Prof. A.S. Rao

Head, Chairman (BOS), Chairman (DRC), Department of Applied Physics, Chairman, CIF, DTU



B.Sc (S.V. University, A.P.)., M.Sc (Physics with Specilization in Electronics from S.K. University, A.P.)., Ph.D (Physics) awarded by S.V. University, A.P.

Areas of Interest

Photonics and Atmospheric Sciences


Research Guidance:

Ph. Ds Awarded   :  24  

Ph.Ds Ongoing    :  10

Ongoing/Completed Post-Doctoral Fellows: 03 (Two UGC Dr. D.S. Kothari fellowships and one CSIR-Research Associate)

M.Phils Awarded: 04

M.Tech dessertations guided : 06

M.Sc dessertations guided     : 10

B.Tech dessertations guided  : 76

No. of Patents Awarded: 01 (Indian)

No. of Patents Published: 01 (Indian)

Courses taught so far:

At under Graduate Level:

  1. Engineering Physics
  2. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Materials
  3. Applied Physics for Engineering Students
  4. Semiconductor Devices
  5. Space and Atmospheric Science
  6. Electricity and Magnetism
  7. Condensed Matter Physics
  8. Advanced Materials Science

At Post Graduate Level:

  1. Nano Materials Synthesis and Characterization

Guest Lecturers/Invited talks and Panel Member:

  • Delivering Guest lecturers in various Technical institutes and colleges.
  • Delivering Invited talks in various Institutes/Universities. 
  • Acting as a selection committee panel member for appointing Assistant Professors/Associate Professors/Professors in various technical institutes/colleges/Universities.

Academic/Post-doctoral / Research Experiences:

  • July 2015 - to till date          Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi
  • July 2012 - July 2015           Associate Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi
  • Sep 2008 - July 2012            Professor & HOD, Department of Physics, K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Aug 2007 - Aug 2008           Associate Professor, Department of Physics, K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Nov 2006 - Aug 2007           Senior Lecture, Department of Physics, K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.              
  • Jan 1998 - Nov 2006            Lecture, Department of Physics, K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.  
  • March1996 - Dec 1997        Research Scientist, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Govt. of India. 
  • Dec 1992 - Dec 1995            Senior Research Fellow, CSIR, Govt. of India.

Institute/Department Level responsibilities/Recognitions:

Departmental Level:

  • Practical examination superintendent for Applied Physics Department since 2012 to 2018.
  • Scrutiny-cum Screening committee member for the appointment of Assistant Professors in Physics;
  • Ph.D. coordinator;
  • Coordinator for B. Tech. evening courses;
  • Coordinator for B. Tech. (EP)
  • Chairman, curriculum revision committee for Applied Physics Department, DTU for the academic year 2015-16
  • Member, department purchase committee;
  • Organizing member for seminars/works shops at department level;
  • Coordinator for BOS and DRC meetings;
  • Student Research Committee (SRC) member.
  • Department Research Committee (DRC) Chairman

Institutional Level:

  • Chairman, Central Instrumentation Facility, 2023 to date
  • Chairman, Sports Council since Dec 2014 to 2017
  • Member, Academic Council, DTU Since Aug.2022 to date.
  • Member, cultural council for the year 2013-14
  • Member, sports council for the year 2013-14
  • Member, discipline committee
  • Chairman, purchase committee for sports
  • Member, central purchase committee, DTU
  • Member, Scrutiny cum Screening committee for the appointment of Assistant Professors for various branches in DTU
  • Member, Scrutiny cum Screening committee for the appointment of Assistant Professors of various branches in DTU
  • Member, Scrutiny cum Screening committee for the appointment of Associate Professors for various branches in DTU
  • Member, Scrutiny cum Screening committee for the appointment of Registrar, DTU (2025)
  • Member, Scrutiny cum Screening committee for the appointment of Controller of Finance, DTU (2025)
  • Member, Scrutiny cum Screening committee for the appointment of Controller of Examinationa, DTU (2025)
  • Member, presentation committee for the appointment of Associate & Assistant Professor posts in various branches in DTU

Awards, Honors and other Academic Achievements:

  • Listed as one among the top 2% scientists in the world four times by Stanford University, USA in years 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024.
  • K L University awarded me with Best teacher award thrice for the academic years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11.
  • DTU awarded me with “Commendable Researcher” award Seven times consecutively from 2016-17 to 2023-2024 academic years.
  • Established “Advanced Materials Research Laboratory” in K L University, Vijayawada.
  • Established “Materials & Atmospheric Science Research Laboratory” in DTU, Delhi.
  • Establishing “Atmospheric Research Centre” in DTU, Delhi.
  • Research Scientist award by ISRO, Bangalore.
  • Research Associate award by CSIR, Govt. of Indian, New Delhi.
  • Senior Research Fellow award by CSIR, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  • HOD and BOS chairman for Department of Physics, K L University, Vijayawada, A. P. during 2009 to 2012.
  • BOS member for Physics department in Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana.
  • BOS member for Physics department in KL University, Vijayawada, A.P
  • BOS member for Physics department in Vignan University, Guntur, A.P.
  • BOS member for Physics department in SGT University, Gurugram, Delhi.
  • BOS member for Physics department in CRS University, Jind, Haryana. 
  • BOS member for Physics department in Adisankara College of Engineering, Guduru, A.P. 
  • BOS member for Physics department in NSRIT College of Engineering, Visakapatnam, A.P. 
  • Acting as a Reviewer for many International Journals of high repute.
  • Acting as a Reviewer for Research Projects submitted to DST, UGC and CSIR.
  • Acting as a Ph.D. thesis adjudicator for many Indian Universities/ Research Organizations.
  • Acting as a Paper Setter for many Indian Universities.
  • Acted as Subject Expert member for recruiting faculty in NITs (Hamirpur), State Universities (M.S. University, Vadodara) and Deemed Universities (KLU, Vignan etc.).
  • Acted as Chairman for recruitment committee for basic Science subjects in K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Acted as a scrutiny committee member for the recruitment of faculty in DTU
  • Acted as a presentation committee member for the recruitment of faculty in DTU.
  • Acting as a Lead Guest Editor for International Journals.
  • Presently working as HOD and BOS chairman for Applied Physics Department, DTU. 

Membership in Professional Scientific Societies:

  • Life member - National Environmental Science Academy (NESA)
  • Life member - Luminescence Society of India (LSI)
  • Life member - Materials Research Society of India (MRSI)

Research Interests in Detailed:

Materials Science:

Rare Earth (RE) doped phosphors for white light emitting diodes (w-LEDs):

In last few decades research is being conducted on the luminescent material (phosphors, quantum dots, glasses, etc) doped with RE ions. Phosphors doped with RE ions have attracted numerous researchers due to its wide range of applications in solid state lighting applications. In Materials Science and Atmospheric Science Research Lab (MASRL), we are working on such materials for their application in w-LEDs. There are different hosts that are explored for its utilization in lighting devices.

RE ions doped nanophosphors for bio-photonic applications such as Bio-Imaging and Target Drug delivery:

Nano sized RE doped powder phosphors are quite suitable for their application in bio-medical field. Smaller sized particles offer easy delivery of biochemicals and greater luminescent characteristics that facilitates high signal to noise ratio. Therefore, up-conversion nanoparticles offer high contrast as imaging probes and therefore found applications in bio-photonic devices.

Phosphors doped with RE/transition metal (TM) ions for solar spectral modification and therby to enhance efficiency of solar cells:

Phosphors doped with RE ions with emission around 1μm are of great importance for their application in solar cells, lasers and bio-imaging. These materials not only improve its characteristic properties but also enhance thermal stability. phosphor materials with broad absorption in n-UV or blue and thereby conversion in NIR region is required which overlap the solar spectral profile. This helps in solar spectral modifications.

Glasses doped with RE/TM ions for Photonic Applications such as Lasers, Optical Fiber Amplifiers and White LEDs:

RE incorporated glasses synthesized using melt quench technique have applications in laser devices, optical fibre and white light emitting devices. They offer an advantage over RE doped phosphors that it does not require any encapsulating polymer material for its utilization in different applications. Thus, glasses are quite suitable for optoelectronic devices.

Green synthesis of nanocarbon dots for Bio-imaging and Target Drug delivery applications:

In this, bio-waste which have sufficient amount of C-atom like fruit peels, Gooseberry, food waste, Plant leaves, beverages etc are used as raw materials to produce carbon quantum dots for bio-imaging and drug delivery applications. Depending upon their chemical composition, these quantum dots have the capability to display its versatile nature by emitting tunable light. In-order to improvise its utility various heteroatoms like nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous has been used as dopant.

Atmospheric Science:

The major areas of research under this portion of my lab are:

  1. Study of trace gases in the atmosphere.
  2. Particulate matter studies, primarily focussing on PM 2.5. However, under this part not only do we study it in the context of research but this portion along with aerosols is also covered in the theory subject for the students.
  3. A detailed study on solar cycle and the temperature changes occurring due to it in the troposphere is a major part of the ongoing work.
  4. My lab has a black carbon measuring instrument named AETHALOMETER which gives us an insight about the presence of black carbon in the atmosphere. I plan to extend the study of black carbon by mixing its relationship with other atmospheric dynamical parameters.
  5. For the past two years, we have been conducting labs for the students too in which we make use of simulators available online to study various atmospheric circulations such as the secondary circulations including tropical cyclones and many more.

Today, the major threat to humankind is Climate Change as per COP-26. And, as correctly pointed by UN, the decade 2021-2030 is the decade of climate change studies which aims to reduce the carbon footprint, increase carbon sinks etc. All this can be achieved if we start the study and research at the basic level. And, by giving the students both theoretical and practical aspects. MASR lab is planing to contribute positively towards the research in atmosphere dynamics.

Countries visited: Italy and France

Ongoing/Completed Research Projects:

Sponsored Research Projects: (1992 to till date: ~ 3.0 Cr.)

Completed Sponsored Research Projects: 2.7 Cr

Ongoing Sponsored Research Projects: 30 Lakhs

Project Title

Government Funding Agency




Absorption and Emission characteristics of rare earth doped glasses for efficient lasers.

DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi

32 lakhs




Spectral Studies of Neodymium doped glasses and glassy ceramics for efficient laser action.

DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi

26 lakhs





Preparation and Characterization of Rare Earth ions doped Oxide, Fluoride and Oxyfluoride Glasses/Glassy Ceramics for Fiber Laser and Optical Fiber Amplifiers


52 lakhs





Studies on Novel Visible Up-Conversion Luminescent Rare-Earth Doped Nanophosphors for Bio-Photonic Applications.


48 lakhs





Bio-nano particle and their usage in modern medical sciences


20 lakhs




Rare earth doped up conversion nano phosphors for bio photonic applications


18 lakhs




Luminescence studies of Tm/Yb activated Oxy-fluoride glass ceramics for solar cell applications


22 lakhs




Developing two photon excited green carbon dots for bio imaging and drug delivery applications


22 lakhs




Synthesis and characterizations of up conversion nano phosphors for bio photonic applications


20 lakhs




Development of Innovative Multifunctional Thermographic Phosphor for Real Time Optical Sensing Applications


30 lakhs




Details of Research Publications

Total number of publications: 250 + (International Peer Reviewed and Scopus Indexed Journals)

Total Number of papers presented/published in conferences & conference proceedings: 160 +

Google Scholar Link:

Recent Publications details:

2025 (6 Publications)

  • Sailesh Narain Sharma, Pooja Semalti, Bhawna, A.S. Rao, Pioneering Advancements in Quantum Dot Solar Cells: Innovations in Synthesis and Cutting-Edge Applications, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, (2025) 101905, (Impact Factor-7.9).
  • Pooja Rohilla, Shristy Malik, Sheetal Kumari, Aman Prasad, A.S. RaoRed color tuning and Emission Enhancement in Thermally stable Co-doped Ba3MoTiO8:Bi3+/Eu3+ Phosphors for Photo-electric Applications, ChemistrySelect, 10 (2025) (Impact Factor-1.9). 
  • G Dedeepya, Sk Mahamuda, P Sailaja, K Swapna, M Venkateswarlu, A. S. Rao, Structural, Photosensitive and Radiation Shielding characteristics of Tungsten Alkali Borate Glasses for Photonic and Radiation Shielding Applications, Polyhedron 269 (2025) 117396 (Impact Factor-2.4).
  • Hemant K. Arora, Jyoti Shah, R.K. Kotnala, Nitin Kumar Puri, A. S. Rao, Strategically Engineered Defects in 2D-SnS for Water Splitting:Green Energy Solution for Powering LEDs and Hydroelectric Cells, Materials Science & Engineering B, 313 (2025) 117949 (Impact Factor-3.9).
  • Videsh Kumar, Sheetal Kumari, Shristy Malik, Ravita Pilania, Tripati Sharma, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, Enhanced Red Luminescence in Dy3+/Eu3+ co-doped Calcium Alumino Borosilicate Glass for w-LED Applications, Journal of Fluorescence (2025) (Impact Factor-2.6).
  • G. Raji, S. Subbarayudu, K. Swapna, Ch. Pravallika, Y. Anantha Lakshmi, Aman Prasad, Sk. Mahamuda, M. Venkateswarlu, A. S. Rao, The Role of PbO on the Optical and Radiation Shielding Characteristics of Eu3+ ions doped B2O3+As2O3+Sb2O3+Al2O3+ PbO Glasses, Applied Physics A, 131 (2025) 1-18 (Impact Factor-2.5).

2024 (42 Publications)

  • Sheetal Kumari, Pooja Rohilla, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, RK Sinha, Structural characterization and luminescence characteristics of Dy3+ doped Sr9Y2W4O24 phosphor for application in white-LEDs, Journal of Luminescence 275 (2024) 120791 (Impact Factor-3.3).
  • Sumandeep Kaur, Harpreet Kaur, A. S. Rao, G.V. Prakash, A review on photoluminescence phosphors for biomedical, temperature sensing, solar cells, anti-counterfeiting and white LED applications, Physica B: Condensed Matter 160 (2024) 416224 (Impact Factor-2.8).
  • Sheetal Kumari, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, R.K. Sinha, Up-Conversion Luminescence in Sr9Y2W4O24:Ho3+,Yb3+ Phosphors for Applications in Temperature sensing and w-LEDs, Emergent Materials (2024) (Impact Factor-4.8). 
  • Anu, Sheetal Kumari , N. Deopa, A. S. Rao, Spectral studies of thermally stable Dy3+/Sm3+ co-doped Li2Ba5W3O15 phosphors for warm white LEDs, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57 (2024) 315107 (Impact Factor-3.1).
  • Shristy Malik, A. S. Rao, Surendra K Dhaka, Climatic Trends in Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Wind Speed Over Indian Landmass and Isle in Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep During 1981–2021, MAPANe 39 (2024) 549-557 (Impact Factor-1.0).
  • K. Chandrika, G. Sangitha, M. Venkateswarlu, M.V.V.K.S. Prasad, G. Giridhar, Sk. Mahamuda, K. Swapna, A. S. Rao, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Optical Absorption Studies of Cu2+ ions doped ZnAlBiB Glasses, Journal of Electronic Materials (2024) (Impact Factor-2.2).
  • Jatin Parashar, Gaurank Yadav, Seema, Anu, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, Energy Transfer Studies on Red Emitting CaGdSbWO8:Sm3+/Eu3+ Phosphors for w-LEDs and Indoor Plant Growth Lighting System, Journal of Fluorescence (2024) (Impact Factor-2.6).
  • Gaurank Yadav, Jatin Parashar, Anu, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, Synthesis, Structural and Photoluminescence Characteristics of Dy3+/Eu3+ Co-doped CaGdSbWO8 Phosphor for Warm White LEDs, Emergent Materials (2024) (Impact Factor-4.8).
  • Ch. Pravallika, K. Swapna, Sk. Mahamuda, M. Venkateswarlu, A. S. Rao, Investigation of Structural, Optical and Mechanical Properties of Pr3+-doped Oxyfluoro Antimony Borate Glasses, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 35 (2024) 2250 (Impact Factor-2.8).
  • Gunjan Mahajan, M.V.V.K.S. Prasad, K. Swapna, K. Seshulatha, M. Venkateswarlu, Sk. Mahamuda, A. S. Rao, Influence of Samarium ions doping on Electrical and Optical Properties of Bismuth Antimony Fluoroborate Glasses, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 35 (2024) 2055 (Impact Factor-2.8).
  • Amit Kumar, Anu, Ravina Lohan, Usha Rani, Isha Malik, Nisha Deopa, Anand Kumar, A. S. Rao, Dysprosium ion concentration variations and their comprehensive influence on the physical, structural and optical properties of multi-component borate glasses for luminescence tailoring, Ceramics International (2024) (Impact Factor-5.1).
  • Y Saraswat, C Bhardwaj, K Sheetal, A Prasad, A. S. RaoStudy of Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Dy3+ ions doped Potassium Magnesium Molybdate Single Phase Phosphor for White Light Applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 35 (2024) 1869 (Impact Factor-2.8).
  • Y Shweta, A. S. Rao, D Meena, Optical characteristics, Judd-Ofelt analysis of enhanced luminescence by flux in thermally stable, novel Eu3+- doped BaZr(PO4)2 phosphor for indoor lighting applications, Physica B: Condensed Matter 695 (2024) 416522 (Impact Factor-2.8).
  • Yasha Tayal, Aman Prasad, Sheetal Kumari , Rupesh A. Talewar, Sk. Mahamuda, Mohit Kumar, Kartika Maheswari, Ravita, A. S. Rao, Enhanced emission in the NIR range by Nd3+ doped Borosilicate Glass for Lasing Applications, Applied Physics B, 130 (2024) 157 (Impact Factor-2.0).
  • Shristy Malik, A. S. Rao, S.K. Dhaka, Ryoichi Imasu, Hye-Yeong Chun, Solar cycle influence on wind, temperature, and surface pressure during 1981-2021 over Indian region, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (2024) (Impact Factor-2.2).
  • Ch. Pravallika, K. Swapna, Sk. Mahamuda, M. Venkateswarlu, A. S. Rao, Optical and radiation shielding properties of Europium doped Alkaline-Earth Boro Tellurite glasses, Optical Materials 154 (2024), 115669 (Impact Factor-3.8).
  • Seema, A. S. Rao, Photoluminescence and energy transfer studies in the Sm3+ and Eu3+ co-doped Sr2ZnSi2O7 red-emitting Phosphors, Journal of Luminescence, 275 (2024), 120742 (Impact Factor-3.3). 
  • Deepti, Sandip Maurya, Sheetal Kumari , Pooja Rohilla, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, Dy3+ doped KCa(PO3)3 Phosphor for white light generation: Structural and Luminescent Studies, Physica Scripta, 99 (2024) 065573 (Impact Factor-2.6). 
  • Vijay Singh, B.R.V. Rao, Aadil Ahmad Bhat, Ch.B. Annapurna Devi, A. S. Rao, Ji Bong Joo, Characterization of Luminescent Li3Ba2Gd3Mo8O32:Tb3+ Phosphors prepared via Sol-Gel method, Journal of Electronic Materials, 53 (2024) 3723-3732 (Impact Factor-2.2).
  • P. Rekha Rani, M. Venkateswarlu, K. Swapna, Sk. Mahamuda,A. S. Rao, Colour tunable Photoluminescence studies of Dy3+/Eu3+ co-doped BaPbAlFB glasses for epoxy-free w-LED Applications, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 320 (2024) 124438 (Impact Factor-4.3).
  • Pooja Rohilla, Sheetal Kumari, Ravita, Samarthya Diwakar, Rupesh A. Talewar, Ankur Shandilya, Kartika Maheshwari, M. Venkateswarlu, Aman Prasad, A. S. Rao, Colour tuning in Sm3+ activated and Sm3+/Eu3+ co-activated SrBi4Ti4O15 Phosphors for w-LED Applications, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1312 (2024) 138521 (Impact Factor-4.0).
  • C. Sumalatha, Ramachari Doddoji, M. Venkateswarlu, K. Swapna, Sk. Mahamuda, A.S. Rao, Visible emission studies by UV light conversion in (Dy3+/Tb3+) ions pair activated Zinc-Bismuth-Barium Borotellurite Glasses for achieving intense Green and White Light, Optical Materials, 152 (2024) 115451 (Impact Factor-3.8).
  • Vijay Singh, Kanika Bhatia, A.S. Rao, Ji Bong Joo, A.S. Rao, Trivalent Gd incorporated Zn2SiO4 Phosphor material for EPR and Luminescence Investigations, International Journal of Materials Research (2024) (Impact Factor-0.7).
  • Sheetal Kumari, Pooja Rohilla, Samarthya Diwakar, Rupesh A. Talewar, Ankur Shandilya, Yasha Tayal, K. Swapna, Aman Prasad & A.S. Rao, Synthesis, analysis and characterizations of Dy3+ ions-doped CaBi2Nb2O9 phosphors for optoelectronic device applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35 (2024) 867 (Impact Factor-2.8).
  • Sumandeep Kaur, Simran Arora, A.S. Rao, Comparative study of luminescence in alkali-metal-based yttrium fluoride nanophosphor for biophotonic applications, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 21 (2024) 3700-3712 (Impact Factor-1.8). 
  • Anu, A.S. Rao, Temperature sensing materials based on the fluorescence intensity ratio in Li2Ba5W3O15:Dy3+ phosphors, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 372 (2024), 115336 (Impact Factor-4.1).
  • Gunjan Mahajan, M.V.V.K Srinivas Prasad, K. Swapna, Sk Mahamuda, M. Venkateswarulu, G.G. Dhar, A.S. Rao, Spectroscopic and electrical properties of europium doped bismuth antimony fluoroborate glasses, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 221 (2024), 111708 (Impact Factor-2.8)
  • Mohit Kumar, Mukesh K. Sahu, Sumandeep Kaur, Aman Prasad, Rajat Bajaj, Rupesh A. Talewar, Yasha Tayal, K. Swapna & A.S. Rao, Visible and NIR spectral analysis of Er3+ doped LiBiAlBSi glasses for laser applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35 (2024), 504 (Impact Factor-2.8). 
  • Gunjan Mahajan, M.V.V.K Srinivas Prasad, K. Swapna, K. Seshulatha, G.G. Dhar, A.S. Rao, White light emission and spectroscopic studies of dysprosium doped bismuth antimony fluoroborate glasses for optoelectronic devices, Optical Materials, 149 (2024), 115067 (Impact Factor-3.8).
  • Sheetal Kumari, A.S. Rao, R. K. Sinha,

    Last Updated : 2025-02-18 08:07:24