Dr. Awadhesh Kumar

Department of Civil Engineering

Email: awadheshg@gmail.com


M.E.(CAD)[UoR;R (1993)], Ph.D.[IIT;R (2001)]

Areas of Interest

Cementious Products, Tall Buildings and Non-Linear Analysis using Finite Element Method


 Book Published:

  1. Arya, A.S.; and Kumar, A.; “Design of Steel Structures”, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee, 2014, pp 756.


Training Programs Conducted:

      1. Kumar, A; and Singh, R.K.; "To Disseminate New Approach and Provisions of IS: 800-2007 (General 

          Construction in Steel)", AICTE Sponsored Short-Term TrainingProgram, March 02 - 06, 2009, Delhi College 

           of Engineering, Delhi.

      2. Kumar, A; and Singh, R.K.; "Non-Linear Analysis of Concrete/ Metal Structures using Finite Element 

          Method", Faculty Development Program, July 13 - 17, 2015, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.


Research Publications:

    (A) Journal

  1. Kumar, A.; Bhandari, N.M.; and Kaushik, S.K., “Study on Segmental Construction of Ferrocement Prestressed Box Girder Elements,” Journal of Ferrocement, Bangkok (Thailand), 33(3), 2003, 153-171.
  2. Kumar, A.; Bhandari, N.M.; and Kaushik, S.K., “Study on Feasibility and Effectiveness of Prestressing in Ferrocement Box Girder Elements,” Journal of Ferrocement, Bangkok (Thailand), 33(4), 2003, 229-248.
  3. Kumar, A.; and Kumar V., “Behaviour of RCC Beams after Exposure to Elevated Temperatures”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), November 2003, Vol. 84, 165-170.
  4. Kumar, A., “Temperature Distribution in RC Beams during Fire”, the Indian Concrete Journal, December 2004, 78(12), 55 - 60.
  5. Kumar, A., “Ferrocement Box Sections – Viable Option for Floors and Roof of Multi-Storeyed Buildings”, Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), Tehran (Iran), November 2005, 6(6), 569 - 582.
  6. Kumar, A., “A Realistic Evaluation of Permeability and Tensile Strength from Compressive Strength in Cement Sand Mixes, Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), Tehran (Iran), April 2007, 8(2), 159-174.
  7. Awadhesh Kumar and Mohit Lamba, “Improvement in Impact Resisting Capacity of Concrete using Tyre Rubber Dust”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, Vol. 06, Issue 7, 01 July 2017, pp. 235 - 241.
  8. Awadhesh Kumar and Navneet Sharma, “Production and Utilisation of Rice Husk Ash in Concrete and its Comparison with Silica Fume”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering and Science, Vol. 03, Issue 6, June - 2017, pp. 54 - 64.
  9. Awadhesh Kumar and Nitin Modi, “Retrofitting of RCC Beams using FRP and Ferrocement Laminates”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, Vol. 05, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 87 - 93.
  10. Awadhesh Kumar and Gobind Khurana, “Reliability of Moment Resisting Beam Column Bolted Connections”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, Vol. 10, No. I, August 2017, pp. 15 - 28.
  11. Awadhesh Kumar and Rahul Ahlawat, “Experimental Study on Light Transmitting Concrete”, International Journal of Innovative Science & Technology, Vol. 04, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 201 - 210.
  12. Awadhesh Kumar and Rupali Vij, “Retrofitting of Corrosion Effected Steel Bridge Members using Steel – CFRP Bonding Systems”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering and Science, Vol. 03, Issue 6, June - 2017, pp. 44 - 53.
  13. Awadhesh Kumar and Ibadur Rahman, “Application of Nanotechnology in Improving the Performance of Cementitious Composites”, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 08, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 17719 - 17724.
  14. Awadhesh Kumar and Raunak Rathore, “Design and Experimental Investigation on High Strength Concrete using Flyash and Silica Fume”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 08, Issue 5, May - 2017, pp. 1778 - 1787.
  15. Awadhesh Kumar, “Importance of Maximum Size, Gradation of Aggregate and Grade of Cement on Compressive Strength of Concretes”, International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research, Vol. 06, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 147 - 151.
  16. Kumar Shashi Bhusan, Rajeev Goel and Awadhesh Kumar, "An Experimental Study to Estimate loss of Prestress and Determining Natural Frequency of Prestressed Concrete Bridge", New Building Materials and Construction World, Vol. 23, No. 03, 2017, pp. 149 - 156.
  17. Abhay Tiwari and Awadhesh Kumar, "High Early Strength in Concrete with Flyash and Metakaolin", the Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 93, No. 2, 2019, pp. 69 - 74.
  18. Abhay Tiwari and Awadhesh Kumar, "Accelerated Sulphate Attack Study on Cement – Metakaolin – Flyash Concretes", International Journal of Advanced Engineering, 9(5), May 2022, pp. 219 - 223, DOI: 10.22161/ijaers.95.20.
  19. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Effects of Surface Modified Recycled Coarse Aggregates on Concrete’s Mechanical Characteristics", Materials Research Express, 10(9), Sept. 2023, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/acf915.
  20. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Enhancing concrete performance: Surface modification of recycled coarse aggregates for sustainable construction", Construction and Building Materials, 411(4), Dec. 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134432.
  21. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Sustainable Concrete: Exploring Fresh, Mechanical, Durability, and Microstructural Properties with Recycled Fine Aggregates", Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 68(2), Jan. 2024, DOI: 10.3311/PPci.22711.
  22. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Structural aspects of concrete incorporating recycled coarse aggregates from construction and demolished waste of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License", Materiales de Construcción, 74(353):337, March 2024, DOI: 10.3989/mc.2024.360023.
  23. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Examining the structural viability of recycled fine aggregates in sustainable concrete", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 74(353):337, June 2024, 38(06) : 1 - 12, DOI: 10.1007/s12206-024-0513-2.
  24. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Enhancing concrete durability and strength: An innovative approach integrating abrasion and cement slurry treatment for recycled coarse aggregates", Structural Concrete,  July 2024, DOI: 10.1002/suco.202400387.
  25. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Recycled Coarse Aggregates in Concrete: A Comprehensive Study of Mechanical and Microstructural Properties", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transaction of Civil Engineering, July 2024, 10(8), DOI: 10.1007/s40996-024-01539-x.
  26. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, "Enhancing Concrete Performance with Treated Recycled Aggregates: A Comparative Study of Coating, Chemical, and Abrasion Treatments", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transaction of Civil Engineering, Sept. 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s40996-024-01633-0.

    (B) Workshop, Seminar, Conference etc.

  1. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, “Investigation of Concrete Strength and Electrical Resistivity through incorporation of Construction and Demolished Waste Aggregate: A Novel Approach for Assessing Corrosion Vulnerability”, Conference Proceedings, 2023, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials (ICASCM 2023), Vijaywada (India), December 1-2, 2023.
  2. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, “Drying Shrinkage Characteristics of Environmental- Friendly Concrete by incorporating Construction and Demolition Waste Aggregates”, Taylor and Francis Conference Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Futuristic and Sustainable Aspects in Engineering and Technology (FSAET 2023), Mathura (India), November 28 - 30, 2023.
  3. Harish Panghal and Awadhesh Kumar, “Enhancing Concrete Sustainability: Assessing the Impact of Construction and Demolished Waste Aggregates on Strength and Rapid Chloride Permeability as a Durability Indicator”, E3S Web of Conference, November 2023, 453(4), DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202345301009.
  4. Kaushik, S.K.; and Kumar; A.; “Intelligent Buildings”, IBC News, New Delhi, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July-Sept. 1999, pp 11 - 20.
  5. Kumar, A.; “Application of Ferrocement Technology in Uttaranchal”, All India Sem. on Infra-structural Developments in Uttaranchal Problems and Prospectus, Roorkee, Oct. 11-13, 2001, V - 14 to V - 23.
  6. Kaushik, S.K.; and Kumar, A.; “Flyash Silica Fume High Performance Concretes – A State-of-the-Art”, Workshop on Utilisation of Flyash, Roorkee, April 25, 1998, pp K - 15 to K - 47.
  7. Kaushik, S.K.; and Kumar, A.; “Flyash – A Concrete Wealth”, National Seminar on Flyash - Waste or Wealth, Patiala, Oct. 27-28, 1995, pp 56 - 67.
  8. Kaushik, S.K.; and Kumar, A.; “Composite Pipes and Aqueducts for Transportation of Water and Liquids”, National Seminar on Concrete for Storage and Transportation of Liquid, Calcutta, Sept. 24 - 25, 1994, pp S.K.K. - 1, to S.K.K. – (IV).
  9. Kaushik, S.K.; Jaisingh, L.; and Kumar, A.; “Ultrasonic Testing of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Members”, Seminar on Civil Engineering Beyond 2000, Madras, June 24 - 25, 1994, pp 84 - 98.
  10. Kaushik, S.K.; Gupta V.K.; Ram, G.; Kumar, A.; and Srivastava S.K.; “ CAD of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Roofing and Flooring Elements on PCs”, All India Seminar on Personal Computer Applications in Civil Engineering, Nagpur, Feb. 05 - 07, 1993, pp. 208 - 212.


Awards/ Prizes/ Honour’s/ Recognitions:

  1. CBRI offered 3 advance increments on appointment as Scientist ‘B’.
  2. The Indian Concrete Journal, for reviewing its 02 research papers.
  3. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee as External Examiner for evaluation of its 02 M.Tech Theses.
  4. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee as an Expert for selection of its Internal Auditors and Office Superintendants.
  5. Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat as one of the External Examiners for conduct of B.Tech Project End Semester examination.
  6. National Institute of Technology, Patna as one of the Expert for moderation of Question Papers.
  7. The Bureau of Indian Standards in preparing National Building Code of India 2005 and many other IS Codes.
  8. Manipur Public Service Commission as an Expert/ Subject Matter Specialist.
  9. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission as an Expert/ Subject Matter Specialist.
  10. Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission as an Expert/ Subject Matter Specialist.
  11. Concrete Mix Design of M-30 & M-35 grade for Samiah International Builders Pvt. Ltd. supposed to be used in Construction of Boys’ Hostel ‘D’ and Professors Apartment at IIT Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi.
  12. Rajasthan Technical University, Kota as External Examiner for its 01 M.Tech. Thesis.
  13. Staff Selection Commission, Northern Region, New Delhi as Advisor in appoint of J.E. (Civil Engg.).
  14. SRM Institute of Science and Technology by Keynote Presentation during Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Concrete and Construction Technology, Chennai, Dec. 07-09, 2005.
  15. Indian Association of Structural Engineers, New Delhi by Presentation on IS: 800-2007 during Workshop on “Steel Structures in Buildings”, Feb. 06-07, 2009.
  16. The Institution of Engineers (India) authorized me in 1995 to use the title of “Chartered Engineer”.
  17. B.S.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Mathura to improve quality of education in Private Engg. College of UPTU.
  18. Assistance rendered to Human Resource Development Group, CSIR, as member of expert committee for selection of Pool Scientists in Engineering Sciences, July 17, 2018.
  19. Reviewed an article [Manuscript ID:0016] titled, "Slender Confined Masonry Walls Buildings in High Seismic Areas", 1st International Virtual Conference on Multi-disciplinary Research 2018 (IVCMR 2018), published in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Sciences Journal (ASTESJ) [ISSN: 2415 - 6698].
  20. Assistance rendered to CFEES, DRDO in detailed design review of their project titled, "Vertical Shaft Based Underground Explosive Storage Structure of Capacity 5T NEC per Chamber", Feb. 13, 2019.
  21. As subject expert (Civil Engg.) to J C Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad in selection committe for empanelment of Adjunct Faculty, July 27, 2019.
  22. As Subject Expert (Civil Engg.) to B R Ambedkar University Agra for selection of Professor (Civil Engg.) and Assoc. Professor (Civil Engg.), Dec.18, 2019.
  23. As external expert member to CSIR - Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee for selection of PhD Students (Engg. Sciences), Dec.08, 2020.
  24. As Expert to HP Public Service commission, Shimla for selection of Assistant Engineers (Civil), Class-I (Gazetted) and other important examinations (2021-24).
  25. As Member of DPC and Research Advisory Committee, NIT Dellhi (2023-24).
  26. As Expert to NIT Rourkela in recruitment of Technical Assistancts, 2023.
  27. Member of Board of Research Studies (BRS) Committee for Faculty of Infrastrcture Technology, NSUT Delhi (2023-24).
  28. As Expert Member in Departmental Peer Review Committee meeting of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 11.06.2024.
  29. National Advisory Committee Member for International Conference on Recent Advances in Enginenering Materials and Sciences to be organised by SRM University, Delhi Campus w.e.f. 20.02.2025 to 22.02.2025. 

Membership of Professional Societies:

  1. Life Member, The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata (LM/121650),
  2. Life Member, Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai (LM 4802),
  3. Life Member, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, Roorkee (LM 947),
  4. Life Member, Indian Society of Construction Materials & Structures, Roorkee (LM 419),
  5. Life Member, Indian Society for Wind Engineering (LM 185),
  6. Life Member, Materials Research Society of India, Bangalore (LM B290) and
  7. Life Member, India Chapter of ACI (LM.02.29).

Last Updated : 2024-10-19 17:14:18