Alok Kumar Singh

Electronics & Communication Engineering



B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication), M.Tech (Electronics), Ph.D

Areas of Interest

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,VLSI Design and Analog Devices

Designation: Professor


Worked in the Industry as Senior Engineer (Instrumentation) for approximately 7 years and after that joined Noble Teaching Profession with approximately 25 years teaching and research experience in Electronics and Communication Engineering


·   Inspiring teacher with effective lifelong learning skill

·   Uphold high morale and ethics of this noble profession

Subjects Taught 












·   Member of professional society IEEE,USA

·       Worked as Jury at the final Selection –World skills 2017 in the Skill of electronics (National Skill Development Corporation0 held at Delhi Technological University, Delhi during 28 june-1st July 2017

·       Member of Academic Audit Committee as the subject expert for B.Tech and M.Tech for the colleges/Institutes under (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University), session 2017-18


·   Awards/ Recognition

·          Commendable Research Award (Jan’18-Dec’18)


Short Term Courses/Falulty Development Program

[1] Participated in one-week online Short Term Training Program on “Recent Advances and Challenges in Computer Vision” held from 03/12/2021 to 07/12/2021, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi-110042, India.

[2] Participated in one-week online Short Term Training Program on “Emerging Nanoscale Devices, Circuits and applications (NANODC 21)” held from 10/05/2021 to 14/05/2021, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[3] Participated in one-week online Faculty Development programme on “Nascent Methodologies Challenges and Realms of Research” from 03/10/2020 to 07/10/2020, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[4] Participated in the TEQIP-III sponsored Faculty Development programme on “Feature Engineering for Pattern Recognition” from 01/05/2018 to 05/05/2018, organized by Department of Information Technology, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[5] Attended the  TEQIP-III sponsored one week Short Term Training Program on “Advances in image Processing and Computer Vision” from 02/04/2018 to 06/04/2018,organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[6] Participated in the MHRD sponsored Gian course on “Intelligent Transport system” from 27/11/2017 to 01/12/2017, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[7] Participated in the MHRD sponsored Gian course on “circuit, Microsystems and Packaging techniques Intended for Autonomous Brain-machine Interface” from 20/12/2016 to 24/12/2016, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[8] Attended the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development programme on “Statistical Methods & Brief On Latex” from 18/07/2016 to 22/07/2016, organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[9] Attended the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development programme on “Recent trends in Geoenvironmental Engineering (RTGE-2016)” from 18/04/2016 to 22/04/2016, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[10] Participated in  the TEQIP-II sponsored one week Short Term Course  on “Advances in Information Security (AIS-2016)” during 18/01/2016 to 22/01/2016,organized by Department of computer Science & Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[11] Attended the TEQIP-II sponsored one week Short Term Course  on “Recent Advances in alternative & Renewable Energy Technologies“ during 07/12/2015 to 11/12/2015,organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[12] Participated in the TEQIP-II sponsored one week Short Term Course on “Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Performance” during 06/07/2015 to 10/07/2015, organized by Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[13]  Participated in the TEQIP-II sponsored one week Faculty Development programme on “Recent Advances and challenges in Power & Energy for sustainable growth” during 01/06/2015 to 05/06/2015,organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[14]   Participated in the TEQIP-II sponsored two-week Faculty Development programme on “Automation in manufacturing (AIM-2015)” during 04/05/2015 to 15/05/2015, organized by Department of Mechanical Production and Industrial & Automobile Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[15]   Participated in the TEQIP-II sponsored one week Faculty Development programme on “Intelligent Control Techniques and their applications (ICTTA-2014)” during 22/12/2014 to 26/12/2014,organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[16]   Participated in the TEQIP-II sponsored two week short term training programme on “Advanced Web Designing Techniques” during 14/07/2014 to 25/07/2014,organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[17]  Participated in the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development programme on “Recent Advances in pattern recognition and image processing using soft and evolutionary computing” during 07/07/2014 to 11/07/2014,organized by Department of Information Technology, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[18]  Attended the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development programme on “Renewable Energy and alternative Fuels” (REAF-2014) from 16/06/2014 to 20/06/2014, organized by Department of Mechanical Production and Industrial & Automobile Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

[19]  Participated in AICTE recognized STC on “Virtual Instrumentation Through ICT” from 28/04/2014 to 02/05/2014 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[20]  Attended the UGC sponsored STC on “Signal Processing in Modern Electrical Systems” from 09/12/2013 to 13/12/2013,organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[21]  Participated in AICTE recognized STC on “Cloud Computing Through ICT” from 29/07/2013 to 02/08/2013 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

[22]  Participated in AICTE recognized STC on “Virtual Instrumentation and Circuit Simulation Using LABVIEW and MULTISIM” from 24/06/2013 to 05/07/2013 at NITTTR Bhopal.

Participation in FDP/Gian Course

·   Worked as a member of organizing committee in the one week TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development programme on “Recent Trends in Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning” organized by department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Delhi Technological University, Delhi during July 11-15,2016.

·   Worked as a member organizing committee in the MHRD sponsored Gian course on “circuit, Microsystems and Packaging techniques Intended for Autonomous Brain-machine Interface” from 20/12/2016 to 24/12/2016, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

Participation in the Conference

·   Worked as member organizing committee in the international conference titled “IEEE India International conference on Information Processing (IICIP 2016)” held on 12-14 August, 2016 organized by department of Computer Science & Engineering at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

·   Worked as member organizing committee at international conference on advanced Production and Industrial Engineering(ICAPIE-2016) organized by Mechanical, Production & Industrial Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi,during December 9-10,2016.


Workshops Attended


·   Participated in the one-day joint Workshop on Patent Filing on 28/05/2018 jointly conducted by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management and Delhi Technological University at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.

·   Participated in the National Workshop on Power Electronics (NWPE-2015) during 06/11/2015 to 07/11/2015, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.





[1]      A. K. Singh, P. Kumar, and R. Senani, “Current-mode Quadrature Oscillator Using CFCC,” Am. J. Electr. Electron. Eng., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 85–89, 2018.DOI: 10.12691/ajeee-6-3-2.

[2]      A. K. Singh,P. Kumar, and R. Senani, “Fully-differential current-mode higher order filters using all grounded passive elements,” AEU - Int. J. Electron. Commun., vol. 97, pp. 102–109, 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.aeue.2018.10.009.

[3]      A. K. Singh,P. Kumar, and R. Senani, “Electronically tunable grounded / floating inductance simulators using Z-copy CFCCC,” Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1041–1055, 2018. DOI:10.3906/elk-1703-230.

[4]      A. K. Singh,P. Kumar, and R. Senani, “New grounded immittance simulators employing a single CFCC,” The Journal of Engineering , vol. 2017, no. 8, pp. 435–447, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/joe.2017.0131.

[5]      Neeta Pandey, Rajeshwari Pandey, Ranjan Sridhar,Veepsa Bhatia, Alok Kumar Singh and Pradeep Kumar, “CDTA Based Current Mode ADC”, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, no.1 ,pp.499-505, 2014.

[6]      Alok Kumar Singh, Gavendra Singh, Rajeev Ranjan and Satyanarayan Agarwal, “A Low Power 2n CMOS Versatile Frequency Multiplier”, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research, Vol. 3, no.1 ,pp.2369-2733,2013.




[1] P. Prakash, Y. Srivastava, S. Kumar and A. K. Singh, "Implementation of a Shadow Filter using CFCC," 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INCET51464.2021.9456361.

[2] S. Pathak and A. K. Singh, "A Novel Ternary D Flip-Flop using Pass Transistors based on GNRFET," 2021 International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT), 2021, pp. 131-134, doi: 10.1109/RTEICT52294.2021.9573683.

[3] R. Singh, M.M. Hussain, M. Sahay, S. Indu, A. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh" Loki: A Lightweight LWE Method with Rogue Bits for Quantum Security in IoT Devices.," 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2020, pp. 543-553. Springer, Singapore.

[4] Priyanka and Alok Kumar Singh, "Design of Active CMOS Gilbert mixer with High IIP3 and Low Noise Figure for UHF Applications", 5th  International Symposium on Fusion of Science &Technology (ISFT-2016), pp. 1-7,2016. ) held on 18-22 Jan’16 at NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. 

[5] Priyanka and A. K. Singh, "A low voltage high speed DCVSL based ring oscillator", IEEE India Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, pp. 1-5,2015.

[6] Priyanka, A. K. Singh and N. Pandey, "Implementation of Ultra Low Power Diode load based Gilbert cell mixer for wireless applications", IEEE India Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, pp. 1-5,2015.

[7] Rajeshwari Pandey, Neeta Pandey, Gurumurthy Komanapalli, Alok Kumar Singh and Rashika Anurag, “New realizations of OTRA based sinusoidal oscillator”,2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN) ,pp. 579-582, 2015.

[8] Alok Kumar Singh and Pragati Kumar, “A novel fully differential current mode universal filter”, IEEE 57th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS),pp. 579-582, 2014.






Last Updated : 2024-01-05 09:42:40