- Write the name as given in the school records.
- (a,b,c,d) As already stated the criterion for deciding the eligibility of an applicant to a seat
reserved for a region is the location of school/college from which he/she has studied
and passed the Qualifying Examination. Based on the location ofthe school, reservation
category and sub category if any, identify the codes given in the table in section 3.4
- (a) Write the Roll No. of CEE-2009/AIEEE-2009 Examination as applicable.
(b,c,d,e) Write the open rank, rank in the respective category and sub category and marks
obtained in CEE-2009/AIEEE-2009.
- Write the desired information.
- Write the desired information.
Please note that the admission to the seats indicated is open to Indian Nationals only.
- (a) Write the date of birth as given in your school records i.e. Class-X.
(b) If you are under-age, indicate the extent of shortage in month and days in the boxes
provided. Shortage is to be calculated by subtracting the age on 01.10.2009 from
17 years.
- Write the Branch Code in order of your preference; See Annexure-I (Next Page).
- (a,b,c,d,e) Write the name of the Qualifying Examination on the basis of which you are seeking admission. If you have passed more than one examinations listed at para 3.2
you may select anyone. Please note that you are required to submit only an attested
photocopy of the marks sheet at this stage. Original marks-sheet is to be shown at
the time of admission.
Write the name of the Board/University which conducted the examination listed
Write the name of the State/Union Territory where the school is located.
(f & g) Calculate the percentage marks obtained in (i) Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as
indicated bythe Board/University rounded totwo decimal places; (ii) PCME percentages
as calculated by adding Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English percentage and
dividing by 4. Aggregate percentage means the total which is considered by the Board/
University for the classification of the result. Write your category and sub category (if any) in the appropriate box. The certificate is
to be signed by the candidate after writing the caste (Applicable for reserved category
candidates only).
- Write the desired information.
- Write the desired information.
- Write the desired information.
- Write the desired information.
- Write the desired information.
- According to the requirement for admission a candidate must have passed English as
a subject at Xclass or XII class level. Indicate the higher examination in English passed.
- Enter the desired information. Name of the institution is essentially required.
- This certificate is to be signed by the Principal of the School where the candidate
studied last. Name and address of the school is to be shown at the appropriate place.
- Enclose the desired certificates and tick in appropriate boxes.
- & 19. The undertaking(s) are to be signed by the candidate/parent/guardian as the case
may be, with date and place.
The completed Application Form for B.E. admission is to be submitted to Administrative
Officer, Delhi College of Engineering, 5hahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042
The Last date for receipt of the completed Application Form is 06.07.2009 (by 4.00 p.m.)
The College (DCE) shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss. The candidate must
ensure that the College (DCE) receives duly completed application on or before the last
date. All applications received after the last date stand rejected automatically.