Dr. Divyashikha Sethia

Department of Computer Engineering

Email: divyashikha@dtu.ac.in, sethiadivya@gmail.com


Ph.D (2019), M.Tech (CSE, IIT Delhi 2006)

Areas of Interest

Distributed Systems, Mobile Computing, Mobile Healthcare, IoT, Cryptography, Brain Computer interface, Machine Learning for smart cognitive healthcare, and smart agriculture

Personal Site Linkedin, Bio Data


Divyashikha Sethia has more than 5 years of rich industrial experience in telecom and networking areas in leading companies in India and the US such as Cisco Systems 2Wire, Force10 Networks, and Future Software (acquired by Aricent) . She has more than 18 years of experience in research and academics.  She brings rich industry experience to her teaching and research in academia. She leads the Mobile computing Distributed System (MsDS) research lab and co-leads the Samsung lab at DTU. She also serves as a technical advisor to Healink healthcare startup.

Publications and Patents:  Detailed list here.
Check personal site for latest updates.
Research Positions PhD and undergraduate and graduate students !! Looking for motivated students to work on problems and provide solutions for real problems to assist society in areas such as healthcare and agriculture .
Check here for current research areas to join 

Research Labs:

Professional Memberships:   - ACM. IEEE

Selected Talks

  • Automated NFC-enabled Rural Healthcare for reliable patient record maintenance at Global Telehealth (GT2012) Conference, Sydney Australia, November 2012 
  • NFC-Based Secure Mobile Healthcare System at IEEE COMSNET, Bengaluru, Jan 2014
  • Secure Distributed Backup Management Of Personal Health Records, at E-Health, IADIS 2016, Madiera, Portugal, July 2016
  • Mutual Authentication Protocol For Secure Nfc Based Mobile Healthcard, The International Conference on “Theory and Practice in Modern Computing”, IASDIS, Madeira, Portugal, July 2016
  • Security Framework for Portable NFC Mobile Based Health Record System, Seminar, ECE Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA, Oct 2016
  • Pro-SRCC: Proxy-based Scalable Revocation for Constant Ciphertext Length, Secureware Conference, Venice, Italy, October 2018

Professional Services

  • Poster Presentation as a Track Chair in the IEEE ISSET 2012
  • Review member IEEE IICIP 2016
  • TPC member IEEE Confluence 2016
  • TPC member IEEE Confluence 2017
  • Reviewer IET Information Security, 2019

Last Updated : 2024-08-20 07:21:37