DCE is an insitution which defines and con tinues to update m ethods of engineerin g and architecture in I ndia. It provides its students with modern educational facilities w hile retaining traditi onal values, as well as using its strong ind ustrial contacts to mo ld young, talented indi viduals who can comp ete in the global are na. DCE’s mission is to educate in dividuals to be competitive not only in India, but all over the world.


Instructions for Candidates

The procedure for obtaining the application form is described in Section 3.10. Sale of these forms will start from 16th June 2009 (Tuesday). The Application Form can also be downloaded from &

The Applications of Nominees of Govt. of India must be forwarded through the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.

Branch allotted to a candidate is determined by the criteria as explained in the proceeding two paragraphs vis-a-vis preference of branch given by him/her. Depending on the position of the candidate in the merit list, the highest available choice of the branch as indicated by the candidate is allotted.

The procedure for admission to B.E. Courses in Delhi College of Engineering and Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology for the year 2009 batch will be as follows:

Candidates are required to come for admission as per schedule given later in Section 3.14 provided that they have submitted the Application Form and have the rank as specified in the schedule. The list of applicants will be displayed on the Notice Board and also Delhi College of Engineering Website and NO LETTERS CALLING THE CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION WILL BE ISSUED. The candidates are required to present themselves as per the schedule in Section according to the rank in CEE-2009/AIEEE-2009. Only those candidates who have submitted Application for admission in the prescribed form in time and have the rank as specified, will be considered for admission.

Only one chance for counseling as notified in the Prospectus will be given to the candidates. The candidates will be called one by one according to their Rank in CEE-2009/AIEEE-2009 from amongst those present at the time and date as specified in Section 3.14. They will be informed of the Branch offered to them as per their preference indicated by them in Application Form and their rank in CEE-2009/AIEEE-2009 and asked to present documents. After verification, the originals and Xerox copies will be retained by the Chairman, Admission Committee and an Admission Slip will be issued.

The candidate must pay the fees immediately to confirm his/her admission.

If a candidate does not report for admission on the scheduled date at the specified time either in person or through his/her nominee for counseling as per his/her CEE-09/AIEEE-09 Rank on the notified date(s) and/or refuses the offer of admission depending upon the availability of seats at the time of counseling or no branch is alloted or if a seat is offered in the Branch which mayor may not be his/her first preference and he/she refuses to accept the same or he/she does not pay the fees on the day of admission, he/she forfeit his/her claim for admission to B.E. Program-during the said year.

The Original Certificates of the admitted candidate will be returned after Dec. 2009 or on withdrawal from the Institute/College whichever is earlier.