Prof. Rajiv Kumar Kapoor

Electronics and Communication Engineering, Professor and Officiating Principal AIACT&R

Email:, rajivkapoor@dce.e


PhD E&C Engineering

Areas of Interest

Vision/Speech based Tracking, Activity Recognition Vision/Speech based, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition,Cognitive Radio



  1. R.Rohilla, V Sikri , R Kapoor,  Spider Monkey Optimisation Assisted Particle Filter for robust Object Tracking " , IET  Computer Vision  Journal , DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2016.0201 , November,2016

  2. R Kapoor, GS Walia, S Arora, N Verma, " A Robust Algorithm for Analysis of Intercepted Traffic under Highly Noisy Environment", Accepted, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Inderscience, May,2016.

  3. Kuldeep Singh, R Kapoor, “Contrast Enhancement via texture region based histogram equalization" Journal of Modern Optics, (Accepted), 2016, (Pub.: Taylor & Francis).

  4. D K Vishwakarma, R Kapoor, and A. Dhiman, “Unified Framework for Human Activity Recognition: An Approach using Spatial Edge Distribution and R-Transform”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEU),  Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 341-353, 2016 .(Pub: Elsevier).!Download!
  5. GS Walia and R. Kapoor, "Recent Advances on Multi-cue Object Tracking - A Survey", Journal of Artificial Intelligence Review, pp. 1-39, 2015. (Pub: Springer).!Download!
  6. D K Vishwakarma, R. Kapoor, and A. Dhiman "A proposed unified framework for the recognition of human activity by exploiting the characteristics of action dynamics", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 77, pp. 25-38, 2015. (Pub: Elsevier).(Pub: Elsevier).!Download!
  7. GS Walia, and R Kapoor, "Robust Object Tracking based upon Multi-cue Integration for Video Surveillance Applications", Multimedia Tools and Applications, August 2015. (Pub: Springer)!Download!
  8. Gangadharappa, M; R Kapoor, Dixit, Hirdesh,“An efficient hierarchical 16-QAM dynamic constellation to obtain high PSNR reconstructed images under varying channel conditions”, IET Communications, (2015), DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2015.0693. !Download!
  9. D.K. Vishwakarma, and RKapoor, "Integrated Approach for Human Action Recognition using Edge Spatial Distribution, Direction Pixel, and R -Transform", Advanced Robotics, (2015), Vol. 29, No. 23, pp. 1551-1561.(Pub.: Taylor & Francis). !Download!
  10. K Singh, Rajiv Kapoor, RaunaqNayar, Fingerprint denoising using ridge orientation based clustered dictionaries, Neurocomputing,(2015), Vol. 167(1), pp. 418-423. (Pub: Elsevier).!Download!
  11. D K Vishwakarma, and R Kapoor, " Hybrid Classifier based Human Activity Recognition using the silhouette and cells, Expert Systems and Applications,(2015) Vol. 42, No. 20, pp. 6957–6965.!(Pub: Elsevier). !Download!
  12. Kuldeep Singh, Rajiv Kapoor, Sanjeev Kr. Sinha, “Enhancement of low Exposure Images via Recursive Histogram Equalization Algorithms”, Optik- Int. J. Light Electron Opt., (Elsevier, Impact factor-0.670) 126 (2015)2619–2625.(Pub: Elsevier). !Download!
  13. K Singh, A.Gupta, and R Kapoor, “Fingerprint image super-resolution via ridge orientation based clustered coupled sparse dictionaries, Journal of Electronics Imaging, (2015), Vol. 24, No. 4, July, 2015. (Pub: SPIE).!Download!
  14. R Kapoor, and R. Gupta, "Morphological mapping for non-linear dimensionality reduction," in Computer Vision, IET, (2015), vol.9, no.2, pp.226-233. !Download!
  15. D K Vishwakarma, and R Kapoor, "An Efficient Interpretation of Hand Gestures to Control Smart Interactive Television", International Journal of Computational Vision and RoboticsJuly, 2015. (In Press). (Pub: Inderscience, U.K.). !Download!
  16. K Singh, R Kapoor, Image enhancement using Exposure based Sub Image Histogram Equalization, Pattern Recognition Letters,(2014), Vol. 36,  pp.10-14.(Pub: Elsevier) !Download!
  17. K Singh, and R Kapoor, Image enhancement via Median-Mean Based Sub-Image-Clipped Histogram Equalization, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, (2014), Vol. 125, No. 17, pp. 4646–4651. (Pub: Elsevier)!Download!
  18. R Kapoor, and R Rohilla, “Modified Foreground Segmentation for Object Tracking Using Wavelets in a Tensor Framework”, International Journal of Electronics, (2014), Vol. 102, No.9, pp. 1560-1582.(Pub: Taylor and Francis)!Download!
  19. G S Walia, and R Kapoor, “Intelligent video target tracking using an evolutionary particle filter Based upon improved cuckoo search”, Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 41, No.14, pp. 6315–6326, Oct 2014.(Pub: Elsevier) !Download!
  20. GS Walia, and R Kapoor,” Human detection in video and images - a state-of-the-art survey”, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Vol. 28, No. 3 (2014). (Pub: Word scientific)!Download!
  21. GS Walia, Ankit Gupta and  R Kapoor, Detection of Fire in Video using Statistical Color Models Data Fusion with Dezert-Smarandache Method”   International Journal of  Image analysis and Data fusion, Vol.4, No.5, pp. 324-341, 2013. (Pub: Taylor & Francis) !Download!
  22. R Kapoor and R Gupta, "Non-linear dimensionality reduction using fuzzy lattices," in Computer Vision, IET , vol.7, no.3, pp.201-208, June 2013. !Download!
  23. Rajiv Kapoor,and Manish Kumar Saini, Detection and tracking of short duration variations of power system disturbances using modified potential function, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 47, May 2013, Pages 394-401. (Pub: Elsevier).!Download!
  24. R Kapoor, Manish Kumar Saini, “Detection and tracking of short duration variations of power system disturbances using modified potential function”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 47, May 2013, Pages 394-401. (Pub: Elsevier).!Download!
  25. R Kapoor, and R Gupta, ´Classification of power quality disturbances using non-linear dimension reduction” International Journal of Electrical Engineering,pp 1-10, doi: 10.100/s00202- 012-0245-7, 2012. (Pub: Springer). !Download!
  26. R Kapoor and M.K. Saini, “Multiwavelet transform based classification of PQ events”, European transactions on Electrical Power, volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 518-532, May 2012. (Pub: Blackwell – Wiley). !Download!
  27. R Kapoor and A. Dhamija, “Fast tracking algorithm using modified potential function", IET Computer Vision, volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 111-120, March 2012. (Pub: IET). !Download!
  28. R Kapoor and M.K. Saini, “Classification of power quality events – A review’, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 43.   pp. 11-19, 2012. (Pub: Elsevier).!Download!
  29. R Kapoor, R Gupta, “ Comparison of graph-based methods for non-linear dimensionality reduction” Int. J. Signal and imaging Systems Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 101- 109, 2012. (Pub: Inderscience, U.K.). !Download!
  30. M. K. Saini, R. Kapoor, A. K. Singh, Manisha, "Performance Comparison between Orthogonal, Bi-Orthogonal and Semi- Orthogonal Wavelets", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 433-440, pp. 6521-6526, Jan. 2012 . !Download!
  31. M.K. Saini and R. Kapoor, “Image compression using APSO”, Int. J. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol. 3, 1 2012.(Pub: Inderscience, U.K.).!Download!
  32. R. Kapoor, Amit Dhamija, “A New Method for Identification of Partially Similar Indian Scripts” International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Vol.6, No. 2, pp. 94 – 112, (2012). !Download!
  33. M. Gangadharappa, Pooja  Goel, R. Kapoor, “ Anomaly Detection in Surveillance video using colorModeling”, International Journal computer Application, Vol – 45, No. 14, May, 2012. !Download!
  34. Gurjit Singh Walia, Gajraj Kuldeep, R. Kapoor, A K Sharma NavneetGaba, FPGA Based  Secure System Design-an overview” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering ( IJSCE), ISSN: 2231-2307,  Volume 1, Issue 6,  2012. ! Download!
  35. R Kapoor, and R Gupta , “ Statistically Matched Wavelet Based Method for Detection of , Power Quality  Event”  International Journal of Electronics, vol. 98, no. 1, pp.109-12 January  2011 ( Pub: Taylor and Francis) !Download!
  36. R Kapoor,and R Gupta , “ Fuzzy Lattice based Technique for Classification of Power Quality  Disturbances”   European  Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 22, No. 8, pp. 1053–1064,DOI: 10.1002/etep.624, 2011. !Download!
  37. M. K. Saini, R. Kapoor, B. B. Sharma, "PQ Event Classification Using Fuzzy Classifier", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 403-408, pp. 3854-3858, Nov. 2011. !Download!
  38. R Kapoor and M.K. Saini, “Hybrid Demodulation concept and harmonic analysis for single/ multiple power quality events detection and classification’, International Journal of Electrical Power& Energy System, vol. 33, no.10. pp. 1608-1622, 2011. (Pub: Elsevier). !Download!
  39. M. K. Saini, R. Kapoor, "Power Quality Events Classification Using MWT and MLP", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 403-408, pp. 4266-4271, Nov. 2011. !Download!
  40. M  Sharma R Gupta, D Kumar, andR Kapoor, “Efficacious approach for satellite image classification” Journal of electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.  3(8), pp.  143-150, October 2011. !Download!
  41. R. Kapoor and M.K. Saini, “Classification of nonlinear power equality events based on multi-wavelet transform”, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 10, no.3, pp. 279-286, 2010. !Download!
  42. M.K. Saini, R. Kapoor and TarunGoel, “Vector quantization based on self-adaptive participle swarm optimization”, International J. Of Nonlinear Science, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 279-286, 2010. !Download!
  43. R Gupta, R Kapoor, “Unsupervised Locally linear Embedding for Dimension reduction” Int. J. of recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ( Letter) vol. 4, no.1 Nov. 2010 ( ACEEE, Finland) .
  44. R Gupta , andR Kapoor , A Bhatia, N Handa, G Singh “ Classification of Texture Images on Entropy Basis “, International Journal of Advances in communication ,  vol. 1, no.2 July-Dec. 2009, pp. 61-65.
  45. R. Kapoor  and M.K. Saini, “Detection and classification of power quality events based multiwavelet transform “, International Journal of Energy Technological and Policy vol. 5, no.6pp 673-683, 2007.
  46. R. Kapoor and M.K. Saini, “A new signal processing technique for power system disturbances detection and classification”, Int. J.  Electrical Engineering, vol. 88, pp. 9-14, 2007.
  47. R Kapoor, Deepak Bagai, T.S. Kamal, A new algorithm for skew detection and correction, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 25, Issue 11, August 2004, Pages 1215-1229. (Pub: Elsevier)!Download!
  48. R Kapoor, D Bagai, TS Kamal, “Skew angle detection of a cursive handwritten Devanagari script character image”. Journal of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Vol. 82, No 3 & 4 (2002), .pp 161-175,(May-Aug 2002).
  49. MS Choudhry , R Kapoor, “Performance Analysis of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Methods for MRI Image Segmentation”, Procedia Computer Science 89 (2016), Elsevier, pp- 749 – 758.


  1. R Singh , A.K. Dubey , R.Kapoor , “Up Sampling Of an Image Using Convolution Method” IEEE International conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017).
  2. D.K. Vishwakarma, P. Rawat, R. Kapoor, Human Activity Recognition Using Gabor Wavelet Transform and Ridgelet Transform, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 57, 2015, Pages 630-636, ISSN 1877-0509,
  3. D.K. Vishwakarma, Ashish Dhiman, Rockey Maheshwari, R. Kapoor, Human Motion Analysis by Fusion of Silhouette Orientation and Shape Features, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 57, 2015, Pages 438-447, ISSN 1877-0509,
  4. D.K. Vishwakarma, Rockey Maheshwari, Rajiv Kapoor, “A Novel Approach for the Recognition of Hand Gestures from Very Low Resolution Images”, Proc. of 6TH IEEE international conference on communication system and network technologies, (2015) 4th to 6th April, 2015, Gwalior, India.
  5. D.K. Vishwakarma,R Kapoor, Rockey Maheshwari,  Vaibhav Kapoor, Sahil Raman"Recognition of abnormal human activity using the changes in orientation of silhouette in key frames," in 2nd International Conference onComputing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2015, vol., no., pp.336-341, 11-13 March 2015.
  6. D. K. Vishwakarma, Rajiv Kapoor, Ashish Dhiman, Abhishek Goyal, Danish Jamil “De-noising of Audio Signal Using Heavy Tailed Distribution and Comparison of Wavelets and Thresholding Techniques” Proc. of the  9th INDIACom-2015, 2nd IEEE International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”,(2015),11th to 13th March, 2015,  New Delhi, India.
  7. Jaya Gautam, D.K.Vishwakarma, Rajiv Kapoor, “Performance Comparison of 6T SRAM Cell using Bulk MOSFET and Double Gate (DG) MOSFET”, in Proc. of IEEE International conference on Signal Processing and Intergarted Network (SPIN20015), 19th to 20th Feb, 2015, Noida, UP. India.
  8. Rahul, R Kapoor, “Power quality events detection & classification: A review, EPEACT-2015, JNU, 14-15th March, 2015.
  9. N. Singhal, Rahul , R Kapoor, “Power quality events detection & classification using Gaussian mixture model, MECIT-2015, JNU, 16-17th May,2015.
  10. M.Gangadharappa, JK Bassi, R Kapoor, “Block Based All Directional Smart Search Algorithm for Optimized motion estimation in Video Data”, Proceedings of  INDIACom-2015, IEEE international Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 11-13 March 2015, BVICM, NEW DELHI, INDIA.
  11. Rohilla, R.; Dehiya, V.; Kapoor, R., "Targeted surveillance system for highly maneuverable objects using fuzzy Kalman filter," in 9th International Conference onIndustrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2014, pp.1-5, 15-17 Dec. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICIINFS.2014.7036634.
  12. Kapoor, R.; Birok, R.; Manoj, D., "Soundless Horn And Remote Patroller," in IEEE International Conference onVehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), 2014, pp.112-116, 16-17 Dec. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICVES.2014.7063733.
  13. Chaudhary, M.S.; Kapoor, R.K.; Sharma, A.K., "Comparison between different wavelet transforms and thresholding techniques for ECG denoising," in International Conference onAdvances in Engineering and Technology Research (ICAETR), 2014, pp.1-6, 1-2 Aug. 2014.
  14. Batra, P.; Priyanka; Kapoor, R., "OTA based Howland model for bio-electrical impedance spectroscopy," in International Conference onSignal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2014, pp.587-590, 20-21 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/SPIN.2014.6777022 .
  15. Garg, S.; Singh, R.K.; Kapoor, R., "Autonomous Ship Navigation System," in India Educators' Conference (TIIEC), 2013 Texas Instruments , pp.300-305, 4-6 April 2013 doi: 10.1109/TIIEC.2013.60.
  16. Walia, G.S.; Kapoor, R., "Particle filter based on cuckoo search for Non-linear state estimation," in IEEE 3rd InternationalAdvance Computing Conference (IACC), pp.918-924, 22-23 Feb. 2013, doi: 10.1109/IAdCC.2013.6514349.
  17. A Gupta, A Sharma, P Batra, R Kapoor, “Bioelectrical Impedance: A Future Healthcare Technology” presented and published at International Conference CONFLUENCE 2013 at AMITY University, NOIDA, 22-24 Sept, 2013.
  18. Priyanka, P Batra, R Kapoor, “Improved Howland Model for Bioimpedance Measurements” presented and published at International Conference on Electronics and Comm Technology at Thapar University, Patiala, Oct 2013.
  19. D K Vishwakarma, R Kapoor, “Simple and intelligent system to recognize the  expression of speech-disabled person”, IEEE Proceedings of 4th International  Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction,IIT  Kharagpur, India, December 27-29, 2012.
  20. M.Gangadharappa, Rajiv Kapoor, “Video behavior profiling for anomaly detection”, International conference on communication languages and signal processing, IIC, New, Delhi, January 24-25, 2012.
  21. M. Gangadharappa,R Kapoor“Video behaviour profiling for anomaly detection”, International conference on communication languages and signal processing, IIC, New Delhi, January 24-25, 2012.
  22. GS Walia and R Kapoor“Particle Filter Based on Biogeography based Optimization for Non-Linear State Estimation”, International conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications, 1st – 2nd April 2012, organized by Interscience   Research Network.
  23. GS Walia and R Kapoor “ An  Effective Model  for Early Detection of Fire in Video Sequences using Statistical  Color Models” International Conference on Signal  Image  and Video Processing ( ICSIVP), India Institute of Technology, Patna, Jan. 2012.
  24. P Batra, R Kapoor, Abhinav, Tanya, “Improved Design for Analog to Digital Converter in Bioimpedance Measurements”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent   Trends in Computer, Mechatronics and Communication, RTCMC-2012, Hisar, 25-26 February, 2012.
  25. P Batra, Abhinav,R Kapoor, “Speech Processing Using Adaptive Filter”, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference , SCES 2012 organised by MNNIT, Allahabad, 16-18 March, 2012.
  26. M Punia, P Batra, R Kapoor, “Bioelectrical Impedance: A Potential Screening Tool for Medical Diagnostics” presented and published at International Conference on Communication and Electronics, ICCE 2012,  19-20 October, 2012.
  27. M. Gangadharappa, Rajiv Kapoor, Nupur Prakash, “ Robust Multimedia Transmission over Mobile  Wireless Channel, National conference on Advances in Wireless Cellular Telecommunications: Technologies & Services, 14-15 April 2011.
  28. M.K. Saini and R. Kapoor, “Nonlinear analysis of power quality Events” , IET International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System ( SEISCON 2011.
  29. M.K. Saini and R. Kapoor,” PQ events classification and detection – A survey”, IET  International Conference on  Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System ( SEISCON 2011), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, July  20-22, 2011, pp. 490-495, 2011.
  30. M.K. Saini and R. Kapoor, “PQ event classification using Fuzzy classification using Fuzzy classifier” International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011), vol. 4v pp.  41-44, 2011.
  31. M.K. Saini and R. Kapoor, “Power quality events classification using MWT and MLP”, International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011), pp. 37-40-2011.
  32. M Saini and R. Kapoor, “Performance comparison between orthogonal, bi-orthogonal and semi-orthogonal”, IEEE conf. ICCRC’11 vol. 6, pp. 192 – 195, 2011.
  33. GSWalia and R Kapoor, “An Overview of Design of FPGA Based Secure System”, National Conference on Advanced Communication System and Design Techniques, Haldia, WB, November 2011.
  34. P Batra, R Kapoor, RSinghal, “Noise Cancellation Using Adaptive Filter for Bioimpedance Signal “Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, volume 250, 2011 part 1, pp.321-325.
  35. M Gangadharappa, Rajiv Kapoor, Nupur Prakash, “Robust Multimedia Transmission over Mobile Wireless Channel, National Conference on Advances in Wireless Cellular Telecommunications: Technologies & Services, 14 – 15 April 2011.
  36. P Batra, R Kapoor, RSinghal, A Novel Approach to Adaptive Filtering of Bioimpedance Signal”, International  Conference on Issues and Challenges in Network Intelligence and Computing Technologies , 2-3 September, 2011.
  37. P Batra, R Kapoor, RSinghal, “Noise Cancellation in Bioimpedance Signal Using Adaptive Filter”, Proceedings, International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering atPune, 7-8 November, 2011.( Available online in Springer Digital Library).
  38. P Batra, A Mittal, Santwana, R Kapoor, “Differential Amplifiers in Bioimpedance Measurement Systems: A Comparison based on CMRR”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, ART 2011 at NOIDA, December, 2011.
  39. P Batra, Shivam, Suyash, R Kapoor, “A Comparative Study of Current Sources used in Bioimpedance Measurement Systems”, Proceeding, International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication Technology, at Bangalore, November, 2011.
  40. R Gupta, R Kapoor “ Image Compression using 2- Dimensional Transforms” 4th IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing and Communication Technologies ( ICACCT- 2010), Oct. 30, 2010 pp. 355- 360.
  41. M Sharma, R Gupta, D Kumar, R Kapoor” Fuzzy Logic System for Image Classification  “ Fifteenth Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Science (GAMS)  Dec, 12-14, 2010, New Delhi.
  42. P Batra, R Kapoor, “Bioelectrical Impedance: A New Technique for Heart Rate Measurement”, Proceedings, International Conference on System Dynamics and Control, organised by Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal,19-22 August, 2010.
  43. P Batra, R Kapoor, “A Novel Method for Heart Rate Measurement Using Bioimpedance”, IEEE  International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing at Windsor Castle, Kottayam, Kerala, 15-16 October, 2010.
  44. Panda, J.; Bisht, J.; Kapoor, R.; Bhattacharyya, A., "Digital Image Watermarking in Integer Wavelet Domain Using Hybrid Technique," in International Conference onAdvances in Computer Engineering (ACE), 2010, pp.163-167, 20-21 June 2010. doi: 10.1109/ACE.2010.41
  45. P Batra, R Kapoor, “Intelligent Detection of Lung Tumor Using PET Images”, Proceedings, International Conference on VLSI and Communication, St. Gits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, 15-16 April, 2009.
  46. Dahiya, S.; Jain, D.K.; Kumar, M.; Kumar, A.; Kapoor, R., "Automatic Classification of Power Quality Events Using Multiwavelets," in International Conference onPower Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, 2006. PEDES '06. pp.1-5, 12-15 Dec. 2006.doi: 10.1109/PEDES.2006.344239 .
  47. Kapoor, R.; Dutta, A.; Bagai, D.; Kamal, T.S., "Fusion for registration of medical images - a study," in Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2003. Proceedings. 32nd, pp.180-185, 15-17 Oct. 2003. doi: 10.1109/AIPR.2003.1284269.
  48. GS Walia and R Kapoor, A Bhateja, “Non Linear State Estimation using Particle Filter based on Backtracking Search Optimization”, International Conference on Computing Communication and AutomationGalgotias University, IEEE- Accepted , 2016.
  49. MS Choudhary, R Kapoor and A K Sharma”Comparison between Different Wavelet Transforms and Thresholding Techniques for ECG Denoising” IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology Research (ICAETR - 2014), August 01-02, 2014, Dr. Virendra Swarup Group of Institutions, Unnao, India.
  50. MS Choudhry, A Puri and R Kapoor,” Removal of Baseline Wander from ECG Signal using Cascaded Empirical Mode Decomposition and Morphological Function”. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN-2016), Feb 2016, Amity University, Greater Noida, India.  
  51.  MS Choudhry, Abhishek, A Gupta, B Bharat and R Kapoor,” A Survey on Different Discrete Wavelet Transforms and Thresholding Techniques for EEG Denoising” IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2016), 29-30 April 2016,Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India.
  52.  MSChoudhry, S Misra and R Kapoor,” MRI BRAIN IMAGE CLASSIFICATION USING POLYNOMIAL KERNEL PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS WITH NEURAL NETWORK” International Journal of Advance Technology in Engineering and Science, Vol No-04, Issue No-03, March 2016, pp-39-46.


  1. CBR No: 14973, Application Number 2099/DEL/2014   on A Novel Architecture of Readout front End for Cardiac, Visual and Neural Signals.-- Published
  2. CBR No: 14973, ApplicationNumbers 2100/DEL/2014 on A Novel Architecture of Multiwavelet based ECG Detector.--- Published
  3. CBR No: 14971, Application Number: 2098/DEL/2014 on PLUS (*) Glucometer.--- Published
  4. CBR No: 9521, Application Number:  2690/DEL/2013,“Complementary CNTFET Based A Novel Ternary and Quaternary Logic Generator on 32nm Technology.--- Published
  5. CBR No: 10553, Application Number: 3004/DEL/2013, “Intelligent Collision Avoidance and Navigation System for Watercraft”. 
  6. CBR No: 15210, Application Number:  2169/DEL/2015, "BIO Electrical Impedance Meter Design".--- Published
  7. CBR No: 13140, Application Number: 201611019058, "Intelligent Swachha Bharat Robo".
  8. CBR No:23354, Application Number: 201711024953, Ref Number:  R20171021215, "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System in UGV".--- Published
  9. CBR No: 23354, Application Number: 201711024954, Ref Number: R20171021216," Robust and Economic Underwater OPES".-- Published
  10. CBR No. 28119, Application Number: 201711032432, Ref Number:R20171027005, " Recognition of Bank Notes denominations for Visually Impaired Persons".


  1. GATE 2016 (Electronics  and Communication Engineering) for Pearson publisher, December, 2015.
  2. GATE 2017 (Electronics and Communication Engineering) for Pearson Publisher, Revised, April 2016.
  3. GATE 2018 (Electronics and Communication Engineering) for Pearson Publisher, Revised, May 2017.
  4. Handbook of Research on Advanced Concepts in Real-Time Image and Video Processing, IGI Global Publisher, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033-1240, USA, 2017.


  1. Title: "Real Time Infrared Image Enhancement for Vehicle Classification" , Amount: 50 Lacs, Sponsored By: DRDO, TBRL, Project Ref Id: TBRL/PCD/DTU-CARS/2015/08, (Under this project, 03-Junior Research Fellow, and 01: Senior Scientific Officer post are available. Already Advertized . Interviews conducted . Next Advertisement for vacancies to follow shortly.Period  2016-2018.