DCE is an insitution which defines and con tinues to update m ethods of engineerin g and architecture in I ndia. It provides its students with modern educational facilities w hile retaining traditi onal values, as well as using its strong ind ustrial contacts to mo ld young, talented indi viduals who can comp ete in the global are na. DCE’s mission is to educate in dividuals to be competitive not only in India, but all over the world.


Educational Qualifications

M.E. (CE / EE / EC / ME / PE)
  1. A candidate must have passed the Bachelor's Degree Examination in the appropriate branch of engineering (Electrical I Mechanical I Electronics & Communication I Civil Production I Control & Instrumentation I Computer Engineering) from the University of Delhi or any other Examination recognized by the University Equivalent thereto.


    A candidate must have passed in the A.M. I.E. (India) Exam, with appropriate specialization I Grade I.E. T. E. (India) A.M.I.E. (London) A.M. I. Mech. Engg. (London) A.M.I. Structure Engineering, any other examination in the concerned branch recognized as equivalent to B.E. by the University of Delhi.

  2. A candidate for admission to full time PROGRAM must have qualified in the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering).
M.E. (Polymer Technology)
  1. The candidate should have passed B.E. Examination in any branch of Engineering from the University of Delhi or any other Examination recognized by the University equivalent thereto:


    M.Sc. (Chemistry) of the University of Delhi or equivalent thereto.

  2. All the candidates for admission to full-time M.E. Programs must have qualified in the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering).
M.E. (Computer Technology and Applications)
  1. The candidate should have passed B.E. (or its equivalent examination as specified in (1.2.1) examination in any branch of Engineering or M.Sc. in Mathematics/Operational Research/Statistics/Computer Science (with Physics at the B.Sc. level) or M.Sc. in Physics / Electronics Science (with Mathematics at the B.Sc. level) or M.C.A. (with Physics and Mathematics at B.Sc. level) of the University of Delhi or any other examination recognised by the University equivalent there to,

  2. The candidate should have passed B.E. (or its equivalent examination as specified in (1.2.1) examination in any branch of Engineering or M.Sc. in Mathematics.
M.E. (Microwave and Optical Communication)
  1. The candidate should have passed B.E. Examination in Electronics & Communication of the University of Delhi or any other examination recognised by the University equivalent there to.


    M.Sc. Electronics/M.Sc. in Physics with Electronics/Radio Physics/Solid State Physics from University of Delhi or any other examination recognised as equivalent by university of Delhi.

  2. A candidate for admission to full-time M.E. Program must have qualified in the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering).
(Applied Physics) Program
  1. The candidate should have passed B.E. Examination in Electronics & Communication of the University of Delhi or any other examination recognised by the University equivalent there to.


    M.Sc. Electronics/M.Sc. in Physics with Electronics/Radio Physics/Solid State Physics from University of Delhi or any other examination recognised as equivalent by university of Delhi.