Daya Gupta

Computer Engineering



Ph.D., M.Sc., Post M.Sc. in Computer Science. Senior Member, I.E.E.E Life Member Computer Society of India

Areas of Interest

Information Security, Requirements Engineering, Swarm Intelligence, Nature Inspired Algorithm, Data Warehouse & Data Mining.

Area of Research

Information Security, Requirements Engineering, Swarm Intelligence, Nature Inspired Algorithm, Data Warehouse & Data Mining.


Professional Summary

February 2009 - till date:       Professor Computer Engineering at Delhi Technological University Delhi.

February 2008 – February 2014: HOD Computer Engineering at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

November 2002 – May 2007:    Deputed at Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Delhi, as founder Head CSE and officer in-charge(OIC) Academics  

August 1999 – November 2002:   Deputed at Mahila Institute of Technology, now Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Delhi, as founder Head computer Science and Engineering Department and  OIC Academic.

November 1978 – February 2009:  Faculty in Computer Engineering Department at Delhi college of Engineering, Delhi, OIC central computer centre


Project Executed          

Principal Investigator of AICTE project “Knowledge Based Decision support system for Educational Planning”, from March’ 2009 to 2014. Completed successfully

Principal Coordinator of collaboration with Samsung and managing the Customized M. Tech (Software Technology) for their employees. From 2011 May to 2015 December.

Filed patent title “Portable Computing Device based Secure Medical Records Management” at Indian Patent Office, Delhi dated 12th May 2015. This was sponsored legally and financially by TIFAC, DST.


Subject Expertise

  1. Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Software Testing
  2. Artificial Intelligence, Nature Inspired Algorithm, Data Ware House and Data Mining
  3.  Operating System, Distributed Operating System, Algorithms
  4. Data Structure, Programming Languages, Databases


Academic Professional Recognitions

  1. Panel of Expert at  Prime Government  organizations DRDO, AICTE, UPSC, ICAR
  2. Delivered expert talk at high rated conferences and FDP
  3. Reviewer of Journals and Program committee members of International conferences.
  4. Organized workshop and seminars at DTU. 


Academic Visits Abroad

  1. Attended 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, (ISDA’16) held at Porto, Portugal, December 14-16, 2016 and Presented the paper “Test Suite Prioritization using Nature Inspired Meta-Heuristic Algorithms” in.

ii. Visited National University of Singapore as visiting professor for collaborative research and delivered expert talk in Security Engineering in July’ 2012.

iii. Attended International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, (GEM'11)held at Las Vegas USA July 18-21, 2011and Presented the paper “A methodical study for Extraction of Landscape Traits using Membrane computing Techniques”

iv. Attended International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-09), Orlando, USA, July 13-16, 2009 and Presented the paper “Remote Sensing Image Classification by Improved Swarm Inspired Techniques”.

v. Attended European and Japanese Conference on Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases (EJCIM 1998) held in Finland May, 1998and Presented the paper, “An CAME Tool Architecture”,


List of Publications  

Have around 100 publications in International journals and conferences

SCI Indexed International Journals

  1. Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, V. K. Panchal: Two-phase anticipatory system design based on extended species abundance model of biogeography for intelligent battlefield preparation. Knowl.-Based Syst. Volume 89 Issue C, November 2015, Pages 420-445, Elsevier Science Publishers (2015) (Impact Factor 3.325)
  2. Kakali ChatterjeeAsok De, Daya Gupta: A Secure and Efficient Authentication Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, 81(1): pp. 17-37 (2015) (Impact Factor 0.701)
  3. Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, V.K. Panchal: “Biogeography and Geo-Sciences Based Land Cover Feature Extraction: A Remote Sensing Perspective”, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 13, pp. 4194 – 4208, Elsevier Publications, 2013(Impact Factor 2.857).                               
  4. Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, V.K. Panchal, "Hybrid bio-inspired techniques for land cover feature extraction: A remote sensing perspective," Applied soft computing, 12(2), pp. 832- 849 Elsevier publications, 2012. (Impact Factor 2.857)
  5. Daya Gupta and Naveen Prakash “Engineering Methods From Method Requirements specifications”. Requirements Engineering Journal, Vol 6, Springer Verlag, London, 2001 pp135-160. (Impact Factor 1.105)


  Some Scopus Enlisted  Journal.

  1. Rajiv Arora, Daya Gupta, Payal Pahwa: Fraud Detection Life Cycle Model: A Systematic Fuzzy Approach to Fraud Management. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 14(2), World Scientific publications (2015) (Scopus Enlisted)
  2. Prakash, D., & Gupta, D.: Data Warehouse Requirements Engineering: An Emerging Discipline. International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS), Inder Science Publishers. (2015) (Scopus Enlisted)
  3. Dwivedi R. and Gupta D.: “Applying machine learning for configuring agile methods” in International journal of software engineering and application, 9(3), 29-40. (2015) (Scopus Enlisted)
  4. Gupta D. and Dwivedi R.: “A framework to support evaluation of project-in-hand and selection of software development method” in Journal of theoretical and applied information technology. 73(1), 137-148. (Scopus Enlisted)
  5. Prakash, D., & Gupta, D. (2014). Eliciting Data Warehouse Contents for Policy Enforcement Rules. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD), 5(2), 41-69. IGI Global Publications (Scopus Enlisted)
  6. Daya Gupta, Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De, “Timestamp based Digital
    Envelope for secure communication using HECC”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Taylor and Fransis Vol-21(2)April 2012, pp 79-87.

7.Daya Gupta,Performance Study of genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystem”,  Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol..8,No 1, March 2012, pp 145-158. (Scopus Enlisted)


International Conference

Springer Link

  1. Gupta, D., Chatterjee, K., Jaiswal, S. A Framework for Security Testing. B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA, Part III, LNCS 7973, pp. 187- 198, Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.(2013)
  2. Daya Gupta, Bidisha Das and V.K. Panchal, “Applying Case Based Reasoning in Cuckoo Search for the Expedition of Groundwater Exploration”, Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2012), Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series,  Volume 201, 2013, pp 341-353. (doj 10.1007/978-81-322-1038-2_29).
  3. Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, V.K. Panchal, “Dynamic model of blended biogeography based optimization for land cover feature extraction”, International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 6-8 August, Springer Communications in Computer & Information Sciences (CCIS-LNCS), Volume 306, pp. 8-19, 2012. (doj 10.1007/978-3-642-32129-0_7).
  4. Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De, Daya Gupta,”An Improved ID-Based Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network”, ICSI (2) 2012: 351-359
  5. Kakali Chatterjee,  Daya Gupta, Asok De, "A Framework for Security Design Engineering Process”,  in  proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information Processing    (ICIP 2011),  Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011,  CCIS 157, pp. 287-293
  6. Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De, Daya Gupta, “Timestamp based Authentication Protocol for Smart Card using ECC”,  in  proceedings of International Conference on Web Information System    and   Mining (WISM 2011),  Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011,  LNCS 6987, pp. 368-375. 
  7. Daya Gupta, Lavika Goel, V.K. Panchal, “ Biogeography and Plate Tectonics based Optimization for Water body Extraction in Satellite Images”, International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SocProS), Advances in Soft Computing series, Springer Publications, 2011.  
  8. Kakali Chatterjee, Dr Daya Gupta ,“Evolution of Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems”,  in  Proc. of 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT2010), LNCS 5966, pp.206-211, ISSN 0302-9743 Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
  9. Naveen Prakash, Deepika Prakash, Daya Gupta, “Decisions and Decision Requirements for Data Warehouse Systems”,Lecture Notes in Buisness Information Processing (LNBIP) , Vol 72, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp..92-107
  10. Shelly Bansal, Dr. Daya Gupta etc.Swarm Intelligence Inspired Classifiers in comparison with Fuzzy and Rough Classifiers A Remote Sensing Approach”, Contemporary Computing, Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS), Volume 40. ISBN 978-3-642-03546-3. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, p. 284-294.

Last Updated : 2017-03-17 07:30:33