Computer Science Engineering
B.TECH(Computer Science & Engineering), M.TECH(Information Security), Ph.D (CSE), UGC-NET June-2019 qualified
Areas of Interest
Database Systems, Data Warehouse & Data Mining, Information Security, Machine Learning, Swarm Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems, Biometrics Recognition
Courses Taught (UG and PG Levels)
Database Management Systems, Information and Network Security, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Data Structures, Operating System Design, Object Oriented Programming, Machine Learning
B.TECH (Computer Science & Engineering), Ambedkar Institute of Technology (now NSUT East Campus), Govt NCT Delhi
M.TECH (Information Security), Ambedkar Institute of Technology (now NSUT East Campus), Govt NCT Delhi
Ph.D (Computer Science & Engineering), Delhi Technological University, Govt NCT Delhi
Experience – above 10 years, Govt NCT Delhi
- Indu Singh, D.P Kothari, S.Aditya, Mihir Rajora, Charu Agarwal, Vibhor Gautam, "A Hybrid Metahueristic Optimised Ensemble Classifier with Self Organizing Map Clustering for Credit Scoring", Operational Research Journal (ORIJ), Springer 2024, (IF= 2.3) (SCIE Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Rajni Jindal, "Outlier based intrusion detection in databases for user behaviour analysis using weighted sequential pattern mining", International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (JMLC), Springer 2024, (IF= 3.1) (SCIE Indexed).
- Krish Rustagi, Pranav Bhatnagar, Rishabh Mathur, Indu Singh, Srinivasa K.G, "Hybrid Salp swarm and Grey Wolf Optimizer algorithm based ensemble approach for Breast Cancer diagnosis", Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (MTAC), Springer 2024, (IF= 3) (SCIE Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Srinivasa KG, Mridul Maurya, Aditya Aggarwal, Himanshu Sheokand, Harsh Gunwant, Mohit Dhalwal, "Hybrid ABC and Black Hole Algorithm with Genetic operators Optimized SVM Ensemble based Diagnosis of Breast Cancer", Pattern Analysis and Applications Journal (PAAA), Springer 2023, (IF= 3.9) (SCIE Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Rajni Jindal, "Trust factor-based analysis of user behaviour using sequential pattern mining for detecting intrusive transactions in databases", The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer 2023, (IF= 2.5) (SCIE Indexed).
- Rajni Jindal, Indu Singh, “Detecting malicious transactions in database using hybrid metahueristic clustering and Frequent Sequential Pattern Mining”, Cluster Computing Journal (CLUS), Springer 2022. (IF=1.8) (SCIE Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Narendra Kumar, Srinivasa KG, Shivam Maini, Umang Ahuja, Siddhant Jain, “A multi-level classification and modified PSO clustering based ensemble approach for Credit scoring”, Applied Soft Computing Journal (ASOC), Elsevier 2021, (IF=6.7) (SCI Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Rajni Jindal, "Expectation maximization clustering and sequential pattern mining based approach for detecting intrusive transactions in databases", Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (MTAC), Springer 2021, (IF= 3.0) (SCIE Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Narendra Kumar, Srinivasa KG, Tript Sharma, Vaibhav Kumar, Siddharth Singhal, “Database Intrusion Detection using role and User Behaviour based Risk Assessment”, Journal of Information Security and applications (JISA), Elsevier 2020. (IF=3.8) (SCIE Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Minkush Manuja, Rishabh Mathur, Mononito Goswami, "Detecting Intrusive transactions in databases using Partially-ordered Sequential rule mining and Fractional-distance based anomaly detection", International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI), Vol-8,Issue-2, pp.138-171, 2020 (ESCI Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Nikhil Arora, Shivam Arora, Parteek Singhal, “Fuzzy ARM and Cluster Analysis for Database Intrusion Detection and Prevention”, International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) , 2019 (SCOPUS ELSEVEIR Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Rajni Jindal, Kanika Pandey, Kripali Agrawal, Kashish Kukreja , "Revised Grey Wolf Optimized SVM-KNN Ensemble Based Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer ”, Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information , Vol-25, Issue 2, pp.275-284, April 2020 (SCOPUS Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Shashank Garg,Shivam Arora,Nikhil Arora,Kripali Agrawal," SVM Kernel and Genetic Feature Selection Based Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer", Journal of Recent Patents on Computer Science (BenthamScience), 2020 (Scopus Indexed).
- Rajni Jindal, Indu Singh “A Survey on Database Intrusion Detection : Approaches, challenges and Application”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI) , 2019 (ESCI Indexed ).
- Indu Singh, Manoj Kumar , “ A proposed Model for Data Warehouse User Behaviour using Intrusion Detection System”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 2012 , Volume 37,Issue 6,pp 1-7,ISSN:0163– 5948 , DOI=10.1145/2345396.2345408.(Scopus Indexed).
- Indu Singh, Siddartha Aggarwal, Vansh Khandelwal, Shrey Gupta, Abhishek Verma,“ Multimodal Biometric authentication using fuzzified BTC with a novel hybrid JSO-CSO algorithm”, accepted in Proceedings of International Symposium on Systems Modelling and Simulation (SMS-2024) ,Springer Lecture Notes on Communications in Computer and Information Science Series(CCIS), Dec-2024, Malaysia.
- Indu Singh, Manav, Manish Toshwal, Manish Gautam,“ Hybrid Golden Jackal-Sea Lion and Sea Horse Optimization algorithm for Improved Keystroke Dynamics User Authentication”, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration (ICSINTESA-2024), July-2024, Balikpapan, Indonesia.
- Indu Singh, Tanvi Singh, Shruti, Sunaina,“ Harris Hawk Optimized CLAHE and Novel Score Level Fusion of Lightweight CNN's for Multimodal Biometric Recognition”, Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS-2024), April-2024, Algeria.
- Indu Singh, Gurvinder Singh, Kunal Singh, Mandeep Singh Kalsi,“ Phishing URL Detection using Hybrid Ensemble of Deep Learning Algorithms with a novel hybrid Tuna-Sea Horse Optimization Algorithm”, accepted in Proceedings of 5th SPRINGER International Conference on Data Analytics & Management (ICDAM-2024), June-2024, London, United Kingdom.
- Indu Singh, Suraj Kakaralapudi, Nihal Jaychandran, Neil Roy,“ Hybrid Honey Badger-Grey Wolf Optimized Siamese Network for Multimodal of Finger Vein and Finger Knuckle Print", Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Smart Power Control and Renewable Energy (ICSPCRE-2024), July-2024, NIT- Rourkela, India.
- Indu Singh, Prasoon Jha, Prince Rajor, Prateek Singh,“ Coronary Heart Diseases Detection using Stacking based Ensemble with Emperor Penguin Optimization Approach”, accepted in Proceedings of IEEE 14th National Conference with International Participation (Electronica 2023) , June-2023, Bulgaria.
- Indu Singh, Nilesh Aditya, Pranjal Srivastava, Shivanshu Mittal, Taruvar Mittal, Noel Vaibhav Surin ,“ Credit Card Fraud Detection using Neural Embeddings and Radial Basis Network with a novel hybrid fruitfly-fireworks algorithm”, Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) , Aug-2023, Karnataka, India.
- Indu Singh, Pranjal Srivastava, Pranav Bhatnagar, Neil Roy,“ Hybrid Dragonfly-Cat Swarm Clustering algorithm with Closed Sequential Pattern Mining for Detection of Malicious Transactions”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT) ,Nov-2022, Karnataka, India.
- Indu Singh, S.Aditya, Mihir Rajora,“ Ease Em: Hybrid Recommendation System for Item Cold Start Problem”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON), October-2021, Pune, India.
- Indu Singh, Himanshu Ahuja, Shubhi Sareen, " Detection of Malicious Transactions in Databases using Dynamic Sensitivity and Weighted Rule Mining", Proceedings of 4th IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems ", ICIIECS-2017, Coimbatore,India.
- Indu Singh, Vaibhav Darbari, Lakshya Kejriwal, Aditya Agarwal,“ Conditional Adherence based Classification of Transactions for Database Intrusion Detection and Prevention”, Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI -2016), DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2016.7732023 ,ISBN- 978-1-5090-2029-4, September-2016, Jaipur (IEEE BEST PAPER AWARD).
- Indu Singh, Karan Sanwal, Satyarth Praveen ,“ Breast Cancer Detection using Two-Fold Genetic Evolution of Neural Network Ensembles “ , 3rd IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE) 2016 , IEEE conference No= 38384,ISBN-978-1-5090-1281-7 ,Kerala, Cochin, August 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ICDSE.2016.7823969.
- Indu Singh, Rajni Jindal,“ Detecting Malicious Transactions using Fuzzy Association Rule Mining”, Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Eco-Friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS-2016), 8-9th December-2016, MANIT Bhopal, India.
- Lakshya Kejriwal , Indu Singh “ A Hybrid Filtering Approach of Digital Video Stabilization for UAV using Kalman and Low Pass Filter”, Elsevier Procedia Computer Science, 6th International conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC -2016), September 2016, Cochin,
- Indu Singh, Tapasya Singh, Tanya Verma,“ Detecting Intrusive Malicious Transactions in database using Session and Token Management”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Systems , Data Communication and Security, CDCS-2015, Grenze Scientific Society, Grenze ID = 02.CDCS.2015.1.506.,December-2015, Cochin, Kerala.
- Indu Singh, Manoj Kumar , “Evaluation of Approaches for designing Secure Data Warehouse “ published in (ICACCI’ 2012), ACM Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics ,August -2012,Chennai, pp-69-73,ISBN:- 978 – 1 – 4503 – 1196 – 0/12/08 , DOI=10.1145/2345396.2345408.
Reviewer for SCI Journals and International Conferences
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, SCI
- Computers in Biology and Medicine Journal (Elsevier), SCI
- Soft Computing Journal (Springer), SCIE
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), SCIE
- Cluster Computing Journal (Springer), SCIE
- Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), SCI
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal (Elsevier), SCIE
- 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2018) ,Nov. 16-19, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.
Responsibilities Held :-
- Session Chair in IEEEC Conference ( Elsevier SSRN), EE department ,DTU (23-25th Oct -2021).
- Minor and Major Project Coordinator, GGSIPU, Govt NCT Delhi 2012-2014.
- Self Study Seminar Coordinator , GGSIPU , Govt NCT Delhi, 2012-2014.
- LAB Manual preparations of DBMS, OS , DWDM , DS and OOPs courses , GGSIPU , Govt NCT Delhi 2013-2014.
Technical Skills :--
- Languages= C++, Java, Python, MATLAB, R language
- Systems= UNIX, Windows, .NET Framework
- Softwares= Weka, RapidMiner, Orange, IBM SPSS Clementine , Informatica
- Databases=SQL, ORACLE.
- Lectures
- Powerpoint Slides (For various Architectures)
- Assignments (Theory and Extra Numerical Implementation questions)
- Class group Projects for implementing different real world case studies in DBMS and INS
List Of Under Graduate Thesis Guided
- ” Creditor's Classification Using Cost and Benefit based Decision Tree Algorithm”, Radhika Bansal, Shubham kanyal, Monica Gangwar, (2k12 Batch).
- ” Software Vulnerability Prediction Using AntMiner + Classification”, Aayush Gupta,Falit Jain, Shivam Goel, Dushyant kumar, (2k12 Batch).
- ” A Machine Learning Approach to classify Regular Buyers”, Rahul Arora, Neeraj Kasana, Rohit Jain, (2k12 Batch).
- ” Human Presence Detection using Dynamic Ensembling Voting Techniques(DEVT)”, Karan Sanwal, Nalin Goel, Satyarth Praveen, (2k13 Batch).
- ” Emotion Recognition on speech signals using Machine Learning”, Shrey Manik, Mohan Ghai, Shamit Lal, Shivam Duggal ,(2k13 Batch).
- ” Augmented Reality in Classroom Learning using Using Visual Marker Detection”, Gaurav Gupta, Tarun Ahuja, GGSIPU, 2012.
- ” Image Steganography using Hybrid approach of 3-DES Algorithm”, Gaurav Gupta, Tarun Ahuja, Dhruv Manocha,GGSIPU ,2013.
Worskshops and FDP Attended
- FDP on Image processing , computer vision and pattern recognition at NIT delhi from 18th june to 22nd June 2013.
- National Ethical Hacking workshop at DTU in collaboration with AIESEC IITD from 17th to 18th August 2013.
- TEQUIP-II Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Advances in Information Security(AIS-2016) in Department of CSE, DTU, January 18-22, 2016.
B.Tech Thesis Guided to Gold Medalist
- Radhika Bansal - "Creditor's Classification Using Cost and Benefit based Decision Tree Algorithm”, (2K12 Batch)
- Umang Ahuja - " Feature Selection and Ensemble Modeling based approaches for Credit Scoring", (2K16 Batch)
Students for Summer & Winter Research Internship
- Rishabh Shekhar (2k16 batch), (IIT- Roorkee)
- Raghav Bansal (2k17 batch), (NIT- Surat)
- Charu Agarwal (2k18 batch), (NIT- Hamirpur)
- Snehal Saini (2k18 batch), (NIT- Hamirpur)
- Shivanshu Mittal (2k19 batch), (NSUT)
- Taruvar Mittal (2k19 batch), (NSUT)
- Krish Rustagi (2k19 batch), (IIIT- Nagpur)
- Prakshi Gupta (2k19 batch), (IIT- Delhi)
- Ujjawal (2k20 batch), (NSUT-East Campus)
- Abhishek Verma (2k21 batch), (NIT- Srinagar)
- Gunbir Singh Baveja(2k21 batch), (UBC-University of British Columbia,Canada)
- Sneha Agarwal (2k21 batch), (NIT-Hamirpur)
- Sruthi Sen (2k21 batch), (NIT-Hamirpur)
- Kamalesh Barman (2k21 batch), (IIT-Bombay)
Ongoing and Open Projects
- “User identification and authentication using multi modal behavioural biometrics”, (Open Project)
- "Malware detection using behavioural pattern mining", (Open Project)
- "Using data mining to improve assessment of credit worthiness via credit scoring models",(Open Project)
Awards and Recognition
- IEEE Best Paper Award in ICACCI-2016.
- Commendable Research Award DTU, (Feb-2021, Mar-2023, Sep-2024).
Last Updated : 2024-12-31 06:58:55