Prof. Asok De
Electronic & Communication
Email: asokde@gmail.com
B.E, M.E (Jadavpur University), Ph. D (IIT Kharagpur)Areas of Interest
Electromagnetics, Microwave circuits, Microstrip Antenna, Numerical techniques in Electromagnetics
A. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 1. Asok De and B.N. Das, “Input impedance of probe excited rectangular microstrip patch radiator,” IEE Proc. On Microwaves Optics and Antennas. Pt. H, vol. 131, No: 1, pp 31-34, Feb.1984. 2. Ranjit Singh and Asok De, “Resonant frequency of elliptical microstrip patch radiator” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 69, no.3, pp 385-388,1990. 3. Ranjit Singh and Asok De, “Comments on an improved formula for the resonant frequency of triangular microstrip patch antenna” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation. AP-39, No.9, pp-1443-1444, Sept. 91. 4. Chakravarty. T., and Asok De, “Investigation of modes tunable circular patch radiator with arbitrarily located shorting posts”, IETE Tech, Review, vol. 16, no.1, pp-109-111, January 1999. 5. Chakravarty. T., and Asok De, “Design of tunable modes and dual-band circular patch antenna using shorting posts”, IEE Proc-Microwave and Antennas Propagation, vol. 146, no.3, pp 224-228, 1999. 6. Asok De, and T. Chakravarty, “Theoretical Investigation of resonant modes of shorting post loaded circular microstrip antenna on sphere”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 14, pp 1087-1102 , 2000. 7. Chakravarty. T., S.K. Sanyal and Asok De, “Compact and tunable circular microstrip patch using post-varactor loading”, IETE Tech. Review, Vol. 18, No.2-3, pp. 153-157, March-June 2001. 8. Asok De, and T. Chakravarty, “A new slant polarized dual band microstrip antenna,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, July, 2001. 9. Chakravarty. T., and Asok De, “Resonant frequency of a shorted circular patch with the use of a modified impedance expression for a metallic Post”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.33, no.4, pp- 252-256, May 2002. 10. M.Kulkarni, R.K.Sinha and Asok De “Design of a Hybrid Fibre-Optic Network Using 3-D Optical Code Sequences” published in the Journal of Fibre and Integrated Optics (Taylor and Francis USA), Volume 21, Number 4, pp. 263-268, July 01, 2002. 11. Chakravarty. T., and Asok De, “Using cavity model analysis for design of dual-band dual-slant-polarized microstrip antenna”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 331-337, June 2003. 12. Asok De, G.V. Attimarad and J. Sharma, “Numerical Analysis of the Single Step Discontinuity in the two Dimensional Dielectric Waveguide” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Volume 17,No.6., pp. 885-900, 2003. 13. Asok De and G. V. Attimarad, “Numerical Analysis of Two Dimensional Tapered Dielectric Waveguide-Abstract” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications vol. 18, No.2, pp. 375-376, 2004. 14. T. Chakravarty, S. M.Roy, S. K. Sanyal and Asok De, “Loaded Microstrip Disk Resonator Exhibits ULTRA – Low frequency resonance” Journal of Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 50, 1-12, 2005. 15. T. Chakravarty, S. M.Roy, S. K. Sanyal and Asok De, “A novel microstrip patch antenna with large impedance bandwidth in VHF/UHF range”, Progress in Electro Magnetics Rresearch, vol. 54, pp. 83-93, 2005. 16. T. Chakravarty, S. Biswas, A. Majumdar and Asok De, “Computation of resonant frequency of annular-ring-loaded circular patch using cavity model analysis”, Microwave and Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 48(3), pp. 622- 626, 2006. 17. Rajni Jindal, P. C. Saxena and Asok De “Constraint based dataset filtering for mining access patterns from web logs”, Journal of Computer society of India, Vol. 36, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2006. 18. N.S.Raghava and Asok De, “Photonic Band Gap Stacked Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Road Vehicle Communication,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol 5, pp. 421-423, 2006. 19. P. Kumar, T. Chakravarty, G. Singh, S. Bhooshan and S. K. Khah and Asok De, “Numerical Computation of Resonant Frequency of Gap Coupled Circular Microstrip Antennas” Journal of Progress in Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol 21, No. 10, pp. 1303-1311, 2007. 20. Ashok Mittal and Asok De, “Finline tapers using closed form expressions for millimeter wave integrated systems”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 2254-2257, Sept., 2007. 21. Ashok Mittal and Asok De, "Balanced BPSK Modulator for Ka- Band Communication Systems", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 49, No.12, pp. 3046-3049, December 2007. 22. Ashok Mittal and Asok De, "Integrated Balanced BPSK Modulator for Millimeter Wave Systems", Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Components, U.S.A Volume 2007, Article ID 69515, 4 pages, 2007, doi:10.1155/2007/69515. 23. T. Chakarvarty, S. K. Sanyal and Asok De, “Resonant modes of circular microstrip radiator loaded with varactor diode”, Radio Science, 42, RS4024, doi.10.1029/2006RS003577. 24. P. C. Saxena, Asok De and Rajni Jindal, “A Novel scheme for candidate generation for mining frequent patterns”, International journal of soft computing ISSN: 1816-9503, 3(3), 205 – 211, 2008. 25. M. Mahajan, T. Chakarvarty, S. K. Khah and Asok De, “Extended cavity model for input impedance of annular microstrip antenna loaded with multiple shorting post,” IET-Microwaves Antennas and Propagations, pp. 1-5, vol. 2, issue 1, Feb 2008. 26. T. Chakarvarty, Sunil K. Khah and Asok De, “Closed form expressions for computation of mutual admittance of a class of Gap-Coupled circular microstrip antennas,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50 No.4, pp. 24-27, April 2008. 27. N. S. Raghava and Asok De, “A Novel High Performance Patch Radiator,” International Journal in Microwave Science and Technology, Hindawi Publication Corporation, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 562193, 4 pages doi:10.1155/2008/562193. 28. Madhurika Mahajan, Sunil Kumar Khah, T. Chakarvarty, A. De, “Resonant frequency of asymmetrically loaded annular microstrip antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, (pp 2351-2353) published Online: Jun 18 2008 4:16PM, DOI: 10.1002/mop.23673. 29. S. Jigyasa, A. De, “Modal Solutions for junction parameters of discontinuity problems in dielectric rectangular waveguides,” Journal of Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 87, 233-244, 2008. 30. M. Mahajan, S. K. Shah, T. Chakravarty and A. De, “Computation of resonant frequency of annular microstrip antennas loaded with multiple shorting posts”, IET Microwave Antenna Propagation, 2008, 2, (1), pp. 1-5. 31. N.S. Raghava, Dilraj Singh and Asok De, “Study of different pattern of EBG structures for Dual frequency Rectangular Notch Square Microstrip antenna,” CIIT International Journal of Wireless Communication, Print: ISSN 0974–9748 & Online: ISSN 0974–9632, May 2009. 32. Ravin Ahuja, G Gabrani, Asok De,”A Dynamic Priority Schedular for Advance Reservation in Grid Computing” International Journal of soft computing, vol.4, issue-2,pp 60-67, 2009. 33. N. S. Raghava and Asok De, “To Study the effect of Air Gap width on the Performance of a Stacked Square EBG Antenna,” International Journal of Microwave, Volume 4, No. 5, pages:315-317, September 2009. 34. Asok De, N S Raghava, Sagar Malhotra, Pushkar Arora, Rishik Bajaj “Effect of different substrates on compact stacked square Microstrip Antenna” Journal of Telecommunications, Volume1 Issue 1 February 2010 35. J Sharma and Asok De, “Full Wave Analysis of Dielectric Rectangular Waveguide” progress in Electrmagnetics Research M,Volume 13, 121-131,2010 36.Madan Lal and Asok De “Hybridization of ANN and GA with Adaptive Mutation: A Proficient technique for Optimal Transit Antenna Subset Selection for MIMO-OFDM System”International Journal of computer theory and engineering,Vol.2,No.6, December 2010 37. Taimur Khan and Asok De,”Computation of different Parameters of Triangular Patch Microstrip Antennas using a common Neural Model” International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology,Vol.5,No.4, July 2010,pp-219-222. 38.Ravin Ahuja,Asok De and Goldie Gabrani “A Scheduler for Economy based Grid with Negotiation and Penal Clause for Execution Failures Assuring Enhanced Service Comittments” International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology, Vol.3,No.1,Jan-June 2010,pp 13-20. 39.Prateek Juyal, Ashok Mittal and Asok De “ Wideband Compact Rectangular Patch Antenna Using Artifical Dielectrics” International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.5, No.5, Sept-2010, pp.292-297. 40. Prateek Juyal, Abhay Kotnala, Asok De “ A microstripline fed wideband circular patch antenna with tooth shaped slots” (Accepted for publication in IJMOT). 41. Dhirendra Kumar, Asok De, “Compact Low Pass Filter Design for L-Band Application” Published in Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2011, 3, 115-117. 42. Dhirendra kumar, Asok De, “Low Pass Filter Design by using the Ladder Network of DGS” Published in Journal of Computer and Communication, USA. 8(2011) 276-278. 43. Dhirendra Kumar, Asok De, “Design of Compact Low Pass Microstrip Filter for Wireless Communication System” published in FREQUENZ ,Volume 65 pp 127-130. 44. Dhirendra Kumar, Asok De, “ Effective size reduction technique for microstrip filters”, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2013,Volume 5,pp 166-174. 45. P. K Hazra and Asok De, “Quality of Service (QOS) Enhancement of IEEE 802.11e EDCA Through Frame-bursting and Block Acknowledgement” in International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology Vol.3,No.6, Nov.2010,pp-435-444. 46. R.S.Yadvanshi, H. Parthasarathy and Asok De “Magneto-Hydrodynamics Antenna Design and Development, Analysis with Prototype” International Journal of Advanced computer Science and Applications Vol.2,No,2,Feb.2011,pp-97-104. 47. Swait Sharma,Asok De and S N kulkarni “Quantum Teleportation circuit using Matlab and Mathematica “ International Journal on Computer science and Engineering Vol.2,No.5,2010, pp.1597-1600. 48. Suresh Kumar, R K Prajapati, Manjeet Singh and Asok De,”Realization of threats and countermeasure in semantic Web Services” International journal of Computer Theory and Engineering. Vol.2, No.6, December 2010, pp. 919-924. 49. Taimoor Khan and Asok De, “A Common Neural Approach for Computing Different Parameters of Circular Patch Microstrip Antennas” International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.6, No.5, September 2011. 50. Kakali Chatterjee Asok De and Daya Gupta “Timestamp based Digital Envelope for secure communication using HECC”, Accepted for publication in Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Taylor & Francis Group. 51.Dhirendra Kumar, Asok De, “Parallel coupled microstrip filter design using Electromagnetic band gap Structure”, International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engg. And Tech. vol.1, No. 1, 2011. 52 .Dhirendra Kumar,N S Raghava and Asok De,”The Application Of Microstrip Discontinuities to design Microstrip Lowpass Filters” Journal of Multi Disciplinary Engineering and Technologies, Vol. 3, No. 2 Jan-Jun 2009. B. CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS International: 1. Asok De and B. N. Das, “Wall Admittance of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Radiator”. Conf. Publication No: 219 3rd International Conference on Antennas and Propagation. ICAP83. Norwich U.K.University of East Anglia. April 1983. 2. Asok De and B. N. Das, “Resonant frequency of passive post loaded circular patch radiator”. IEEE conf. on antennas and Communication (MONOTECH) held in Montreal, Canada. Sept.-29-Oct.1, 1986. 3. Asok De and B. N. Das, “Analysis of impedance loading on rectangular waveguide due to aperture coupled microstrip patch radiator”. Conf. publication No. 301, 6th. Int. conf. on Antennas and Propagation. ICAP-89, U.K. pp-378-382, 1989. 4. Ranjit Singh, Asok De and R. S. Yadav, “Effect of co-axially loaded variable stub on the resonant frequency of circular microstrip patch antenna” 4th IEEE Region-X, Int. conf. TENCON 89. Conf. Publication No: CH 2766, pp. 224-225, 1989. 5. Ranjit Singh and Asok De, “A simple method of measuring dielectric constant at microwave frequencies”, IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation. CH-2822-5, 1990. 6. Ranjit Singh and Asok De, “A simple approach to calculate resonant frequency of hexagonal microstrip patch radiator”, International conference on millimeter wave and microwaves. ICOMM-90, Dec.19-20, 1990. 7. Ranjit Singh and Asok De, “On the resonant frequencies of triangular microstrip patch radiator” 3rd Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC-90 Sept. 19-21, Tokyo, Japan, 1990. 8. S.Pal and Asok De, “Excitation of rectangular patch radiator by open ended waveguide” International conference on Electromagnetic interference and compatibility. Dec. 2-4, Calcutta, India, Conf. proc. pp-357-360, 1992. 9. G. Sen, Asok De and P. K. Saha, “Analysis of a symmetrical rectangular coaxial waveguide using Ritz-Galarkin technique”, Proc. Of Asia Pacific Microwave Conference. Conf. vol. no. 4, pp. 1411-1416. New Delhi, India, 1996. 10. T. Chakravarty and Asok De, “A unique case of electromagnetically coupled rectangular patch array”, Proc. Of Int. on computers and Devices for Communication. CODEC-1998. Conf. Proc. Published by Academic Press. Calcutta, India, pp. 69-71, 1998. 11. Asok De and T. Chakravarty, “Frequency Tunable circular patch antenna: An extended performance”, Proc. Of APSYM-98, Dept. of Electronics, Kochin, pp. 114-117, Dec.1998. 12. Chakravarty. T., and Asok De, “Extending bandwidth of circular microstrip antenna with single shorting post”, Proc. International Symposium Recent Advances in Microwave Technology (ISRAMT), Spain, July, 1999. 13. Asok De and T. Chakravarty, “Theoretical evaluation of resonant frequencies of a hemispherical-circular microstrip antenna”, Proc. International conference Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), India, December, pp. 435-438, 1999. 14. Asok De and T. Chakravarty, “A new slant polarized dual band microstrip antenna”, International Symposium, Progress In Electromagnetic Research (PIERS), Japan, July, 2001. 15. Chakravarty. T., and Asok De, “A novel method of extending frequency tenability of circular patch using two shorting pins”, IEEE-APS International Symposium, Ohio, USA, 2003. 16. Asok De and Girish V. Attimarad, “Numerical Analysis of Tapered Dielectric Waveguide”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 2003, Nov 4-7, Seoul, Korea, 2003. 17. Asok De and G. V. Attimarad, “Numerical Analysis of Two Dimensional Tapered Dielectric Waveguide” published in Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 44, pp. 131-142, 2004. 18. Asok De and Girish V. Attimarad, “Design of Beam Expander; A Matching Section Between Two Open Waveguides” published in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems, (CODIS 2004, 8-10 Jan, Kolkata), pp. 224-227, 2004. 19. Prof. Asok De, Aditya Pyasi and Vipin Bansal, “Prevention of Electricity Theft and Fault Detection on L. T. lines through transient detection” APMC-2004, New Delhi 15-18 December, 2004. 20. Sushamay Biswas, T. Chakravarty and Asok De, “Effect of center post on the compactness of shorting post loaded circular patch”, IEEE-APS International Symposium, USA, July 3-8, 2005. 21. S. Biswas, T. Chakravarty and Asok De “A comparitive study on the compactness between annular patch and loaded circular patch”, URSI General Assembly, New Delhi, 2005. 22. Rajni Jindal, P. C. Saxena and Asok De, “An Algorithm For Frequent Pattern Mining Using Digital search Tree”, Proceedings of International Conference On Information Management in a knowledge society ( ICIM 2005), vol. II, pp. 796 – 808 , Mumbai, 21 –25 Feb., 2005. 30. N. S. Raghava and Asok De, “A High Bandwidth Microstrip Antenna with EBG Structure” International Conference ICMO-2007, held at Aurangabad, Maharastra, India from 13th - 17th Dec, 2007. 31. Dhirendra Kumar and Asok De, “A Novel Dual Band Microstrip Filter Using Rectangular Patch Resonators for Wireless Applications,” International Conference ICMO-2007, held at Aurangabad, Maharastra, India from 13th - 17th Dec, 2007. 32. N. S. Raghava and Asok De, “A Study of Rectangular Patch antenna with slotted ground plane,” International Conference held at ICRS, Jodhpur from 20th to 22th Feb, 2008. 33. Dhirendra Kumar and Asok De, “A study on spurious band suppression techniques of Parallel coupled microstrip band pass filter,” International Conference held at ICRS, Jodhpur from 20th to 22th Feb, 2008. 34. Amol Choudhary, N. S. Raghava and Asok De, “A High Gain Rectangular Patch Radiator with Square Holes in the Ground Plane,” International Conference EUROEM2008, to be held in Switzerland from 21st – 25th July, 2008. 35. Amol Choudhary, N. S. Raghava, Animesh Biswas and Asok De, “A Highly Efficient Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with Hexagonal Holes as an Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure in the Ground Plane” published in Microwave-2008 conference to be held in Nov. 21 – 24, 2008. 36. Raghunandan K.R., Aman Arora, Dhirendra Kumar and Asok De, “An effective design of parallel coupled microstrip band pass filter without the spurious band” accepted for publication in Microwave-2008 conference to be held in Nov. 21 – 24, 2008. 37. Aman Arora, Raghunandan K.R., Dhirendra Kumar and Asok De, “An application of fractal geometry to design the microstrip circuits,” accepted for publication in Microwave-2008 conference to be held in Nov. 21 – 24, 2008. 38. Dilraj Singh, N. S. Raghava, Animesh Biswas and Asok De, “Dual frequency rectangular notch square microstrip antenna with EBG,” accepted to International Symposium on Microwaves 2008 held in Bangalore from 3-6 December 2008. 39. N.S Raghava, Virender Kumar, Dilraj Singh, Asok De, “Dual Frequency Square Notch Rectangular Microstrip Radiator with EBG Ground,” presented in the International Conference held at ICRS, Jodhpur from 19th to 21st Dec., 2009. 40. Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De and Daya Gupta, "A Framework for Security Design Engineering Process”, in proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP 2011), Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, CCIS 157, pp. 287-293 to be held from 5-7 August 2011, in Bangalore, India. {C}{C}41. {C}{C}Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De and Daya Gupta, “Timestamp based Authentication Protocol for Smart Card using ECC”, in proceedings of International Conference on Web Information System and Mining (WISM 2011), Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) to be held from 24-25 September 2011, in Taiyuan, China. {C}{C}42. {C}{C}Rishi Dutt Sharma and Asok De, “A New Secure Model for Quantum Key Distribution Protocol”, Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, 16-19 August 2011, Sri Lanka. 43. Deepak Gangwar, Prateek Juyal, Ashok Mittal, Asok De, “Enhancement of front to back ratio and directivity with wire medium E-near zero metamaterial as superstrate in microstrip patch radiators” 2011 IEEE Conference Publication Indian Antenna Week (IAW), 2011, pp. 1-4. 44. Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De and Daya Gupta, "A Framework for Security Design Engineering Process”, in proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP 2011), Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, CCIS 157, pp. 287-293 to be held from 5-7 August 2011, in Bangalore, India.
45. Deepak Gangwar, Prateek Juyal, Ashok Mittal, Asok De, “Enhancement of front to back ratio and directivity with wire medium E-near zero metamaterial as superstrate in microstrip patch radiators” 2011 IEEE Conference Publication Indian Antenna Week (IAW), 2011, pp. 1-4.
46. Kakali Chatterjee, Asok De and Daya Gupta, “Timestamp based Authentication Protocol for Smart Card using ECC”, in proceedings of International Conference on Web Information System and Mining (WISM 2011), Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) to be held from 24-25 September 2011, in Taiyuan, China.
47. Rishi Dutt Sharma and Asok De, “A New Secure Model for Quantum Key Distribution Protocol”, Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, 16-19 August 2011, Sri Lanka.
48.Suresh Kumar, Manjeet Singh, Asok De, “OWL-Based ontology indexing and retrieving algorithms for semantic search engine” 2012 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT), pp. 1135-1140, 2012.
49.Rajveer Singh Yaduvanshi, Harish Parthasarathy, Asok De, Richa Gupta, “Fluid frame magneto-hydrodynamic antenna” 2012 International conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), pp. 5-9, May 11-13, 2012.
50. Dhirendra Kumar, Asok De, “Band pass filter design using microstrip line loaded with open stepped impedance structure” IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwave and RF,pp. 1-4, 2013
51. Parul Dawar, Asok De, “Planar Antenna Design Using Metamaterials at high frequencies:A Review”, in Fourth Elsevier proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, AET 2013,pp 591-598, jointly organised by the ACEEE, AMAE and ACEE and sponsored by the ISTE during Dec 13-14, 2013, in NCR, India.
52. Parul Dawar, Asok De, “Optimizing RMPA Using Different Orientations Of Modified SRR Metamaterial At THz”, published in Souvenir of 9th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing (ICMARS 2013), pp 78, Jodhpur, 11-14th Dec 2013.
53.Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava and Asok De, “Broadband and Directive metamaterial
antenna”, 2nd URSI Regional conference proceedings on Radio Science, November 16-19, 2015, at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
53. Preet Kaur, S.K. Aggarwal and Asok De, “Design and analysis of subwavelength RMPA using double folded I shaped ENG Matamaterial”, 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
National: 1. Ranjit Singh, Asok De and R. S. Yadav, “Analysis of elliptical microstrip patch antenna” Proc. of the National Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Tata-McGrawHill proc. NACONBCS 89. Roorkee. pp. 40-42, 1989. 2. Chakravarty. T., S.K. Sanyal and Asok De, “A Study on the Effect of Varactor Diode Parameters on the Performance of an Electronically Tunable Microstrip Antenna for Applications in Wireless LAN systems”, IEEE ACE-2002, 28th Annual Convention, Kolkata, December, 2002. 3. T. Chakravarty , S. K. Sanyal and Asok De, “A novel method of generation of ultra-low frequency resonance in a microstrip disk resonator”, National conference on Radioscience (INCURSI -03), New Delhi, Nov. 27-29, 2003. 4. Asok De and Girish V. Attimarad, “Reflection Coefficient of Tapered Open Waveguide with Exponential and Triangular Distribution” Abstracts, National Conference on Radio Science in India, NPL, New Delhi, Nov. 27-29, pp. 15, 2003. 5. Asok De and Girish V. Attimarad, “Scattering Parameters of Dielectric Waveguide” NCC 2003: 9th National Conference on Communications, IIT, Madras, and Jan 31-Feb 2, 2003. 6. Vivek Kapur, Avichal Kapur, N. V. Thakur, S. K Shriwastav, Avichal Kapur, Asok De and A.G. Keskar, “Automated Machine Design Inspection through Image Processing Authors”, National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control-2007, held at MNIT, Jaipur, March 17-18, 2007. 7. Dipti Yadav and Asok De, “Emerging Technologies in the field of Electronics Telecommunications and Control Systems”, AICTE Sponsored National Seminar held at CITM Faridabad, Haryana (India), 31st March, 2007. 8. Ashok Mittal and Asok De, "Bi-Phase Modulator at Ka-Band for Radar Applications", IRSI Radar Symposium -2007, Bangalore, Dec 2007. 9. N. S. Raghava and Asok De, “A Broad Band Compact Microstrip Antenna with EBG structure”, Conference on Advances in Space Science and Technology”, Kalpana Chawla Space Technology Cell, IIT, Kharagpur, January 14-16, 2008.
10. Taimoor Khan and Asok De, “Neural Design of Circular Patch Microstrip Antennas”, Proceedings of IEEE National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering-(CALCON-2011), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, pp. 207-209, Nov. 4-5, 2011.
S. Vinoth Kumar, Pragati Patel, Ashok Mittal and Asok De, “Design, analysis and fabrication of rectenna for wireless power transmission-virtual battery” 2012 National Conference on Communications (NCC), February 3-5, 2012, pp. 1-4.
12. Rishi Dutt Sharma and Asok De, “Quantum voting using single qubits” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, no. 42, pp. 1-4, November, 2016.
BOOKS: 1. Contributed one chapter entitled ‘EMC aspect for components & circuits’ in the book entitled ‘Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility’ edited by Dr. G.K.Deb, IETE Book Series Vol.4 pp-11-26. Published by Tata-McGrawhill Ltd., 1995. 2. Contributed one chapter entitled “Architecture of Embedded Tunable Circular Microstrip Antenna” in the book entitled “Large Scale Computations, Embedded Systems and Computer Security” edited by Fedor Komarov and Maksim Bestuzhev, Published by Nova.
23. Rajni Jindal, P. C. Saxena and Asok De, “Web Usage Mining: Discovering frequent access patterns from the web logs” Proceedings of International conference on Multidisciplinary Information sciences and Technologies (InSciT2006), Spain, 25-28 October 2006.
24. Sparsh Gupta, Himanshu and Asok De, “Detection of forgery in Digital Video”, 10th World multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics held in Orlando, USA, July 16-19, 2006.
25. T. Chakravarty, S. Mahapatra and Asok De, “An Extremely Broadband Planar Active Receiving Antenna”, IWAT conference on Small Antennas and Novel Meta-materials, 6-7, March 2006.
26. M. Nath, T. Chakravarty and Asok De, “An experimental study on resonant frequency of shorted elliptical patch”, Proceedings of IEEE AP-S /URSI Symposium, 2006.
27. Ashok Mittal and Asok De, "Finline Tapers Using Closed Form Expressions for Millimeter Wave Integrated Systems", IEEE ISM-2006, IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves, Bangalore, pp. 618-625, Dec 2006.
28. Kshitij Sudan, Nipun Saagar and Asok De, “A Parallel algorithm for discrete Gabor transforms”, World Congress in Computer Science, WORLDCOMP-07.
29. N.S.Raghava and Asok De, “A Novel High efficiency and High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna”, International Conference ICMO-2007, held at Aurangabad, Maharastra, India from 13th - 17th Dec, 2007.