DCE is an insitution which defines and con tinues to update m ethods of engineerin g and architecture in I ndia. It provides its students with modern educational facilities w hile retaining traditi onal values, as well as using its strong ind ustrial contacts to mo ld young, talented indi viduals who can comp ete in the global are na. DCE’s mission is to educate in dividuals to be competitive not only in India, but all over the world.


Programs Offerd

A = Total Seats; B = General; C= SC; D = ST; E= PH and F= Sponsored
* The above mentioned M.E./M.Sc. Applied Physics courses are recognised by AICTE wide its letter F.No. T65- 61-2002(E)/ET/95 dt. 21.5.2007
** Subject to approval of Delhi University
  1. Full Time Programs are of 4 semester duration. Part time Programs are of 6 semester duration.

  2. A few seats not exceeding 50% of the full time total intake of each department over and above the normal intake may be provided to candidates belonging to friendly and developing countries with the approval of Government of India and full time candidate sponsored by Government/Public undertaking who fulfill the eligibility conditions of 4.2.1 (i) 4.2.2 (i) or 4.2.3 (i) or 4.2.4 (i) or 4.2.5 (i), alongwith one year meaningful experience before admission.