DCE is an insitution which defines and con tinues to update m ethods of engineerin g and architecture in I ndia. It provides its students with modern educational facilities w hile retaining traditi onal values, as well as using its strong ind ustrial contacts to mo ld young, talented indi viduals who can comp ete in the global are na. DCE’s mission is to educate in dividuals to be competitive not only in India, but all over the world.


Programs Offered

The college admits Full time scholars for a duration of 4 years. The areas in which the scholarships are available under the various departments are given below:
  1. Electrical/Electronics & Communication / Computer Engineering Departments: Electrical Machines and Drives, Power Systems, Control Systems, Power Electronics, Microwave Communication, DSP, Micro electronics Devises, VLSI/Fault-Tolerant Computing.

  2. Mechanical Engineering: Thermal Engineering, I C Engines, Turbo-machinery, Stress Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Metal Forming and Foundry Technology, Industrial Engg., Welding Technology, CNC & Robotics, Technology Management, Flexible Manufacturing and Automation.

  3. Civil Engineering: Structural Engg., Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engg. Water Resources Engg., Environmental Engg, Experimental Mechanics.

  4. Applied Physics: Material Science & Superconductivity, Thin-films, Fiber optics and Optical communication and Quantum electronics, Carbon Nano Tube, Photonic Crystal.

  5. Applied Chemistry: Polymer Science & Technology, Material Science and Polymer Composites, lon-exchange, Electro Chemistry, Chemical Thermodynamics.

  6. Applied Mathematics: Graph Theory, Information Theory, Numerical Simulation, Relativistic Cosmological Models, Algebra, Approximation Theory.

  7. Humanities: Applied Economics, Engineering Economics, Labour Market Analysis, Techno-Economics Impact of Education.