Dr. Atul Kumar Agrawal
Mechanical Engineering
Email: atulkumaragarwal@dce.ac.in
B.Tech.(Mech Engg);M.E.(Thermal);Ph.D.(Solid Mechanics)
Areas of Interest
Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Vibrations, Computational Methods
A.~K.~Agrawal and N.~N.~Kishore, ``A study of free surface effects on through cracks using BEM'', { Engineering Fracture Mechanics}, 68, July 2001, 1297-1316.
A.~K.~Agrawal and N.~N.~Kishore, ``A study of free surface effects on through cracks under impact loading'', { Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements}, 25, June 2001, 391-405.
A.~K.~Agrawal, ``Free surface effect on moving crack under impact loading by BEM'', { Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements}, 26, March 2002, 253-264.
E.~B.~Tadmor, A.~K.~Agrawal and J.~R.~Wolberg,
``An Efficient Data Structure for Graded Atomistic Simulations'',
Proceedings of the 2003 Mechanical Engineering Conference,
Haifa, May 12-13, 2003.
P.~C.~Gupta, M.~Dwivedi, A.~K.~Agrawal, S.~Maheshwari,
``Design of light weight foldable stretcher'', { 14th ISME Int. Conference}, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, 2005.
P.~Kumar, H.~Hirani, A.~Agrawal, ``Scuffing behaviour of EN31 steel under dry sliding condition using pin-on-disc machine'', { Materials Today: Proceedings}, 2, 2015, 3446-3452, 4th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization, Elsevier.
P.~Kumar, H.~Hirani, A.~Agrawal, ``Fatigue failure prediction in spur gear pair using AGMA approach'', { Materials Today: Proceedings}, 2016, 5th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016), March 12-13, 2016.
P.~Kumar, H.~Hirani, A.~K.~Agrawal, ``Effect of assembly errors on wear of spur gear'', { Materials Today: Proceedings}, 2016,ICEMS, Nov 13-16,2016.
A.~K.~Jain, V.~Rastogi, A.~K.~Agrawal, ``Experimental investigation of vibration analysis of multi-crack rotor shaft'', { Procedia Engineering}, 144, 2016, 1451-1458, 12th International Conference on vibration problems, ICOVP 2015, Elsevier.
S.~Rani, A.~K.~Agrawal, V.~Rastogi, ``Failure investigations of a first stage Ni based super alloy gas turbine blade'', { Materials Today: Proceedings}, 2016, PMME, July 29-30, 2016.
S.~Rani, A.~K.~Agrawal, V.~Rastogi, ``Failure analysis of a first stage IN738 gas turbine blade tip cracking in a thermal power plant'', { Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis}, 8, 2017, 1-10, Elsevier.
Conference papers presented:
A.~K.~Agrawal, N.~N.~Kishore,``Study of interface crack under impact loading by three-dimensional time-domain boundary element method'',{ IMPLAST '96, Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics}, Indian Institute of Delhi, 1996.
A.~K.~Agrawal, ``Modelling of dislocation core of Copper and Aluminum'',{ National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ECKAME-2006}, Engineering College, Kota,2006.
Last Updated : 2017-03-20 15:35:51