Dr. Naushad Ahmad Ansari
Mechanical Engineering Department
Email: naushad.nsr@gmail.com, naushad@dtu.ac.in
B.Tech. M.Tech. PhD
Areas of Interest
I C Engine, Energy, Fluid Mechanics, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Total Teaching Experience : 22 Years Details of Research Publications Number of M.Tech. Theses Supervised : 25 Membership of Professional Bodies 1. ISHRAE : Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Airconditioning Engineers 2. SESI : Solar Energy Society of India (Life Member) 3. ISTE : Indian Sosiety for Technical Education (Life Member) 4. IPA : Indian Plumbing Association 5. SAE : Society of Automotive Engineers 6. IAENG : International Association of Engineers
Last Updated : 2024-01-03 17:31:44