2011, DTU, Delhi.
  • Workshop on Embedded System Design using RISC Processor MSP-430, 12-12-2011 to 14-12-2011, DTU, Delhi.
  • AICTE-IEEE WIE workshop on Programmable System on Chip, 29-03-2012 to 30-02-2012, DTU, Delhi.
  • AICTE-IEEE WIE course on Advanced Signal Processing and Embedded Systems, 09-04-2012 to 13-04-2012, DTU, Delhi.
  • Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights meets Information Technology- Series II,02-05-2013 to 03-05-2013, DTU, Delhi.
  • AICTE recognized STC on Virtual Instrumentation through ICT, 28-04-2014 to 02-05-2014, NITTTR, Chandigarh.
  • TEQIP-II FDP on Renewable Energy and Alternative fuels, 16-06-2014 to 20-06-2014, DTU, Delhi.
  • TEQIP-II FDP on Recent Advances in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing using Soft and Evolutionary Computing,07-07-2014 to 11-07-2014, DTU, Delhi.
  • TEQIP-II FDP on  Automation in Manufacturing,04-05-2015 to 15-05-2014, DTU, Delhi.
  • TEQIP-II FDP on  Urban Environmental Challenges and Their Control Strategies(UECCS-2015),13-07-2015 to 17-07-2015, DTU, Delhi.
  • National Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Physics’ , 16-02-2015, DTU.
  • Conducted IEEE Delhi student Congress at DTU on 10-11 January 2015.
  • 5Th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology, Jan 18-22, 2016, New Delhi.
  • TEQIP-II FDP on 'Recent trends in pattern analysis and machine learning',11-07-2016 to 15-07-2016, DTU, Delhi.
  • GIAN Course on “Intelligent Transportation System”, 27th Nov – 1st Dec 2017, DTU, Delhi.
  • Attended TEQIP-III sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Image Processing & Computer Vision” during 2-6 April 2018 at DTU. Also coordinator of this programme.
  • Attended TEQIP-III sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Feature Engineering for Pattern Recognition” organized by Dept. of IT, DTU, Delhi during May 1- May 5 2018.
  • Organised & attended GIAN course on “Video Surveillance”, 30th July – 3rd August 2018 at DTU, Delhi.
  • Organised & attended 1st Industry-Academia Meet-up on “Intelligent Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation Systems” on March 28, 2019 at DTU.
  • One-day Workshop on “Raising Awareness on Plagiarism & Copyrights”, 20th March 2018, DTU, Delhi.
  • Attended a workshop cum lecture on “Internet of Things (IOT)” by Mr. Nishit Narang, Assistant Vice-President- Technology, Aricent, Gurugram organised by DTU and IEEE Delhi Section on October 12, 2018.



  • National conference on VLSI Design and Technology, 15-04-2004 to 16-04-2004, BVCE, Delhi.
  • National Conference and curriculum Development workshop on State of the art developments in Sports Engineering, 14-12-2004 to 16-12-2004, DCE, Delhi.
  • National Conference on Energy, Communication and Computer Systems, 02-02-2006 to 04-02-2004, MAIT, DELHI.
  • International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering-ACE 2010, 21-06-2010 to 22-06-2010, Bangalore, Delhi.
  • IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, 07-10-2011 to 09-10-2011, MIR Labs, Gwalior.
  • International Symposium on Standards in Engineering and Technology 2012, 04-10-2012 to 06-10-2012, DTU, Delhi.
  • IEEE Fifth India International conference on Power Electronics, 06-12-2012 to 08-12-2012, DTU, Delhi.
  • National Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Physics’ , 16-02-2015, DTU.
  • 5Th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology, Jan 18-22, 2016, New Delhi
  •  5th International conference on New frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities(ICNFESMH-2017), IETE, NewDelhi, 17-09-2017.
  • ICAPAI 2017, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production & Industrial Engineering, Oct 6-7, 2017, DTU, Delhi.
  • 1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Engineering, Science and Technology (NFEST) 2018, January 8-12, 2018, DTU, Delhi.
  • 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES) 2018, October 22-24, 2018, DTU, Delhi.
  • Organised and attended the 1st IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, VLSI and Communication Engineering (IEEE ICSPVCE) during 28-30 March, 2019 at DTU, Delhi.



  • Chaired a session in 1st IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, VLSI and Communication Engineering (IEEE ICSPVCE) during 28-30 March, 2019 at DTU, Delhi.
  • Chaired a session in 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES) during October 22-24, 2018 at DTU, Delhi.
  • Chaired a session in SPRINGER International Conference on Manufacturing, Advance Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication (MARC) during July 19-20, 2018 at HMRITM, Delhi.
  • Delivered a lecture on the topic “Watermarking Techniques for Digital Data” in TEQIP-III sponsored One week Short Term Training Program on “Advances in Image Processing and Computer Vision” during April 2-6, 2018 organized by DTU, Delhi.
  • Evaluated the proposals under AQIS 2017-18 of AICTE and has been appreciated for the work by Prof Dileep N. Malkhede, Advisor-I.





Last Updated : 2023-03-27 09:05:41