Dr. Dinesh Udar
Applied Mathematics
Email: dineshudar@dtu.ac.in
M.sc., Ph D (IIT Delhi)
Areas of Interest
Publications Profile (last 5 years): 1. Udar D., Sharma R. K. and Srivastava J. B. (2016). Restricted perfect group rings. Communications in Algebra, Vol 44(9):4097-4103. 2. ​Udar D., Sharma R. K. and Srivastava J. B. (2017). Commutative Neat group rings. Communications in Algebra, Vol 45(11):4939-4943. 3. Udar D., Sharma R. K. and Srivastava J. B.: (2017) Restricted Boolean group rings. Archivum Mathematicum Journal, Vol 53(3):155-159. 4. Udar D., Sharma R. K. and Srivastava J. B.: (2018) J-Boolean group rings and skew group rings. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol 17(11):1850210. 5. Udar D., Sharma R. K. and Srivastava J. B.: (2020) Strongly P-clean and semi-Boolean group rings. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol 71:1965-1971. 6. Jangra K. and Udar D. (2022) On almost s-weakly regular rings. Turkish Journal of Mathematics 46.5 : 1897-1910. 7. Jangra K. and Udar D. (2022). On UQ RINGS. Journal of Algebra and its Applications. Conference Papers: 1. Udar, D. (2022). Rings Whose Nonunits Are Multiple of Unit and Strongly Nilpotent Element. In Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (pp. 25-30). Springer, Singapore PhD Students: 1. Ms. Shefali Gupta (under supervision). 2. Ms. Kanchan jangra (under supervision). Courses Taught: 1. Mathematics-I (MA-101), for B. Tech (All Branches). 2. Mathematics-II (MA-102), for B. Tech (All Branches). 3. Modern Algebra (MC-315), for B. Tech (MC). Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tOjarkGhzKHPSTvxcuv-yt3MnGJ5Sd9v/view?usp=sharing 4. Linear Algebra (MC-208), for B. Tech (MC). 5. Opearting System (MC-301), for B. Tech (MC). 6. Web Technology (MC-320), for B. Tech (MC). Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y40uymEmrOcJ1RCS-Pi6ImS4UOtpbJrS/view?usp=sharing 7. Advanced Mathematics (AM-501/511) for M. Tech (EE). 8. Number Theory (MSMA-211) for M. Sc. (Mathematics) 9. Number Theory (MC-309) for B. Tech. (MC) Notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bmEowF-oQANyOiuUS8e66dJnyeYGgyFG?usp=sharing Other information: 1. Qualified Joint CSIR-UGC Eligibility for Lectureship-National Eligibility Test - 2007. 2. Qualified Joint CSIR-UGC Eligibility for Lectureship-National Eligibility Test - 2008.
Last Updated : 2023-03-26 06:59:26